• Weekly Astrological Forecast for September 20 through September 26, 2021


    September 20 through September 26, 2021

    Three major astrological events grace the heavens this week, beginning with Monday's Pisces full Moon, also known as the Harvest Moon. This Moon marks the completion of a cycle, a time to reap what we have sown and the opportunity to release the past once and for all. Two days later, on Wednesday, the Sun will move into Libra and mark the start of a new season, autumn in the northern hemisphere, spring in the southern hemisphere. With the Sun in Libra for the next four weeks, a sense of inner peace and balance will accompany all we do. As the sign that rules partnerships, love relationships, beauty, and harmony, we'll gravitate to the things that make our hearts sing! It could be challenging to get much done until the Moon moves into Taurus on Thursday, but we'll be able to make up for lost time under this grounding sign. Mercury will go retrograde on Sunday, and with the Moon in Gemini that day (a sign Mercury rules) we may find it impossible to make up our minds or figure out what action to take next. Remember, when in doubt, do nothing! As always, Mercury retrograde is famous for causing a computer or electrical glitches, miscommunication, lost mail or messages, etc., so be sure to back up any information you simply can't lose and practice patience when those glitches show up - they're designed to get our attention and create higher awareness, so there IS a purpose behind them!

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  • How to Work with the Magical Element of Air

    How to Work with the Magical Element of Air, by Astrea Taylor

    (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

    The element of air is all around us, but many people don't feel connected with it (as compared to the other elements). I believe this is because air is invisible, unlike earth, fire, and water. We simply can't see it most of the time. On top of that, many people only think about the physical and personal aspects of the element of air, such as the winds that blow and the breaths we take.

    There's a whole other world hidden in the air around us, which is known as the magical element of air. You could think of it as its own energetic realm, with spirits, energies, psychic messages, and connections to everything else in the world. It has the same corresponding traits as the physical and personal aspects of air, such as communication, change, beginnings, spirit, travel, expansion, and so on, but it's one step beyond. It exists solely in the energetic realms, which are far more nebulous.

    We live in the magical realm of air everyday, breathing it in and passing through it. It saturates our mindsets and spirits, but like fish in water, we aren't conscious of it. Without training, it's easy to ignore the subtle energies that tell us that it's there, that it's powerful, and that it wants to interact with us.

    I've developed a few ways to work with the magical element of air to help other people get in touch with it. These techniques involve envisioning or imagining you can see it, but don't be fooled into thinking that envisioning is mere fantasy. It's a useful tool that helps us strengthen our minds and our magical work, especially when first dealing with things that are invisible to us. With time and practice envisioning the magical element of air, you may begin to see it for yourself.

    Envisioning the Magical Element of Air
    The simplest way to envision the magical element of air is as an energetic field. You could imagine that it's thicker than normal air, or you could pretend it's a vast ocean of air all around you. In your mind's eye, see this energetic field stretching up into the sky and outward, to all of the horizons. See it saturating the world around you as far as you can see. Now, envision the mass of air flowing over the earth, always moving, with little ripples here and there.

    The magical realm of air interacts with you and everything else on earth and in the heavens. Everything is connected via thought and energy. You have several nodes that link you to the people with whom you're closest, your altars, your home, your pets, your neighborhood, your co-workers, and beyond. Many people perceive these connections as white or silver strands. Imagine you can see connections coming off you and traveling outward in a radial flow. The strongest connections may look thicker than the other threads.

    Next, think of someone you're close to, but with whom you don't live. There's a thread linking the two of you, and there are threads that link you and this person to other people, things, and places. This person also has strands that connect with other people with whom you're not connected. Now, add a couple more people to the vision. See your connections with them and all the threads they have. If you keep doing this, you can start to see a picture of a web, in which we are all connected.

    The magical realm of air is an active place. Messages and information are constantly being sent and received at lightning-fast speeds all across the world. In a way, it's like wifi. Every time a thought enters our minds, we have the potential to emit a message along this network, and people who are sensitive to the magical element of air may receive our signals. However, it's important to note that we do have some control over what's sent and what's received. Protective measures can be implemented to not broadcast your thoughts to everyone and to not receive thoughts from others.

    Envisioning the Magical Element of Air in Witchcraft
    The athame is a powerful tool that can cut through the air. If you cast a circle with one, envision your athame cutting through the fabric of the air to create a place between the worlds, perhaps in the magical realm of air. If you use an athame to draw pentacles in the air, as you do so, envision the athame cutting the air and leaving the marks there until you take them down. If possible, sustain the imagery of the athame cuts in your mind's eye for the duration of the working.

    Athames can also be used to sever the threads that connect us with others. Although the strands may reform, they will not be as thick as they originally were.

    Athames that are made of steel or another iron-rich metal also have the power to cut spirits, which is why they're used to banish them. If you use an athame to banish spirits, imagine your blade as a threatening weapon and in your mind's eye, see the offending spirit flee.

    When you're raising energy for ritual or a spell, the air around you can often change. This is especially true if you're in a circle. The air can become thick, hot, dense, and even electric with magic. Try to see this change in the air—you may see wavy lines of heat or blurred, congealed shapes. You may even see a cone of power. If you use a wand to pick up the energy, envision the wand actually grasping onto the air for a moment before flicking it off at a higher energetic state. You may even be able to see the energy in the air around you as it rises higher and higher.

    Wands also come in handy when you're releasing your magic into the world, as they can easily connect with the magical realm of air. When you're ready to project your magic outward, raise your wand. Allow your powerful will to shoot your intentions into the wand. In your mind's eye, see your wand either touch or zap one of the threads of the web of connections. See your intentions transfer to the air, travel along multiple strands at a lightning speed, and transmit your desires far and wide.

    Envisioning Spirits
    All kinds of spirits fly through the magical realm of air with ease—several ancient Pagan cultures believed that the air was full of spirits all the time. This mindset likely continued for several millennia before it was stamped out by the church and reductionist philosophies.

    Try to envision the spirits in the air around you. Start by imagining your ancestors and beloved dead gazing lovingly at you. They may appear as congealed forms of air in human shapes. Next, imagine your guardian spirit as a peaceful, slightly larger entity nearby. After you've pictured that, look at the sky and try to see the spirits flying high in the air above you, perhaps on a mission somewhere.

    The spirits in the magical realm of air have all kinds of forms, colors, shapes, and sizes. Some look almost human-like, and others look more like animals or a combination. Other spirits are nothing more than a shadow or a tiny point of light. When we astral project into the magical realm of air, we can see them and interact with them.

    Spirits and thoughts can travel easily in the magical realm of air, and spirits are very sensitive to thoughts. They can hear the thoughts you transmit, and if their energy is similar, they may be attracted to you. Unless you have protective measures in place to keep away unwanted spirits, they can come to you as if called and mirror your energy back to you, sort of like an invisible correspondence or support system. You receive constant affirmation of whatever energy you project. This is one reason why it's important to keep your thoughts positive and supportive. It's also why it can be hard to break out of a rut or get into higher energetic modes.

    If you haven't yet done so, learn how to protect yourself from spirits who may be malevolent or trickers. Learn how to banish spirits who aren't in your inner circle of ancestors, beloved dead, guardians, helpful spirits, and familiars. If you wish, you can also learn how to listen to those spirits and evaluate whether they're helpful or not before banishing them or allowing them to stay.

    Negative spirits sometimes appear as shadowy figures that often prefer the corners of a room. These spirits should not be envisioned, as doing so can attract them. However, when negative thoughts and spirits arise, it's important to be conscious of them and face them, not ignore them. Often, these spirits act as sympathetic company to your shadow self, which ultimately wants you to face your issues and heal. The spirits that are attracted to negative thoughts can, in some ways, help you see the state you're in because they enhance that state. Negative thoughts happen to everyone from time to time, and they often contain valuable lessons about who you are, what you want, and what you need your boundaries to be. When you experience this, envision seeing your shadow self before you. Think of this part of your spirit as lovable, and perhaps as a protection mechanism you put in place to defer the conflict. I like to envision hugging my shadow self and merging with it. Once that happens, you'll start to heal and attract more beneficial spirits again.

    Spirit work with the element of air includes automatic writing, divination, astral projection, communing with your beloved dead, receiving and relaying messages, protection, doing work for you in the world, creativity, and assisting you with your magic.

    I hope these insights about the magical element of air have been helpful. Even though air is an elusive element for many people, it's definitely rewarding. My air magic practices have helped my practice evolve so much.

    Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2021. All rights reserved.

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  • Double Vision: Do Dreams of Husband Cheating Reveal the Truth?

    I used to dream about my husband cheating on me a lot when we were younger. In the end, I was the one who ended up cheating. When I started cheating myself, I stopped dreaming about my husband cheating. When he learned about me cheating, he admitted that he had both cheated on me and tried to cheat on me multiple times. I feel like this makes us even. I do know that he would never have admitted to cheating on me if I hadn't cheated myself. I didn't hide my infidelity; we were having a lot of problems and I just didn't care if he knew or not. Here's my current dilemma: I feel like my husband is not cheating on me now, for we spend a lot of time together and things are going well. All of a sudden, however, the dreams about him cheating are back! We have four children and have been able to stick things out and forgive each other for what we did in the past in order to hold the family together. Things seem to be going well, but now that I'm having dreams of him cheating again, I wonder what is really going on. Since my dreams were right before, could they be trying to warn me again? Thank you!



    For some people, cheating is a type of addiction. Even though you have worked things out and have agreed not to cheat on each other again in the future, it could be that the urge to be unfaithful is something neither of you can control. I recommend you confront your husband and ask him directly if he is cheating. Once you know where things stand, you can work together to address the situation.

    It is probably a good idea to trust your instincts, especially considering that your dreams were so accurate in the past. However, do keep in mind that dreams come in many forms. While they can be prophetic warnings, they can also simply be a way to process buried fears.

    It is possible that the dream is only bringing up incidents from the past because you're afraid of that happening again, so instead of worrying about what may or may not be going on, your best defense is to ask your husband directly. If he denies the allegations, these dreams may just be bringing up unresolved issues you still carry about the stability of your marriage.

    Whatever the case may be, I recommend you get some couples therapy. Though you have agreed to forgive each other and stick things out to hold your family together, it could benefit your common goal to enlist the aid of a professional. An objective third party can also help you process hidden feelings and any addictions that could be affecting the situation.

    If the dreams of your husbandís cheating led to your own infidelity, a professional can help you examine your choices and choose a more constructive response in the future. It could be that this was your way of getting back at him because somewhere deep inside, you knew that what you were seeing in your dreams was the truth.

    Ignoring our instincts often triggers revealing dreams. There was a part of you that knew something was going on, but because you had no proof, Spirit revealed the truth to you in a dream. Since it took your own cheating to get your husband to admit his infidelity, it sounds like your marriage is not working on many levels. Seeking the aid of a marriage counselor or therapist can help you get back on track.

    You may also want to start a dream journal to keep track of other dreams you have that carry hidden truths. Because you have a sixth sense that speaks to you via your dreams, there could be other important messages your subconscious mind is trying to send you.

    I wish you luck in sorting through the challenges you face in your marriage, Desiree. As long as you are both willing to work toward a solution, I'm sure you'll find a way to work things out.



    Sadly, many of us trust what others tell us more than we trust our own instincts. I've met a number of people who suspected their spouse was cheating but dismissed those feelings because their spouse insisted they were innocent, only to find out later that their instincts were right all along.

    When it comes to psychically sensing that someone is being dishonest, in my experience, where there's smoke, there's fire. When you get a feeling that something is going on, something is probably going on. When someone tells you something that just feels off somehow, that feeling is usually your intuition telling you to question what you're being told.

    Our subconscious minds are constantly trying to help us. When we don't heed our intuition, we may receive information via our dreams.

    Many times people who are diagnosed with a severe health issue are able to look back and in hindsight see that their dreams had been warning them of a growing problem for years. The same is true of relationships and all sorts of concerns. When you dreamed your husband was cheating years ago, on a subconscious level, you knew what he was up to but it was too difficult for you to deal with consciously.

    Of course, it is very important not to jump to conclusions, especially since our dreams and our intuition tend to speak to us in symbols. While these dreams suggest that there is something happening that you don't want to happen, that doesn't necessarily mean your husband is literally being physically unfaithful.

    I can think of many reasons why a wife may dream her husband is cheating. If he is somehow shirking his responsibilities around the house, she may dream that he is cheating because he is not doing his share. If he is confiding in someone else more than her - even if it's his mother or a guy friend - she may feel like he is emotionally cheating on her.

    If he is doing things he knows she wouldn't like and trying to hide it, she may dream he is cheating even if what he is really doing is hanging out at the bar or blowing a lot of money at the casino. People who are married to workaholics, video gamers or couch potatoes may dream their spouse is cheating because the way they spend their time makes their partner feel like they are not number one.

    To determine the nature of what's going on, ask yourself if you feel cheated in this relationship in general. Are you somehow getting less than you feel you deserve or hoped for? Of course, it would also be wise to tell him about these dreams and openly discuss your feelings, for that's the only way to build a truly solid marriage.


    Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

    Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

    While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

    I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

    As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

    I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

    You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

    Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

    A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

    You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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