• Weekly Astrological Forecast for August 23 through August 29, 2021

    August 23 through August 29, 2021

    A Pisces Moon will follow us around on Monday, making it easier to see the spiritual side and higher purpose of all we do and encounter. Once it moves into Aries on Tuesday, we'll have more drive and energy to get things done! Thanks to the newly ensconced Virgo Sun, all we have to do is think something, and we can manifest it. Do note though that as Virgo rules health and computer issues, it would be a good idea to start taking action to make Dr. or holistic health appointments, clear out old files on the computer/ smartphone/iPad or tablet, and update apps on them as well. Basically, it's about taking care of business, and doing the things you've been moving from list to list over the last two months! The Moon will move into Taurus on Friday and continue the trend of getting things in order, especially on Saturday when we'll find it's time to clear out the garage, clean up the garden or make that household repair we've been putting off. Luckily, Sunday is a "relax" day, as Mercury moves into Libra and the Moon dances into Gemini. Translation? This day was made for socializing, creative pursuits, or just being a major couch potato! Enjoy!

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  • 10 Reasons Tarot Magic Is Super Effective and How to Make It Work for You

    Tarot Oracle

    10 Reasons Tarot Magic Is Super Effective and How to Make It Work for You, by Sasha Graham

    (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

    Tarot magic is an effective way to enhance your life in mind-bending and satisfying ways. It will bring you into alignment with your highest self and deepest wisdom. Casting a tarot spell is sensual and fun. It requires you raise energy and direct to toward a specific goal. Learn simple and effective ways of creating personal tarot rituals and mysterious spells in my new book, The Magic of Tarot; in the meantime, here are 10 things to keep in mind about tarot and tarot magic.

    1. Tarot Magic is Simple
      Easy enchantments are often the most effective. The energy moves in a clear, direct manner. There's no need to complicate spells. Magic isn't about impressing others; true magic helps up evolve into who we were always meant to be. Elegant magic can be cast by clearing the mind, focusing on the breath, and casting your gaze into a single tarot card. Chose a card to signify your magical goal. Bring a soft focus to your eyes. Gaze into the card. Imagine your desired outcome.
    2. Tarot Contains Everything Required for a Spell
      Casting spells might feel intimidating at first. The mechanical aspects of gathering ingredients for a spell, while pleasant, can be time-consuming. Luckily for you, everything you need for casting a spell already exists inside the cards.Traditional spell casting has you activate the four elements, or directions. Tarot's four elements are reflected in the four aces: Earth = Ace of Pentacles, Air = Ace of Swords, Fire = Ace of Wands, and Water = Ace of Cups. Pull out the four aces from your tarot deck and use them to activate sacred, ritualistic space.
    3. Tarot is Visual
      Tarot speaks via symbol. Symbolic language enters the subconscious directly (this is why vision boards work so well). To cast a spell, the first step is using your imagination to clearly visualize your goal. Which tarot card does your end goal look like? Choose an aligning card for your spell. Looking for a romantic partner? Grab the Lovers. Desire financial abundance? Invest in the King of Pentacles. Want to travel? Turn to the Chariot card. Once you are clear about your magical goal, activate the energies you will need to obtain that outcome. These exist inside the deck, too. Want to boost your sexual attraction? Find the Queen of Wands. Require extra charisma to land the job of your dreams? Pull the Magician. The card's keywords will tell you what their magical powers are.
    4. Tarot Interrupts Negative Thought Patterns
      We must have a firm grasp upon the nature of our mind in order to change our reality. In order to avoid negative thought spirals, it is helpful to become aware of a harmful or dark thought when it pops up. The act of noticing a harmful or detractive thought is the first step in putting space between the thought and your inner self. Tarot takes heavy and confusing ideas, issues, and thoughts out of your head and puts them on the table in front of you. When you cast cards in a tarot spread, you can examine your life from a bird's-eye view. This way you can choose how to respond rather than unconsciously reacting to challenges.
    5. Formulating a Tarot Question is a Magical Act
      Powerful questions are magical because they set you on a direct course of discovery. A good question opens possibility and fosters flow. It helps you operate toward your highest potential, thus moving you toward desirable experiences. Good questions acknowledge the role you play in your future. Always create questions for your cards starting with, "How can I …" or, "What can I…"Enhance your magical questions by including your intended outcome. For example, are you looking for an incredible career path? Ask: "How can I access my talents in a pleasurable way to bring me financial abundance?" Are you looking for a new home? "What will bring me into alignment with (insert the home of your dreams)?" The tarot will tell you exactly how to cultivate these things.
    6. Working with tarot is a two-way conversation We approach tarot with our needs and questions, but tarot desires things from us, too. The cards are deep wells of wisdom, so when you have a particular challenge or you feel out of sorts, you can meditate into a card to obtain a specific answer and valuable advice.
    7. Tarot is Aspiration
      Tarot is aspiration because everything we desire is there inside the cards. Working with tarot is like having a council of wise elders, teachers, and friends at your fingertips. Let the cards inspire you. The Page of Cups will teach you to be wildly imaginative, the Emperor wants you to be strong, and the Star offers lessons on vulnerability. All you have to do is observe and listen as they whisper to you.
    8. Tarot Brings the Light of Consciousness to Our Life
      We read tarot to discover the things we don't know. This is why tarot teaches us to cultivate comfort in the unfamiliar and be okay with cards that don't make sense to us. Why? Because one day it will become clear, and you will have learned something from the cards you wouldn't have understood in any other way.
    9. Tarot Teaches You to Trust
      The most valuable piece of tarot and magic is that they teach you to put trust in your process and walk away from it. When you ask tarot a question and receive your answer, you have to walk away from the cards. It is unhealthy to keep pulling cards or coming at the same question from different angles until you hear the answer you want. Once you cast a spell, put it out of your mind. Let the universe do its part. You learn to trust. Trust leads to space. Space leads to manifestation.
    10. Tarot Reveals the True Nature of the Universe
      The structure of the tarot is repetitive. The Fool journeys through each of the major arcana until reaching the World. He then begins the journey over again. The same structure repeats in the minor arcana. The ace blooms like a sprouting seed, moves through the series until it reaches completion in the ten. The cycle is thus reborn as a fresh ace.Life's true nature is as repetitive as the four seasons. The sun appears to rise and fall as day turns to night. We move around the earth as it circles the sun. Our bodies inhale and exhale with the beat of our heart. In every second, every moment of life, we have the freedom to change our pattern. We can choose new thoughts like cards from the deck. We can adjust our decisions thus altering our destiny. We have the supernatural power to become anyone we want to be. We are born to be who we truly are. When we evolve, the universe evolves alongside us.

    Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2021. All rights reserved.

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  • Double Vision: Teen is Terrified to be Home Alone

    My fourteen-year-old niece is terrified to be home alone even for a few minutes. She hears noises and is afraid someone is going to break in. The other night, she called her mother hyperventilating because her father left her, her younger sister and their small dog at home for a short time. Except for this anxiety, she is a bright, well-adjusted young girl. I told my sister that she must get to the root of the problem to understand it, and that perhaps she is haunted by a past life experience that creates intense fear of not having adult protection. What do you recommend my sister do to help her daughter overcome her intense fears?



    It's possible that your niece is suffering from past-life trauma. When seemingly unfounded fears paralyze people, it is often due to an unknown event that occurred in a previous incarnation. There is another reason I suspect this to be the root of her troubles: Aquarius children tend to be relatively fearless, so her anxiety is unusual.

    As a psychic, I frequently examine unexplainable fears and illnesses from a past-life perspective, for the therapy involved can often alleviate the trouble in a few short sessions. Natalee's fears are similar to that of a child who is afraid of the dark. Intellectually, she can't put her finger on where the fears originated, but they are very real to her - even paralyzing.

    I recommend that you start with a past-life reading to find the source of her fears. If she isn't open to that, you or her mother can investigate it. Once she understands what happened, her panic will start to subside. It would also be helpful to sit down with Natalee and make a list of affirmative actions she can take when she finds herself alone in the house.

    For example, I have a client who always gets lost. In the past, it would cause her great panic and confusion, which would naturally just make the situation worse as she tried to find her way. We discovered that in a past life, she had gotten lost in the woods as a young child and perished. After a few sessions, she reported back to me that although she still gets lost on a regular basis, she doesn't panic any longer. Together, we developed a plan of orderly action for when this happens to calm her fears and help her get back on track.

    Let's say that Natalee found herself in a similar situation in a past life. Because she was home alone and unable to defend herself, an intruder may have broken in and caused her harm or even killed her. Discovering that this fear comes from something that happened in a past life is the first step. Developing a plan of action to quiet those fears will be next.

    You and her mom may want to sit down with her and figure out a safety plan that reads something like this: 1. Lock all the doors and windows in the house. 2. Let a neighbor know that she will be alone in the house and put the neighbor's phone number on speed dial, along with 911. 3. One or both parents will call to check in on an hourly basis, etc.

    Help her to develop a list of actions she can take to ensure she is safe. This will unlock the fears she carries and teach her how to protect herself at the same time. Once you do this, her fears should gradually subside.



    Family therapy is the most helpful approach when a child is involved, as children tend to carry symptoms for the family. There is anxiety in this family, and Natalee is the carrier. Using therapy terms, she is the IP or identified patient; however, it is likely the marriage or entire system that needs intervention. Knowing his daughter suffers in this way, Dad leaves her in charge. She reaches for Mom, who confides in sister, who seeks the help.

    Natalee's fear of being alone may be fear of abandonment and worry about her family breaking up. She may feel tension between her parents or hear them fighting, which threatens her sense of security. Fear of an intruder could represent her mother's real or irrational fear of Dad having an affair. She called Mom quickly enough when Dad left.

    Temporary measures may prove comforting until the real issue is uncovered. Carrying a special talisman or object may help calm her. You might gift her with a big stuffed animal that will absorb her nervousness if she hugs it tightly. You might present her with a special ring or necklace with protective powers or a beautiful worry stone that she can rub when she feels anxious.

    Systematic Desensitization is effective with anxiety. Using this method, she would be left alone for 10 seconds, then an adult would give her a big hug for successfully enduring that amount of time without panicking. The time would be gradually increased, and at various milestones (5, 10, 15 minutes), she would earn rewards.

    It's worth noting that we have two sets of sisters in this story. Just as your niece may feel a burden of responsibility towards her younger sister, you may feel the need to protect your sister or help solve her problems. If she chronically leans on you or you have a pattern of jumping in to rescue her and her children, you may be codependent by enabling and maintaining the status quo. Genuine help may take the form of loving detachment from this family.

    Focusing on your sister's life may help ease your own anxiety as you worry about her, but it may also cause you to sacrifice the time and energy you need to create what you want in your own life.

    There may be other sibling issues at play: Do you need to feel needed by your sister? Do you feel left out of her life? Are you a big sister know-it-all who wants to solve this mystery? Just food for thought! Of course, the other possibility is you're simply a thoughtful sister and a caring aunt, and they are blessed to have you in their corner.


    Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

    Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

    While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

    I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

    As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

    I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

    You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

    Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

    A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

    You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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