- Weekly Astrological Forecast for February 10 through February 16, 2025Continue reading →
February 10 through February 16, 2025
We'll be running on high energy the first three days of the week, as the Moon dances through Leo and waxes full on Wednesday. This full Moon in particular opposes the Aquarius Sun, signaling a time of reviewing and releasing anything that stands in the way of our forward progress and dreams. Letting go of outdated ideas, cultivating an open mind, and seeking out new approaches to old problems are a hallmark of this particular full Moon. Our thoughts will turn to detailed projects and organizational methods as the Moon moves through Virgo on Thursday and Friday. Mercury will move into the watery sign of Pisces on Friday, turning our thoughts to the mystical, the magical, and the mysterious as it takes us into a deeper realm of the soul. The weekend unfolds under a lovely Libra Moon, calling for socializing, fun, and restoring balance to our personal worlds.
- 4 Reasons There Is No Such Thing as a “Bad Match” in AstrologyContinue reading →
4 Reasons There Is No Such Thing as a “Bad Match” in Astrology, by Desiree Toby Antila
(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)
We have all heard it before: "I can't date them, because they are a Gemini." More and more, people are generalizing the sun signs of others before giving them a chance. We have heard time and time again that Trine and Sextile couples are the most desired matches, but are they? Today, many couples are looking for their equal and someone who challenges them to be a better version of themselves. Just because one person wants a companionship that is "easy" does not mean that that is what everyone desires. Some of us prefer to have a partner that ruffles our feathers and acts as a mirror for us to see ourselves for who we truly are—someone who pushes us to reach a higher state of self-actualization.
In my book, Sun Signs in Love, I state that "There is no such thing as a bad match in astrology, and to base that belief on simply looking at sun signs is like judging a book by its cover. You are not destined to fail because you have some more 'difficult' aspects in your synastry. All relationships are difficult, and all relationships have beauty and lessons to be learned. Astrology is meant to be used as a device to assist bringing you and your partner clarity in areas of opportunity and to show the splendor between your unique compatibility."
Astrology acts as a tool for us to better understand our partner through by understanding how your elements blend, your modalities collaborate, and how your love aspect vibes. Through those three mediums is how you get a deeper understanding of how to utilize the effective parts of your relationship and how to strengthen the areas of opportunities. Each relationship and couple are completely unique, being comprised of several variables. Astrology gifts us a way to untangle the knots and allows us to understand our partner on a new level creating space for compassion.
Continuing with this theme, here are four reasons why there are no "bad" matches in astrology.
- Chart Types
There are two types of charts you can use when looking at compatibility—synastry and composite. A composite chart reveals a relationship's astrology by using the midpoints of two birth charts while a synastry chart helps one understand a relationship's compatibility by overlaying two birth charts. Both are great ways to understand the energy of a match, but I personally prefer synastry. I find that synastry charts hold more information and personalization into not only how each of the individuals feel about the relationship, but also how the energy flows between the two. Synastry charts are downright juicy. In my book I quote, "Synastry between all of the planets is crucial to understanding the overall vibration between individuals. Synastry is defined as a way to determine a couple's likely compatibility and dynamics through comparing their natal charts by overlaying them on one another." There is so much complexity and beauty in each synastry chart, and there is always strength and beauty to be found in every single match—making your unique relationship chart the first reason why there is no bad match. - Aspects
When people are denoting a "bad match" in astrology, they are most likely to be referring to the aspect. The stereotypical "unfavorable" aspects are square, semi-sextile, and quincunx matches. The ones that can go either way are the conjunct (same sign) and opposing signs. However, after conducting hundreds of synastry chart readings and observing astrological relationships for over 20 years, I kindly disagree. It is an astrological fact that when there are too many trines in a chart, things become so easy that the energy becomes lazy. Just as in life, there should be a natural ebb and flow to everything, and of there is too much ebb or too much flow the relationship becomes unbalanced. In Sun Signs in Love, I dive deeply into all seven aspects and how they can meld their energies for harmony. For example, Quincunx couples have quite literally nothing in common astrologically. They do not share an element, a modality, or polarity. However, Aries and Scorpio (a quincunx match) share ruling planet Mars, making their physicality a way for them to connect. There is always a way for the signs to connect through the stars—you just have to find a way to get there. There is beauty, strength, and opportunity in every aspect, even the "good ones," making aspects the second reason why there is no such thing as a bad match. - Elements
After the aspect, the element is the next reason people will brush off a potential love match. You will hear things like, "I can't date a water sign; they are just too emotional for me." Most people will say that and then not even realize that they themselves have a stellium in a water sign. Yes, blending some elements can be tricky, but if done correctly makes for magnificent combinations of love. An example of a delicate blend is water and fire. If there is too much water it puts out the flame, too much fire it evaporates the water, but with just the right amount, you find a nice steam. Finding balance between all four of the elements when being combined is another key to a harmonious partnership. Even the trine pairs (same element) must be careful when combining their equivalent element because too much of something is never a good thing. As I note in Sun Signs in Love, "When water meets water, there is no resistance, causing things to flow into a stream of enlightenment. However, too much water can create a flood that drowns all life around." Being conscientious and respectful of the power that each element harnesses is crucial. Furthermore, learning how to successfully blend them makes you an unstoppable combined force, which is why your elements are the third reason why there is no bad match in astrology. - Modality
Learning how to communicate with you partner is one of the hardest, if not the hardest, things to do in a long-term partnership. However, astrology offers a way to assist in understanding your partner's communication style through the methods of modality. In my book I state, "Modality is defined as a way in which something occurs, is experienced, or is communicated." Traditionally, cardinal signs have a more direct way about their communication, fixed signs are more introverted and methodical, while mutable signs are the mavens of communication and the chatterboxes of the zodiac. Astrology states that square, opposed, and conjunct couples are a more "difficult" love match, yet they share the same modality, making their communication style similar in fashion. Wouldn't you consider that to be a good thing? I certainly do. For example, Gemini and Virgo are square to one another and while their elements may not blend as easily, they are both of mutable modality and share Mercury as their planetary ruler—the planet of communication. Have you ever met a Gemini and Virgo couple? They connect through conversation in the most beautiful fashion. In my Gemini & Virgo chapter of Sun Signs in Love, it says, "Gemini enjoys how the virgin charms them by firing up their mind in such fascinating conversation. They banter like two evenly talented opponents in a heated tennis match—with a new winner every time." This makes modality the fourth and final reason why there is no such thing as a bad match in astrology.
If you are wanting further insight into what makes your astrological love match wonderful and special, I encourage you to grab a copy of Sun Signs in Love for a deeper dive into all of the magic that synastry has to offer. As I say in the book, "The intent and takeaways of [Sun Signs in Love] are to find seeds of wisdom to make your love stronger, to understand yourself and your partner on a deeper level…" I hope that is what you find—a way to create more compassion and understanding for your partner. Because let's face it: relationships are hard. No matter where you are in your love story, finding love and obtaining it is always a challenge. However, if used in a constructive and positive manner, astrology is here to make love a little easier.
Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2022. All rights reserved.
- Chart Types
- Double Vision: Does Sun Sign Indicate One’s Level of Spiritual Development?Continue reading →
Recently I was talking with some friends, one of whom is a novice astrologer, and she suggested that a person's sun sign may reflect their level of spiritual development. According to her, Aries and Taurus people tend to be young souls, Leos and Virgos are somewhere in the middle, and Aquarius and Pisces people tend to be "old souls." What do you think of this idea? Is it possible to determine one's level of spiritual development from a sun sign or from a full astrological chart? You guys are awesome!
- Brenda
Well, you did ask for MY opinion, so I am going to give it to you. For me, the key word in your question was "novice."
I have heard all kinds of versions of this "formula." My mother called one day and told me she'd heard that Virgos are on their last life on Earth. She was so happy for me, as I am a (Recovering) Virgo.
Personally, however, I do not believe a word of it. I have seen all sun signs in various stages of "evolution" - or whatever you want to call it. Although I think your friend means well and is really trying to learn, she's way off base with this theory.
I don't believe it's possible to chart a person's spiritual evolution based on their sun sign or even their full astrological chart. You can evaluate a person's placement in the universe by how they live, act, speak, etc. - a person's essence can be seen in their daily life.
There are some basic spiritual lessons we all have to learn. One is unconditional love, not only for others but also for ourselves. Patience and faith are two more.
Now, I will say that I feel a person's life will help mold who they become. For example, I have carried anger throughout this entire lifetime as a result of not dealing with things that happened to me when I was younger. (For the record, I am continuing to address and heal this issue.)
None of this, however, has anything to do with the fact that I am a Virgo. It has to do with the choices I make, the lessons I allow myself to learn, and the actions I take while walking this journey called life.
I know where and when we are born is crucial to an astrological chart. It is basically a blueprint for what to expect in this life. For example, the majority of my stuff is going on in the lower half of the chart. That means that most of my lessons in this life are about internal stuff, and not about what happens on the outside or in the physical world.
Anger, as I used as an example earlier, is INSIDE of me. I have to deal with it on an internal level. However, I am not convinced that it points to my evolution/growth level. I believe that it shows what my soul chose to learn in this lifetime.
In my belief system, if we follow the Native American "Good Red Road," we will develop wisdom and move toward Ascension. The attributes of the Good Red Road include patience, knowledge, integrity, courage, determination, loyalty, experience, leadership, sacrifice, sharing, justice, compassion, kindness, morality, honesty, meditation, reverence, reflection, moderation, respect, cheerfulness, humility, appreciation and understanding.
I wish you continued growth.
I've always been fascinated by astrology. I learned the signs of the zodiac when I was three, and I remember making my first calendar when I was about six. No one I showed it to knew what the heck it was! The months were all messed up because they started on day 21 or 22, and the names of the months weren't recognizable to many people. I even drew all the symbols for the signs.
Your Sun Sign signifies where the Sun was in the Heavens when you were born. Your Rising Sign, or Ascendant, is said to be the personality you present to others, and the only way to tell that accurately is to have the EXACT time and place of your birth.
The Ascendant usually tells me the most about your personality. While your actual birthday and Sun Sign are helpful, the time and place are more revealing. When I combine your Sun Sign and your Ascendant, I get a good window into who you really are.
As for spiritual development, my teachers weren't as concerned with the Sun Sign as they were with where the other planets were at the time of birth. Traditionally, the Sun does NOT show a person's spiritual development. That comes more from the position of the Moon and Pluto in someone's chart.
The Moon shows a lot about someone's emotional world, and Pluto shows (among other things) a person's attitude towards Death and the Afterlife. To me, these are more important in evaluating someone's spirituality than where the Sun was when he or she was born.
To determine past lives, I absolutely need to know where Pluto was when that person was born this time around, and where the Sun was at the time will usually tell me that. Pluto moves so slowly around the Sun that it's usually easy to determine where it was if I have a person's birth date. Unlike the Ascendant or the Moon Sign, this doesn't depend on the hour of someone's birth. Since Pluto stays in a sign for many years, it's usually easy to find its location.
As for your friend's "old soul" and "young soul" theory, I can see where she might get that as a beginner. Aries people can seem like very young souls, while Earth signs can appear to be older spirits, but I've seen lots of past lives and experiences in all twelve. Aries and Taurus are the first two signs at the BEGINNING of the astrological year, so your friend's conclusions are probably just unconscious assumptions.
In summary, one's Sun Sign does not usually indicate the age of their soul. Tell your friend to take a closer look at the other planets in the charts she's reading, for she'll find that using the Moon and Pluto is MUCH easier than trying to determine soul age from the Sun!
Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.
Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!
While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!
I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!
As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.
I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.
You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!
Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.
A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.
You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.