• Finding Love in Nature

      by Jenny Lynne
      As spring is upon us, it's time to shed the old fickle patterns, messy mindsets and dirty habits that aren't serving us anymore. Immerse yourself in nature and take an introspective moment to listen to your heart. After all, in nature comes clarity. Love is everywhere and nature gives us subtle hints as proof. You may even start seeing the universal symbol of love - a heart!
      Make this spring all about you. Listen openly to and take interest in YOU. Jump into your head and see things through your own eyes. Go for a hike, walk or just sit on a park bench. Take in a deep breath with the intention that you're about to create an opportunity where you can introduce a new way of cultivating a loving environment. Metaphorically nourish yourself and become reconnected with your own voice. Follow the path of things that ignite that spark. Surrender to all things love. Love is everywhere; are you seeing it?
      • Love out loud. What would that sound like?
      • Love your life. What would that feel like?
      • Love in 3D. What would that look like?
      A heart shaped rock, commonly found, is always welcomed and should be treated like treasure when stumbled upon. Do you pick it up and take it for yourself or leave it in its place for others to take pleasure in nature's largess? There's no right or wrong answer. The heart, symbolizing surrounding love, has its own personal meaning. What does it mean to you? When nature shows you a heart, cherish it!
      Love - what a powerful word. It can move mountains or take your breath away. Never underestimate it. When you're on your walk, do you really see what you're seeing? Learn to be present and your heart will become one with nature. Open your mind and your heart will follow. How do you show love?
      à   Do you live it?
      à     Do you give it?
      à   Do you hide from it?
      à   Do you run towards it?
      à   Do you dabble with it?
      à   Do you withhold it?
      à   Do you believe in it?
      à    Do you crave it?
      à    Do you connect with it?
      à    Do you need it?
      à    Do you seek it?
      à    Do you speak it?
      Being clear on what love is to you is crucial in order to make any healthy adjustments to your mental and spiritual wellbeing.
      Hopefully the message is clearly being conveyed on the importance of disconnecting, unplugging and finding peace in a quiet and a natural way. Nature's unexpected hearts will appear in the most beautiful form. It could be a leaf, stone, puddle, plant, in the sky or even a snake keeping its distance. But you have to be mindful of them! Don't show up half way. Disrupt all unnecessary and negative thoughts then shift back to the fundamental and basic knowledge that we all long to love and to be loved. Understand that not all the hearts have to be perfect in shape or something that was manmade to represent love. They come in all shapes and sizes and are as unique as snowflakes. Each has its own beauty. Some are strong while others are fragile. Kind of resembles us, don't you think?
      After an evening rain, there could be a heart shaped stain leaving its heart print, holding onto last remnants of moisture in the air before it disappears like it was never there. Only a few who chose that path during those fleeting moments would share space with that heart. And even fewer would be aware of its existence though it's right there in front of them. Would you see it? Be present to the point you draw a blank and have to create a thought. Here's your chance to create a loving one. Awaken a new awareness and engage in finding new forms of love!
      Let's see love as a vehicle to move us towards that ever moving target called happiness starting with self-love which is something that is as important as the air we breathe. Short, sweet, simple yet true. Love is in the heart of the matter. Seek it, live it. You'll be a better version of you.
      There's nothing wrong with being cheesy or sappy. Pull out the slingshot and shoot out hearts. Snack on love, or better yet, eat it for lunch. Be infectious about it.
      • Life is precious. Love with all your heart!
      • Be compassionate. Have a bleeding heart!
      • Rediscover. Make a change from your heart!
      • Be cautious! Stay away from a poisonous heart!
      "Look up, look down, look all around...be open to nature's hearts that abound."
      -Jenny Lynne

      Jenny Lynne is an inventor, connector, entrepreneur and an author. She found her passion and is devoted to inspiring others to by finding hearts in nature.  Her two beautifully illustrated picture books, HEARTS and HEARTS FOR KIDS, capture naturally occurring or accidental hearts found around the world and photographed by her. Each heart image is accompanied by a caption that encompasses her wit, humor and sometimes seriousness by describing the emotions and perceptions that were evoked. Nature's incomparable beauty and sometimes not-so-subtle appearance is a reminder that love is ever present. She encourages people to email her heart images via the contact form on her website (www.JennyLynneBooks.com) or post them to her social media (#jennylynnebooks).

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    • DOUBLE VISION: 23 out of 25 psychics: Could they be wrong?


      For three years I have been writing via email to an old flame I have not seen in 30 years. I’ve been asking psychics for the past year if he is the special one I will settle down happily with; twenty-three out of 25 psychics said yes. However, he has stopped writing to me the past two months. One night when I was going about my business, I heard a very distinct voice in my head answer the question I had sincerely and spontaneously asked: “Should I give up on Bob?” The voice was definitely not my own thoughts; I can tell the difference. The message was, “Give up on Bob, but not on love.” How do I interpret this? Will love find a way for Bob and me, or was the message telling me to forget about Bob? I was supposed to travel to see him in July, but now I wonder if I should cancel my trip. Although psychics continue to tell me to be patient, I am understandably discouraged. Is this a lesson of faith, or am I just stubborn? His birth date is April 19, 1951. Mine is February 26, 1953.

       – Jo


      Jo, I am so glad you asked this question. Once again, psychics are taking the blame for using their God-given free will. Everyone is given free will. We get to choose our paths. No one — not even God — can predict which way someone is going to go when free will is involved.

      If you come to me for a reading and ask me if you are going to get a new car, and I see you will, but then you change your mind and never go car shopping, does that make me wrong? No. That is you using your free will to change events in your life. For a while, things were looking good for you and Bob, but then he used his free will and changed his course.

      Your guides/ spirit gave you the answer already, Jo. The message was “Give up on Bob, but not on love.” Love will find you if you allow it. I do not know how you can interpret the message you received any other way. You did not expect that answer, and therefore you are trying to find a way to make it say what you want it to say. You really want Bob in your life. Perhaps knows of something better for you. Bob has decided to stay closed up in his little world of misery. You shouldn’t suffer for his choices.

      There is a law of the universe that I call the “Love Default Clause.” I have spoken of it before. If someone we are connected to decides not to further the relationship, for whatever reason, we are given someone even better as a result. Problems arise when we start thinking that we know better than spirit, and we try to hold on with both hands.

      Step back, breathe, and release him. Let go of all your efforts and attempts to control this situation. Let go of all you think needs to happen for you to be happy. Now say out loud, “I am the perfect partner manifesting my perfect partner.” That way you are covered. If it is Bob, then great, but if it is someone else, that is also great. Either way, you have love around you. That is how I would act on that message.

      One last point I would like to make is you never had faith in the outcome of this relationship. If you had, you would not have gone to 25 different psychics for hope. (That is a lot of psychics!) That tells me you needed massive reinforcement. Ask yourself why you needed that much reassurance. I think you already know the answer.

      I wish you total love.



      That voice, no matter where it came from, gave you some of the best advice I’ve ever heard. “Give up on Bob, but not on love.” What the voice was telling you is that it’s time to remove Bob from your life so that you can make room for a wonderful man who can give you all the things you’ve ever wanted in a relationship, and make your dreams come true. Bob doesn’t have what it takes. He is too selfish and discourteous to deserve your love. He’s lost his chance with you! Listen to what is being said!

      He stopped talking to you two months ago so that you would change your mind about coming to see him. As long as you two kept it an internet and telephone relationship, Bob was in his comfort zone. The idea of seeing you in person terrifies him. He isn’t ready to do that now, and he will probably never be ready to be the man you need him to be. He isn’t willing to give that much of himself to another person.

      It was fun and exciting as long as he didn’t think you would actually have to try to have a life together. He’s been in a rich and vivid fantasy land with you on the internet. When the reality that you would actually be seeing each other sank in, he started ignoring you to try to make you angry, so that you would cancel your trip. He’ll be in touch with you again after the time for your trip has come and gone. I’m sure he’ll have lots of excuses for not talking to you during this time. I hope, by then, that you’re strong enough to be moving on with your life in a new direction.

      Even though he will try to come back into your life, with Bob, you are always going to be on hold one way or the other. He will always find some excuse for not moving forward. Three years is a huge investment to make in someone; I don’t doubt that you love him with your whole soul, but you have to get rid of him! He’s preventing better love from coming into your life. As long as you are holding on to the “Fantasy Bob” in your mind and heart, you’ll be stuck.

      Don’t give up on love with someone new, but do give up on Bob. Your inner voice was telling you that there will be someone you can love and who can love you with his whole heart. I’m sure all those psychics telling you to be patient had your best interests at heart, and they wanted to believe, as you did, that Bob would come around. It’s time to release the old and welcome a new and fulfilling love.  That person will find you as soon as you make room for him in your heart.

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