• Weekly Astrological Forecast for October 17 through October 23, 2022

    October 17 through October 23, 2022

    The Sun will spend its last week in Libra, so let's keep our focus on love, relationships, and balance. Monday's Cancer Moon could make us feel a bit sensitive, so it's important to take all we hear with a grain of salt, avoid making anything personal, and move with a gentle grace. Tuesday and Wednesday the Moon will dance through Leo, bringing out our more generous and heart-based sides. We'll be in the mood to give, but let's be careful not to ignore our own needs in the process! Thursday through Saturday the Moon will charge through Virgo, bringing out our penchant for organization and details. The only warning here is not to get caught up in ideals or become too nit-picky, so let's keep our eyes on the bigger picture and refuse to sweat the small stuff! Saturn will turn direct on Saturday, ending its four-month retrograde period and calling for us to restore discipline and order to our schedules. Tying that in with the Virgo Moon, we may spend most of Saturday clearing out clutter, tossing out things that no longer serve us, or thinking about a remodeling project. The Sun will move into Scorpio on Sunday, followed closely by Venus. With these two planets in the sign of the Scorpion for the next four weeks, our love of the spiritual, the mysterious, and the unusual will long for expression. (And how convenient with Halloween just around the corner!)

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  • Setting a Clear Intention for the New Year

    Setting a Clear Intention for the New Year, by Katalin Jett Koda

    (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

    As the New Year approaches, our thoughts often turn to letting go of the old, making new plans, and forming New Year's resolutions. The New Year is our chance to reinvent ourselves, to take stock of what we have experienced over the past year and what we hope to welcome in as the seasons turn. This year in particular, with its incredible changes in the political climate, the economy, and encroaching environmental problems, turning within and finding our personal spiritual sustenance becomes all the more important, necessary even, to maintain a balanced and positive outlook as things, materially, may be crashing down around us. One of the best ways to begin our new year, a new project or plan or even one new day is by setting a clear intention. By taking time to do this very simple act, we can start to reprogram our entire lives with a positive outlook and clarity. Setting a clear intention in our day, and more specifically healing, is just one of the concepts explored in my book The Sacred Path of Reiki: Healing as a Spiritual Discipline.

    Setting a clear intention is like shooting an arrow into the future. The more precise the intention is, the better the aim to hit your target. The purpose of setting an intention is the final destination and not the way we arrive. The journey usually unfolds in unexpected ways and being open to that makes it all the more interesting. We can set intentions for several reasons: to manifest abundance in our lives, to be more connected to a community that supports us, to change our livelihood, to open ourselves up to a more loving relationship. How this manifests specifically is not the important aspect of setting the intention. Again, thinking of our intention as an arrow, hitting a target, we look at the target, not the flight path. In the same way, once we have a specific intention we want to shoot into the Universe, we are calling that future, that dream towards us, pulling our destiny into the present moment.

    When we decide to set an intention for our lives, it is best to do so in a positive, present and affirmative manner. We want to avoid negative intentions, such as "I will not eat sugar," but instead, "I intend a healthy and nurtured body." In this way we are affirming a positive existence, not cultivating a sense of guilt or inadequacy. For example, instead of intending more money to flow into our lives, we might try to set our intention in a more present and joyous way, such as: "I am loving the abundance in my life." This allows us to begin to shift out of a poverty mindset into one of abundance and wealth. Another way to look at this is, if you want more, desire less. Again we are attempting to pull our destiny, our deepest desires into a state of Nowness, of eternal presence that honors all of our being and our capacity to be overflowing with love and peace. We are shifting our way of looking at the world as a place that does not have enough for us, but instead is in a continuous abundance with us.

    In my book, Sacred Path of Reiki: Healing as a Spiritual Discipline, setting a clear intention is the first of six Reiki Warrior tools. The Reiki Warrior philosophy is a way to incorporate deeper spiritual components into the healing practice of Reiki. In this way, the art of Reiki spills over into the rest of our life, promoting a balanced, mindful, and inner peace. By working with the first Reiki Warrior tool, we can set clear intentions throughout our daily life. For example, when I wake up in the morning, I dedicate the day to helping sentient beings, or others in a way that benefits them. This immediately gets me out of my head and ego and into the spacious, peaceful aspect of my being. I intend that beings benefit from my actions, my words and my thoughts in a way that promotes an over all sense of ultimate joyousness. Beginning the day with this does not always mean that each and every moment I have is blissful and perfect joy as, after all, we are working out various karmas here on Earth, yet it does become a gentle reminder that if I am not benefiting others, there is not much purpose to my actions, words, or thoughts.

    As we move through life, often at a hectic pace, we may forget to stop for a moment and be quiet or still. To breathe even, really breathe, let alone set intentions. This is very important to begin cultivating in our life, in order to start accessing that stillness within. Setting aside a mere five minutes a day to simply breathe and be still is the first step to make before setting our intention. Choose a time in the morning or evening when you can be quiet for a few minutes to concentrate on your breath and then set your intention for the day or week or month. Make a habit of this, write your intention down and put it up where you can see it, allow it to become your mantra and then watch how it affects your life positively.

    As time goes on, we may find we need more than five minutes a day, that we have the desire for a stronger practice to begin doing the deeper work of true healing. Healing is synonymous with change and often requires a closer look at our traumas, pain and suffering that we hold close to us in an effort to suppress them. When we are forced to strip down aspects of ourselves and let go the old to make room for new, we often fight change, having become overly attached to our habits. Resistance can lead to blockages and intense bodily reactions that can and do happen in the form of stagnation, illness, and disease. Although this is often incredibly painful emotionally and physically, this is also a moment of opportunity, a healing crisis as we say in the alternative healing world, a chance to explore what is most meaningful and gives us a true sense of wholeness and power.

    As a Reiki Master who spent the last seven years working in India, I have encountered my fair share of people in a healing crisis. Often times when people who have health issues and are in a place of intense pain in their life, seeking healing in India is their last resort. I was fortunate to work with many people who had given up on Western medicine and were breaking out of the old system, their culture, and even their beliefs to try something new. Because of this, many of my clients were very open to the alternative healing in the form of Reiki and we were able to travel deeply to find the more significant sources of disease. The hands-on Reiki healing, use of symbols, chakra work, aura balancing, and revitalizing techniques are all incredible ways to work on all the levels of our being: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

    In healing work the primary intention is of course health and wellness. This is accessed in Reiki when we begin our healing session for ourselves or others with our Reiki prayer. Placing our hands together in prayer position is the first step in setting our intention. This gesture also works like an offering, a bow of respect to the Reiki and the Reiki Masters that have come before us to initiate us into this incredible healing art. Pressing our palms together at our heart center also lightly presses points of the ten meridians that run through the body, activating the healing flow or Ki within. We then call on the Reiki Masters and Reiki energy to guide our healing session. This mentally enables us to surrender to the healing Reiki and allow it to pass more effectively through us, into our clients.

    Over time, I found that the most powerful tool in the healing session is the action of setting a clear intention. On a basic level, this simply involves the healing practitioner taking the time before beginning the healing work, to intend wholeness, love, and clear light. But on a deeper level, as a Reiki practitioner, you can use the Reiki session to intend even more precise outcomes for your client. This must be discussed with your client, who will often come up with the intention themselves, when asked, for the session. I have found that the more specific the intention, the more precise the target, the more powerful the healing session. It is as if the words of intention are the power that works to open up the light and love of immense Reiki energy and allow it to pour through me and into my client, assisting them in the needed healing transformation.

    We must also remember that each person's journey to gain wholeness is going to look different. By refining our intention into a more precise method, we have a better chance of benefiting the client. This may take a few sessions to determine and requires the effort from the client as well as the healer. For example, the first session may be the general intention of wellness and healing. Afterwards we may discover the client as a particular emotional problem with her father and we will intend working with that in the next session, which will most likely unlock the deep pain that is stored in the body. To close the session we may intend grounding and clearing to further the healing process in opening up to peace. We may do further work to intend the reclaiming of power so the client can move into a place of strength and harmony.

    Also, it is important to remember that on a deeper level, each of is already healed and whole. We are each just trying to remember that we are indeed a being of light and love and it seems we have to journey rather far at times to remember this, reclaim our own beauty and power and then radiate it outwards to the world. At the end of each and every Reiki session, as well as at the end of my own day, I visualize my client or myself dancing in light, whole and full of love. I am remembering the aspects of our Self that is ultimately perfect and at peace, that is indeed not separate, not suffering but instead quietly still, immensely joyful and perfectly Reiki.

    This season, as change winds her magic through the air, as we face an immense overhaul of our society and the world, let us try to intend a season of beauty and peace. Let us remember that we are indeed whole, that each of us is on that arrow flight path somehow, someway on an intense journey. That although each of us has very different ways of getting to that inner peace, to that ultimate joy, that is indeed the intention of all human beings and the intention of the Universe itself. As the New Year rolls in, as we welcome the turning of dark into light once again, let us sit down with loved ones and make an intention, set a clear intention of positive affirmation to enjoy our lives every single day.

    Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2008. All rights reserved.

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  • Double Vision: When It Seems Impossible to Fulfill Your Life Purpose

    I've always enjoyed performing. I've trained and worked for so long to gain some footing and success in my chosen field. My heart and soul has been focused on this my whole life. Though I've had to do other things to stay afloat financially, I've always remained true to what I feel my life purpose is. If all of a sudden, my angels told me this wasn't going to work and helped me uncover something else that I love more, I would follow it gladly, for this has not been an easy road. I would love to make movies that inspire people, that give them a glimpse of the beauty of the human spirit, but alas, it seems I'll never get that opportunity. Is it possible for someone to know what their purpose is and really feel it deep down in their soul, to work towards it their whole life and then never be able to actually achieve it? Should living your life purpose be this much of a challenge? Thank you so much for listening.



    Our lives are driven by all sorts of different purposes, passions and dreams. Though you may feel like you have not accomplished what you set out to do, you must keep in mind that for years, you have been following your heart. This in itself is the greatest purpose of all.

    You may feel like your angels are trying to lead you in another direction when that may not actually be the case. One of my favorite sayings is Don't give up before the miracle happens. Our dreams are subject to many events outside our control; we are wise to trust in divine timing and view any detours we experience as designed to create an even better outcome.

    As a young girl, I developed a passion for astrology and all things metaphysical. I had no idea that this was something I could make a living at, as at the time, the only practicing astrologers and psychics I knew of were hippies typically living on the West Coast.

    I set aside my passion to pursue a career in art and spent the next fifteen years working in commercial art. My job drained me but it was a living. Though I continued to delve into metaphysics in my spare time, there seemed to be no outlet for me to pursue it professionally.

    Then by chance, my angels opened a door to me, and I found myself once again pursuing the mysterious world of metaphysics with a passion. Within two years, this became my career, and I have never been happier or more fulfilled. I may not have the fame and fortune so important by today's standards, but I awaken each day feeling blessed to have a career I love.

    Many life stories illustrate how people take all sorts of winding roads to the fulfillment of their dreams. One of my favorite stories is about the path Kurt Russell's life took. He was determined to be a famous baseball player and spent years honing his skills. Because his father was in the movies, he received opportunities to star in TV shows and movies as a child. Since this was not his passion, he spent summers training with a minor league baseball team.

    Unfortunately, in his early twenties, Kurt suffered a major shoulder injury that ended his baseball career. He then resigned himself to the profession of acting. Over time, however, he has come to see that his true purpose and passion lay in a field very different from the one he felt called to for so many years.

    Whether you experience fame and success in your career or not, you can take joy in knowing that you are living with passion. If your higher purpose involves turning to something new, then when the time is right, your angels will open doors to you as if by magic. In the mean time, I encourage you to live in each moment and find joy and fulfillment in doing any work that fulfills your physical needs while nourishing your heart and spirit.



    It sounds like your dream is to make it big as an actress in Hollywood. If we look at this from the physical perspective of supply and demand, it may seem impossible for this dream to come true. Fortunately, when trying to fulfill our dreams, we don't have to be limited by physical conditions.

    To transcend physical conditions, however, we do have to work on a metaphysical level. Tons of hard work will get you nowhere if you're not in vibrational harmony with what you desire. It's not enough to want something with all your heart - you must also have the will and courage to build it into being and the wisdom to know how to rally the Universe behind your efforts.

    I spent some time imagining what I would do if I were in your shoes. The most important thing is to actively work with the law of attraction. Have you ever wondered why there are some terrible actors working in Hollywood, while many people far more gifted are working as waitstaff? Clearly, success is about far more than talent and hard work.

    If I were you, I would spend some time each day reading about the law of attraction and working with law of attraction exercises. I would also summon the help of my spirit guides and angels.

    You wrote that sadly, you may never get the opportunity to do what you love. People tend to view destiny, dreams, and the law of attraction too passively. Instead of waiting for life to give you a break, look for ways to co-create what you desire with the universe. Many people want the same thing you do. Since we get what we give, if you can create an outlet for others while creating one for yourself, you will set yourself up for all sorts of lucky breaks.

    For example, instead of struggling to land a role in someone else's film, you could produce your own and give yourself a starring role in it. If you collaborate with other dreamers, you can do it on a budget like the highly successful producers of Paranormal Activity, The Blair Witch Project and Clerks did.

    Pray for ideas and inspirations and be ready to take inspired action. You must be willing to take some risks to create the opportunities you desire. If you open your mind to fresh inspiration and new possibilities, you will see that there are infinite ways your good can come to you. The key is to put the ideas that come to you to good use. Act on impulses to talk to people, go places, and do certain things. Ask to be guided, watch for signs, and take action on them.

    Also, read books by experts on making your dreams come true. If you read some of the classics like The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity and The Game of Life and How to Play It, you will see how dreams come true in amazing and unexpected ways when we let go of needing to work hard and start working with the Universe instead.


    Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

    Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

    While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

    I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

    As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

    I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

    You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

    Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

    A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

    You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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