- Double Vision: Is a Spirit Talking to Her Via Auto Writing?
One day I was writing something on paper when all of a sudden my hand began to move, almost like it had a mind of its own. I believe that my spirit guide is communicating with me, but sometimes I think it’s all in my head. Am I just imagining talking to my spirit guide? Will spirits actually take us over like this, without us even trying to communicate with them? Is it dangerous? My sun sign is Aquarius. Thank you!
What you experienced is called “automatic writing,” and often it’s the easiest way for a spirit to communicate with us. When we turn off our analytical mind and just start writing, it’s hard to deny the words on the paper – they are there, after all.
This happens to lots of people, though many try for a long time to make it happen. You’re lucky it just happened to you, for we can garner loads of information using this method.
I have heard stories about the writer adopting the same handwriting as someone who passed over. A mother of a friend of mine was sitting talking on the phone, and as she talked, she was doodling on a piece of scrap paper. When she was done talking, she looked down at the paper, and in her dead husband’s handwriting she saw, “I love you and am still here” written there.
Whenever I automatic write, I see my own handwriting, except it’s much messier – more like chicken scrawl. It is clearly my handwriting, however. So your handwriting may not change.
The hardest part about automatic writing or any other form of spirit communication is convincing ourselves that we are not making it up or imagining it. You absolutely did not make this up; this really is your spirit guide trying to communicate with you.
As I said before, it’s an easy way for them to reach out to us. This really is happening. You can feel something take over your hand, arm and sometimes whole body, and you can watch in a rather detached way as the words appear on paper.
This is not in any way dangerous, but if you’re worried about possession or some type of evil being creeping up on you, you can always recite a protection prayer before you pick up a pen. I personally say one before I get out of bed every morning – that way I know I am protected for the entire day.
You might say something like, “God (or your own word for your higher power), please protect me this day and wrap me up in love and light. Please keep any spirit that is not from love and light away from me, my house and those I love. Thank you.”
Then you are protected; any being that comes around you will be coming only in love and light for you.
I wish you exciting interchanges.
Astrea:Automatic writing is one of the great psychic tools. Most psychics have this ability, though it comes through them at different times in their work. When it happens, it doesn’t feel as though we are being controlled by an outside force, however; it’s more a feeling of mutual communication.
However romantic the notion that someone can be “taken over” by a spirit, it’s not possible in real life. We are who we are, no matter what. Sometimes something or someone will work through us, but we’re still “there.” Nothing is able to take over because we have our own free will. We are complete in our own human forms, though sometimes we may share that form to discover things about ourselves or to help others.
Certainly your guide may be trying to communicate with you through this automatic writing. You didn’t say whether there were actual words on the paper at the times this happened to you or not, but I’m assuming there must be something there besides just scribbling.
There are several questions you might examine to figure out whether you’re making this up or if it’s actually a message from spirit coming through.
Does the subject matter stay basically the same in these writings, or does it change? Is the language modern or archaic? Is the vocabulary different or the same as yours? Does it happen at a certain time of day or night? Does there seem to be an overall theme or connection from one session to another?
If you answered yes to these questions, you’re probably communicating with one or more spirits who are channeling through you.
Because you are presently a complete spirit in human form, you’re going to insert your own thoughts and feelings from time to time, but with enough practice, you will be able to discern when this is occurring. In a few years, you may even be able to control when it happens! You’ll be able to help many people if you use this gift. Keep working at it; you’ll know when it’s your imagination, for you’ll just be able to tell as time goes on.
Aiding the spirit world can be very exhausting and downright dehydrating, so be sure to drink lots of water before you sit down to write.
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