- Double Vision: Spiritual Significance of Hot Hands
My hands are often noticeably hot. In fact, you can actually feel the heat radiating from them. This happens usually more than twice a day. Is this possibly a spiritual thing? It seems to have started in the past few years. The heat can be felt by anyone, and is not related to my body temperature. The rest of my body (including the tops of my hands) can be cool or warm, but the palms of my hands will be very, very hot, actually radiating heat to the point that if I put my hands an inch or so above someone else’s, they can they feel it. Is there a spiritual connection here? Thanks!
Tamica (a Virgo)
Tamica, I am constantly reminded via this column that human beings are often completely blind when it comes to their own lives. I wonder what you might say if a friend asked you this question about her hands. I think you would say, “Girl, you are a healer!”
There is a spiritual aspect to hot hands. Every healer I know has very warm hands. When they want to use them to heal, their hands become even hotter. To test this theory, the next time something hurts you, put your hands on that part of your body and concentrate on fixing it. You will feel your hands start to heat up, and I bet the pain is reduced.
I wish I knew how old you are. (Readers, please include your full birth date when asking questions.) You said it started in the last few years, and I know that you hit an evolutionary level (spiritually speaking) at that time. It naturally happens to women in their thirties. We can ignore it or deny it, but it is still there. It is an awakening of sorts. At that time, our gifts will start to show themselves, if we have not seen them clearly already. That is basically what happened to you a few years back, Tamica. You had an “awakening.”
I suggest you read books on the practice of Reiki in researching all types of healing. Learn all you can about your newfound gift. There is a reason we receive gifts, and why they start to manifest. You need to find out why you have hot hands. I used to date a man who had hot hands that he rarely used. When I had an ache or a pain, I would ask him to heal me, and he would put his hands on me. Unless he was asked, however, he would never use the gift. I was on the receiving end of his power, and I know how much he had. I always thought it was a shame that he did not become more familiar with this gift of his. I think we all should be exploring ways to put our gifts to use.
At the risk of sounding very “new age,” we are entering into new spiritual dimensions which influence human behavior. In the future, I fully expect to see a shift away from modern medicine to the “old ways.” You will fall into that category and become a doctor of sorts, but you have to accept the job. Do the research. Learn what you have to learn.
I wish you even more power from within.
The uses of magic differ with every individual. Heat has always meant healing to me. I think you’re lucky to feel it come from your spirit through your hands. Harness this power for good, and you’ll live in a better world.
Your guides are showing you that you need to be healing people physically and spiritually. These guides are giving you signs that you have an especially strong healing gift. Unfortunately, your guides aren’t showing you what technique you should be using to make this work for you and others in the most efficient way. Guides are like that: Often giving us half of the information we actually need so that we end up having to figure things out for ourselves.
There is no shortcut to enlightened use of healing power, Virgo, so you’re out of luck there. Good thing you Virgos are so patient.
You will find a way to use your powerful healing talent for the light. This doesn’t mean you have to rush out and become a medical doctor. There are several other legitimate avenues you can explore to learn how to use your gift. To control any gift takes lots of practice. First, you have to pay attention to all aspects of the signs you’re shown.
Pay closer attention to details such as when, where, how, with whom, and why this happens to you. Get a little memo book that will fit in your pocket or purse and write those questions with a space between them on each page of the book. Every time this heat manifests, answer those questions and go to the next page. Keep enough ahead in the question pages so that you don’t have to fill in the questions on the spot, and can just write down the answers quickly. Keep this notebook for a month, preferably from one full moon to the next full moon. Don’t go back over what you have written for an additional month, but meditate and pray for enlightenment during the next 28 days.
On the following night of the waning full moon (you’re 60 days into this exercise now), read over the month you started your records. All will be revealed to you in that reading, and you’ll know where your healing path lies. You can then choose from the forms available to you to study, find a mentor, or develop skills to use this for yourself in your own way. Start with the next full moon to begin to process your miraculous gift.
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