• The Animal Cracker Oracle: An Adaptation of Prussian Customs

      by Janina Renee

      (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

      Breads, cookies, and other baked goods shaped like animals and other symbolic figures are a highlight of many European festival traditions. After reading about foodways in East and West Prussia (two areas that are now part of Poland), I was inspired to combine some of their baking traditions into a fortune-telling amusement with animal crackers. Although the old Prussians used baked goods in fortune telling games for the winter holidays, this "Animal Cracker Oracle" is something that can be done, for fun, at any time of year.

      Before getting into the animal crackers, here's a little of the folkloric background: The Prussians had a good number of festive baking traditions, though these could vary from community to community. For Christmas, marzipan and pfeffernüsse (peppernut cookies) were the favorite treats; people even played little games with the peppernuts. For New Year's (which Germans more commonly call "Silvester," it being St. Silvester's Eve), bread-like cookies or cookie-like breads were eaten to bring luck and ward off misfortune in the year to come (though a few communities did this, instead, at Christmas). These cookies were typically in the shape of animals—including cats, hens, cows, and foxes—and were offered to family members as well as neighbors. Eating one of these cookies is described as "taking a piece of New Year." Farmers also mixed these cookies into the fodder, so their animals received a share of New Year, and hunters set them out in the forest, because the game animals also needed to be blessed. If a family owned a fruit tree, the father would heave one of the children up onto his shoulders, and the child would affix the cookie to the tree, saying, "I give you New Year, so give me fruit."

      Another major Prussian tradition involved using cookies or breads called "Glücksgreife" (lucky grabs) in an Orakelspiel—a fortune-telling game (though in this case, other symbols were used instead of animals). This was such a popular practice that bakeries catered to it. People customarily bought these Glücksgreifen in odd numbers, with a group of nine being most common. The cookies were then covered by a plate or bowl, and each family member took a turn, reaching under the lid to grab a cookie whose shape predicted what he or she could expect in the year ahead. A cookie in the shape of ring predicted betrothal, while one in the shape of a man or woman predicted marriage. A crown-shaped pastry denoted either marriage or death, a swaddled baby or a cradle meant a child to come, a pastry shaped like a loaf of bread signified a good outcome, a ladder or key meant success or Heaven, a four-leafed clover was for luck, and another figure, simply labeled "luck," was a cross inside a circle (like a Celtic cross or hot cross bun). Some of the other pastry shapes included moneybags, death's heads, twins, wagons, ships, stars, hearts, crosses, chimney sweeps, hammers, beggars' staffs, ox-eyes, and snakes Because "Greif" can be a pun, as it means both "grab" and "griffon," it would have been delightful if some bakers had thought to make griffon-shaped pastries.

      Here in America, we can't run down to the corner bakery and buy "ten pennies worth of luck" as the Prussians used to be able to do, because it is not customary for bakeries to produce pastries in a variety of shapes. However, one product that does feature a variety of shapes is animal crackers, so it is possible to carry on the fortune-telling tradition by assigning symbolic meanings to the animal figures. When I want to entertain my friends with this practice, I go around to different stores, including health food stores, to get a large enough selection of animal cookie products. I then pile a bunch of the [unbroken] cookies on a plate, cover them with a cloth napkin, and invite my friends to reach under and grab some. (One can use tongs to seize the cookies, for sanitary purposes, if a large number of people are involved.) I based the following list of animal symbols on the products that I was able to find locally, as well as those listed by Internet sources. If you come across animal forms not mentioned here, assign meanings based on what those animals mean to you.


      Bear: When Wall Street is "bearish," the economic outlook isn't good. On the other hand, the bear is a strongly protective mother symbol.
      Buffalo: Having everything you need, because for the Native Americans, the bison supplied all their wants.
      Bunny rabbit: Small things will multiply.
      Butterfly: Enjoy an extended summer. Hopi folklore sees the butterfly as a message of good times, Chinese as an invitation for love. (Butterflies and three other insect forms are from Keebler's graham "Bug Bites.")
      Camel: You will have the resources to go the distance, but this also implies that you will have some distance to go—across the desert.
      Cat (house cat): Attention is on the home life; you will have a chance to enjoy domestic pleasures.
      Caterpillar: Expect a time of transformation—maybe a little bit later than expected, as the end of summer may be a bit late for caterpillars.
      Circus wagon: This is the only animal cracker I know of in a non-animal shape. It could denote a time of being carried along with the parade, (i.e., you may not be in control, but you're part of the show).
      Cougar: This is a good time to pounce on opportunities.
      Crocodile: Now is your time in the sun; enjoy the chance to bask.
      Donkey: If you manage to make an ass of yourself, bear it with good humor.
      Dragonfly: An extended summer brings you dreamy afternoons that allow you to connect with the mysteries of nature.
      Elephant: Traditionally a very lucky symbol, and also "the opener of the way." Opportunities open up as you surmount your obstacles.
      Giraffe: Extend your reach; you have a chance to go for the higher-hanging fruit.
      Gorilla: Though gorillas are actually gentle creatures, we have a proverbial saying about "the 800-pound gorilla in the room" when there's an obvious problem that people are trying to ignore. Acknowledge your obstacles, and then find a way to work around them.
      Hippo: Look at the big picture; something massive is rising up before you.
      Horse: You have the power to get where you want to go.
      Hyena: The general situation will give you a good laugh.
      Kangaroo: Make plans for two. Who do you have to carry?
      Koala bear: Something that looks cute and cuddly may prove to have sharp claws.
      Lady Bug: Traditionally a very lucky symbol. The Keebler's product has six dots, so you can have six lucky months ahead of you.
      Lion: The season brings you recognition and a position of leadership.
      Lioness: This season's focus is on the female provider. Think about how your foremothers acted as providers. (The cookie that looks like a lioness may actually be a cougar.)
      Monkey: Good times give you a chance to monkey around; indulge the playfully curious animal within.
      Owl: You may experience the twilight of some matter in your life, but your wisdom will enable you to see your way through.
      Penguin: Prepare for a big chill.
      Polar Bear: This could indicate a journey to a cold place, so make sure you are well insulated.
      Ram: This is a high-energy time that lets you express your personal potency.
      Rhino: You have the ability to tackle your problems head on.
      Seal: You may find yourself amusing others with some kind of balancing act.
      Sheep: The security of the flock—sometimes it's a good strategy to stick with the masses.
      Teddy bear: Good luck comes through children or the things of childhood.
      Tiger: In Asian culture, tiger images are used to protect children, so think about your strategies for personal protection.
      Turtle: Take it slow and easy; you have the right to retreat into your protective shell.
      : Now is not the best time to change your stripes. You may be better off to use protective camouflage to blend in with the herd.

      By the way, animal crackers have a history and tradition of their own, having originated in England as fancy cookies. n the 19th century, many American bakeries also started marketing animal cookies. In 1902, Nabisco repackaged their "animal biscuits" as "Barnum's Animals,"and later as "Barnum's Animal Crackers." This is the product best known today; its circus-wagon shaped box has a string on it, so it can be hung from Christmas trees. Some people feel they shouldn't be called "crackers," because their sweetness makes them cookies, but the popular term has stuck.

      Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2009. All rights reserved.

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    • How to Pray Correctly?


      I have been feeling like I must be praying all wrong. I have been praying so hard for the past six years for me and my ex-husband to reunite, but to no avail. Now all I pray for is to not be alone anymore, and for God, the universe, spirit or my guardian angel to please send me a soul mate. I am so tired of being alone and just want somebody to love again. I loved being a wife and mother, and I believe that we as humans were put on this earth to share our lives with a soul mate and not to be alone. Can you please offer me some guidance on how to pray correctly so maybe my prayers can finally be answered? I feel so discouraged lately because I just don’t understand how I could pray so much for so many years and for nothing to change for the better for me. Your help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

       – Mona


      Mona, you have no idea how common your situation is. I am sure you will help many by asking this question.

      Every single human being on earth has free will to do with as we please. You can pray until the end of the world for your ex to come back. If he, however, does not choose to come back, God can not and will not (as a provision of free will) do anything to interfere. It is not God’s fault that your ex is not back. The blame lies solely on your ex’s shoulders.  Period.

      It’s easy to forget this in personal relationships. Human beings have free will and often use it unwisely. Because people make bad choices all the time there is what I call the “Make-a-Mistake-Rule.” If Party A makes a bad choice and leaves what could be a fabulous relationship with Party B, then Party B should not suffer until the end of time for Party A’s stupidity. Therefore, Party B will be given someone even better than Party A with whom to attempt to make a relationship.

      Right about now you are saying, “So where is mine?” First, if we wallow and pine for someone, like you did your ex, we obviously are not open to anyone new. If Mr./Ms. Right crossed our path, not only would we not want to go to dinner with him/her, but we probably would not notice him in the first place. Love can only come to us when are really ready and open for it. Sometimes we say we are ready and open for it, but we really are not.

      I want to say that I absolutely believe you will have the life and love that you want. Before you can move into that giving and loving relationship, however, you have to make peace with yourself and your current situation. You have to find balance, peace, contentment and joy in living everyday life. You keep looking for a relationship to make you happy and since you are not in one, you are unhappy and feel like a failure. Instead of finding the blessings and joy in being single, you see it as a curse. You have to get happy with yourself before you can you enjoy a full relationship.

      You are not praying incorrectly, Mona. You are simply praying for the wrong things. Pray for joy and contentment in everyday living. Pray for love to come into your everyday life on every level. Stop and watch a bird fly by, smell a flower, watch the children playing in the park, etc. Take time to enjoy your life as it is now and you will come to find love. That fact I promise you.

      I wish you real, true love.



      God is busy with war, hunger and hatred on a global level. Angels are guides only, and cannot force us to do anything. We do not live passive lives; we make active choices, decisions and mistakes every day, with or without God’s influence.

      I don’t believe there is a right or wrong way to pray. I was always taught by my family and other spiritual advisors to pray in my own way. I also do not believe it’s possible to pray a partner into your life. We are on our own in terms of making that happen.

      Do you begin your prayers with thanking God for all the blessings that you have in your life? Would your ex-husband be the best person to be with you? Perhaps God and your angels were protecting you from further unhappiness by not allowing that to occur. Perhaps in some ways, you blocked that from happening yourself. By abdicating the power of the God in you, you became too passive to affect any real change in your situation. God will allow you to find someone as soon as you take responsibility for looking for that someone, and quit waiting for him to drop from the sky straight into your lap.

      After six years, you gave up on the lost cause of praying your husband back into your life. You changed your approach and now you pray, “Just not to be alone.” You pray for a soul mate to be “sent” into your life.

      I don’t believe that God furnishes romance for us. I believe that we are responsible for our own happiness, and that God helps. I don’t see much evidence of us having a set partner or soul mate for every person. I believe a person can be complete and enlightened alone, and may not need the mirror of another person to see herself with love.

      God puts us here with free will to choose what we want in our lives. God and your angels don’t have much control over the actions you take with that free will. If you choose not to be alone, then you must also choose to do what is required of you to find that special person to share your life. You have choices, and those choices have consequences. Now it’s time to choose to take conscious and active actions to facilitate your own happiness with God’s help, of course. You are responsible for coming up with a solution to your loneliness, not God.

      There is an old saying: “God answers all prayers, and sometimes the answer is ‘no.’ ” Be sure that what you desire is an enlightened spirit, and answers will begin to flow to you.

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