• Weekly Astrological Forecast for January 11 through January 17, 2021

    January 11 through January 17, 2021

    You’ll be up and running early Monday morning under the diligent Capricorn Moon, plowing through projects at record speed! There’s an additional boost coming on Tuesday as we welcome in a Capricorn new Moon with open arms. Get done what you can though, as the Moon moves into Aquarius on Wednesday and casts an unpredictable tone to the remainder of the workweek. Uranus turns retrograde on Thursday, reminding us to be diligent with our new year resolutions, especially those that involve getting healthier, losing weight, and improving our finances. After a busy busy week, we’ll get to step back and relax under this weekend’s Pisces Moon, as it encourages us to go inward and tend to our spiritual selves. Meditating, journaling, and venturing out into nature are all great ways to embrace the soulful vibes of this weekend.

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  • Finding Your Inner Divinity

    Finding Your Inner Divinity, by Angelica Danton

    (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

    Myths and legends have always fascinated me, and my favorite legends were always those involving the ancient Gods and Goddesses. As a child, I would rush to the library to get the latest books on the gods. It didn't matter to me if I read about Norse, Roman, Greek, or Chinese myth—all were fascinating. The energy of the divine was always slightly larger than life, and the morals contained in these fabulous stories from every country on earth instinctively felt like truth to me.

    Even then, I realized that on one level these stories were fantasy. On a deeper level, however, I understood that they were moral stories and that I had much to learn from and see in them. Nothing pleased me more than their diversity, how one myth reflected the divine in one culture and the other reflected it in another, perhaps on the other side of the world. Surely, I felt, we are all interconnected no matter what race or culture we come from. We are linked in the divine spirit somehow.

    Later, as my interest in the spiritual realm grew due to the influence of my family members, I also became fascinated with astrology. My grandmother, Eileen, always bought almanacs for the astrological year and I quickly became familiar with the interpretations of the signs. I noted from my readings that celestial bodies such as Venus and Mars were mentioned in myth and in astrology. I loved finding the meaning and connections in astrology and myth.

    I also loved literature and poetry (which I was to study at some depth at university), and noted how poets such as Shelley and Byron used concepts of the gods to deepen their poetry. No matter what I read, I seemed to come back to the gods.

    At the age of 12, I declared to the family that I was going to be a Pagan. When asked why, I answered that as a Pagan I could experience freedom of thought and philosophy whereas a religion with a single god might limit me.

    Finding the Goddess as a adult woman was a little different. I became aware that identifying with the ancient goddesses freed us in many ways from the stereotyped images we seem to have acquired in our respective cultures. I had always looked to the gods and to the stars for answers, and over time I became convinced that the Goddess could free me to experience myself in an amazing and ultimately liberating way. I could express anger in a healthy way and allow myself to feel it, if justified. Or I could be brave and remember the power of the warrior Goddesses. I could have my own unique style and not necessarily look or copy other women because each Goddess was unique and had different powers and aspects. I need not look outside myself for approval because the divine soul was within me, too. Finding the Goddess within myself was a major part of my spiritual growth and development and helped me face life's challenges in a new way.

    I started doing readings at a local new age shop. This allowed me to connect with many other women who felt the same way about the Goddess in their lives. It seemed strange to me that more people in my country (Australia) were not interested in writing about Her, although the word Goddess was being used to promote everything from pop stars to perfume. A lot of women related to Her and talked about Her energy in their lives, but few knew of published books that discussed the Goddess energy level in Australia. Some Pagan women authors mentioned Her in books on Wicca, but these were mainly for overseas audiences, or specifically for Wiccan groups.

    As the Internet became more popular in the late 1990s, this changed. More women seemed to be interested in Goddess concepts, but I felt that the real meaning and energy of the Goddess was not coming through in everyday writing for women. I understood (and of course respected) the fact that She is important in the study of Wicca. But she also plays a role in so many other cultures and religions that I felt her appeal should be emphasized no matter what country, culture, or indeed belief system you come from. The Pagan and Wiccan movements began the new interest in her, and that was great—indeed, I personally relate to Her in this way. Still I felt it was my mission to present her in yet another aspect—in the light of a new astrological system.

    To my understanding, the Age of Aquarius is a time of new thoughts and systems of thinking that will ultimately lead to a new wave of consciousness on our planet. Religion as it has been will change, and a different free spirituality will emerge. This new spirituality will truly unite all peoples as they realize that they are all potentially divine beings, and that they are all more alike than they are different from one another. In the song "Age of Aquarius" from the '60s musical Hair they sang, "and the mind to liberation." To me, this means that in order to be original and different we need to break free of outdated concepts and ideas in order to realize our true potential.

    As my understanding of Goddess power and my loves of Pagan ritual and astrology grew, I began to long for a view of the Goddess that was both personalized and also showed her incredible diversity. Which type am I? I felt I could sometimes identify with all of her aspects in different ways. Which ones would be the best for me to work with in ritual, or invoke during times of need?

    The ancients felt a deep personal connection with the Goddess. But recently she has become such an intellectual concept that we find it hard to make her as much a part of our daily lives as she may have been in ancient Greece or Rome.

    Over time, as I began to do more and more astrology readings for friends, I learned about eastern astrology and its amazing animal zodiac. Over time, I began to see a connection between the animals and the Goddesses. How amazing, I thought, that all these animals have been venerated alongside the Goddesses by people all over the world. Maybe I could create a new system of astrology linking these ideas and helping women tune into a more personalized energy of the goddess by understanding their animal nature. This is how my book, Goddess Signs, came to be written.

    I divided the Goddesses into 5 major aspects: the Earth Goddess, the Moon Goddess, the Sun Goddess, the Dark Goddess, and the Warrior Goddess. Each of these Goddess energies expresses itself in a unique and powerful way in each woman. To find out which one you are, simply check your animal sign and find out! Along the way, you'll learn how you relate to others, learn about your animal sign energy, and discover special rituals to use your Goddess energy for true empowerment. I also include a look at men and their divine energy according to their animal sign, including some celebrity examples.

    I have used this system in my readings and workshops and have been assured it has aided many women. Any system of astrology that is understood and used in the correct spirit is a powerful tool. I truly believe that we are the stuff of stars, and that in a soul aspect we are all divine. When we lose our ability to dream and see the beauty of myth and legend, we lose the most important part of ourselves—our spiritual selves and the world of inner truth. The beauty of astrology is its truth and its universality, surely something we need to dwell on in this troubled and divided time. The beauty of the Goddess myth is also her truth and her universality. So, in Goddess Signs, I have tried to emphasize these connections.

    I hope women enjoy my book and find their own truths in it. I also would like them to explore further. Don't take my word for it! Test out my system and see how it works for you. As a practicing astrologer I can tell you that it can definitely be of a practical help. Of course it is not exhaustive, and many other systems can personalize the Goddess, too. But what I love about the Chinese Animal Signs is how we instinctively feel so close to the animal spirit. I have always loved animals and bringing my two favorite worlds together is a delight. I hope you enjoy it too!

    Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2004. All rights reserved.

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  • Double Vision: Psychic Feels Others’ Pain

    All my life I have known little things: I see places before I go there; I know when people are going to call; I feel when someone close to me dies right before it happens. I can find people and things better than most, for I sort of know where to look before I start. For example, my uncle was shot when I was little. Moments before my mom got the phone call, I heard a gunshot and woke up screaming that my head hurt. A few moments later, my mom got the call that her baby brother had been shot in the head. The night my grandfather died, I got dizzy and told the kids I was babysitting to call their mom. They asked me why and all I could say was that I had to go somewhere. As soon as their mom was on her way, I got the call that my grandfather had had a stroke. He was gone before I got to the hospital. These are just a few examples. I often get really sick or have odd pains. My little girl (born 4/10/04) is starting to show signs of the same, and I would like to be able to explain things better. She is telling me about things right before they happen, and has started telling me this is her way of playing pretend. I encourage her by telling her that it's okay if Mommy doesn't see these things. I would just like a little more insight into what's going on. Thanks in advance!



    Your and your daughter are both empaths. Empaths feel not only their own feelings but also the feelings and thoughts of others. Even when you don't know exactly what is happening or you are far away from incidents, you may pick up on what is going on.

    Often these are events affecting members of your family or others with whom you are close. You can learn from these feelings and experiences without having to actually go through them yourself. At times, it may seem like you are having these feelings yourself because when you're tuned in, they seem very real. I understand because I go through the same thing.

    Let's face it, most people don't understand. Some think we're all just downright STRANGE, and we are, but so what? Isn't it better to be able to feel than to block that out?

    We're not trying to be snoopy or nosy; we just know what is going on inside and outside other people. Just because folks around us are unable to comprehend our special abilities doesn't make them weird. Your daughter has a special gift and is going to become a great healer. We need more of those, for sure!

    This is a huge responsibility for both you and your little daughter. Be sure to let her know that she can tell Mommy for now, but should keep this your secret until she's older. Both kids and grownups can be cruel, especially when they fear something they don't understand. You want to be sure to protect her from the scorn and disdain of others.

    Even some people in your own family may judge her psychic abilities harshly, so it's best if you only share with one another for now. Since this is both a gift and a burden, you want to make the burden part as light as you possibly can for her. Together, the two of you will accomplish great and wondrous things. You're so smart to nurture her in this way!

    As an empath, so far you've only felt the pain of others. By paying close attention to what you're feeling that is negative, you can also learn to feel other peoples' joy. What you've done so far has been involuntary, but you can begin to change this with your daughter's help.

    The two of you are much stronger empaths together than either one of you is alone. Find some time every day to sit quietly and play concentration with her. Use playing cards, toys, crayons - whatever works. If you develop a stronger telepathic bond, this gift will grow to be rewarding for both of you.



    You possess a rare and unusual gift. The experiences you describe include all the hallmarks of a true empath.

    Empaths are people who are highly sensitive. They can pick up the emotions, thoughts and physical experiences of others, even if those people are at a great distance. Everything emanates an energetic vibration; an empath is able to sense these vibrations and recognize or feel subtle changes by experiencing them personally.

    As an empath, it's easy for you to pick up others' physical and emotional pain. You need to take some care or these sensations could start to overwhelm you.

    It's important to find ways to ground and protect yourself so that you won't constantly be processing others' experiences. You'll also want to set boundaries with people who try to invade your space with their emotions, even if they don't know they are doing so.

    How wonderful that your daughter also has this gift and that you're encouraging it. Individuals who display empathic attributes or who openly express their empathic feelings are often dismissed. They are told to keep these feelings to themselves, and in some cases, they may even be ostracized. With enough negative feedback, eventually empaths may try to ignore or squelch their gifts.

    It's thought that empathic powers are inherited and genetically carried from one generation to the next. This could explain why your daughter is also showing signs of being an empath, and why you were able to feel and sense first-hand the physical ailments that your uncle and grandfather were experiencing.

    You may want to do some research in your family history to see if others have had similar experiences. The more self-aware and educated you become about your empathic nature, the easier it will be to work with your abilities and explain them to your daughter.

    Keep in mind that as an empath or psychic, you won't always be able to change or prevent the events you sense either before or while they are happening. On the other hand, developing this gift may prove helpful in many situations for various reasons.

    It sounds like your gifts are already well-developed. If you want to increase your knowledge and move to the next level, there are resources that can help you learn even more, such as how to practice stretching your psychic abilities. The more you know, the more you can share with your daughter as she grows and her own gifts blossom.


    Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

    Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

    While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

    I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

    As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

    I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

    You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

    Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

    A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

    You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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