I’m having trouble accepting my feelings or connections with spirits and all that is on the other side of the “veil.” You see, I really don’t have a religion or believe in all that the Bible says. To me, it’s a fascinating story, as are “Lord of the Rings” and Harry Potter movies. I’m feeling like what I experience of spirit is all in my head because I don’t believe in the Bible. Can spiritual connections happen for atheists? – Shawna
Shawna, what does the Bible have to do with spirits and the other side? Lots of people do not believe in the Bible, but they believe in everything that is. The Bible is a book written some 2000 years ago by men who believe in the Christian faith founded by Jesus Christ when he walked on earth. If one is not a Christian, then odds are that one does not believe a lot of things that are in the Christian Bible.
For example, if one is of the Jewish faith, one does not believe anything about Jesus being the Messiah. Every religion has its own belief system. We are most definitely talking about religion when we talk about the Bible. When we talk about spirits and the other world, we are speaking about the universe and all that is in it which have nothing to do with religion.
Many people do not believe in God. I know very few people who feel that God is this white-haired caucasian man sitting on this big gold throne with light coming off him. I personally feel that God must be a woman if I am created in God’s image. In any case, “God” is energy. The energy that you feel inside that steers you from making wrong decisions, or tells you to stop and say hello to someone who looks sad, or makes you stop to look at beautiful flowers in a field as you pass. All of that is “Christ consciousness” or God. One thing that the Christian Bible says that I unequivocally believe is the phrase “God is love.” Since love is energy, God must be energy.
I heard a quote and used to have it posted on my Psychic Chat page (for you old timers). It says:
“Religion is for people who believe in hell. Spirituality is for people who have been there.”
You can be incredibly spiritual without being religious. Spirituality is about you and what you believe and what fills you up and what makes you feel good, providing you are harming no one else in the process. There are no edicts or laws in spirituality. You can look at the ocean and be filled with a sense of wonder, awe, peace, joy and balance, without having to think that God made it. The fact that you feel all those things is enough. You can also have paranormal experiences. Reasons for why it is there vary from religion to religion and person to person. Let go of the fear that if you allow yourself to “go there” and experience that world, you will be converted to some type of religion. It is so not that way! Enjoy these experiences and open your heart to what is.
May you find the peace you are seeking
Most Jews and Christians who treat the Bible as a guideline, albeit a wonderful one. The Bible gives us a historical look at the way our faith grew and developed in the old times. It shows us about God’s love. Just because you don’t belong to an organized religion or believe literally in the Bible doesn’t mean you are an atheist.
Many people feel as you do: That the Bible is a very valuable storybook, but isn’t the true and only word of God. There are some very outdated and impractical ideas there, and most Christians believe that our faith is growing and changing with humanity’s growth and change. We evolve in God’s love. There are no set rules for experiencing the love of God.
I stopped believing that the Bible was more than a holy book when I was about six. At that point I began to discover other religions and other holy books, and my faith grew and expanded. While the Bible, the Koran, and other holy teachings are valuable to us as sources for lessons on how we can treat one another better, they are just that: Books of lessons about life, and stories about things that happened long before we were born into this incarnation. They survive because they continue to hold some value for humanity.
If you were actually an atheist, you wouldn’t have any reason to try to communicate with spirits. That would be your imagination, because a real atheist doesn’t believe that spirits exist. How could you feel something that isn’t real to you? An atheist wouldn’t even be asking the question you ask. If you can have a spiritual experience, then you believe in something, because God is in all of those, one way or another. Atheists believe that there is one life and that when you’re dead, that’s it: You’re dead, and there is nothing that goes on or continues.
When a spiritual connection happens, it’s a given that the person it’s happening to believes that it can happen. Whether you’re imagining this communication or not isn’t the point. The point is that you think you’re doing it, either when you are or after it happens, so you should decide what your beliefs really are. So what if they don’t fit into the format of some organized religion, Christian or otherwise? It’s not necessary to believe in the Bible to believe in God. God is individual to all of us, and lives in each of us, whether we want to admit it or not. A personal God doesn’t come from just any book. God comes from your heart, your soul, your self, and your feelings. All Gods are one God.
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