• The Spiritual Tease

An excerpt from FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self 
by Lora Cheadle

      It’s odd to say, but my own spiritual self-growth journey mirrored the concepts found in burlesque: tease, voyeurism, and slow reveal. As a constant seeker of truth, I’d reach a new level of understanding, only to realize there was yet another layer to unveil. Which flummoxed me completely at times! I’d watch others, do what they did, meditate, read, and take classes. I’d study the great masters from around the world, do exactly what they did, but then I’d have a bad-hair day on the same day as a catastrophic hard-drive failure while uploading pictures of my son for his middle-school-graduation slide show (at the eleventh hour), and I’d come totally unhinged. It was almost like peace was a thing that the Universe would dangle in front of me, tease me mercilessly with, but never quite let me have. Just read one more book, Lora! If you would have only meditated this morning, you would have been fine, Lora! But how sad for you; you didn’t quite make it! Better luck next time!

      How ironic that actual burlesque facilitated my process of self-discovery on a spiritual level. Just like burlesque performers let go of their clothing, I let go of my own limiting judgments and beliefs. I shed society’s labels, my own limited interpretation of myself and my roles, slowly at first and then with increasing fervor and joy. Stripped bare, the truth of my heart and soul visible for all to see, my own sparkle was exposed. I no longer had to guess who I was or what I wanted. I knew. And with that knowledge, I could re-choreograph my life as it was meant to be. Sparkly, brilliant, and more magnificently fun than I had ever dreamed!

      And just like in burlesque shows, where the audience cheers wildly with the removal of each article of clothing, encouraging the performer to reveal more, so too did my friends and family cheer me wildly on as I removed layer upon layer of limiting judgments and beliefs. Through my journey I had unknowingly given others permission to begin their own burlesque, to reveal themselves, and to finally, gratefully, have the opportunity to be seen and accepted for who they were.

      My foray into the world of burlesque showed me that burlesque is a joyful experience for the performers and audience alike because it busts stereotypes and celebrates women of all shapes, sizes, abilities, and ages. Burlesque is not about looking a certain way; it is about reveling in one’s reality. While other middle-aged moms flocked to me, larger women flocked to the larger burlesque performers, and flat-chested women crushed on the flat-chested performers. Seeing performers who looked like them, with what they perceived to be their same flaws, but who dared to be confident, beautiful, sexy, or funny in spite of those flaws, set them free to embrace those same qualities in themselves.

      The act of watching someone just like them shed the label of fat, flat-chested, old, or ugly and be seen in all their glittery, flawed gloriousness was enough for some women to loosen their own labels. Watching their favorite performer do all they wished they could do, seeing others react encouragingly to their visibility, empowered many women to believe that they could let go and show their true selves as well. With its focus on humor and female-dominated power, burlesque gives women explicit permission to live confidently, joyfully, and without cover.

      Is it any wonder that throughout my metamorphosis into an actual burlesque dancer I had so many friends watching my every move? Every layer of fear or expectation that I broke through — every label, role, or script that I challenged, reinterpreted, or removed — gave them permission to do the same. If I could be outrageously happy in spite of my imperfections, so could they. As I broke what I perceived to be “the rules,” I proved to myself that there was nothing stopping me from building my dreams and living my sparkle, except me.

      The laughter, parody, and joy in the face of taboo and judgment that burlesque provided were the ideal combination to heal wounds around body image, sexuality, self-judgment, gender roles, power, shame, or guilt. Without setting foot on an actual stage, many of my friends were able to strip out of the fear, lies, and inhibitions that had been placed on them by their culture, family, or religion — or that were self-imposed. Just as my childhood belief that I needed to be perfect in order to be worthy became my metaphoric corset of perfection, so too could others find ways to release their own inhibitions.

      Not only had I disrobed physically but I was disrobing emotionally, too, by living my particular brand of sparkle. Society said that a middle-aged mom, lawyer, and spirit-based female-empowerment coach shouldn’t do what I was doing. But I did it anyway. Not to rebel or to create a fuss, but because it was in my heart to do it. I was no longer worried about looking like I was doing the right things for the right reasons or being what I thought others wanted me to be. I was interested in getting metaphorically naked and revealing everything there was about myself.

      And as a result, I was happier and more content than I had ever been. Accepting myself and my desires as they were freed me to dance my own dance with wild abandon, and that was exactly what I did!

      Lora Cheadle is the author of FLAUNT! After ten years of practicing corporate law in California and Colorado, she chose to change paths to become the radio host and Life Choreographer® she is today. She is a certified hypnotist, personal trainer, burlesque performer, and yoga instructor, as well as a popular writer for People magazine and Elephant Journal. She offers “Find Your Sparkle” coaching programs, workshops, and destination retreats and teaches all over the world. Her home base is in Colorado. Find out more about her work at LoraCheadle.com.

      Excerpted from the book FLAUNT!. Copyright ©2019 by Lora Cheadle. Printed with permission from New World Library.

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    • Double Vision: How Do you Know if you have Astral Parasites?


      I've read some freaky stories about spirits and creatures from other dimensions that attach themselves to the living for one reason or another. (I'm not referring to demonic possession.) How do we know if we have entities like this attached to us, and how do we get rid of them?

      - Wanda


      Your question deals with belief systems. Some people who read this will scoff and think there is no such thing as astral entities, while others will be thrilled that you asked about this because they have heard about the attachment of astral entities and have been wondering about this themselves.

      For those readers who do not believe in this sort of thing, all I ask is that you keep an open mind and give the idea some thought before you form your own opinion. Just because I have not been struck by lightning does not mean that no one else has, or that it's impossible.

      Please bear in mind that my answer is my personal belief system and what I've learned works for me. I am not sure that there is a right or a wrong answer here. I think you have to find what works for you personally.

      If we are not alone, we know it. We can feel it. There is that old saying about the hair standing up on the back of one's neck when a ghost is around.

      That experience is true in my case. If I am not alone because of a ghost or any other type of entity, I can feel it. It feels like something is crawling up my back.

      Not all beings that come into this world and attach to us are here for so-called evil purposes. Most beings that attach to us are here to help us in some capacity. Guides attach to us. We hear them in the form of our own thoughts. They are beneficial. Some ghosts that attach to us do not mean us any harm.

      So not ALL attachment by non-physical entities is negative. The best way to determine if something is good or evil is to just listen to our guts.

      If you want to make sure you're surrounded by the highest and best, what works for me is to say the following statement out loud:

      If you are not here from love and light, I command you to leave this place immediately in the name of the One God.

      This has never failed me. It works every time. There are universal laws. I have written in detail lately about the law of attraction, and this is another law. When we command evil to leave in the name of God (whatever you believe God to be), then evil MUST leave. Period.

      I know this sounds very simplistic given some of the dramatic demon-possession stories you may have heard, but I personally believe in it, and it works because I believe in it.

      If a being is still around after you have commanded it to leave, then you can pretty much trust that it is there for your own good. If you still have any doubt, command it over and over until you feel sure.

      I wish you peace-full interactions.



      Astral parasites have been known to attach to the ASTRAL body of a person, but not the physical body. I've had people tell me that they feel sort of like worms growing inside you. Gross! Astral parasites are the cockroaches of the spiritual world, and they love yummy human snacks.

      When our bodies vibrate close to astral frequencies, these little astral vampires try to feed from our energy. Since they're invisible to most of us, we have to pay attention to how we feel.

      Most of the time someone with astral parasites just feels tired and worn out from the constant drain on their power. Until they are cleansed of the parasites, that person doesn't have any way to regroup or spiritually refuel. Often people don't even know what is happening to them. They wake up in the morning feeling like they haven't slept at all.

      Headaches and sinus problems are often caused by astral ticks. A recurring cough can be the sign of an astral tick. Anything that attacks the respiratory system could be a symptom of an astral parasite.

      Why take any chances? If you think one of these entities has come into your Harmony, perform an Astral Parasite Removal.

      The best time of day to try this is right before your nightly shower or bath. There are a few things to do before you start your prayer. Be sure you have sheets that are newly washed on the bed so there aren't any leftover vibrations. Don't wear anything that you've worn before to bed either; make sure your robe, pajamas, etc. are freshly laundered.

      When you get up the next morning, change the bed again just to be sure everything is cleansed from the area where you sleep. Don't read or watch TV after your ritual, or talk on the phone or to your significant other. Go right to bed and turn off the lights. Arrange this beforehand so others don't contaminate your ritual.

      First, ask for help from the Divine. Call for the Archangel Michael to hear your prayers. One prayer you might use is this: Michael, Archangel, please bring down the Tunnel of Light. Fifth Dimension Healers here, please assist Him. True Warrior, Angel and Saint, please help me. Hold my energy field in your palms with Light.

      If you are suffering from astral parasites, you may feel a little uncomfortable tug or pinch as they leave you. There may be pulling sensations on your lungs, so be sure to take deep, slow, even breaths. When you feel they have all left your astral body, thank the Angels and close the Tunnel of Light to seal both your astral and physical body with protection.

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