- Interest in Psychic Matters But No Abilities?
I am fascinated with angels, guardian angels, spirits, etc., and believe in all mystical matters. However, I don’t seem to be connected to them personally. I don’t hear any voices and am not able to see spirits. I wish I could do that. Is this something that is only meant for some chosen people, or can anyone acquire those abilities? I do meditate in my own ways every day. My chakras are spinning and I am able to raise my kundalini. There was a period when I was drawing some symbols without conscious awareness that I was doing so, but that is all. I have always wanted a friendship with an angel or spirit guide that I can talk to. How can one develop this? I am a Virgo female, born September 10, 1955.
Jayamoni, guess what? I do not hear voices or see spirits either. So many people have misconceptions about what “psychic ability” is really all about. Because I am a working psychic, people assume that I see rooms full of spirits and hear voices outside of my head and speak in tongues or something. I think we can thank Hollywood for that.
Most psychics I know hear in the form of our own thoughts. Sometimes I just “know” something. You do this too. When a good friend comes in the door and you look at her and say, “Something is wrong!” that is your psychic ability. You don’t think of it as such because you already know your friend, so let’s take it into the realm of strangers. Let’s say you have a date on Saturday night. You walk up to the man, you shake his hand, and you instantly want to run away. What is that? That is your psychic ability or instinct.
There are lots of books out there about increasing your psychic ability. I have heard that John Edwards (the medium on television) has written a good one. You could go to a local bookstore and look around and see if anything grabs you.
I do have a way to hear spirit guides. It seems too easy, but it is how I first started hearing mine. Wait until after dark and then light one candle in a dark room. Lie down or sit up, but make sure you are very comfortable. Use the candle flame as the focal point, and just stare at that flame. Now this is the easiest part: Just let your mind run wild. Do not try to direct it; just let it do what it wants to do, and think the thoughts it wants to think.
If you listen to your mind, you’ll find that there are thoughts that you just did not think. At first, you may not see or believe it, but if you keep listening, you will realize that it is true. I want you to do this for only about 20 minutes each night. It could take three or more nights for you to actually believe that you are getting thoughts you know did not come from your own mind. Once you believe, then you can start interacting. Start by asking questions and hearing the answers back in the form of your own thoughts. Once you really get a dialogue going, it is wise to write down the questions you asked and the answers given, verbatim, in a notepad because you may forget.
Trust me! Once you get used to hearing the voices in your head, you will get used to interacting with spirit, and more beings will begin to talk to you.
Try it! I wish you acute hearing!
You seem to have a good start on what you want to do, as far as communicating with angels. I’m not sure what you mean when you write that your chakras are spinning, but if you can raise your kundalini, you are definitely a good receiver. The trick is to develop and then clear your psychic reception.
There are many avenues you can take to achieve your psychic goals. Since what you’re doing isn’t working exactly the way you want it to, try this new way a few times, and see if this system is right for you.
When you’re in meditation, think about a television set filled with snow and static. Then slowly reduce the noise of the static in your mind, until the screen is a blank white space. Open your third eye and allow a picture of an angel to appear to you on that screen. You can decide if you want the angel to look like a storybook angel or a living person. You can decide what the angel is wearing, and what you want to know from that being of light.
Within a few months, you’ll be able to develop the ability to see that angel without going through the imaginary TV. As soon as that happens, turn up the volume on that angel, and see if you “hear” anything.
Also, you should do some research and practice with automatic writing, since you’ve had some experience with that. There are great books at your local library on the subject. Be careful when you start to get into this: Do not invite anyone that you would not like to channel through this medium. Don’t be so open that you get some yackety-yak ghost who just wants to bend your ear. There are plenty of those frustrated spirits out there beyond the veil!
The most valuable asset in any undertaking like this patience. If you try to rush your development or hurry through a process, nothing will work. It takes years to develop what you’re talking about doing, and several months just to get started, but you can do it if you’re determined.
Another avenue you might try is some kind of course on automatic writing. Your experience with drawing symbols in a trance-like or meditative state suggests this is the path for you. You may find that is the simplest way for you to communicate with spirit.
Whatever avenue you choose to explore, you’ll receive great rewards for your efforts. Speaking with higher beings also brings a new kind of personal responsibility, so be ready for that too!
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