- Weekly Astrological Forecast for September 26 through October 2, 2022Continue reading →
September 26 through October 2, 2022
The Moon will dance through Libra on Monday and Tuesday, balancing our movements and reminding us to move in authentic and honest ways. As well as being a productive energy, this is the time we can make new commitments to ourselves and to our overall physical and financial health. Wednesday and Thursday's Scorpio Moon carries a soulful air about it, calling for us to examine our movements and align with our soul's desires. Venus will move into Libra on Thursday, adding a deeper sense of unconditional love and gratitude to all our movements. A light-hearted and fun-loving Sagittarius Moon will take us into a weekend full of fun social events or relaxing activities, allowing us a few days to regroup and recharge. Mercury will also turn direct on Sunday, ending its three-week run of computer glitches and setbacks. We shouldn't relax yet though, as it usually takes 7-10 days for it to straighten itself out!
by Susyn Blair-Hunt, Ms.D.
Incense is a powerful, inexpensive way to fill our surroundings with optimum health, joy and prosperity this holiday season. With the right fragrance, we can transform our thoughts, release stress and cultivate inner peace. Now that another hectic holiday season is upon us, we're wise to utilize the calming vibes of incense to maintain our sense of balance. Incense also makes a wonderful gift or stocking stuffer.
Keep in mind, these scents can be used at any time of the year to evoke their special magic. The following is a brief explanation of my favorite empowering aromas, their properties, and how they can transform your world.
Amber - Burn amber to promote beauty, protection, youth, vibrancy and spiritual awakening. Amber is also a powerful conductor when researching past life memories or working through old issues to clear them out and move on.
Frankincense/Myrrh - These two fragrances are often burned together to dispel negativity, purify surroundings, attract good luck, and surround you with spiritual protection. Either of these scents is a perfect accompaniment for empowering meditation practices.
Rose - Rose is often burned to cultivate courage, induce prophetic dreams, and attract love into your life. Meditating with rose incense can attract a soul mate, improve a rocky relationship, or inspire greater self-love.
Jasmine - Jasmine incense is often burned to attract love and money. It also carries the power to induce dreams of a prophetic nature, heighten intuition, and awaken metaphysical gifts.
Sage - This incense is most commonly used for protection against all forms of evil, and is known for its ability to banish negative energy or clear a location of evil entities. Sage can purify sacred spaces and metaphysical tools, such as crystal balls or tarot cards. It can promote wisdom, attract money, and aid in the healing of body, mind and soul.
Eucalyptus - Known for its ability to protect your health or improve a medical issue, eucalyptus incense is also a wonderful tool for purifying and renewing the psychic atmosphere. When burned during meditation, it can also surround you with extra spiritual protection.
Sandalwood - The magical properties of sandalwood incense are far-reaching. Ideally, you'll want to light some when making a wish, calling spirit guides or loved ones in for a channeling session, and to generally promote spiritual awareness. It is also a popular fragrance for purifying and cleansing your world of negative entities or energies.
Patchouli - This incense carries the power of abundance and prosperity. It is often burned to attract money and love. Patchouli is also known for its ability to boost fertility or the potential for success.
Lavender - Lavender incense is considered one of the most calming, restorative fragrances. It is often burned to induce rest and sleep, eliminate stress, and ease worrisome thoughts, physical ailments or emotional trauma. It can also be used to attract love into your life.
Lilac - Lilac incense is most often used to stimulate or increase your psychic gifts. It also encourages harmony, contentment, and a sense of well-being. When burned with lavender, it carries restorative powers and can heal the body of undefined or hard-to-diagnose health issues.
Musk - Musk is a commanding, compelling incense that can improve your personal strength and self-confidence. As Musk is known to be a powerful aphrodisiac, burning this incense is a sure way to spice up your love life.
Clove - This incense is infused with the ability to dispel negativity in all forms and to cleanse and purify sacred or personal spaces. Clove incense is also a powerful agent for repairing, restoring and sealing your spiritual aura. Clove incense is recommended when you are moving into a new location, as it will clear out lingering energies from a prior tenant.
Rain - Burn rain incense to cleanse your mind, heart and soul of emotional troubles, for it's a wonderful fragrance for renewing and restoring these important energy centers. As a cleansing tool, rain incense carries the power to refresh your view of life. It's also a powerful way to induce new visions for the future.
Ocean - Ocean incense is one of the most powerful fragrances you can burn to evoke psychism, enhance a channeling session, and awaken your inner knowing. It can boost your self-confidence and bring new clarity. It also promotes the virtue of honesty and supports the quest for the truth.
Cinnamon - This incense can really spice things up. Burning it will add power to verbal conversations as well as the written word. Cinnamon can be used for protection and to attract money. It's also known for its ability to stimulate or strengthen psychic powers, and is a wonderful metaphysical aid to heal the mind, heart and physical body.
I wish everyone a safe, aromatic and joyous holiday season, and a prosperous new year!
Susyn Blair-Hunt, Ms.D., is known internationally for her psychic readings, daily horoscopes here at Kajama, and complete guide book to the Tarot Tarot Prediction and Divination. Susyn has been a professional metaphysical consultant for over 25 years and holds a Doctorate in Metaphysics along with certification by the American Association of Professional Psychics and the American Tarot Association. To learn more about her readings and books, visit SusynBlairHunt.com.
- Double Vision: Is Entity Making Cat Sick?Continue reading →
I have an entity that keeps coming back. I sage the house and it feels good for a while, but then my cat Foxy lets me know it's back. I know a psychic who says it is a man. She feels she is not strong enough to get rid of him herself, but needs some materials to assist her in clearing him out. She also felt this is not a positive energy at all, and that he is affecting my cat's health because she is trying to protect me. My health has also been affected. I have lived in my townhouse for three and a half years and it was new when I moved in. When I was watching my house being built, I took a few pictures, and I did see an entity in the photographs. Do you feel a psychic can get rid of the problem for good? Do you have any other suggestions? I just came home from an overnight work trip and noticed that my cat is sick. I would welcome any suggestions. Thank you.
- Alison
Animals have an innate sixth sense that alerts them to the presence of spirits and other metaphysical entities. You are wise to take note of your cat's reactions to whatever is going on. For your sake and Foxy's, it would be a good idea to rid yourself of this entity as soon as possible.
Often when spirits are strong, merely smudging your home with sage won't put them off for long; some will return as soon as the smoke clears! There are psychics who have the power to rid your house of this entity. If you can't locate one, you may want to search for a shaman or exorcist who specializes in these matters.
My sense is that this entity resided in this spot long before your home was built. It appears to have died of a long-term illness, which could explain why both you and your cat are having health problems. I do not feel that the entity will bring you direct harm, but its presence is certainly affecting your well-being.
You may want to research the area to find out what was located on the spot where your house now stands before it was built, or to see if anyone passed away there. The more information you can gather, the better your chance of sending this spirit into the light.
If you can't find any information on the location, you can still rid yourself of this entity. However, based on the information you gave, it will take a professional to exterminate it. Ask your psychic for a recommendation or contact a local metaphysical store and request some names of experts in your area who may be able to help.
In the mean time, I recommend you surround yourself with spiritual protection until this matter has been addressed. Sage your house on a daily basis and place spiritual shielding stones in each room of the house. Turquoise, malachite and onyx are known for their protective qualities, so these would be good choices.
Salt is an excellent mineral for grounding random spiritual energy. Surround your home with a small line of salt by shaking it along the foundation of the house to create a protective barrier. This will limit the movement and influence of any spirits inside or outside your home.
Because this spirit may not realize he has died, or may refuse to go into the light, he probably considers you the intruder. A psychic, shaman or exorcist can speak to him directly and command him to go into the light and move into the next world. Once he does, your health and that of your cat's should improve immediately.
I've known other people to have similar experiences. When they leave home to stay elsewhere, they are surprised to find they suddenly have far more energy than usual and any health problems they were suffering from are suddenly gone. When they return home again, they may experience low energy, nightmares, frequent headaches or a whole host of other problems.
The same thing can happen with animals: Pets may grow lethargic and out of sorts, but when you finally decide to take them to the vet, they start to improve as soon as they're in the car. While they are away from home, they seem fine. This can become very frustrating, for of course, the vet can find nothing wrong with them.
The first thing to note is that many people who have suffered from these problems discovered that they were living in homes with high EMF fields; when the EMF problem was remedied, the problems went away. This doesn't mean there were no spirits involved in those cases; instead, it seems that spirits are drawn to high EMF fields as a source of energy. Spirits are to high EMF fields as flies are to garbage: when you get rid of what attracts the pests, the pests go away.
The first thing I would do is have someone come in and do a thorough EMF reading on your house and property, for if this is the cause of the problem, it may be simple to remedy. If this doesn't turn up anything, it's time to call in a psychic professional.
Tell that person that you think you have an astral parasite problem. If they don't know what you're talking about, call someone else until you find someone who understands that there are non-physical entities that try to feed on the energy of the living and knows how to deal with such situations.
Your cat's recent illness probably occurred because while you were gone, this entity was feeding exclusively on her energy. While you are clearing this situation up, it would be helpful to have your house empty of living people and pets for a few days. Right after the situation is addressed by the professional, take your cat and any other family members and stay somewhere else for a few days. The goal is to starve this pest of energy so it goes somewhere else in search of food.
For long-term relief, you'll have to practice good psychic hygiene by creating a light, joyful atmosphere. Families in similar situations have managed to keep psychic pests gone for good by filling their homes with lots of love, laughter and good vibes.
Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.
Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!
While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!
I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!
As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.
I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.
You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!
Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.
A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.
You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.