• Encyclopedia of Angels

      by Richard Webster

      (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

      A couple of months ago, my wife and I sat by the shores of Lake Annecy in the French Alps. We had come to this beautiful place, nestled in the Alps, because many years ago someone had told me the lake was formed from the tears of an angel. As the story goes, thousands of years ago, an angel who lived in this part of France had been summoned back to heaven. He loved living in the French Alps and didn't want to leave. He cried so much that his tears created two lakes. It's a charming story, and the beauty of the lake and its surroundings make it easy to understand how this legend began.

      The purpose of the trip made perfect sense to me, but some people expressed surprise when I told them we'd gone all the way to France to see a lake created from an angel's tears. I then had to tell them I'd also been to Belgium, not for the chocolate or the beer, but to visit Mons, where angels had apparently helped the allied soldiers during a battle in World War I. I sometimes also mentioned that I'd visited Assisi in Italy, to visit the place where St. Francis communicated with a member of the Seraphim and received his stigmata. I even visited Peckham Rye in South London on a cold and wet day purely because William Blake, the poet and artist, had seen a tree there covered with angels when he was just nine years old. I could have continued indefinitely, as almost every time I travel, I try to include a place where an angel visitation occurred.

      My interest in visiting these places goes back more than forty years. I was living in London at the time, and my girlfriend (now my wife) was working as a nanny for a wealthy family in Mortlake beside the River Thames. The bus I traveled on to visit her passed the site where Dr. John Dee (1527-1608) lived in Elizabethan times. Dr. Dee was a famous astrologer, magician, mathematician, and philosopher. He was a highly influential man in his day, and was involved in many areas, including calendar reform, cartography, and navigation. He even advised Queen Elizabeth on the most suitable date for her coronation. However, his main interest was angelic communication, and this is what he is remembered for today. Dr. Dee claimed to have seen Archangel Uriel on at least two occasions. Dr. Dee's home was demolished hundreds of years ago, but there is a path through his former property leading to the river. One day, I got off the bus to stand by the river at the approximate spot where Dr. Dee waited to greet Queen Elizabeth and other important people when they came to meet him. It was fascinating to stand on land that had been owned by Dr. Dee, and imagine how he must have felt when he looked out the window of his study and saw Archangel Uriel for the first time.

      I remember my grandmother teaching me children's prayers when I was very young. Some of these involved angels. I went to a parochial school and must have frustrated the chaplain with my endless questions, especially when I learned that my Catholic friends had their own special guardian angel. I vividly remember gathering up enough courage to ask him about them. He explained that Catholics needed a guardian angel, but we didn't. Even at the time, this seemed unfair to me. It wasn't until I was in my mid-twenties that I discovered that I not only had a guardian angel, but also definitely needed him.

      At that time, a small business that I owned collapsed. The timing was terrible, as my wife was expecting our first child. We had to sell our home and move to a small rented apartment. For a while I worked in a warehouse to pay our bills. The work was not very demanding, and I had plenty of time to think about the situation I had landed myself in. I gradually came to accept that what had happened was largely my own fault. Once I understood this, I realized that I had constantly received advice, but had ignored it. The advice was from that still, quiet, inner voice that we all hear every day. It took me a while to accept that this inner voice was my guardian angel.

      I was also fortunate enough to live in the same city as Geoffrey Hodson (1886-1983), a leading Theosophist, clairvoyant, and prolific author, who had been contacted by an angel named Bethelda in 1924. This angel appeared to him while he was meditating on a hillside in Gloucestershire, England, and told Geoffrey about seven groups of angels in heaven. Geoffrey Hodson ultimately wrote five books using the information Bethelda had passed on to him. I attended many of Geoffrey's lectures over the years, and he was always very kind to the young man who was fascinated with angels and wanted to be an author.

      When I was a boy, angels were considered almost an embarrassment to many people. They were an anachronism from the past, and few people were prepared to talk about them. However, over the last thirty or forty years, more and more people have again become interested in the concept of angels. Mortimer Adler (1902-2001), the American philosopher, can take much of the credit for this. In 1943, he decided to write an article on angels for a proposed series of books on the great ideas of Western civilization. His editors were unhappy with his choice of topic, and tried to make him change his mind. Mortimer Adler was adamant, and his article was published. Almost forty years later, in 1982, he published The Angels and Us, one of the pivotal books that helped start the present day interest in the subject. Today, more people than ever before are communicating with the angelic realms.

      When I look back over my life, it seems almost inevitable that I'd eventually write the Encyclopedia Of Angels, as I cannot remember a time when I wasn't interested in angels. It was probably also inevitable that my wife and I would eventually spend a few hours sitting beside a lake created from the tears of an angel.

      Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2009. All rights reserved.

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    • Double Vision: Prevention of Earthbound State in the Afterlife

      I’ve been reading about earthbound spirits, and how sometimes when people die, they either don’t realize they have died or they’re tied to the earth plane for some reason. How can we avoid becoming earthbound spirits when we cross over? Also, is there something we can do to help departed relatives so that they don’t become earthbound?

      – Marcus


      This is a topic I have wanted to discuss here for a long time, so I’m glad you gave me the opportunity!

      I am of course familiar with earthbound spirits from my work, but I did not have personal contact with an earthbound spirit until my dad died. As I have stated in previous columns, Dad was earthbound by CHOICE for about three years. He had unfinished business, so he chose to stay and try to clean up some messes he had made while he was alive.

      The one thing we have to remember is that most souls can choose whether they cross through the light or stay on this side of the light. Souls do not have to cross over until they are good and ready. Some are afraid of what might be on the other side of the light. As you mentioned, some do not know they are dead. You have to remember that for the most part, it is each soul’s CHOICE.

      There is nothing you can to do now to ensure that your soul will choose to cross over. You can, however, try to leave no unfinished business so that you have no ties to this earth plane anymore.

      I think the key to that is to live in the NOW. Get out of the past and stay out of the future. Live in this very moment. I think if we could all do that, then we would always be walking with Spirit, in perfect union with the Universe and always saying and doing what we were supposed to say and do.

      It is when we start THINKING too much that we mess stuff up. If we lived in the Now, we would never argue or hate or wallow in any other negative emotion because it would just pass. We would feel it, it would be gone, and then we would be back to the peace of the Now. There would be no loose ends to tie up when we die.

      If you have an earthbound spirit around you (and most ghosts are earthbound), then there are things you can do. I know this line has become really cliche, but saying “Go to the Light” is really quite effective! Sometimes beings stay here because they do not know what is going on.

      If you tell them that there are loved ones waiting for them past the light, and everything will be okay over there, sometimes they just get up and go. In other cases, you have to tell them quite a few times. Of course, in tough cases you can talk until you are blue in the face and they’ll STILL choose to stay here.

      If you are afraid that your own soul will become earthbound, and you choose to not learn how to live in the Now, then you can trust that if you become earthbound, it’s because your soul chose it for some reason. You have to trust that whatever happens to you ultimately has a good purpose.

      I wish you a very PRESENT existence.



      Animals, happy people, and people who are very ill or old don’t seem to have much problem with becoming Earthbound. Death is a part of life; it’s a natural release – that’s what I hear over and over from the Departed.

      Usually if a Spirit remains close for a calendar year, it’s because they are trying to help family members grieve and let go. Sometimes people get stuck because the family won’t let go. Other times, people trap themselves here thinking that they can change someone’s ways or teach them a lesson. When they can’t, it’s difficult for them to let go of this imagined obligation.

      In the best circumstances, an older relative will stay and watch over a new baby, sort of like a Guardian Angel. In the worst, someone who did something terrible will be so plagued by guilt that they can’t move towards the Light. There are many possibilities in between these two extremes.

      There are also times when people aren’t ready to accept that they’re on the other side, or they don’t know they’re dead. Television is full of shows that romanticize “gifted” people who help those Spirits by either communicating with their living friends and relatives or simply helping them move towards the Light. WHOOSH! Yippee! It only takes an hour!

      I’ve never found it so fast or easy in my work or my own life. I can’t turn it off and on, but I’m not paralyzed (Medium) or annoyed (Ghost Whisperer), and I usually don’t accost strangers on the street.

      I don’t advertise that I can talk to the dead very much because sometimes I can, and sometimes I can’t. I hope I’ve helped some Earthbound spirits, but I don’t have any evidence that I have or haven’t, because I haven’t been to Heaven yet to ask them how things turned out.

      Although it would be nice if it happened like it does on television, I don’t know anyone who does this kind of work who says that this is how it goes. It’s painful and sometimes scary. Everyone cries except the Departed.

      An important element of all this that is often overlooked is the Departed’s difficulties with talking to the living. It takes many spirits a year or so to get over their fear that they will be scary to the living, or somehow make things worse for them.

      Lately it seems to be taking less time, because I think both the living AND the departed are becoming more open to the possibility that death is just part of life. We don’t have to like it, but it’s inevitable that death will happen to us and to those we love. The more we accept it as a part of life, the more we’ll be able to remain connected with loved ones on other planes.

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