• Divination by Scrying: A Second Sight

      by Marianna Boncek

      (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

      My interest in scrying started when I bought an "authentic gypsy crystal ball" at an auction house in rural upstate New York. I have no idea whether the crystal ball ever truly belonged to a gypsy or not, but it was a beautiful peace of glass, and I had a keen interest in the metaphysical so I bought my first scrying tool, totally clueless as how to use it.

      Scrying, sometimes called "crystal gazing" is a technique by which a person "gazes" into anything reflective. However, most people use a crystal ball or a scrying mirror. Scrying mirrors are concave opaque pieces of glass. They are very beautiful. However, you can scry on just about any reflective surface; a bowl of water, a piece of metal, a mirror, etc. Some people can even scry in smoke, flames, etc.

      The purpose of scrying is to gain information. Some people believe this information is given clairvoyantly or psychically. Others believe the scrying technique simply clears the mind so information from the Universe or the Source can flow more freely. The information given can be used to answer a whole host of questions and concerns. Sometimes the information given is very literal; the scryer will see visions of real people, places and events. Other times the information is symbolic, like dreams, and must be interpreted.

      In my experience, open eye scrying takes concentration and regular practice. I have found it difficult to focus my attention with my eyes open. I have met people who are natural scryers. They can focus and images begin to appear almost immediately. However, I was never quite got the hang of it. I had, however, been able to gain images, in a relaxed state, on my eyelids, with my eyes shut. It wasn't until I met another person who used the same technique that I realized this was a form of scrying. I'm sure many people would not consider this technique scrying since it does not involve a "tool" outside of the person, such as a crystal or a mirror. However, I have found this to be an effective way to practice scrying technique with my eyes shut. It helps me focus and relax and receive meaningful images.

      Before I begin, let me just say that I have been scrying on my eyelids for most of my life. It began spontaneously when I was a child. However, for people who have tried the open-eyed method and easily become distracted or frustrated this may be a way that is easier and relaxed.

      Before you begin for the first time, you may want to light a candle or incense. Whatever you do to "clear the air" of any negative energies that may be around. If you have a prayer or an incantation that you like, you can say it as you begin to focus. This little ritual of lighting a candle and saying a prayer will often help focus the beginner. Find a darkened place. Try as I might, I cannot scry in bright light. Get in a position that feels comfortable. I do best lying down or reclined. However, if you feel you will fall asleep, sit upright or just slightly reclined. Try a few positions until one feels best for you. As you practice, you will find a position where it is easy to relax and you receive the best images.

      You are going to want to record your images for future reference, interpretive purposes and to check back for accuracy in interpretation, so make sure you have a dedicated journal near by.

      Once you are in a position that feels very comfortable, start relaxing your body and your mind. This is the same as meditation techniques. You will want your body to be in a very relaxed state and your mind in a very alert, yet relaxed state. There are some good relaxation and meditation tapes out there by various companies. You may want to practice relaxation and meditation until you get used to it before you try closed-eye scrying.

      I caution you not to use music when closed-eye scrying. The reason for this is that music can often influence the visions and information you will receive. If you need to use some sort of sound to block out noise, I suggest using "white noise" such as a fan. A fan will block out background noise but will not interfere with the visions or information you are receiving.

      Once you are in a relaxed state turn your attention to your vision with your eyes closed. At first, all you may see are flashes of light. Or you may have an "imprint" of the last thing you looked at before you closed your eyes. In the beginning, it may take a while for the flashes of light or the "imprint" to fade. The most important thing is to not really think about these images. Stay relaxed and alert. Begin to "look" with your eyes closed to see if, in the background, you are starting to see any images appear that are not associated with the undefined images of light you saw when you first closed your eyes. Don't stress, just simply relax and observe.

      Remember those old Polaroid cameras? You took a picture and then slowly an image began to appear. This is what it will be like. In the beginning, you may only see a shadow of an image. That's ok. Just continue to relax and see if it develops into a more distinct image. Make sure you are recording what you see.

      Closed-eye scrying is very similar to "people watching" in the park. When you are people watching, you are sitting, relaxed on a park bench simply watching the people and events around you. You are alert, but you are not involved with what is going on around you. When you are closed-eye scrying, you should feel the same way. You are relaxed and alert. You are simply observing.

      In the beginning, try your closed-eye scrying for fifteen minutes. When you are done, write down any images you saw, even if they are shadowy. Eventually, the images will start to become clearer and more distinct. Then the images will start to move, and you will begin to see scenes.

      I have had only a few experiences of clear clairaudience; that is, the ability to actually hear what is being said in the images I am observing. However, I do know clairvoyantly what people are saying in the scenes I am watching. I get an inner sense.

      If you find a scene unfolding in a manner that feels uncomfortable to you, simply open your eyes. You will probably note you are breathing heavier and no longer relaxed. Allow your breathing to return to a relaxed state and then get up and do another activity. Do not return to an uncomfortable scene. Don't over intellectualize. Don't ask yourself, "Am I really seeing this or is it just my imagination?" If you find yourself doing that you are not a relaxed observer. Just let the images appear as they come. Try not to make judgments about yourself or the images. Above all, don't worry if you are doing it "right." There is no "right" or "wrong" way to scry.

      Interpreting the Information
      Interpreting the information you receive is an art, just like closed-eye scrying is. It will take time for you to learn to interpret the information you receive. Remember, often times you will get information symbolically. I use a very simple technique I learned at the Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia Beach, Virginia. I attended a lecture at their visitor's center about dream interpretation. This technique is very easy to use and gives very good results.


      • Fold a piece of paper in half long ways
      • On the left hand of the paper write down the elements of the scene you experienced during your closed-eye scrying.
      • On the right side of the paper, write down what you think those symbols may mean.

      Let's say, you saw a black dog come out of the woods at your grandmother's house and eat her prized flowers. Consider first, what does a "black dog" mean? It could mean something dangerous, particularly if you don't like dogs or the dog seemed mean. Next, consider grandmother's house. Perhaps, you always felt safe and secure at grandmother's house. Lastly, the prized flowers. Those are something grandmother spent time and energy on. Those were something very important to your grandmother. Now, synthesize the symbolism. In this scene, you may feel something is threatening your grandmother's or your own sense of well-being. This type of interpretation will take practice and review. Go back and review your interpretations. Often times, once you are scrying on a regular basis, some symbols may repeat themselves, for example, every time you see a rose that could mean love. Remember, occasionally, you will receive a disturbing image. For example, maybe you saw a friend killed in a car accident. If you keep in mind, that most of the images will be symbolic, you won't call your friend crying hysterically. You may want to call your friend and say, "I've been thinking of you." You might find out something is happening in his/her life that could be symbolized by a car accident.

      Focused Scrying
      Eventually, you will want to focus your scrying. Maybe you will do this for yourself, your family or friends. This will take more practice. As you light your candle and say your prayer, think about the purpose of your scrying.

      I also use scrying to communicate with people on an astral level. As I relax, I think of the person and the purpose for the communication. I find this very useful when I have had an argument with someone and we are unable to communicate because we are angry. I can communicate my side to the person and listen to his/her side as well. When you do this, note particularly the surrounding. The surroundings can tell you a lot about what the other person is feeling. If the person meets you in a barren field, he/she may still have harsh feelings for you. If he/she meets you a lush garden he/she may be willing to listen. Please do not try to "invade" the images you see. Just relax, be there and speak your heart. Do not try to manipulate the images you receive. Often times, the other person will not even speak.

      You now have the basics of closed-eye scrying. Remember, it will take some practice to get the "hang" of it. The two most important things you can do are; consistent practice and record everything in a journal. Practice is the only thing that will help you get better. Recording everything will let you know what is working and what is not. There is no one correct way to scry using the closed-eye method.

      Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2006. All rights reserved.

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    • Double Vision: I'm in love with a friend. Should I tell him?


      Last year I had a roommate and we became very close. Basically, we clicked almost immediately; there was a definite psychic connection between us. Somewhere along the line, my feelings for him became something more. Living with him really taught me a lot about myself, but I told myself all along that I loved him like a pesky but lovable kid brother. He moved out in September due to new employment, and I literally cried my eyes and heart out. It’s like there’s this big hole in my soul. I do still hear from him, and my feelings vacillate between joy and pain, because I realized that I’m in love with him. A psychic friend of mine said I connected with him the way I did because he’s from my soul family.

      While I hinted to him about my feelings, I never came right out and told him for fear of rejection. (I’ve never had much luck with love relationships in the past.) Also, I’m 11 years older than he is, and I tell myself that I should know better. Should I tell him how I feel about him? Should we always tell others if we’re in love with them? Is there a chance of this working? Heaven knows, no one ever has really touched me emotionally like this in over 20 years. The last time that happened, it turned into a disaster. His birth date: 7/23/68. My birth date: 4/5/57.

      Gold Bless and thank you. Please let know soon.



      I sure am glad someone asked this question in this forum, Terrie. Should we always tell people how we feel about them? Absolutely not.

      For me to say that may surprise some of you; regular clients know I am always stressing the importance of open and honest communication. In a case like this, however, I am not sure that open communication is the best thing because you must consider his feelings and comfort level during and after the communication.

      You two lived together for a while. I say this over and over again, because it’s true: Men are hunters. Hear me, ladies? Men are hunters. That is what they do. It is inbred in them from the beginning of time. If a man is interested in you romantically, sexually or any other way, you will know it. Men hunt. When a man sees a woman he wants, he goes after her. Now granted, not all men are directly expressive or aggressive, but they still hunt in their own quiet way. The fact that this man never hunted you in a romantic way reveals his true feelings.

      I frequently use my own life as an example quite frequently, and here I go again. I have an old boyfriend who broke up with me and broke my heart. I know that we are soul partners. I realized, however, that we are not meant to be together romantically. As a result of that, I know that I can love him and call on him without wishing for more. I think you need to look at your relationship with this man and realize that for the rest of your life, he will be there. That is very important. He is most assuredly a member of your soul family.

      I agree with your friend. You can love him with all your heart, but you have to realize that it will not be a romantic thing. You are very fortunate to have as much of him as you do. It is a very important and powerful friendship. If you ask me, this relationship is working, just not on a romantic level.

      Terrie, please re-read your question and look at how you think/ feel about love in your life. You do not allow it in. You hold it off from yourself by saying things like, “Love never works for me.” You also choose (subconsciously, I think) people you know are romantically unavailable to fulfill your own prophecy. If you would readjust your attitude, you could have plenty of men pounding down your door. You are quite a catch. If you need further insight, please come see one of the insightful psychics at Psychic Chat. They can help you resolve the issues that are keeping you from true love!

      I wish you completeness.



      Aries usually doesn’t fear rejection enough to not say “I love you” to someone. If it’s the age difference that’s bothering you, I say, Pshaw, silly girl! Let’s deal with that right out of the chute.

      Eleven years is nothing. All that means is that when you were eighteen, he wasn’t old enough to be with you. Now that this person who is from your Ka-Tet/Soul Family is old enough to be with you, who are you to say nay? Say yay! Get over that number (which is all age is, anyway) – it’s just an excuse. I so hate excuses that people throw around, especially that age thing. Friday (my husband) is 15 years younger than I am, and it makes him feel relaxed! Your Leo couldn’t care less how old you are, Darlin! He loves you for you!

      Oh, did I mention that he is as lonely and scared and miserable as you are? The two of you are good for each other. You already know there won’t be a problem living with him, which is just about the only thing that comes between fire signs whether or not they can get along.

      You already know that you’re attracted to him, and you know that he is attracted to you. Also, he loves your mind, and he’s never going to find another woman who will spoil him rotten. Yes, I can tell you did your best.  Now it’s time for you to do better!

      Call him. Make a time to talk, and tell him. He needs to hear how you feel so that he can tell you how he feels. Yes, I know that you would rather he did the calling. You would rather the Leo be the Lion here and take the lead, but that’s not going to happen, so you must. Both of you would be so much better off together. This being away from each other makes both of you feel like you’re sleep-walking through life. Every day (and night) that you’re apart is like a link in a chain that will not bind you together. Spend some quality time with him working out the details. and finding out from each other when each one of you figured out that you should be together.

      Aries can take a hint. Leos, however, have to listen to the words each and every time. They are naturally skeptical of hints and read too much into people, winding up hurt. That’s why the straightforward approach with him is the only way this can work out between you.

      I sense a wonderful relationship here. Don’t let it slip away by being afraid. Be your true fearless Aries self and everything will be wonderful!

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