• Sweet Spiritual Visitations

      by Amy Seward

      Dreaming is one of the best ways for the subconscious mind to reveal messages to you. When awake we receive messages from our senses, but when dreaming, messages from beyond can be relayed to you. By resting our conscious mind, our subconscious doesn't need to battle for your attention, so dreams can play out like a movie in your mind and relay messages in the form of symbols, story lines or my favorite, past loved ones coming for a visit.

      When in dream mode, our emotional side is not challenged by logic, making it easy for our subconscious to come through. During this time, it is the best way for departed loved ones to be able visit. So, how do you know if you are just dreaming of a departed loved one, or experiencing an actual visitation? A spirit visit is different from a dream for many reasons.

      Dreams will be prevalent when you first wake up, but will quickly fade from your memory. A visitation is an actual visit from spirit. It may feel like a dream, but you will remember it more vividly and you will be able to play it back detail by detail, and feel the emotions within it for year to come.

      After my mother passed, she came visit me a few months later. I can still see the pantsuit she was wearing, her hairstyle, how young she looked, and feel her energy. She simply walked past me and went outside the pecan tree in the back yard and faded into the light. No words were spoken, but the message was comforting. I woke up crying, full on tears and sobbing with mixed emotions of missing her and joy being with her for that brief moment in time.

      During another visitation, I felt that I had fallen down and was up against a wall. I felt someone picking me up and placing me on my feet. It was my mom. In a fleeting moment she was gone. This dream came during a very dark time in my life and it was not hard to see the message she was bringing me. Basically, get back on your feet!

      As we approach the holidays, loved ones memories are strong and they seem to make more visitations. Choose one night per week and ask for a visit that night. Let your loved one in spirit know by extending an invitation in your mind and speak it out loud to your loved one, as it helps to increase the energy between you.

      When the appointed day comes, send out lots of thoughts of love and gratitude for that person during the day. That night, light a candle and meditate, then place the plain glass or bowl of water on your nightstand, next to a picture of your loved one and, a personal item of theirs.

      Once you receive a spiritual visitation, embrace it knowing that your loved one is with you and watching over you. So instead of sweet dreams, I wish you Sweet Spirit Visitations!

      Amy Seward is a Psychic Medium, Astrologer and Tarot reader with over 20 years experience. Learn more about Amy by clicking this link! Her keen ability to tune into your problems and provide stellar guidance is unparalleled.  Get your Free 6-Minute Reading with Amy Here.

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    • Double Vision: Wild Spiritual Connection


      I met someone last April, and on that day, something happened with our eyes and the pulling in our stomachs that was so overwhelming. He feels what I feel, and I feel what he feels. The energies that ripple through us are incredible. I have dreams of him in which I'm standing watching us, and I feel everything as I watch, and we both disappear into light as if we melded into each other. His voice vibrates in my soul; the touch of his lips on mine calms my body. I cannot explain it with words. I know where he is and when he is calling me, and it's the same for him. We feel each other deeply, when we are together we are home, when we are apart we feel lonely. It feels like a pulling, like a rubber band. Whatever this is, I do know that it's not physical. It's like an awakening within our souls, something that has been recognized. Since we met, all sorts of things have been happening on a spiritual level. Could you please explain what this is? Some of my friends say that they see a light that surrounds us when we are close to each other. They say they have never seen anything like it. I can't explain the feeling that just holding his hand evokes; rushing energies flow up and into our bodies. Thanks in advance!

      - "Wisdom"


      I am so incredibly glad that you took the time to write all this down for us. It fully and completely explains the power of a SOUL CONNECTION.

      So often we humans rush around trying to find love. When we find someone that we deem to be "close enough," we try to make that work. We then wind up feeling empty, alone, unfulfilled, etc. Yet we continue to either try to make that relationship work or we move on to the next "close enough" person.

      What you describe is what love is supposed to be like for us. This is what happens when two people who are meant to meet on this planet get together and work on making their relationship all it can be. I am sure everyone has heard me speak of "soul families." We have a pack of souls we go from life to life to life with. We meet them in various forms and we learn from each other. Sometimes we are enemies and sometimes we are lovers - usually we are something in between.

      If we stop settling for "close enough" and actually wait for the right one, then we too could have this kind of wonderful experience. Science shows us that while one energy can be very powerful, if we combine it with another equal or more powerful energy, then it becomes exponentially more powerful.

      When we are coupled with a person who at least for that time is just right for us, we tap into super powers, so to speak. Everything we do has more power behind it. Every word we speak has more power behind it. You are no longer just one soul. Your soul has combined with your love's soul, and you are that much MORE together.

      Your feeling of rushing of energy is just that. Energy enters and leaves our bodies through our chakra points. When you are with your love, you are "wide open" and energy is flowing freely between you. It enters into your solar plexus and rushes all over your body to every chakra. As the chakras fill up with LOVE, they reenergize and you feel that RUSHING of energy through your clear, clean and smoothly running chakra system.

      I must add that we get approximately five "The Ones" in each lifetime. We can choose the first, the last, all or none. Because we are human beings, sometimes we make stupid choices or mistakes and mess up relationships. Even relationships that feel this good and are this productive can be destroyed by human foolishness.

      If you had one of these and blew it, do not despair, for you get another chance. If you have never had one of these and think they only happen to other people, do not despair. It WILL happen if you stop settling for less than the best.

      I wish you all unconditional, boundless, complete and rushing LOVE.



      It seems that you two had a physical chemical reaction to one another at the beginning of your relationship, and this has deepened over time into love. Perhaps your souls recognize one another from several different past incarnations. I'm so happy for you, because finding someone with whom you're compatible on so many levels is very rare.

      I'm not sure why this happens to certain people. One explanation is of course destiny, but I'm more inclined to believe that when people are making enlightened choices in all areas of their lives, the right people come along to share those lives with them.

      When a person works on herself and learns to understand herself and her own spirituality, then others who are doing the same thing may feel a certain DRAW toward her. You must have been open to finding that person, and he must have been open to finding you. Even if you weren't looking for each other, the Universe would have ultimately drawn you two kindred spirits together one way or another.

      Since you were both seeking enlightened action, you've taken it with each other. You've grown close to the person in your life who is the most like you in his approach to living. This is why you're so lonely when you're apart, and also why you can sense each other calling, thinking, and dreaming about being together.

      The best part of this is now you have a PARTNER for your spiritual path. Searching alone, as many of us must do, is not as much fun as journeying with a companion. Together you have a lot more POWER for GOOD than you would have had if you were seeking answers on your own. I'm sure you won't agree on every single little thing, but you two seem to be as close as two humans can be.

      The kindness and love the two of you have for one another spills out onto your friends and everyone you meet. This not only blesses you, but is a blessing to everyone around you. Even people who aren't spiritual themselves get a peaceful, loving feeling from seeing the two of you together. From the waitress at the diner to the checker at the grocery store, everyone who steps into the aura of your love receives that blessing. Spread it around as much you two possibly can!

      While it's not impossible for you to have a spiritual connection like this with someone else, this is something precious and it should be nurtured throughout the rest of your lives. The reason your friends see that "light" around you is because it's really THERE. When people become as close as the two of you, their auras blend into one bright light when they are together. Your sensitive friends see this and respond to it with joy.

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