- Do Same Ethics for Readings Apply to Psychics Themselves?
There are a lot of things that we psychics would never do for clients because they might be considered unethical, such as reading about a third party, “fortune telling” (which is illegal in some places), telling someone directly if another person is lying to them or cheating on them, etc. I’m wondering, however, if many of us who would not do these sorts of things for clients would do them for ourselves or other psychics/friends.
Just wildly curious!
Johnnie, this is a great question and one I am truly glad you asked. I can’t speak for any other psychic – I can only speak for myself. So please know that this answer is only on how I personally do things. It does not make me right or wrong, it is just my personal ethical code.
I would never do anything for myself or for a friend that I would not do for a client. My ethical code is the same all the way down the line. If you come see me for a reading, you get the same effort and methods as my best friend gets in her readings. I personally will not invade anyone’s privacy. If something involves or affects you, then I can tell you about it. Someone lying to you, cheating on you, or in any other way mistreating you is most assuredly your business. How someone is thinking and feeling about you, except in rare cases where we are not allowed to see, most definitely involves you.
What I will not look at is how someone feels or thinks about someone else, such as how an ex feels about a new love, what someone is doing when they are not with you (providing it is not in some way damaging to you) or what someone will give you as a present, etc. I cannot see when someone is going to die, unless it is shown to me. I cannot see who you will marry when you have not even come close to meeting that person, as free will plays such a huge hand in that decision and your future.
This brings me to the subject of “spells.” I am very leery about recommending any kind of spell to a client, because I feel that love spells or any other spell that is intended to change a person’s mind or path is seriously messing with that person’s free will. I think that is incredibly dangerous, for the same will be done to us in return.
Speaking of which, I would like to take a moment to discuss free will. Often clients expect a psychic to be able to tell them everything. Free will absolutely determines the outcomes of situations, so oftentimes, they just can’t be predicted. For example, there are times when it is impossible to tell how another person is going to react, because that person is still in decision mode. Also, there are times when a psychic sees things as happening one way, but someone changes their mind and changes the outcome. The psychic cannot predict nor foresee a change of mind. That is free will and God gave it to us all. Take that into account when determining what you expect from your psychic.
I think we all should all live by a moral code of harming no one. If something could harm someone in any way, do not do it. Period.
I wish you power-full readings.
I don’t consider it unethical to tell someone any of the things you mention. Day after day, people ask me if their partners are cheating, and I give honest answers no matter how unpleasant it is for me to say and for the other person to hear. Over the years I have learned that when someone asks if someone is cheating, something is always wrong. Sometimes the person asking is the cheater, looking for an easy way out of the relationship. They try to find something to blame the other person for, or they hope they have found someone else so they can justify breaking up. I look at my cards, they tell me the answer, and I respond as honestly as I can.
I believe in telling the truth about everything, including when someone is lying to my client. I read about third parties every day too. Everyone wants to know about their loved ones’ feelings for them, and while I won’t bother to explain here how no one can tell what someone else is thinking, most experienced readers can tell what other people are feeling.
The challenge for an honest reader is trying to find a compassionate way to deliver bad news when it comes up. If someone I’m reading for is lying or cheating, that’s a fairly easy thing for me to see with my cards. Sometimes, however, we have to be direct and even cruel to be kind. If my client is running the risk of pain or heartbreak, and that person comes to me with a sincere desire to know, how could I not tell them the truth?
There are a couple of places where I draw the line, and of course, no one can get everything for everyone. If someone asks when someone else is going to die, I can’t answer that. If someone asks about an illness, I try to steer that person to the right kind of medical help. I don’t want to be responsible for someone else’s life or health. Some clients want so much to believe that we “see all,” but we have to be clear that we can’t see everything. We’re not gods, and people’s free will can change any outcome in seconds.
I have many clients who are psychic, who can’t read for themselves at all. (I can’t read for myself either.) Whether they’re psychic or not, all my clients expect me to be able to cut through the nonsense and get to the point. If I had to watch what I say, I couldn’t do any readings at all.
Clients who come to us pay to get answers. They get them from me if they ask direct questions. If I am not completely truthful, I will lose my ability, and I can’t do that just to cover for a cheater or a liar! I tell the truth to everyone who asks. Otherwise, there is no point in readings in the first place.
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