- Weekly Astrological Forecast for August 29 through September 4, 2022Continue reading →
August 29 through September 4, 2022
Time for a breather this week, as the astrological musical chairs game comes to a halt and we focus on restoring balance to our lives. We'll take advantage of Monday and Tuesday's Libra Moon to bring our worlds back into order, deftly moving between the physical and intellectual realms of our lives to restore our equilibrium. The Moon will wade through spiritual Scorpio Wednesday through Friday, calling for us to go internal to complete the process of change we are in the midst of. Thankfully, a Sagittarius Moon will rule over the weekend, reminding us to quit taking things too seriously and focus on the joy and simple things in our lives.
- A Quick Channeling TutorialContinue reading →
A Quick Channeling Tutorial, by Jenny Tyson
(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)
Channeling, also called telepathy, is a skill that anyone can learn. It is intuitive communication with any living or spiritual being that does not rely on the five physical senses.
Telepathy is not just a communication in verbal form. It can also occur as feelings, imagery, or other types of perception such as are experienced in dowsing. It is a natural and universal form of interpersonal and spiritual communication. It has been observed in other mammals such as dogs and cats, and also in birds such as ravens. Telepathic communication most often occurs at a subtle, subconscious level, and does not reach conscious awareness. Instead, it results in an often vague gut feeling, or a fleeting thought you assume to be your own.
Over the years, I have learned and developed techniques to extrapolate information obtained through telepathic interaction. Channeling with pendulum dowsing is a short and easy method by which you can talk to your spirit guides and other beings. The focus in this method is on perceiving accurate, specific, and useful information.
Tools for this Technique
To do this simple but effective channeling technique, a couple of tools are needed. You need to have paper and pen, a pendulum, and a deck of cards. I will go over the specifics for each tool briefly.My favorite pendulum is a darning needle. A darning needle is used in knitting to join separate pieces. I also use sewing needles. The string that holds the pendulum should be something lightweight. For a beginner, a lightweight sewing thread is easier to work with. Ideally, you should not feel the weight of the pendulum when you hold it and it is not moving.
The second tool is a deck of cards. The cards can be playing cards or Tarot cards. You will be using only the numbered cards. In a Tarot deck, each suit (Wands, Cups, Swords, and Disks or Pentacles) has ten numbered cards. If you are using playing cards, use the numbered cards with each suit (Hearts, Spades, Clubs, and Diamonds). Pull these forty cards out of the deck.
The paper and pen are to write your questions down and the responses you receive through channeling. Any paper can be used. I use a notepad on my cellphone if I do not have my paper communication book handy.
Ten-Step Channeling Technique
1. Pick out at least six numbered cards from the deck. The cards do not have to be of the same suit. However, the number of even and odd cards you select must be equal. For example, if you are using a Tarot deck you can pick out cards 1 to 6 of the suit of Cups, which gives you 3 even and 3 odd numbered cards. The odd numbers are 1,3, and 5; the even numbers, 2, 4, and 6.2. Shuffle the cards you pulled from the deck to mix them up so that you do not know which card is which. You will be selecting three cards from these numbered cards with your pendulum. It is important when you do the dowsing that you do not have any conscious idea which number the pendulum is selecting.
3. Connect with the spirit you want to communicate with. In this article, I am focusing on connecting with a spirit ally or guide. This is the easiest spirit to connect with for most people and does not require elaborate meditation or a contact ritual. If you feel more comfortable doing a protection circle, and smudging or cleansing your location, that is fine. Because there are many different ways to protect a space, I will not go into them here. Protective measures are unnecessary. Telepathy occurs constantly even though you are unaware of it. It is not dangerous. It is a normal everyday thing that you can learn how to control and use for a purpose.
You do not have to know the exact name or identity of your guide. Simply focus on connecting with your spirit guide and that will be sufficient. You can assume that your spirit guide wants to connect with you and wants you to learn this technique.
Even though you do not have to a have a specific name for your spirit guide, it is important that you not be distracted or restless while you attempt to make contact. You need to be focused in order to successfully communicate through telepathy. The connection and communication requires physical and mental steadiness. You are not looking for an apparition or any kind of physical manifestation with this technique. Simple telepathy does not require this. It is a low-intensity connection.
4. Step four is asking a question. When using a pendulum, the question you pose needs to be answerable with a "yes" or "no" response. You can ask any question. The spirit guide is not limited by space or time. However, when you are learning how to communicate using channeling or telepathy, it is best to start with a specific type of question called a trivial precognitive question. A trivial question is a question regarding a minor and unimportant event. The reason why you should start with a trivial question is that it does not carry any emotional baggage. It allows you to experience channeling without emotional intensity. This will help you to develop accuracy.
A precognitive event is a prediction of an event or activity that will occur in the future from the time you are doing the session. In this type of channeling, the event should be within a few hours to day after the channeling session. As you gain experience you can channel about events farther into the future.
Using trivial precognitive questions for channeling is also called channeling calibration. You are testing your connection and your accuracy in telepathic communication. The goal of calibration is to improve your accuracy so you can obtain better information about topics that are important and more interesting.
Here are a couple examples of channeling calibration questions. The event and time limit for the prediction are spelled out in the question:
- "Will I see a red car when I go to the grocery store at 10 am today?"
- "Will I see a crow in my yard by 5 pm today?"
- "Will it rain at my home by 8 pm today?"
Write down your question on the paper or in the notebook app of your cell phone.
5.Arrange the cards you took from the deck face down in front of you on the table so that they are evenly spaced. You should have an equal number of even and odd cards. They need to be placed face down so that you cannot see the numbers, only the backs of the cards. Hiding the numbers will help your accuracy.
6. Before you pick up the pendulum, state out loud: "Even numbers represent a 'yes' response, and odd numbers represent a 'no' response." It is important to state out loud how a positive or "yes" and a negative or "no" response is represented in that session. It is also a good idea to stick with the responses you set for you subsequent sessions—that is, even numbers for "yes"/positive response and odd numbers for "no"/negative response.
7. Move your pendulum over the cards, holding the thread between your first finger and thumb. The pendulum should hang about four inches below your hand. Do not rest your elbow on the table while you work. Observe the pendulum for changes in the feeling of the pendulum, or in its movement as you pass it over the cards. You may feel the pendulum pull towards a card as though it is being pulled by a sort of weak magnetic force. This is usually very subtle. The pendulum may, or may not, swing or move in a circular way. It may just vibrate without moving much at all. Do not force the pendulum to move or swing. The subtle changes in vibration, motion, or sense of pulling of the pendulum are what you want to observe. You will initially feel as though you are imagining the change of movement or sense of pulling.
This change in the feeling or movement of the pendulum will occur when it passes over a card that the spirit guide wants you to select in response to the question you have posed. It is the spirit guide who is influencing how the pendulum feels, but the influence is subtle, soft, and gentle.
You should move the pendulum slowly but steadily over the face-down cards in front of you so that it passes over each one in turn. Watch and feel for that gentle change in the movement or sensation of the pendulum.
When the pendulum indicates selection of one of the cards on the table in front of you by a change in its vibration or movement, set the card aside. Do not turn it over until all three cards are selected. Once you have selected three cards lay the pendulum down.
8. After you have selected three cards with the pendulum, turn those cards over. Count the number of even cards and the number of odd cards that the spirit guide selected. If you have two or more even-numbered cards, then the response is positive/"yes." If you have two or more odd-numbered cards selected, the response is negative/"no."
9. The last active step is to compare the session result, which is the prediction, with the event to be predicted. The response should be noted and then compared to physical reality after the time stated for the prediction. For example, if you ask about seeing a red car at the grocery store by 10:00 am, you should note whether or not you saw a red car when you ran the errand. I write down the results of the prediction and whether or not they matched up with reality. The act of recording and comparing your channeling results against what actually happened will improve your accuracy. As your channeling accuracy improves, so will your connection to your spirit guides. This builds confidence, and as your confidence grows, you can branch out and ask more important questions of your guide regarding such matters as the use of magick, your employment, diet, healing, and other life choices.
10.Celebrate!!! As you learn to channel using this dowsing method, you will find you have a very powerful tool in your hands. Connection to Spirit is fun and provides deep insights into this life and the next. The universe begins to open to you as you viscerally connect to and realize that Spirit is real, and you are far more than just a physical body.
In my book The Art of Channeling, I go through additional channeling techniques that anyone can learn and use. I focus on accuracy and growth by experiencing telepathy. When you realize that you are indeed communicating by telepathy, you break down the barriers that hold you back from growing spiritually and psychically. In addition, advancement in telepathy can lead to beneficial breakthroughs in health, energy, and exploration of the universe. The possibilities are unlimited.
Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2022. All rights reserved.
- Double Vision: Strong Karma with Brother-in-Law?Continue reading →
I'm writing because I'm wondering about a very strong connection I have with my husband's brother. This connection has been really bothering me. Though the feelings are joyous and happy, their intensity is confusing to me. I'd like to know if this situation is due to a past life connection. If this is the case, I would also like to know how to go about disconnecting from him. He is a very good person and I admire him greatly, but my spirit is telling me that there is some letting go that needs to happen, and issues that desperately need to be taken care of. Any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
You'd be amazed at how many of us have strong karmic connections with an in-law or distant relative, for even mere acquaintances can have MAJOR past life Karma between them. The Universe does its best to help us coincide: sometimes we see those deep connections and sometimes we wait until next time.
When the person we have strong karma with is someone who is briefly passing through our lives, if we see the karma we have with that individual, we can usually resolve it pretty quickly. Sometimes one small act of kindness can do it.
One of the basic Christian principles is to love one another. Different spiritual paths have their own way of saying the same thing. The important thing is to try to follow this basic teaching, for then we won't miss any chances to improve our Karma for the future.
It's important to remain aware that though we have feelings of love for this other person, it's rarely romantic love. It can seem to be, however, so take that into consideration before you communicate your perception of your feelings to someone else.
In regards to these strong karmic bonds, the closer and more permanent the relationship, the longer it generally takes to get through whatever it is you're supposed to do. In extreme cases such as yours with your brother-in-law, it's a serious matter.
In order to get through the process, you may have to open up about it. Your husband accepts that you have strong intuition, so tell him about this. You might also tell your brother-in-law so you can agree on what's happening.
No one is going to get mad at you for exploring this territory as long as you're careful not to give anyone the wrong idea. Discuss this carefully to prevent misunderstandings. You may need some human support to put this behind you as quickly as possible, and your husband and his family are probably just the folks to help.
Once in a rare while, people end up in relationships to other people simply in order to meet a third party. While this doesn't happen very often, you need to find out if this is the case with the two of you. If it is, why you'd manifest this roadblock to happiness is anyone's guess. In the old days, we might have said there was a curse on your (or your husband's) family, or that you had done something awful in another life.
Now that we know so much more about Karma, it's clear that sometimes things happen on the Random rather than the Purpose. None of us is being punished due to our Karma from another life; we're just getting valuable opportunities to learn lessons we left behind in our Before Times.
We often feel powerful emotions upon encountering someone with whom we have shared past lives. Given what you've described, we can only assume that this is what is happening.
Perhaps in a past life the two of you were lovers. As oftentimes happens, it could also be that you are repeating an identical karmic situation from the past and being given an opportunity to change the outcome this time around.
Either way, at this point the dilemma is how to detach from him so that this doesn't turn into something bigger. That he is your partnerís brother makes things a little tricky since it would be difficult to avoid him altogether.
In this situation, you will first need to create a new set of boundaries. If you feel comfortable discussing this matter with him, you can work together to ensure that nothing undesired comes of your strong feelings. Neither one of you wants to hurt his brother, so you should be able to work out an agreement.
If you are uneasy about the idea of discussing this subject with your partnerís brother on your own, you must work on lessening your own feelings by practicing new spiritual boundaries. For example, you should avoid entertaining any fantasies about what might happen, and simply live in the moment.
The less power and attention you give this situation, the more you will be able to direct the flow of this connection. Once you start to back up, he will likely do the same.
The best way to create boundaries is to first identify your feelings. Describing them on paper can lessen their power over you. When you finish, study them carefully. Once you face your feelings, you will be better able to master them in the future.
Be sure to meditate on your feelings and ask Spirit to take away the desire. Sometimes we are unable to alter thoughts or feelings on our own, for the more we focus on something, the stronger it becomes. Do not hesitate to ask for spiritual intervention and higher awareness to minimize your emotions when you are around him.
Even if you were in love in a past life, it's possible that moving forward with your feelings in this lifetime could ruin what you have. Most likely, this is either a karmic lesson you are trying to learn or a karmic pattern you are trying to break, so it's important to think before you act.
You may want to consult a psychic well-versed in past life exploration, for discovering more details about your past connection may make it easier to understand what's happening and let these feelings go. I recommend you schedule an appointment with a reputable reader to receive helpful insights and accurate information.
Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.
Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!
While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!
I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!
As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.
I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.
You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!
Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.
A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.
You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.