• 4 Secret Strengths of Sensitivity

      4 Secret Strengths of Sensitivity, by Kyra Mesich

      (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

      Sensitive people have gotten a bum rap. We live in a world that doesn't embrace the values of sensitivity, so we get told that we are weak, unusual, touchy, and hard to please. The sad truth is that we hear these messages in many ways throughout our lives. Even if it is from a well-meaning teacher or parent who tries to "toughen us up," the crux of these messages is that there is something wrong with being sensitive.

      When we hear these messages over and over through our lives, we can't help but internalize them as our own identity. Therefore, most sensitive people truly do believe that there is something wrong with them and that they are at fault for being "too sensitive."

      It's no wonder then that sensitive people don't know how to respond when someone derails a discussion or argument by saying, "You're just being too sensitive." How can we have a rebuttal to that statement, when a part of us believes it is true? Deep down inside, most sensitive people believe that their sensitivity is a weakness, and they dislike being that way. It's an inequitable way to live to not appreciate or even like an important part of ourselves, especially when the ideas are based in misunderstanding.

      Would you believe it if I told you that your sensitivity is actually composed of many different strengths? Here are four of the secret strengths of sensitivity.

      1. You're Highly Perceptive.
        Think for a moment about the word "sensitive." How does that word make you feel? What associations do you have with the word? Now think about the word "perceptive." How does that word make you feel? For most people, the word "sensitive" is an emotionally laden word with some negative connotations. On the other hand, the word "perceptive" is neutral. So what would happen if you replaced the word sensitive and started defining and describing yourself instead as highly perceptive? Feel the shift that happens?This is not to say that "sensitive" is a negative word. It's an emotionally charged word due to our past experiences. It's freeing to take a little time off from that misunderstood term. "Perceptive" is a synonym that still has its pure, straightforward meaning: having keen awareness, understanding, and intuition.

        So the next time you begin to think to yourself, "I wish I wasn't so sensitive," stop and instead say, "I wish I wasn't so perceptive." You'll find yourself replying, "Why would I do that? Being perceptive is a good thing!"

      2. Your Brain is More Active.
        According to studies by Doctors Elaine and Arthur Aron and colleagues at Stony Brook University, the brains of sensitive people brains have higher activity in response to stimuli. In one particular study, participants' brain activity was monitored by functional magnetic resonance imaging while viewing a series of photos of people exhibiting varied emotions. The participants identified as highly sensitive had much greater blood flow in their brains than the other participants, indicating higher brain activity. Similar results have been demonstrated with other stimuli as well. What this means is that the physiology of sensitive people physiology is indeed more active and responsive.Sensitivity isn't solely an emotional or mental experience; our entire physiology is wired to react swiftly, keenly, and thoroughly to stimuli. This is the reason we sometimes perceive things that others don't seem to notice. This is an explanation for why we may feel bombarded by loud or discordant stimuli. Our bodies are doing more work to perceive accurately and keenly. In other words, we are more finely tuned instruments.
      3. You Have Great Intuition.
        Intuition is that gut feeling or still, small voice within that we can trust to know the best course of action. Our intuition is our inner guidance system that helps things run much more smoothly in our lives, as long as we listen to it. As a sensitive person, you already have very strong intuition. The problem is that most of us were never taught to value it nor how to listen to it. We're taught to dismiss it.Our society praises actions that are taken after much analysis and thought. It's generally not accepted that someone may be sensitive enough to perceive subtle information from multiple sources beyond the thoughts in the mind and then just "know" what to do. That is a big part of what makes our sensitivity so baffling, yet makes it a huge strength. We are sensitive not only to what we can easily see and understand, but also to that which is extrasensory—just beyond what our five physical senses can perceive. This includes things such as EMF, radiation, magnetic fields, and many additional energies from devices, nature, animals, and people.

        Our sensitive intuition picks up on all this extrasensory information, compiles it, and does its best to tell us what we need to know. Since it is already working all the time, practice listening to your intuition and try following it, even for simple things like what time to choose for an appointment. Many people are better able to sense their intuition when they tune into their bodies, especially the solar plexus area, rather than focusing all attention up in their heads. Give yourself permission to listen to your gut feelings and instincts for a while, and you'll find your intuition is a fabulous resource and strength you naturally have as a sensitive person.

      4. You're Empathic.
        People use the word "empathic" to mean compassionate understanding of another person's emotional situation. But the term "empathic" has an even deeper meaning for sensitive people. This is an extension of the discussion about intuition in number two. Empathic ability can be viewed as a specific type of intuition, or extrasensory awareness.Empathic ability is the experience of sensing and feeling emotional energy, even if it hasn't been openly communicated in any way. This emotional energy may be lingering in a place, or it may come from animals or pets, but it impacts us most strongly when it is from other people. This is one of the confusing aspects of sensitivity that we often define as painful or as a weakness. When we don't realize we are empathic, then the emotions we sense from others become jumbled up with our own.

        But when we do know that empathic ability exists, and that as sensitive people we are empathic, then we can begin to discern the energy we are sensing. As we learn to use and appreciate our empathic abilities, eventually we are able to use that emotional information just like our intuition—as useful information that benefits us.

        Wondering if you can trust your new babysitter? Is your boss in the right mood today to ask for that raise? Will you get along with the neighbors at the new apartment you are considering? These are questions your empathic sensitivity can answer. It adds another layer of information to your intuition. It's like having a psychic feeling superpower.

        Just as with intuition, it works best to tune into your empathic ability by bringing your awareness to the solar plexus area of your body, between your chest and belly. Ask a question, and then trust the immediate feeling that comes to you. It takes practice and sometimes healing of old wounds or blockages so that you can clearly perceive what your empathic sensitivity is trying to tell you. But you can get there.

      Wouldn't you agree that it's time for these strengths of sensitivity to no longer be secrets? The idea that sensitivity is a weakness really is backwards. Sensitivity is a great example of "the whole is greater than the sum of the parts." Our keen perception, strong physiological responsiveness, and compassionate nature give us the ability to hear more, feel more, and sense more, even beyond the limitations of our five physical senses.

      It's time for us to recognize these strengths and begin respecting ourselves as sensitive people. So the next time someone says, "You're being too sensitive," you can honestly reply, "Thank you. What a nice compliment."

      Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2016. All rights reserved.

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    • Double Vision: He Hears His Name Being Called

      I have had this happen to me three times within a time span of several months. I am sound asleep and I hear my name being yelled out, and I awaken with a start. I live alone. I am not taking any medication, have no psychological problems, and no stress. When I hear my name, I awaken startled, look around, and I notice that I become calm, as if it was no big deal. What is up with this?



      It seems you have a spirit who is trying to get your attention. As this voice knows your name, it is likely a loved one who has crossed over. Also, the fact that you become calm immediately afterward indicates that this is a benevolent soul who wants to connect with you.

      I can't say why most spirits prefer to visit us at night, but I do know that when people are asleep, they are more open to this phenomenon. When we are relaxed and in a higher state of consciousness, it's easier for loved ones and spirit guides to infiltrate our dreams and speak with us directly. This is known as the alpha state; it's the reason many of us are prone to profound intuitive insights just prior to falling asleep and while waking up.

      If you have had a loved one cross over recently, this may be the person who is trying to contact you. Because it always startles you out of a deep sleep, you may not recognize the voice that is calling your name. However, since this has happened three times in the last few months, I suspect that they are not going to go away until you recognize and acknowledge their presence.

      The next time you hear your name being called in the middle of the night, ask the voice what it wants. If you get a response and you can identify who it is, begin a conversation with them. You can do this in a number of ways, interacting silently in your head like you are meditating, speaking out loud to them, or trying some automatic writing. Automatic writing can be a powerful tool. Keep a pen and pad handy near your bedside. When you are awakened by the voice, pick them up and write whatever comes into your head. You can also simply put pen to paper and let the spirit write out its message. If nothing happens, try again later or the next time the incident occurs.

      I suspect these incidents will continue and may even become more frequent, depending on what message this entity is trying to convey. It may be that they just want you to know they are okay and doing well on the other side. If none of these methods help you to recognize who is waking you up in the middle of the night, you might engage the services of a psychic channeler. He or she can help you identify the spirit behind this voice and better yet, enable you to talk directly with them.

      I encourage you to take advantage of this rare opportunity to connect with one of your loved ones in the spirit world. Based on your description, there is no reason to believe that this is a negative event, and every reason to believe that you are being blessed with an amazing gift!



      I am curious if this phenomenon occurs when you're falling asleep, for it's common to hear one's name, a knock, doorbell or phone during the earliest stage of sleep. In the song Rainbow Connection, Kermit the Frog sings, Have you been half-asleep and have you heard voices? I've heard them calling my name. Such events suggest that our unconscious mind, higher self, or a presence from beyond is trying to get our attention, so it would be wise to consider what important matter you might be neglecting.

      Kermit goes on to sing, I've heard it too many times to ignore it; it's something that I'm supposed to be. Could this be true for you? Is there something you're supposed to be or become? Are you ignoring a gift or talent that could lead you down a path of purpose and passion, or perhaps there's a relationship role you've been avoiding, such as husband, father, brother, son or friend.

      The fact that you feel calm when you hear your name suggests you're having a spiritual moment, and by that, I mean that you accept you're not alone in the universe. Spirituality is the recognition we're not isolated beings, but rather part of and connected to all-that-is. We realize we can't harm another being or the environment without harming ourselves.

      During these transcendent moments, which often occur in nature, meditation or dreams, we experience a knowing that we exist within a matrix of energy we cannot separate ourselves from. During waking hours when our minds are busier, we're unaware of the matrix, as a fish is unaware of the water it swims in.

      I chose two tarot cards from my Voyager deck in response to your question. The first is Man of Crystals, called Knight of Swords in other decks. Both Crystals and Swords refer to the mind, while Man and Knight are the seekers of the deck! This card recommends you proactively seek out new knowledge and learn something new, or see old information from a fresh perspective. The word Inventor is on the card, which suggests that you should ponder how innovation could serve you at this time.

      The second card is Seven of Crystals, another aspect of the mind. The crystals depicted here appear heavy and opaque, and the word Dullness is on the card. This suggests that old thought patterns might be bogging you down; you might be stuck in a rut of close-mindedness. Imagine dusting off and polishing your thoughts and holding them up to the light. Open your mind and allow radiance to illuminate its dark corners and dissolve any fear you may have of acting boldly.


      Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

      Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

      While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

      I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

      As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

      I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

      You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

      Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

      A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

      You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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