- Double Vision: Should We Follow the Paths We Know from Past Lives?
I feel that in a past life, I was some sort of healer and possibly psychic. I am strongly drawn to these things, and I am also strongly drawn toward anything concerning ancient Egypt and Native America. I also feel lots of strong heat in my hands at times, and I have been tested and shown to have precognitive abilities. What I’m wondering is if these are just things “left over” from a past life, or if they are signs of what I’m supposed to be doing in this life, and how one can tell the difference.
You have quite a few things going on in this one question; let’s start with the healing and hot hands. Hot hands are a sure sign that you have healing abilities, and anyone who can heal should absolutely be using it. With the skyrocketing price of medical care in the U.S. alone, we need any form of healing that is effective and affordable.
I strongly advise you to look into Reiki healing. Learn about it and how to get certified and attuned. Reiki is a healing therapy in which people channel universal energy (‘Rei’ and ‘Ki’ being Japanese words for ‘Universal’ and ‘Energy’), either through their hands or using distant healing techniques.
It has healing benefits at all levels: , emotional, mental and spiritual, and is an excellent additional therapy to modern medical care. Reiki is a completely natural healing method, as it simply accelerates the healing process of the body, mind and spirit. Through Reiki healing sessions, a sense of balance, purpose and spirituality is naturally restored.
Reiki healing energy can travel over any distance; a practitioner does not need to be in the same geographic area as the one that is being healed. Some also say that Jesus Christ used Reiki to heal.
Your feelings about this healing/psychic energy and your attraction to ancient Egypt and Native American knowledge are most definitely past life “memories” popping up. Both of those societies used the old ways to live, worship and heal, and you are now remembering those ways. You know their effectiveness.
Your urge to begin practicing is growing. As this happens, you are going to be almost overwhelmed with thoughts, memories, and desires to integrate the two worlds of your past and present.
This is not something that is left over from past lives. We are, or should be, a culmination of every life we have lived so far. When we go to school, we learn first grade math and carry that knowledge to second grade math. Then we carry both first and second grade math to third grade math.
We should also carry the knowledge of our past lives into our current lives. What you learned then is coming back to you now. You should be using it all in this life. Start by researching Reiki: Get into studying that so you can help heal your section of the world.
I wish you integration!
You were probably some sort of healer in a past life if you are drawn to do that in this life. We carry over certain knowledge of experiences from one incarnation to another, if we’re open to it. You seem to know a few of the actual locations where you were a healer or psychic. Since you know from the testing you had done that you have some sort of natural ability, it seems a shame if you don’t try to develop it.
Past lives are tricky things, and you must be careful not to let your imagination wild. Remain very grounded as you explore where and who you were before, and once you have a handle on that, it will be easier for you to find out what you should do in this life too. I suggest you have a past lifereading or a series of them done by someone in your area who is qualified.
Often there are people in psychiatric practice with interests along this line, and sometimes, they’ll even do a study for a willing participant at no charge. Try to avoid someone without any kind of credentials or experience; just because someone says they can put you into some kind of regression to discover your past incarnations doesn’t mean that they can actually do it.
Try to stick with licensed professionals if at all possible. They’ll be careful with you, and keep the worst things you might see in your past lives from haunting you and preventing you from developing your ability.
People who have “hot hands” have been credited with some miraculous healings. One theory is that over 2000 years ago, someone in that person’s ancestry was touched or healed by Jesus, and the “hot hands” have been passed down from one generation to another, alternating sexes. Healing ability is passed down from mother to son to daughter, and so forth, so that both sexes in the family are equally blessed with abilities.
Recently there have been quite a few studies of hot hands, including some pretty amazing documentation. There are several novels on sale now and even a couple of movies about this kind of thing. Every day, it’s becoming more popular and more accepted as something that some people are born with. You can look online, or if you want to have your hands tested, contact one of the California universities that has a parapsychology division.
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