I have been with my boyfriend for just over five months. Several months ago, he noticed moths everywhere — even inside a shopping center. Since then I have seen moths where I live and even flying around a car in front of me on the road. Sometimes I’m on my own, and sometimes he and I are together. Can you tell me if there is any possible symbolism behind this? I’ve never seen so many moths in my entire life, and it feels like I’m supposed to be getting some kind of message from this experience.
As everyone should know by now, I love when one of our readers asks about animals or animal spirits. I find the lessons they teach us endlessly fascinating, so I thank you for asking this question.
One thing that really stands out in my mind about moths is how hard they work to transform themselves from caterpillars into winged insects, and how profoundly they change from one stage of their lives to the next. They are literally reborn into new beings!
Moths are thus symbols of change, transformation and metamorphosis. Change is inevitable in our lives. Nothing ever stays the same. If we resist that natural flow, then life becomes difficult, dangerous or scary. Change brings growth. We have to shed our old selves to become new people. Moths show us how change is a natural part of life.
Moths can teach us a few things about life and living. They can also teach us how to move easily in darkness or shadows. They can teach us how to find the light in the darkness. Moths are nocturnal creatures for the most part, whereas butterflies fly in the day.
Moving through life’s shadows is a great skill to learn as sometimes life gets very dark. Often we feel as if there is no light at the end of the tunnel, that all hope is lost. It is usually in those times that a moth will show up as a reminder that we need to use that darkness to our advantage, and fly toward the light.
In your case, I feel that the moths are appearing to show you that your life is changing. You and this man have a very strong, good relationship. He is an unexpected yet very welcome change in your world. The transformation has begun. It applies to him and his life as well; that’s why he is seeing moths along with you.
Please allow what is natural to happen. Moths know that they aren’t as glamorous and beautiful as butterflies, but they’re very good at adapting and blending into their surroundings. That is what they do — it’s natural for them. Like a moth, just allow what is happening around you to evolve, change and transform. Allow life to turn into something beautiful. Blend with it instead of fearing or resisting change. Just allow life to happen around you and accept what is.
I wish you continued transformation.
You and your boyfriend are definitely supposed to be getting a message from these moths! Together, the two of you have become a conduit for restless spirits when it’s time for them to cross over to the other side.
According to an old superstition, many moths prophesy the death of a loved one or important teacher in your life. This is not the case with the two of you, however.
Often, departed spirits remain earthbound; after a year, they can’t find their way back to the pathway of light. This is where the two of you come in. The energy you have together produces a beacon to that pathway for these restless spirits. Through you, they can find their way into the light and on to oneness with God.
This is an awesome responsibility, so it’s nice you have a partner. You’re not alone in trying to shoo these people where they’re supposed to be. They need help from both of you to get where they’re going, so it would be good for you to learn quick and easy ways to communicate to them that they should go into the light of all worlds.
One of the fastest, most efficient ways to banish restless spirits is to recite St. Michael’s prayer. Any practicing catholic can teach that to you in about two minutes, or you can get a prayer card from a church and carry it around with you so you can read it whenever you see moths. Alas, it’s not a very sweet prayer, so if it makes you feel ugly, you can use this ritual instead.
You’ll need a bible or other holy book, a white candle, a dish of clear water and a bell. Cast a circle around yourself and your boyfriend, and call to the four archangels of the four directions and ask them to assist you.
Open the book, stir the water, light the candle and ring the bell. Then say, “Gentle creatures of the earth, the light calls you now. Walk confidently towards the light, and enter It with a whole and complete heart. Your loved ones wait for you beyond the pale. Join them and have eternal joy.”
Pray for a few minutes in your own way. When you feel that restless energy has dissipated, ring the bell, blow out the candle, stir the water, and close the book. Release the corners and do something peaceful for the rest of the day.
Soon you’ll be able to do this without all the ceremony whenever a group of moths is drawn to your light.
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