- Investigating a UFO EncounterContinue reading →
by Nomar Slevik
(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)
In my latest book, Otherworldly Encounters, I wrote about some of my expeditions into the UFO phenomena. There are four areas that I work through every time that I am on a case: research the event, contact witnesses for interviews, learn about the location, and if possible, attempt an investigation of the encounter and document the entire process. I conduct these onsite investigations so I can fully understand and immerse myself into the witness's encounter. By doing so, I have the potential to capture what they saw on video or to find some trace evidence, potentially confirming their experience. If nothing happens, at least I will know the conditions in which their encounter occurred; details are everything. The following information are the tried and true methods that I have used for interviewing witnesses, going on site of an encounter, and how I've managed to increase my chances in observing a UFO.
This may seem obvious, but it really is about knowing as much as possible about an encounter before going out into the field. You always want to be prepared, and by conducting research into an extraterrestrial encounter, you'll set yourself up for as much success as possible. This includes finding and contacting witnesses, researching the area of the encounter, possible prior encounters in the area, and what you will need to bring with you should you go on site.If you are not sure of where to start there are a few places that you can check out. MUFON and NUFORC have extensive databases, you can check for your state's local MUFON chapter for in-person meetings, or simply Google, "UFO sightings near me."
Witness Interviews
When and where did the encounter occur? Who are the key witnesses? Are you able to contact them? If so, can you meet them in person? If not, that's okay; it is not always feasible to meet a witness in person. Some times the event happened years ago and they have since moved out of the area or they are not comfortable meeting with you and prefer to remain anonymous. If the latter happens, that's okay, too! Thank them for being willing to share their experience and ask what method of communication is preferred/would make them most comfortable. In one of my instances, a witness was most comfortable utilizing Facebook Messenger. Don't be discouraged, it is about their level of comfort and we need to respect that.The most important aspects to keep in mind before, during, and after interviewing a witness is to be kind and patient. Often, these encounters can be scary or confusing to people and it is essential to treat them with respect throughout the entire process. Give them time to answer and allow for them to describe it in their own way. Being pushy, asking leading questions, and not being empathetic to their situation can cause a witness to become uncomfortable and not want to share their experience.
Once you have their preferred method of communication, get as much detail as possible. If you are meeting them in person ask permission to record the conversation with an audio recorder as to not miss any detail. If you cannot, that's okay—take down as many notes as possible. For me, I try to essentially transcribe in the moment; simply do your best. Ask them about the initial encounter first. What happened, when did it occur, and what did they see? Details are essential here and it is okay, once they are done telling you about their experience, to ask follow up questions. Some examples, Lights: how many and what color? Were they blinking? If so, rhythmically or randomly? Brightness of the light, approximate distance from them, and was there anything in the witness's line of sight to measure size and distance, such as trees, houses, etc. Objects: Did it have lights? If so, locations of them on the object, and how many? What was the shape of the object? Also include approximate distance/items in line of sight for measurement. Ask about prior history of sightings for them and for their family. Ask about the days and weeks before the encounter for anything out of the ordinary. Glean information from the day of the encounter as well. Minute details are essential to truly understand what their day was like, state of mind, and what they were doing the day of the encounter. Ask how they felt during the encounter but leave it open ended because you are trying to understand the entire situation and scope of their encounter. Examples of this could be that they felt fear during the encounter (normal) or they might say that the air felt electrically charged (abnormal).
When you are finished with the interview, it is my opinion that you should provide your contact information to the witness (if you haven't already) in case they would like to contact you again in the future. Some reasons that they may want to contact you again is to possibly provide you with additional information that they did not remember at the time of the interview, they may have a new encounter that they want to share, they may want to refer someone else to you, or they may simply need someone to talk with to help them process their experience. Everyone is different, and if you can help them (within reason) it is my opinion that you do so.
What type of location is it? Private or public property? Do you have permission or need a permit to be there? Even if it is public property, say a park, school field, or waterfront area, you may need permission from the local police/municipality to be onsite with equipment or to be there after hours as many public areas close at sundown. Once you have secured permission/permit, is it safe to get to? If it's a rugged area, do you have the means and are you physically able to get yourself there safely? If your investigation is slated for nighttime, make sure to scout the location during the daylight hours to familiarize yourself with the area. This is important because landscapes can look different at night and it is imperative that you stay safe.Equipment
When I go onsite for an investigation I make sure to have a few pieces of equipment with me to capture any possible evidence. First and foremost, I like to bring a video camera with night vision capabilities. I also bring a Full Spectrum Camera that can capture video/images that can "see" more light than regular cameras such as infrared images, ultraviolet light images, and more. Since we have no idea what UFOs are or what they are made of, it's important to capture the full light spectrum or as much as is possible. As stated previously, I also bring a digital audio recorder for interviewing witnesses but it could also prove useful during the investigation to capture any pertinent sounds emanating from a possible UFO or possible EVPs (electronic voice phenomena). With that said, recording audio outside can sometimes be problematic, especially if you find that your location is particularly windy, rainy, or otherwise noisy. Due to this, I have implemented use of a parabolic microphone. This type of microphone helps to pinpoint weaker sounds or to boost sounds so they can be clearly heard by the human ear. Lastly, I bring along an electromagnetic field detector and a Geiger counter to measure any possible electromagnetic signals or radiation potentially caused by a UFO. Again, we do not know what they are, what they are made, of or how they travel. If more than normal EMF or radiation readings are captured, it could show evidence that a UFO may have been in the area recently. You could also bring your data to an academic or expert to try and figure out why that particular area had higher than normal readings; a natural or mundane answer could be the explanation.Conclusion
As I previously mentioned, these are the methods that I use to conduct a UFO investigation. There have been researchers, investigators, members of MUFON, NUFORC, and many other people who have or continue to investigate claims of UFO activity and their methods may differ from mine. These methods have worked for me but I also continue to learn from my peers and pioneers in the field. And for you, you may find a different methodology that works for you and your witnesses, and that's okay, too! Maybe you can let me know what you do differently because it's all about treating witnesses with respect and to find out what's really happening in our skies.Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2018. All rights reserved.
- Double Vision: Discerning Desires vs. IntuitionsContinue reading →
Is my intuition fooling me regarding getting back with my husband? How will I know? I have this deep feeling that my marriage will survive, but at this moment, we are not even talking and he has found another woman. Am I just fooling myself? How can we separate our intuitions from wishful thinking?
It's so difficult to know if what we're sensing about ourselves and the people closest to us is true or merely what we wish were true. When the question is romantic or something to do with other loved ones, it can be twice as difficult to figure things out.
Since it's so tricky, we often just give up and accept whatever we see on the surface as what's really going on. Right now, you say you and your ex-husband aren't even speaking to each other. I promise this will change over time, whether you both decide you want to be together again or not.
As hurtful as it is that he's found someone else, nine times out of ten, that person is Rebound Girl, and no one to take very seriously. Often people make something like that seem like more than it is to their ex simply because they're angry.
My psychic feeling for you is that this woman is a diversion because he can't face you at the moment to talk about anything real or serious. By having a girlfriend, he can avoid coming back home for a while longer.
I DO see you back together in July, however. According to my cards, you seem to really love one another. This is just a very bad time in your relationship, but it will pass into forgiveness and eventually reunion in a few months.
If you feel iffy about your own intuition, ask a reputable psychic for a second opinion. If you can't find a gifted, responsible reader in your area, there are plenty here at Kajama who can take a truly objective look at what is going on in your life.
If you don't like the diagnosis or if it seems way off from your own thoughts and feelings, you can try for a third opinion, but after that you should stop. That old saying about too many cooks spoiling the broth is true. Oftentimes, people will go from reader to reader until they get the answer they want to hear, and that doesn't help anyone!
Too many readings, even if you're doing them for yourself, will always make you feel more lost and confused. So if you're reading for yourself, beware. If we aren't in a respectful, objective state of mind, the tools we use can tease us and joke around about even the most serious of subjects.
Whenever you're unsure whether something you're
is a psychic intuition or wishful thinking, I believe it's time to call in an expert. I never, ever read for myself or anyone in my family. I can't do it; it's too hard. It gives me a killer migraine just to try to sort it all out.If I have a question, I get someone else who is a reader to take a look. Is that the lazy way out? I don't think so. I think that asking someone outside the situation to look at it objectively is the best way to get some real answers.
You pose an interesting question. It's one that most people struggle with at one time or another. There are ways to distinguish between wishful thinking and intuition metaphysically, though it can take some time for the truth to come clear.
You could actually be slowing down the course of destiny by hanging on to the hope that your husband will return. To deal with this situation most effectively, you will have to take your focus off of him and what he is doing, and return the focus to yourself. Once you do, you'll immediately notice things beginning to change.
I have found that in relationships between men and women, the man usually emulates whatever the woman is focused on. When you first met, your focus was likely on yourself, and his focus was on winning your heart. Over time, especially after marriage, a woman's focus tends to turn her husband and his needs. Once this happens, the man's focus returns to himself and his own needs or desires.
If you will regroup and start living according to your own best interests, and perhaps even consider the idea of dating someone yourself, your husband will notice this shift almost immediately. It needn't involve the exchange of any words or information; he will subconsciously pick up on your energetic shift toward detachment.
As an example, I was divorced from my husband for almost two years before I began dating again. Until then, my ex pretty much left me alone, but the morning after my first date with another man ñ boom! - he was on my doorstep. Even though the marriage was over, his focus was back on me in a veritable instant!
When you let go of this idea of reconciliation and begin doing things for yourself, whether that means taking a dance class, dating someone new, or clearing out his belongings to make more room for your own, you may discover that this separation is actually a blessing. You will find yourself feeling more confident, independent, empowered and attractive.
To find immediate relief from this struggle, start by making a list of things you love to do, and what you can do for yourself now that you have the time. One of the quickest ways to make this shift is by engaging in physical activity. To get the ball rolling, join a gym, plant a garden, or clean out a closet.
Though no one wants to fail in a relationship, this separation could be a blessing in disguise. If this marriage is meant to come back together, it will do so much faster if you are taking good care of yourself and are in a happy, high vibration. If you turn this situation over to the Universe, you won't have to make a decision about the future, for everything will all unfold in your best interests.
Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.
Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!
While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!
I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!
As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.
I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.
You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!
Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.
A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.
You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.