• The Bright Spot of Your Sun Sign

      The Bright Spot of Your Sun Sign, by Kristy Robinett

      (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

      The twelve sun signs each have their own unique positive traits that helps to make them who they are. Often, we focus on the most complicated and annoying character traits, but knowing the positive characteristics is just as important for personal success and growth and assists in coping in various situations that appear throughout one's life. These are the bright spots of each sun sign.

      Aries Bright Spot
      The Aries is a leader; they are ambitious and full of energy. They can overcome any challenges that try to trip them up. They walk their walk, and talk their talk, with great enthusiasm and passion. A generous and loyal friend, they see the positive potential within others. A facts keeper, the Aries is grounded, levelheaded, and the bravest of the brave.

      Taurus Bright Spot
      The Taurus is a "rock" for many. Dependable and trustworthy, they make friends for a lifetime. Goal-oriented in both their personal and professional lives, they see this existence as one big itinerary. They are quick to help get their inner circle back on track, whether it be with debt or soul-searching. They prefer safety and security, which makes them devoted and true-blue.

      Gemini Bright Spot
      The Gemini is never boring, always witty and exciting. They are highly intelligent, and skilled in anything they put their mind to. They love problem-solving, especially when it comes to a vexing drama. The Gemini is the one to go to and talk it through with. They don't just want to hear the gossip (they do love their gossip), but they also want to share their skill of expressing their opinions.

      Cancer Bright Spot
      The Cancer is the sleeper of the zodiac. Often discounted because they are so loyal and steady, this sign is multi-passionate and surprisingly spontaneous. They love their home as if it was their castle, and they fill it with friends and family. The Cancer is naturally friendly, and extremely intuitive and intelligent. They have an uncanny ability to facilitate their energy on nurturing the right person, at the right time for that person.

      Leo Bright Spot
      The Leo is an amazing manager in both their personal and professional lives. They wear their confidence like a cloak, and are loyal and protective of those they love, providing for them in an undying fashion, with generosity and passion. The Leo is often surrounded by people, as they are the beacon of light, a magnet of goodness, quick wit, creativity, and love.

      Virgo Bright Spot
      The Virgo is highly intelligent, including their cache of common sense. Whether planning a toddler's birthday party or heading an executive meeting, the Virgo has amazing attention to detail. They have a clear picture of what they want running through their head like an award-winning movie, and they keep control of every situation. The Virgo strives for stability and pragmatic thinking.

      Libra Bright Spot
      The Libra is charming, charismatic, and well-balanced (in most situations). They make amazing friends and are excellent mediators because they can see all sides of the story. They are gentle souls who simply want justice, peace, and love, and will do whatever they can to try and create an environment that emulates that same energy. The Libra wants uncomplicated and unassuming simpleness.

      Scorpio Bright Spot
      The Scorpio is intense and passionate. They work a crowd well, often perceived as the life of the party with their wit and humor, all the while craving introversion. Their mysteriousness and deep-thinking make them one of the most loved and most hated of the Zodiac. Although they may claim that what you see is what you get, they will quickly change the scene when you get too close to solve the perceived puzzle of their soul.

      Sagittarius Bright Spot
      The Sagittarius is versatile, always curious and strong-willed. They are amazing organizers, researchers, and managers, always thirsting for more knowledge and personal expertise. A cheerleader to their family, friends, and co-workers, they have a simple optimism. You will know where you stand with a Sag as they have a "tell-you-like-it-is-without-any-sugar-coating" attitude that is refreshing.

      Capricorn Bright Spot
      The Capricorn are ambitious and methodical. They are rational and practical, no matter whether its their approach to work life or romantic notions. They have big ideas and goals they set out independently to achieve, knocking down whatever obstacle that may attempt to dismiss them. Creative thinkers, they find solutions even in the most difficult situations. They aren't afraid of tough decisions or being assertive.

      Aquarius Bright Spot
      The Aquarius is the encourager. They have a compassionate, yet frank way of helping others see their true potential. They have big ideas, on a grand scale, to help others better themselves and the drive to better the world. Innovative and a bit eccentric, they are the old souls of the Zodiac who aren't always taken seriously. Yet, the Aquarius has a beautiful part in helping bring love to the negative energy without drawing attention.

      Pisces Bright Spot
      The Pisces loves deeper than most, with deep compassion and sensitivity. They are generous, open-minded, and will move heaven and earth to try to help those they love to be happy. Creative and highly in-tune with people, animals, and the energy around them, their quick wit and intelligence may be surprising, as they rarely want to be a showoff.

      In Conclusion
      Although you share sun signs with many others, whether optimistic or introverted, confident or quiet, your traits should be loved for their individualistic authenticity. The portfolio of your soul is yours and only yours. They can be cultivated, shined up, or dimmed down according to life situations, but they still are part of the core of who you are. It's your best traits that makes you each born under a good sign.

      Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2019. All rights reserved.

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    • Double Vision: Exercises to Strengthen and Protect the Aura

      Many thanks for your absolutely wonderful website and the good advice you give. I wonder if you could kindly suggest some spiritual exercises I can do on a regular basis to help strengthen and protect my aura and also enhance my magnetic energies so that I will be able to attract positive situations, events and circumstances. Thank you very much for your kind assistance in this matter. Blessings of love and light!



      Since a strong Spirit helps the mind and body to function properly, it's as important to do some simple exercises to strengthen our auras as it is to take vitamins and eat right. Assaults can come in many forms, so protecting your aura is as important as protecting your body. I'm not trying to be negative, just to convey my belief in staying on top of psychic protection and being strong.

      While I'm sure there are many different exercises to strengthen your aura, here is a simple one that is easy to learn and employ.

      You can begin either standing or sitting. Mentally surround your aura (not just your body) with a three-dimensional egg of white light. If you began seated, rise. Move about and take the egg with you while keeping it in place around you. Notice the ebb and flow of energy as your aura brightens and fades.

      On the second day, take the exercise outdoors. Expand the egg and your aura with it. Change the shape as you encounter different objects. Feel how different things in the environment offer various degrees of resistance to your aura encased in your egg.

      When your aura fades as it expands, brighten it. If it becomes too bright, bring it closer inside the egg. If it encounters a discarnate spirit or a blank space in the universe (and you'll feel that if it happens), bring your aura in close to your body.

      On the third day, go back outside and as you expand your egg, wrap it around the objects you see, taking your egg and your aura to the most extreme distances you can. The further your egg extends, the more pastel and transparent your aura will become. Brighten it.

      Do this in sections that correspond to your chakras by concentrating on the different bands. Watch how your egg changes shape and becomes more fluid. Observe how different your aura appears when it reaches out to a tree than when your egg comes into contact with a cat or some other creature. (Humans are especially difficult to wrap around. It's also best to only share what you're doing with carefully chosen individuals so that you don't wind up in a rubber room!)

      As you get better at pushing and pulling your aura into the place you want it, begin to peel your egg. Start at the bottom, just like you would with a real hard-boiled egg, so that the peel comes off without leaving the underlying skin or any chips behind.

      As you expand your aura's protective strength, you will find that people will meet you with more joy and cheerfulness than before, for people who care for their auras exude a certain Grace that makes the people around them feel calm.



      Thank you for your kind remarks. There are many spiritual exercises you can perform to stay in tip top metaphysical condition. The more you do them, the more youíll become like a magnet that attracts blessings to you.

      Daily meditation is essential to maintaining your spiritual connection to a higher source. Think of it as your one-a-day vitamin to make sure that all systems are balanced. I recommend ten minutes or more each morning upon awakening, and ten more before bedtime.

      It also helps to have a special place where you meditate each day. Create a sanctuary or altar for your personal use, and include candles, stones, incense and fountains to personalize it.

      Once a week, I perform a clove bath ritual. This ritual helps seal your aura and cleanse away negative energy that has attached to you during the week. Fill a pan with four cups of water and add a handful (about 1/4 cup) of whole cloves to it. Bring it to a boil and let it simmer on the stove for about an hour, adding water as needed to maintain the four-cup level.

      This can also serve as wonderful aromatherapy for your home. After an hour, strain the liquid to remove the cloves, and then add it to your bath water. Soak in the tub for 20 minutes, immersing yourself entirely three times. When you have finished, youíll feel spiritually renewed and energized.

      Once a month, perform a cleansing of your house and surroundings. You can use a smudge stick to purify and bless your home, which will clear out any negative energy or discarnate entities in the home. Moving from room to room, wave the smudge stick around door frames, windows, and electrical equipment, including computers, televisions, phones and electrical outlets. As you do so, ask that all dark energies leave the premises and that lots of love and light fill each room.

      You can also add a metaphysical air freshener to each room. To create this air freshener, pour a small amount of sea salt into a bowl or dish and place a quartz crystal upright in the salt. This will keep your home free of lingering or stagnant negative energy.

      I also encourage you to immerse yourself in daily spiritual study to expand your heart and mind as you explore the endless information available on how to improve your world with metaphysical practices. Begin with the spiritual practices that interest you such as tarot, astrology, channeling or psychic mediumship.

      Performing all these practices regularly will give you optimum spiritual health and well-being, which will open doors to greater awareness, empowerment and wisdom.


      Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

      Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

      While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

      I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

      As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

      I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

      You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

      Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

      A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

      You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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