• What a Difference Your Life Purpose Can Make

      What a Difference Your Life Purpose Can Make, by Ronelle Coburn

      (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

      Recently, one of my students said, "I wish I could have known you from before."

      I was puzzled and asked, "Before? Before what?"

      "Before you were living your Life Purpose so fully," he replied.

      "I don’t know if you'd believe it even if you could see it," I said, shaking my head.

      "Well, somehow I think it would be very interesting," he said sheepishly, his eyes twinkling and his lips grinning wryly under his handlebar mustache.

      I moved recently, and my passport disappeared into the chaos (along with my car stereo faceplate, my partner's flight log book, and his favorite fishing reel). I keep randomly taking five minutes to search anywhere I can just in case it chooses to reveal itself. So much of my stuff is still jumbled up in boxes, and while rifling through one of them I came across some stray photos that must have been in a bottom drawer somewhere. And there it was, the picture of how I was before I began living my Life Purpose, the one mapped out in my fingerprints. I picked the photo up and took a good look. There she is, in a puffy-shouldered pink sweater with a pattern of darker bows across the chest, slumped so far down in a chair that her hands and elbows are supporting her by leaning on her lap. Knees together, head tilted down with eyes gazing sideways at something to the left of the camera. A wallflower succeeding at invisibility who doesn't feel at all comfortable or confident. She looks wilted, frightened, unsure, depressed, and flat-out miserable. I can tell the picture was taken during one of my college holidays, at my grandparent's house, when they were still alive. The table is laid out in the background and an antique lamp I now have in my office is also in the background. There is no one else in the picture. Despite the family holiday setting, the young woman looks desperately alone.

      What a difference getting on purpose makes!

      Twenty years later I am a successful business artist with my own business, trainings, public speaking events, private clients, and lots of travel. I meet thousands of people each year, and work with an average of five hundred as private consultation clients and students. I am confident about myself and make my living from my own creative self-expression, and I love getting up every morning to get the honor of stepping into others' lives with them and help them see their own highest potential by decoding their destiny—their Life Purpose—for them from their fingerprints. I get updates from clients about what they're up to and how helpful their sessions were for them; I simply love supporting my students along and getting the absolute privilege of seeing them take on their challenges, step into their own purposes over time, and simply blossom. And now, I'm the author of my first book, called Destiny at Your Fingertips, which I wrote for those who are tired of wondering what their purpose is and who are ready to find it out in order to live it.

      It's been many years since I was depressed every moment of every day of my life. The road to inhabiting my Life Purpose was not an easy one. It takes effort to step into your Life Purpose and embody it over time, evolve into it. People are often surprised when they learn what I went through, because I was completely clueless about my purpose and resisted it tooth and nail until my life just stopped working entirely, especially my career and my health. I had to change…or either be physically ill the rest of my life, unable to work, and spend my life wanting to die. This is not an exaggeration. I spent the first thirty years of my life with a critical voice inside my head telling me I did not deserve to exist, want, or need anything, and that I should just get it over with. I even had a name for this habit of thinking—the "suicide tapes" I went through both a huge career crisis and a financial crisis, and finally found my purpose the hard way, the way most of us do. Once I started down this path I took a deep breath and haven't looked back; my life has just gotten better and better. Now I can't imagine living any other life than the one I've got. I know where I belong in the world and how to use my talents to make a contribution only I can make.

      What would it mean to you to be able to know who you are, what direction your life wants to take, and what you need to do about it to get there? Can you imagine what it would be like to have an instruction manual for your life, available at all times, that you could consult at any time when making a decision or taking an action? How much would it be worth to you to know how to use your will power to begin taking conscious steps to make your Life Purpose happen? So many people are seeking the purpose of their life these days, probably in higher numbers than ever before. Humans have been asking, "Who am I? Why am I here? What is my life about?" for as long as we can all remember. But there has been no clear and definitive answer to these questions…until now.

      Your fingerprints are formed five months before you are born and do not change. They go far beyond identifying you physically: they tell you who you are, what your enduring unchangeable transpersonal psychology is. We call this your Soul Psychology. It's the state of conscious awareness you want to live in where life feels best to you. It's your Zone of Fulfillment, your direct "aha!" spot. There are many misperceptions about what Life Purpose is—most of which are really about your changeable values, principles, beliefs, and goals. Wanting to buy a house or lose weight or find your life partner are all important goals, but any one of these is not your Life Purpose. Promoting peace, loving everyone, serving the world, and your personal spiritual belief system are essential to your well-being, but the fact that you can change what you believe indicates that these things are not your individual purpose either. Your aptitudes and skills are often mistaken for your purpose, but just because you're good at cleaning toilets doesn't mean that doing this all day gives you a deep sense of fulfillment. Your destiny is more specific than any of these things, and often isn't anything you even start off thinking you're good at or in which you're interested.

      One of my clients is a life coach with a specialty in Attention Deficit Disorder. She wanted to make a training video and travel around the country to interview a bunch of authorities on the topic, but couldn't figure out how to raise the high quantities of money it would take to do this. When we had our session together we found that her fingerprints denoted that she is supposed to be doing her own creative self-expression in the spotlight as an authority. After our session she had a "eureka!" moment when she realized she's supposed to be the star of her training DVD. She then produced it in on a shoestring budget, in one day, and within a year was working on two more and spreading the word about her work. She is helping more people with ADD understand themselves and their special talents, and is being contacted and consulted as the expert she truly is. One year after our appointment she stopped to see me at the conference where we'd met the year before to show me what she'd accomplished. It was a wonderful moment for both of us and it was remarkable to me how different she looked, how bright and energetic she was compared to the previous year. She was the star she was born to be, and owning it was helping her to help more people and to do so more easily than she'd originally imagined. Finding this aspect of her purpose helped her become aware of her potential and to step into it with conscious awareness more quickly than she might have otherwise. Wow.

      In my work with people, this type of extraordinary thing happens all the time. Learning your Life Purpose sheds light on your life; it gives you a larger and more compassionate viewpoint for own life and the lives of others. You appreciate what you're yearning to step up to and can better stop and acknowledge yourself as you choose to shape your life, rather than be driven by it. It gives you the encouragement, empowerment, and direction you need to determine your own life and face your challenges, rather than drifting along and taking the path of least resistance.

      If you're ready to know your own personal destiny, your own Life Purpose, the life you ultimately would love to wake up and live, it's just waiting for you. All you have to do is translate it, and discovering your Life Purpose from your fingerprints isn't hard to do. What are you waiting for? Every minute of your finite life is precious. Why not find out how to wring every ounce of meaning out of it you can?

      Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2008. All rights reserved.

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    • Double Vision: Can People in Comas Visit like Spirits?

      My mother, Rose, has been very ill for some time now, and a few months ago, she slipped into a coma. (She's in the hospital on life support.) Here's the strange thing: not long after she went into a coma, my four-year-old little girl started playing with an imaginary friend. When I asked her who she was talking to, she told me it was Grandma Rose! I questioned her further, and she told me that Grandma often came to play with her, and at night when she was afraid, Grandma came and sat on the side of her bed and talked to her. This sort of thing has continued over the past few weeks and left me with all sorts of questions, such as: Why do people go into comas? Where are they? Can they astral travel? Can they visit us like spirits do? You guys are great!

      - Becca


      As I have often explained here, when we go to sleep, our souls leave our bodies to repair from today and prepare for tomorrow. The same applies for people who are unconscious or in a coma. I absolutely believe that your mother is visiting your daughter. She is coming in spirit form and spending time with her because they both enjoy it.

      My son had someone named Joseph with him when he was a boy. I think your daughter is fortunate because she has someone who is a known blood relative watching out for her. Your mother makes sure to chase away any negative or scary things. They enjoy talking to each other. Your mother is loving the role of caretaker for her grandchild.

      Your mother is not in her body very often. She spends most of her time in the spirit world. She is happy and joyful when she is out of body. It feels free, and she can go anywhere and do anything.

      She asks that you stop spending so much time with her body. She says she can see you and hear you wherever you are there because she IS out of body so much. She says for you to go live your life and take care of your family and stop worrying about her comatose body so much.

      As she sees it, the nurses and doctors get paid to do that for her. She is also not very happy about the life support. That is another reason for her leaving her body so often - because she CAN.

      When we leave our bodies, we are not in the physical plane any more: we're in another dimension. We can go anywhere and do anything. Your mother spends time with every member of her family, not just you and your daughter.

      She also enjoys going to the ocean, and she likes to go to places that have wide open spaces and lots of flowers and colors. She enjoys the freedom of being out of the body, because her human body has restricted her so given its present condition.

      This is not what I would call astral travel, for astral travel is something that involves more conscious effort. This is just our souls leaving our bodies and going to where they need or want to go. It actually happens every night when we sleep.

      I can't tell you why people go into comas. I'm not a doctor, and certainly don't understand the medical explanation for it. When I asked Spirit to explain the spiritual reason, all I got was that sometimes, it's necessary for a body to sleep in order for healing to take place on all levels. The soul can still be attached to the body, but can go to the Otherworld and mingle with everything there as well.

      Usually when someone is in a coma, their soul is afraid or hesitant to leave his or her body, so they hold on to BOTH worlds. Please know that your mother is very cognizant of her surroundings despite what the doctors may say.

      I wish you peace with this entire situation.



      In my own life, I had a similar experience with my grandmother. While not in a coma, she was suffering from an advanced form of dementia, and it kept her from being able to communicate clearly with us.

      Granny came to me in dreams, and we had long, lucid conversations there. In those dreams, she was the same as she had always been before she became ill.

      I wondered the same thing you did at the time, but after some investigation and a few easy tests, I became convinced that she was actually astrally visiting me in my dreams.

      After she died, she reassured me that this was true. I don't see her as often now, but when she comes to me, I listen to her very important messages with great happiness and appreciation.

      Your child will always be able to see your mother. I wish that more of us adults could talk to our loved ones in Spirit the way lots of kids can.

      Your daughter is absolutely communicating with your mother. This will be a nice memory for her, for to her, this whole experience seems as real as being with you or any other living member of your family.

      It could also be a great comfort to you, for in knowing that your mother's mind and spirit can continue to be with you in this way, perhaps you will believe even more deeply that she will continue on in spirit form after she dies, and you will be reunited one day.

      Even though your mother is unable to speak to you directly like she does to your daughter, I'm wondering if she comes to you in dreams, for I feel that your daughter isn't the only person she's visiting.

      If it won't make them think you're too crazy, you might ask other family members if they've seen your mother in their dreams or in any other state of consciousness. Other children in the family would be a good place to start, because they don't have all those adult problems with believing in things that other people might think to be impossible.

      I always ask the kids first in these situations because they can't help but answer honestly. Besides, LOVE comes through children a lot more freely than it does for most grown-ups.

      Please encourage your daughter to seek her Granny every chance she gets. In this way, your mother will be able to talk to you though her. I'm sure there are things that your mother didn't tell you that she will be able to tell you now in one psychic way or another.

      If you begin to nurture it, this is a family tradition that can be passed down through many generations. I'm not suggesting anything dire will happen in your immediate future, but I think it's nice to plan ahead.

      I have told my son and granddaughter to look for me if I'm ever in a situation where I'm not able to talk to them with my physical voice, and I do hope they remember to listen for me!


      Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

      Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

      While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

      I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

      As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

      I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

      You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

      Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

      A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

      You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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