- Fire Quartz MagicContinue reading →
by Ember Grant
(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)
In the practice of crystal magic, few would argue about the importance of quartz. Since it's one of the most abundant minerals on earth, and it can be found in so many varieties, there's bound to be some confusion when distinguishing among the different types. Fire Quartz is a prime example of this difficulty. It is a reddish-orange quartz, but there are so many variations of color and pattern that many different names have been created to describe it. You may know it as Harlequin Quartz, Red Quartz, Tangerine Quartz, Strawberry Quartz, Hematoid, or Ferruginous Quartz. These are all essentially just slight variations of the same type of quartz—quartz with inclusions (or sometimes coatings) of iron.
Here's the first point of confusion: which type of iron is included in the quartz? First, there's hematite—the main ore of iron—which ranges in appearance from black to silvery-gray to red. Then there's the mineral goethite, another mineral that contains iron (goethite is a component of rust); it can be formed by the weathering of other minerals. And, to add to the confusion, there's also the mineral limonite. Limonite is actually not a true mineral but a combination of minerals. It can give quartz a yellowish-brown color. Much of what is called limonite is actually goethite. Like goethite, it's a pseudomorph (again, due to environmental changes such as weathering, exposure to water, etc.). Limonite is what gives Golden Healer Quartz its color–inclusions within the crystal make it look yellow (not to be confused with Citrine Quartz). Some sources say there can also be a golden-colored coating on the stone’s surface. And, finally, lepidocrocite is yet another iron oxide mineral, red to reddish-brown. Mindat.org (the Hudson Institute of Mineralogy) says that usually when red is found in clear quartz it's typically goethite or hematite; it's actually rare to find lepidocrocite in clear quartz.
Now for the name confusion. You may see the word ferric (or ferrous) used to refer to iron in quartz. This term is often used to denote minerals containing iron (the specific distinction of the type of iron is not necessary for the scope of this article). Typically, the classification of the different types of iron refers to the iron's oxidation number, and iron has many states of oxidation (loss of electrons in an atom). The term "hematoid" comes from the name of the mineral hematite. Metaphysical terms like "harlequin," "fire," "red," "tangerine," and "strawberry" have arisen due to the appearance of the stone.
So, what’s the difference? Since it may be difficult to determine exactly which iron ore inclusions are present in the stone, the name you use may depend on the crystal's appearance.
Fire Quartz (or Red Fire Quartz) is, quite simply, quartz with inclusions of hematite and/or goethite. (Additionally, amethyst with iron inclusions is typically called "red" amethyst.) Fire Quartz is the name for stones that are almost completely filled with inclusions of red, brown, and orange. If you have a piece of clear quartz with only a few red (and/or silver-gray) blotches, threads, or markings, it is Harlequin Quartz. Strawberry Quartz tends to have a more opaque appearance and actually looks pink in color. Sometimes this term is used to refer to both Fire and Harlequin Quartz, adding to the confusion. And then there's Tangerine Quartz, which is orange to reddish-orange in color and is sometimes called Red Quartz. This type may have a rough coating over all or part of the crystal’s surface.
Here is how I break it down: Strawberry Quartz is pale red to pink (not to be confused with Rose Quartz), and it is translucent or opaque (not typically transparent). Harlequin Quartz is transparent (or nearly transparent) clear quartz with a few red, reddish brown, gray, or pinkish blotches or thread-like markings. Fire Quartz is so filled with iron inclusions that it has very few transparent areas. It's typically a mixture of very deep red-brown with possibly some orange. Tangerine Quartz ranges in shades of pale to dark orange; when the shade is deeper, tending toward red, then it’s called Red Quartz. Naturally, there will be sources that disagree with my categorization. When in doubt, use your intuition.
Now that you know the varieties, the next step is usage. This, thankfully, is somewhat simple. For metaphysical purposes, iron means strength. Iron is a very important metal in our world—for human use, biology, and in the environment. The type of strength you seek is where the subtle differences in the crystals' metaphysical properties can be useful. Harlequin Quartz can be used for overcoming difficult situations, achieving balance, and assisting with transitions. It has a gentle, uplifting energy. Red Quartz increases vitality and physical energy, while also promoting action. Strawberry Quartz energizes the heart chakra, assists with balancing, and can foster a euphoric, loving state of mind. Tangerine Quartz can be used for healing and rejuvenation. Fire Quartz promotes strength and physical energy, especially when directed toward one's passions. In a pinch, each of these can probably be used interchangeably, with the possible exception of Strawberry Quartz (which is actually somewhat rare).
The best feature of these stones is that they all promote change and transformation coupled with strength and stability. These crystals can be magical powerhouses. Here's why. First of all, iron is associated with the Element of Fire, which governs desire, change, and transformation. In addition, iron has a cubic structure, which corresponds to the Earth Element and stability. Iron is a transition metal or transition element (a chemistry term); basically, these elements are special because they can form many different compounds, have high boiling and melting points, and can conduct electricity. If we look at these descriptions as a "personality," it reveals being adaptable, being able to withstand intensity, and the ability to channel or communicate. All valuable qualities! And, to add to the dynamic qualities of this stone, the trigonal structure of quartz corresponds to the tetrahedron Platonic Solid, which is related to the Element of Fire.
Here's a spell you can use to transform a passion or desire into a tangible reality. It calls for Fire Quartz, but feel free to use Harlequin, Red, or even Tangerine Quartz, if that's all you have available.
Fire Quartz Manifestation Spell
To manifest something means to outwardly express it or make it visible. This spell can help you manifest a goal or wish, and bring it into reality. Fire Quartz is used for this spell because it taps into the Element of Fire for transformation, and utilizes the iron content of the stone for strength and stability during the change. Fire is also the Element associated with passion. Make your passion a reality.What do you desire? Finding your dream house or dream job? Perhaps you dream of traveling the world, or successfully completing a large project. Just remember: you must be ready for the change as well as the challenges it presents; it could be a dramatic (and unpredictable) process.
Hold the stone in your projective hand. Visualize yourself having achieved your goal. See it actually happening. Next, state your goal aloud as you write it on a piece of paper; fold the paper and place your Fire Quartz stone on top of it. Create a circle of red (or white) candles around the stone and paper. Alternately, use one large red or white candle and place it near the stone and paper. Light the candle(s) and chant:
Spark and sparkle, stone and fire,
Know my truest heart's desire.
Focus action on my passion,
Make it real, make it happen.
For good of all and harm to none,
As I will, it shall be done.
Allow the candle(s) to burn out. Carry the stone with you whenever you can, especially when involved in tasks related to your goal; otherwise, place it where you can see it each day.
Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2016. All rights reserved.
- Double Vision: All Sorts of Signs from SpiritContinue reading →
I would like your expert opinion on all the things I've been experiencing lately. It began last year when I started finding pennies all over my home. Once I found one in the shower, and it wasn't there when I got in. Now it's dimes and feathers, mostly white. I have been seeing sparks of light, like a camera flash bulb, and now I am seeing white mists and orbs. Earlier this month, I saw some orbs that were circling around me and then burst into little stars. I had a candle flame turn completely blue, and just last week when I was lying on my bed, it felt like someone sat next to me, but no one was there. I have a strong sense that some spirit is trying to communicate with me, but I don't know why, or who. I have been seeing the same numbers (111, 11:11, 444), and all of a sudden, I have the strongest urge to study mediumship. Can you shed some light on this for me?
You already know the answer: study mediumship. Learn how to listen to the voices you hear in your head. These signs mean just what you think they do.
When I first began to realize I could channel the dead, it seemed so odd to me. I just thought things - there was no being standing in front of me bathed in white light giving me instructions. Instead, the messages I received seemed like my own thoughts.
In one of my first spirit communication readings, I received messages from the woman's husband who had passed away when he was in his late 30s. I kept thinking "golf ball - say golf ball." So I finally said, "What does a golf ball mean to you?" Well, she had buried him with his hole in one ball, and this brief message proved to be the evidence she needed that he was really there. So say what you think - that is the KEY to mediumship. Don't make it harder than it has to be!
You do not have just ONE spirit trying to communicate with you. You have EVERY spirit that is within your range trying to communicate with you. You are like a bright light in this big vast universe of darkness - EVERYTHING is going to go check out the light. So you can expect to have a whole lot of spiritual activity around you. This kind of thing has ALWAYS happened to you.
Since digital clocks were invented, I have always seen 11 or 11:11. 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. It represents illumination, a channel to the subconscious, insight without rational thought, sensitivity, nervous energy, shyness, and impracticality. It is the number of dreamers.
The 11 is enhanced and charged with charisma, leadership, and inspiration. It represents potential for growth, stability, and personal power via acceptance of intuitive understanding and spiritual truths. For those that see 11, peace is not found in logic, but in faith. It is the number that most psychics see most often.
The numbers you are seeing are master numbers. The master numbers represent steps along the way for those desiring transformation and ascension. In most cases, the presence of master numbers can suggest that you are an older soul who has come into this lifetime to make an important contribution to mankind of a spiritual, scientific, medical, religious, educational, governmental, artistic or technological nature.
You are here to teach a higher level of spiritual development to humans. You are here to fulfill some "mission" or "destiny" for your soul. When you see these numbers, stop and pay attention to how you feel.
I wish you and your soul incredible journeys into knowledge!
Wow, some girls have ALL the luck! You are so fortunate to have someone who cares about you enough to send you all of those signs!
What you are experiencing is indeed contact from someone who has Crossed Over. This is absolutely someone you actually knew either as an adult or when you were a child.
Pennies and feathers are very common signs that we're being sought by a loved one from the Other Side. The orbs and lights could be something separate, but since they were sequential to the other signs you've been receiving, these are probably another manifestation from the same source.
Since you're seeing those triple numbers over and over, I'm inclined to believe that the spirit trying to reach you is a blood relation. Usually people's parents and grandparents are the only ones who send those triple numbers in a series. If you see them most often on a digital clock, then you can count on that being the case.
For example, do they come to you most often when you wake up in the night and glance over at the alarm clock? Or do you see them when you're driving and glance at the odometer in your car? If so, then this person is someone directly related to you who is either trying to get a message to you, or is letting you know that they are watching over you from Spirit.
Don't think that just because you recently started getting these signs, something bad is going to happen. You have nothing to fear. Instead, these are signs that someone in Spirit is finally ready to contact you.
Sometimes when people die, it takes years before they can "come through" to a loved one, no matter how skilled the medium is or how much spirits want to talk to us. On the other hand, sometimes it takes years before WE are ready to hear from spirits without freaking out!
Fortunately, you don't seem to be fearful of these signs. The more welcoming you can be, the closer you can get to understanding what this spirit is trying to tell you, even if it's only that they're "here" with you to watch over you.
For you, studying to become a medium would be a fine idea. Someone who gets the signs and signals you're getting from someone close to you can learn to get them from and for others, too. There is very little in the psychic world that is more rewarding than being able to bring spirits through for their loved ones here on Earth.
Try to find a teacher in your area who is willing to help you develop as a medium. It's much easier to work with a skilled teacher than it is to try to learn to do something like this from a book.
Good luck!