• Weekly Astrological Forecast for September 13 through September 19, 2021

    September 13 through September 19, 2021

    The show stopper this week is Mars' entry into Libra on Tuesday, where it will spend the next six weeks focused on love, relationships, balance, and beauty. Even if we plan to build a new business or tackle a home project, this planet will infuse more visual beauty and balanced planning into the mix. Tuesday and Wednesday will be our most productive days of the week, so if there's something you simply must get done, these are the days to address it. Come Thursday, the Moon will travel through Aquarius for three days, which could upend our plans or bring unexpected information or situations to the surface. The main thing to remember is that we'll need to practice a lot more flexibility under this influence, adjusting to whatever arises at any given moment. And remember, if one door closes, it's time to start looking for an open window! Sunday's Pisces Moon will give us the chance to stop and reflect, offering a great opportunity to see the higher purpose in any shifts or changes that pop up this week.

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  • The Power of Using Oracles

    The Power of Using Oracles, by Jeannie Reed

    (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

    Between 1912 and 1922, the great German Romantic poet, Rainer Maria Rilke, wrote a series of ten poems dedicated to the one he loved. The Duino Elegies is a romantic, evocative, heartfelt, and deeply inspiring collection. The poems are emotionally powerful and beautifully written.

    And, for six months in the late 1990s, this book of poems was my oracle.

    While I have been a tarot master for thirty-five years, I long ago decided I wanted to know as much as possible about the whole world of the arcane, the unknown. Thus began my quest to become familiar with, if not understand, the major oracles in use today. So, I have studied the ancient science of astrology for forty years. I have been working with the ancient Norse runes for thirty years. I have more than a passing acquaintance with numerology at this point. And I have, so far, devoted over thirty years of study to the ancient Chinese oracle, the I Ching. I did all this because I realized early on that the seeds of the future were planted far back, in the long-ago past, and I wanted to learn how to connect the dots.

    I began this life, as a professional psychic, from a strange place, I think. I viewed the world of oracles as a skeptic. Like the Biblical Thomas, if I couldn't appreciate something with one of my senses, it just didn't exist for me. All around me, in the 1960s, people were dabbling in tarot and astrology. I thought they were ridiculous and misguided. Science was what I knew. Proof. Evidence. And then one fateful day in 1968 in North Hatfield, Massachusetts, I was walking on the root structure of an ancient maple when it was struck by lightning—and my life changed forever. For the first time, I was able to open my mind to the possibilities of things I cannot see, feel, hear, taste, or touch. For the first time I was able to know things I hadn't experienced or been taught. For the first time, I began to see that an oracle, in the right hands and with the right attitude and knowledge, is a miraculous thing we can use to know what we do not know.

    It's been a while since that lightning strike, and over the years I've discovered that almost anything can be used as an oracle. When in the late 1980s I opened the Rilke Elegies, asked straightforward questions, and put my finger on a page "randomly," every single time, for months, the answers were accurate. What I was reading there was reflecting the reality of what was, or what was to be. Did Rilke intend for his poems to be used like this? No. But the fact is that I did use them like this. And it worked.

    Likewise, the Bible. At the risk of sounding like a heathen, I was going through a rough time at one point, and I asked my questions and opened the Bible and put my finger down "randomly," and, sure enough, what I read there conformed exactly to the situations. In this, though, the words and tone were far more inspirational than what one can get from a book of poems. Was the Bible intended to be an oracle? The jury is still out on that one. But from my experiences, I would have to say that, in the right hands and coming from a place of acceptance, it can be exactly that.

    This idea of acceptance leads me to talk here about the danger of such efforts. First, working with oracles of any kind is not a game. If you ask the same question over and over, desperate for a different answer than the one you're getting, you're in danger of obsession. And that's a bad place to be psychologically. I know. I was there. For a short time in the 1960s, I was attempting to use the I Ching (a magnificent piece of philosophy and probably the most accurate oracle in the world) to tell me what I wanted and needed to hear about a guy I cared about. I almost made myself nuts because, of course, the oracle was giving me the truth. And, as in the Tom Cruise movie, I just couldn't handle it. Thank God I realized, suddenly, after days of this, that I was making myself crazy. I closed the I Ching and didn't open it again for twenty years.

    Let me give you an example of what this oracle can do. The I Ching is a book, a compilation of songs and philosophy, written thousands of years ago in China. I was using it at one point to try and solve what to me is still the mystery of the John Kennedy assassination. One of my questions was, "Why was Kennedy killed in Texas?" The reply? "Kindred spirits in the Southwest."


    Early on, though, among all the oracles, I found tarot. Or should I say, tarot found me. All of a sudden, card readers were everywhere on Manhattan Neighborhood Network TV. One woman I know came into the pub where I was hanging out and showed me a tarot pack she'd just bought, and then another showed me her new cards the same week. I was intrigued. And scared. But not scared enough to run the other way.

    So I decided to approach tarot the way a college student approaches calculus, or history or psychology. I started to study. I read every good book about tarot that I could get my hands on. I started doing readings for people, without charging, and I did this for four years. For the first year I usually had a book open in front of me.

    (You just can't learn in a day to work with tarot, no matter what they tell you. It took me maybe a year to master all the basic card meanings, upright and reversed.)

    Finally, I felt I knew enough and was being accurate enough to start charging people for my service. But it would be fifteen more years before I would consider myself a master. Today I read using a system I designed myself, for card meanings, card combinations, and card placement. I guess you'd say I'm fearless now, now that I understand the power of tarot. And in what I do, I'm proud to say I'm a pioneer.

    Symbols = Ideas
    Tarot is a world of symbols. Color, line, form, philosophy, archetypes, all merge to strike subliminal chords in us. Maybe some of you recall the old advertising gimmick: splice 1/24 second of a popcorn image into a movie and suddenly, everybody in the theater wants popcorn and nobody knows why. Such is the power of the subliminal suggestion. Well, tarot does the same thing in a profound way. Using cards I can diagnose illness, warn people about stock market crashes, encourage people to take the wonderful career and life leaps they want to make but are afraid of making. I can caution people about poor relationship choices, inspire sound money management....The images I'm looking at combine at the subliminal (subconscious) level in me to become conscious thoughts. In this case, the "I want popcorn" from the film example becomes, "You have a predisposition to diabetes."

    Strangely, I have to say here that the single most important thing about getting the right oracular answer is asking the exact right question. A young woman comes to me and wants to know about a guy she's dating, and I am looking at her job falling apart, the fact that she has no money, the fact that she may be homeless tomorrow. Well, I'm seeing these things because at that moment they are far more important than her relationship. Likewise, there's no way to pull an end run around a good reader. No matter what you ask and how you try to avoid asking the question, a good reader will still see the answer. And so I have discovered that the absolutely best question you can ask, at least at first, about any situation is: "What is the best thing I can know about _________?"

    Be prepared to simply accept what you're told if it makes sense to you, knowing what else you know about the issue.

    So, What Makes A Good Reader?
    The sad fact is that there are many people out there who don't have a clue what they're doing, who have no real knowledge of tarot and other oracles, but who are nevertheless using them to take money from people. Most of these folks are well-meaning. Some are simply criminals.

    What do you do, then, if you're looking for a psychic?

    Here's what I tell people: If you have good reason to trust somebody, consult that person. Maybe the reader has written a really persuasive book. Maybe you've seen or heard the reader work on TV or radio and listened to positive feedback. Maybe one of your friends, somebody whose judgment you trust, recommends a reader. In these three instances, by all means you might take a chance on that reader.

    But always listen with at least a tiny bit of skepticism. And never ever ask questions until the reader has been talking a while. Because in every question information is embedded, and the reader is the one who's supposed to be giving information, not vice versa!

    I also encourage my clients to use the information I give them in conjunction with everything else they know, so they can make solid decisions. I don't give advice. Who am I to advise anybody about anything? I tell people what I see. Period.

    And what exactly is it that I'm seeing? I'm seeing information that is coming from them. We all know everything, you see. It's just that we can't always access it. It's like, the Internet is out there with all the information in the world, but without a keyboard we can't connect to it. Tarot is my keyboard. The universal unconscious is my Internet.

    This brings me to something fascinating. I started working with oracles, and tarot specifically, having been scientific in my approach to life. And I thought tarot was about as non-scientific as you can get. Colorful pictures on pieces of cardboard? Be serious! Until I realized that string theory, and quarks, and the whole world of modern physics actually almost proves that I can know what I know just by pulling it out of the air, by looking at those pictures.

    And so now I have come full-circle. There are many out there who have also reached this starting point. (Here I can recommend the book, The Dancing Wu Li Masters.) Physics is leading to God, as Einstein promised it would long ago. The universe is, after all, quite too perfect to have happened by accident.

    Developing A Gift
    I teach tarot, and I've discovered that if you have psychic ability it can be developed. It can be developed, for example, by working with something like tarot for hours every day. It seems that if we live long enough in a world of symbols, something in the brain changes. We start to get information, but we don't know exactly where it's coming from. Every once in a rare while, for example, a dead person will show up in one of my readings. So far it's always been to give really solid advice to the person sitting across from me, or for consolation, or simply to reassure that a client is not alone. I don't see this individual; I see no spirit in the room. I "see" the individual in the cards. I have also "seen" a 747 in the King of Swords (where it isn't) and learned that the client's brother is a commercial pilot. I have "seen" a jigsaw puzzle piece in the throat of the Page of Pentacles (where it is not) and learned that the client has a son who swallowed that piece when he was five. I have "seen" a little white dog with black eyes in the Queen of Pentacles (where it is not) and learned that this was in fact the client's dog.

    When I started out, all of this was impossible and remote. I could never even imagine this stuff could exist, never mind imagine being able to do it. But tarot takes us at our own pace, and at this point I have come to realize there are simply no limits.

    And this is a beautiful thing.

    Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2019. All rights reserved.

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  • Double Vision: Dreams of Ex Dying After Difficult Break-up

    I had a dream that my ex-boyfriend got into a freakish accident with a parachute and died. Then I was having dinner with his family and my best friend, and I started breaking down at the table and his father comforted me. After dinner we went to this room that looked like a court room and saw photos of his autopsy. In the dream even though it was clear he was dead, I kept thinking he was going to be saved and come back to life. The image of the autopsy is still in my mind. I woke up hysterically crying. In reality, my ex and I haven't spoken since the break-up and we didn't end things on good terms. This is the second dream I've had of him dying. The one I just described was worse than the first one and more emotional. What does this mean?


    Since our dreams often contain buried fears and unresolved issues, it's understandable that you are having dreams about your ex-boyfriend. You mention that you did not end things on good terms, though you do not say whether the decision to break up was mutual. Your dreams are telling you that, in order to move forward, you have some emotional work to do.

    When we dream of someone who is in a plane, parachute or even on a high ledge, the message is that we may have left them hanging in limbo. Because of the nature of your breakup, this could be the reason you dreamed of him dying due to an unopened parachute. Your belief that he was going to come back to life also suggests that you have some unresolved issues regarding the relationship.

    If you want to stop having such intensely emotional dreams, I recommend you start to process your feelings when you're awake through writing or sharing them with a trusted friend or advisor. First write down your general thoughts about the relationship and then some of the details that caused the breakup. Putting your feelings down on paper will bring them up from your subconscious and help alleviate the hold they clearly still have on you. Once youíve done this, sharing them with another person will help you put things into perspective so you can lay the relationship to rest.

    Your dream is encouraging you to do this, for the autopsy suggests that you are searching for your part in the demise of the relationship. If you journal about this, you can learn what you need to learn so that you don't repeat the same mistakes in future relationships.

    Of course, you will see troublsome actions and traits in your ex-boyfriend as well. Noting these can help you refrain from getting involved with someone similar in the future. For example, if your ex-boyfriend cheated on you or had an addictive personality, you will know to avoid men with the same tendencies next time.

    Once you can look at the details of the relationship from a more objective and less emotional stance, these dreams should start to subside. Your ex-boyfriend is not in any danger of losing his life, for these dreams aren't prophetic; they are messages that before you move on to a new relationship, you need to process and complete the one that just ended on an emotional and spiritual level.


    Mata Maya:

    Our dreams offer us ways to work through feelings and issues that we're not dealing with on a conscious level. You are having these intense dreams because the relationship ended badly and you haven't spoken to your ex to resolve things since your break-up.

    To me, the dream is clearly not about the death of your boyfriend but about the death of the relationship. The parachute represents something that failed that you did not expect to fail, and how the results of that failure were disastrous. Your grief about him dying is symbolic of your sorrow over the end of the relationship.

    The court room is about trying to figure out who is to blame and what went wrong. The same is true of the autopsy, which is of course a way to determine the cause of this death. This dream is a way for your subconscious to help you work out what went wrong and process your feelings of loss.

    If your boyfriend had been killed by someone else - if you had stabbed him to death or he had been killed by a stranger - we might assume that this was a wish fulfillment sort of dream, a way for you to safely express some of your anger toward him. Since he died in a freak accident and you are sad in the dream, it's clear that you more heartbroken than angry and are still trying to figure out what went wrong.

    That you keep thinking he is going to be saved and come back to life suggests that you still carry hope of reconciling with him. Of course, it could also be a clue from your subconscious that this dream is not about him literally being dead but is instead symbolic of something else - the death of your romantic relationship with him.

    When relationships end in the physical, they don't end in the astral. This is why we keep dreaming about people we no longer see anymore. If you consciously work with your dreams, you can actually work things out with your ex in dream experiences with him even if you're unable to see or talk with him on a physical level.

    To do this, meditate on your relationship before you go to sleep at night, and ask to meet with him in your dreams with the intention of finding new peace and understanding. If you do this and you also work in a general way to have lots of dreams that you remember clearly, you should begin to dream of him often, and to have ever more positive dream experiences.


    Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

    Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

    While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

    I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

    As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

    I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

    You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

    Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

    A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

    You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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