- Double Vision: When Bad Family Members Visit From Spirit
Since my daughter learned to talk, she has frequently claimed that there was a “monster” in the hallway and in her room. Then recently my husband’s uncle died, and two days later, our daughter claimed that the monster was “Dad’s Papa.” I didn’t realize that my husband’s uncle’s nickname was “Papa,” so I was still trying to translate what my daughter was trying to say when my husband became very upset. My husband is worried because though Papa was a second father to him, he was also a dangerous man when he was living. If he is visiting, should we be worried that he may be harmful or dangerous? Also, what do you think of my daughter calling her visitors “monsters?” Thanks for your advice!
– Jamie
The first thing you need to know is that when people pass over to the other world, their human qualities fall away. “Papa” is not a danger to your daughter. He is earthbound because he is trying to atone for his sins from this last lifetime.
He is not scaring or hurting your daughter in any way. He is actually enjoying the interactions they have with each other. He is sorry that he didn’t realize how special children are when he was living. He will not leave this plane until he feels he has atoned for his sins on earth. He is hanging around your house to try to make peace with your husband and enjoy the company of your daughter.
Your child is small, and all small children can see the other side. It is just natural for them. Most adults stopped seeing mostly because their parents said things like, “There is no monster in the hall. Stop imagining things,” or “there is no monster in the hall. Stop imagining things.”
Please don’t tell her that she is not seeing or talking to the entities she says she sees. She is protected by some powerful spiritual beings, and nothing bad is going to happen to her. She also has the sense to know who scares her and who does not, and she only talks to those she “likes.”
When I was a little child, there was a doll that sat on a stool in my corner. After the lights went out, that doll would suddenly “transform” into a full-sized person wearing a black cape with a big hood that hung over his or her face. (I never did know what gender it was.)
I used to holler for my mother to come and see it, and she would tell me there was nothing there. I would then wonder which one of us was crazy. This entity would sit there the entire night long. When dawn started to break, the figure would turn back into my doll. It was not my imagination – I did not make it up.
The terminology that I used for this when I was young was “black thing.” I am sure that my mother was not sure what this “black thing” was when I said, “The black thing is in my corner.” It could have been a cottonmouth, a spider, or any other thing that is black.
When I was a little child, there was a doll that sat on a stool in my corner. After the lights went out, that doll would suddenly “transform” into a full-sized person wearing a black cape with a big hood that hung over his or her face. (I never did know what gender it was.)
I used to holler for my mother to come and see it, and she would tell me there was nothing there. I would then wonder which one of us was crazy. This entity would sit there the entire night long. When dawn started to break, the figure would “turn back into” my doll. It was my imagination – I did not make it up.
The terminology that I used for this when I was young was “black thing.” I am sure that my mother was not sure what this “black thing” was when I said, “The black thing is in my corner.” It could have been a cottonmouth, a spider, or any other thing that is black.
Children have limited vocabularies for everything in life. They don’t know that someone who is standing in their room after the lights go out at night is a crossed-over human being. All they know is if something is in their room after dark and it is not a family member or a friend sleeping over, then it must be something else. She is using a word that makes sense to her. I used “black thing” and she uses “monster.” She just doesn’t know any better words for what she’s experiencing.
Do not discount what she sees – validate her. I wish you all wonderful sightings.
Your daughter is someone who helps lost souls find their way into the light. It’s normal for small children to do this, but since she can talk now, it’s really coming to the surface. Most of us outgrow this ability by the time we’re three or four, but she’ll have it all her life. I hope you and your husband will encourage her to keep on doing this as she gets older.
The reason she describes some of her visitors as monsters is because most of the ones she sees are grown-ups, and every big stranger looks like a monster to children of her age and size. Most of the visitors are just people, but she sees some angelic spirits too from time to time. They have never been born as humans, and believe me, these guys can be huge!
“Monster” is a good descriptive word for some of the seraphim. Those guys can be upwards of 10 feet tall, and their wing spans, well – they couldn’t open their wings inside any room in your home. They’re certainly not dangerous; they’re just coming to check on you.
Your husband’s uncle is with your daughter because he’s trying to make up for all the things he did while he was living. It’s hard for him because he has lots of amends to make. He comes to her instead of your husband because children are better able to suspend disbelief than adults. He tells me that you have nothing to fear from him, and neither does she, as he has left all his bad behavior behind here on earth, and would never do anything to hurt you or anyone in your family.
In fact, he’s very sorry for the things he did, and he is trying to make it up to you. He has thus chosen to protect your daughter for her whole life. He could have picked any member of the family, but because of his deep love for your husband, he chose his daughter.
I think this is really a blessing, for he will make sure that nothing evil approaches her in or out of your home. Demons lurk, and he can keep them out of your house and out of her hair! Sometimes dark entities pick on little kids and try to fool them by telling them they’re angels, and he’ll see to it that this doesn’t happen.
As she gets older, you’ll find she also has a gift for foreign languages, since she’s talking to all her “people” in whatever language they speak now. My own granddaughter is two, and while she won’t speak in English to anyone living (except for me), I’ve heard her conversing in Spanish, French, Greek, Italian, and German! If you hear her babbling to “someone” in a strange language, try to tune in and see if it’s more than babbling!
You’ll never regret it if you nurture her gift, and her life will be so much more peaceful for your support and understanding.
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