I am facing problems at work: My boss has not paid me all the money I am owed since last December. I am suffering mentally because I am unable to make ends meet. Is there any sort of spell I could use on him so that he will obey me and not make my life miserable? I have lots of problems in my life, and am finding it very hard to cope. My main priority is to see that this unkind, heartless boss of mine is punished for all the suffering that he has inflicted on me, which is affecting my family and daily life. I have also been hanging in for many months now, trying to get a better job, but to no avail. I am wondering if someone out there can help me to lead a normal, trouble-free life. Thank you for your time in reading this most urgent message.
PS: I am also suffering from cataract and unable to perform the operation because of this financial hardship.R.
I absolutely cannot help you with this situation. It is my personal belief that we cannot use spells, prayers, wishes or anything else to interfere with someone’s free will. If we wish to bring harm on someone, we are asking for three times the harm to come to us. You are wishing harm on your boss and I cannot help you with that in any way. I refuse to assist anyone in bringing harm to any living thing.
Why aren’t you using the legal system? You are fully entitled to go down to your local courthouse to file suit against your employer. You are entitled to your wages and you can absolutely use legal methods to demand those payments from your employer. No one can make you a victim except yourself; you have chosen to play the victim role here. As long as you say things like, “I’m unable to perform the operation because of this financial hardship” or “I’m trying to get a better job, but to no avail,” then that is all that will come to you.
We are what we think we are. I spent 35 years or so being a very typical Virgo. I often used the phrase “I can’t” every single day. “I can’t afford that” or “I can’t ever have a life like that.” Then I read a book by Catherine Ponder called The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity and I changed my thinking. I stopped saying things like “I can’t” and “I won’t,” and my whole life changed. I am now prosperous and abundant in so many ways. You should listen to what I am saying, for I used to be you.
If you want things to change, you have to change them yourself. You have to change your thinking and the way you live. You have to stop blaming everyone for your problems. You have to stop expecting someone else to bail you out. The reason you can’t find a new job is because you have this angry energy all around you. People can sense that anger, frustration and hatred coming from you, and they decide not to hire you before you even open your mouth.
I strongly suggest you get some counseling. You have massive amounts of anger you have built up over the years. I also suggest that you read Ms. Ponder’s book. As I doubt you are truly open to counseling right now, then at least read the book. If you really want change, you have to make it happen yourself. No good fairy is going to come down, wave a magic wand and change your whole life.
You can be happy, abundant and fulfilled, but you have to choose to become those things. I know – I did.
I wish you real happiness.
Astrea:As long as your focus in life is getting even with someone, you won’t find anything good for yourself. I’m sure this is affecting your family in a very negative way; you’re a bundle of nothing but negativity. It takes a lot of energy to keep this anger going all the time! You must find some way out of that angry rut.
I’m so sorry that your boss is doing this to you. I don’t know anyone who has gone to work every day for over eight months without getting paid. If you will quit this job and hire an attorney, you may be able to do something about this situation. Quit now, before your boss racks up any more paychecks to you that you might never see! I feel that he has the money to pay you, and is just using you. By continuing to go to work every day, you enter into a daily legal “credit agreement” with him that he doesn’t have to pay you until he feels like paying you! You should quit that job, get an attorney to talk to him about the money you are owed, and never go back again!
A spell isn’t the right approach in this situation. I don’t know anyone who would give or sell you a spell to “get back” at anyone. Saying that you want to get even or punish someone with magic is very, very dangerous – to you! Being so angry is what is holding you back from finding another job or getting any of the money you so need.
When we have been wronged, releasing anger can be very difficult, and sometimes takes a very long time. Holding on to the anger, however, keeps us from finding relief. You’re so upset about this situation that you’re allowing nothing but negativity into your life, and that is going to keep blocking you until you are able to understand that you are not in control of this situation, and you’re never going to be. Trying to find an easy fix in a spell is absurd. No reputable witch, psychic, or shaman would help you harm anyone else. Any person who suggests they will or can is welcoming the same grief into their life as you have now in yours! Magic is not to be used for getting even.
I’m sorry things are so difficult, but keeping that anger going all the time is going to make you seriously ill. It’s already affecting your health through your eyes. Anger and hatred are poison; find a way to banish them from your life, and things will change for the better. Become someone who isn’t always a victim. If you don’t, you’re looking at many more years of misery!
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