- Weekly Astrological Forecast for August 21 through August 27, 2023Continue reading →
August 21 through August 27, 2023
There's a call to higher awareness this week, as the Moon travels through Scorpio Monday through Wednesday and asks us to pay closer attention to things. To top it off, the Sun will enter Virgo on Wednesday, followed by Mercury, (its ruler) going retrograde. So again, the stress will be on paying attention, practicing caution, and not getting stuck in the minutia of day-to-day life. Flexibility and a willingness to compromise will be essential to get through the first three days of this week. A light-hearted energy will prevail on Thursday and Friday under the Sagittarius Moon, allowing us to regroup after a trying few days. Make it a point to relax, play and leave the heavy lifting for another day. This weekend's Capricorn Moon will offer us a chance to get re-grounded, take a look at things from a more logical and practical angle, and promote self-care. The week ends with Mars moving into Libra, marking the start of a two-month cycle of more balanced movement and interpersonal relationships.
- Mental Health and the Magical Mind: How to Strengthen Your ThinkingContinue reading →
by Awyn Dawn
(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)
In America and other parts of the world, mental health is too often thought of as a side note or a punchline. Sometimes it is not thought of at all, ignored in an effort to will away any topic deemed too uncomfortable to discuss. One of the duties you have, as a human being, is to keep your mind healthy. It does not mean that you must put on a strong front all the time, nor does it mean you have to hide your feelings (that is the opposite, in fact). Sometimes taking care of your mind will mean being on doctor-prescribed medication, going to therapy, integrating daily meditation, doing shadow work, letting go of grudges, and more. It will not always be easy or comfortable.
In my book, Paganism on Parole: Connecting to the Magic All Around, I devote a whole chapter to mental health because it is so important, not just for the magical communities, but for human beings as a whole. In this article, you will be given some starting points regarding mental maintenance and how they pertain to magic. As always, though, you are encouraged to use what applies and leave the rest. Just remember that if what you are trying (or not) isn't working, maybe it is time to try something else.
Have an Open Mind
The first topic I wish to discuss is having an open mind when it comes to mental health treatment. Going to therapy does not mean that something is "wrong" with a person. Everyone should go to therapy, even temporarily. A counselor's or therapist's office is a space where someone impartial listens to you talk about yourself for an hour. They then help guide you to a solution you already knew on an intuitive level but were unable to see. Sometimes it takes one session. Sometimes many. But the value of having someone around to give you honest feedback is beyond measure.If you don't go to therapy, there are still many other ways to address mental wellness. Some will require you to get out of your comfort zone. It is okay to be uncomfortable, especially if the outcome is a stronger mind. A stronger mind makes for more powerful and accessible magic.
Study, Learn, and Seek Information
Anyone can put on a video. That's the easy part. The harder part is deciding what you are going to feed your mind. By instinct, many of us will go to a site that offers hours of "entertainment" with no benefit to the body, mind, or spirit. Instead of watching the newest TikTok or getting sucked into hours of animals-wearing-clothes videos (yes, they're cute), try watching videos that have been made by NASA, museums, and scientific or historical societies. Maybe I'm partial because I love historical and science documentaries, but when I read books, watch videos, and feed my mind, I feel satiated. The same feeling that people will gorge themselves with food to get comes through feeding the mind. And, depending on what you watch, feeding your spirit, too.Now I'm not implying that everything you watch has to be a two-hour special on the Battle of Hastings, but if your entertainment diet is full of mass-made "garbage" TV and videos, then how are you caring for your mind? There are many amazing magical courses available on author websites, some free others for a fee. There are educational classes on sites like LinkedIn learning, and in-person workshops through libraries and rec centers. And, if you are feeling really adventurous, you could help rekindle a dying art (hello wool spinning). The possibilities are endless.
Let Your Mind Rest
Wait! In the last paragraph I was urging you to engage your mind, now I want you to let it rest? Yes, that is correct. Just as your stomach can be too full, so, too, can your brain be overloaded. You can recognize when this happens by some of the symptoms: headaches, increased periods of forgetfulness, mental fog, crankiness with new ideas, or when you can't retain new information the way you normally do. When these happen acutely, it means that a time for rest is in order.You should not attempt magic when your brain needs a shutdown time. No, you will not accidentally unleash some dark ethereal being. But magic takes focus and energy. And if you are not focused and are low on energy, then you will be putting undo stress on yourself, and your spell will be ineffective. You can let your mind rest through meditation. This is one of the most effective ways. And because dozens of types of meditation exist, see Paganism for Prisoners: Connecting to the Magic Within; there are lots of ways you can integrate it and let your mind recharge.
Spend Time Outside
Nature is sacred. Spending time in the sun and fresh air is so important to mental and spiritual health. And it is a great place to commune with gods, goddesses, and land spirits. Now, you might be saying, "I go outside all the time." But how much of that time are you present in the moment? When I say spend time outside, I mean without taking 4,000 pictures for your socials, without walking mindlessly, without just being in a hurry to "get it done." Next time you go to a sacred place, allow yourself to be there in that place for no other purpose than to be there.If you find a particular serene or interesting area, you can sit and speak to Gaia, in whatever form she takes for you. You can hold her nourishing dirt in your hands. You can breathe in the scents of her flowers. You can be cognizant of the wind teasing your skin. And when you do so, you will find yourself grounded and connected in a way that isn't experienced through any other means. You are the earth, and she is you.
Practice Each of Your Clair Senses Regularly
So far, we have been talking about the physical health of your brain. The brain is complex and multi-layered. It can do math, help compose symphonies, and tie our shoelaces, but it can also help us tie into the unseen dimensions of our world through our "Clair senses." That is clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc…From a magical perspective, we can use these same senses to help manifest a spell's intention. In my first book (Paganism for Prisoners) I talk more in-depth about the Clair senses and provide individual exercises to connect with them. When you engage your Clair senses regularly, you are allowing a part of your mind to work that doesn't always get exercise. One of my favorite ways to exercise clairaudience is to focus on different channels of sound and single one out, then single out another. Each time you do exercises like these, you are inviting the extrasensory part of your brain to activate and strengthen your mental fortitude.
Emotional Release
Your emotions and your mental state are inextricably linked to one another. The emotional seat of the brain is the amygdala. This small piece of brain tissue has a big job. Along with regulating emotions, it also gives emotional context to our memories and aids decision-making. In a nutshell, this means our emotions are going to directly impact the decisions we make. This shouldn't come as a shock to anyone. I mean, who hasn't made a bad decision when they were emotionally overheated?Emotions are normal, and allowing ourselves to experience them keeps us mentally healthy. Unfortunately, the world we live in feeds us stress-filled schedules and our emotions tend to get stuffed away. When you apply emotions to magic, the same capacity to make irresponsible decisions comes into play. Before you cast, incant, chant, or otherwise pursue a magical avenue, make sure you are in a state where you are not emotionally invested in the outcome. The easiest ways to achieve this are to meditate beforehand and maintain generally good mental health. So, when you need to cry, let yourself. When you need to release anger, hit the gym or go for a walk. And when you experience joy, let yourself sit in the moment.
There have been a lot of studies done on the effects of community and engagement among human beings. The results tend to show the same thing: human beings need other human beings to help our mental state stay fit. This doesn't mean that you must be a social butterfly, but regular human interaction with a few close friends improves cognitive and memory skills and can increase the longevity of the body and mind.The pagan community as a whole is growing. Depending on your area, you may see many groups and gatherings or only a few. The good news is that humans are complex, so you can find community in places you might not expect by exploring hobbies and interests both in and out of a pagan context. Though live interaction tends to be preferred to receive the full brain benefits, virtual meetings can also fill a need for community. During lockdown, many groups went virtual, and many chose to stay that way allowing for increased accessibility. So fret not, small towners, there are ways to build your relationships: start with Meetup, Facebook Groups, and similar venues and go from there.
Stones are ageless. Made from a swirling dance of chemicals over the course of thousands to millions of years, they carry vibrational properties that achieve many purposes. When you shop for stones, instead of looking up long lists of magical properties, go and look at a stone. Pick it up and hold it in your hand. Do you feel lighter? Happier? More emotionally grounded? More balanced? Focused? Inspired? Then THAT is the property of the stone. But, if you'd like a guideline or a starting point, then here are some good ones to start with. First, Selenite. Selenite absorbs any energy that is thrown at it, but it doesn't keep it. Energetically, selenite is neutral. Keeping a piece under your bed can help wipe the emotional stressors from you while you sleep and leave you feeling refreshed.Moonstone makes its way onto the list because of its links to the moon and water. If you carry a piece, it can help you feel your emotions as they are, without the addition of fear and negative self-talk. If you ever find yourself asking, "Should I be this _____ over a situation," moonstone can help you sort that out.
Amethyst is a favorite stone for so many people. Its purple color is calming and healing. If you hold a piece on the right day with the right song playing in the background, you will likely find tears begging for release. It is protective in that it creates a safe space and healing in that it allows emotions to flow freely.
Also known as the "Happy Stone," Citrine is known for its ability to uplift the spirit. Natural citrine is very light in color, bright, inspiring, and resonating with the solar plexus. It is hard to hold this stone and not feel immediately more cheerful and optimistic.
The last one I want to talk about here is Hematite. Truly a magnetic stone, it is a good idea to carry two. This will keep blood flowing but will also keep you grounded in reality. There are times when our emotions like to carry us away. Hematite keeps that from happening. It allows the carrier to keep a level head even in heated situations. More information on stones and health can be found in my book Paganism on Parole: Connecting to the Magic All Around.
As you become more adept as a pagan and/or magical practitioner, you will find ways to work spiritually that go deeper than anything you ever could have imagined. True power lies not in the mastery of the external but in the mastery of one's own thoughts. Remember this as you go forward in all of your endeavors.
Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2022. All rights reserved.
- Double Vision: Twin Flames, Soul Groups and ReincarnationContinue reading →
Is it possible for someone from a soul group to reincarnate before the others in the group? I was told that a certain someone is my twin flame, but in this life, he is 24 years younger than me. Please help!
Twin Souls, Twin Flames, Soul Mates, and other people from our Karmic Families come and go throughout all our incarnations. Sometimes our others come late; this could be what's happened to you.
Personally, I think this person might be an Angelic Spirit and not a member of your Karmic Family at all. He may not be someone you're destined to have a romantic relationship with, but at the very least, he's someone the Universe has sent to you for some lesson you're supposed to learn this time around.
While this may be difficult to understand, you can figure out what's going on here if you consider the way he behaves in his own life. When you consider his own personal life, does it seem that he is often
in some way? Did he have a hard time or did it take him forever to get through school? Is he often late to work, dates or appointments?If that's the case, then he just might be one of those souls who is lazy about returning to a human incarnation no matter what is ahead of him. Is he a reluctant sort of individual in general? That could explain the lateness of his arrival this time around!
Have you considered that he might be an Angelic Spirit? My husband is younger than I am, and he is an Angel - that's why age never came up with us. Once in a while, the Universe will push an Angel off on us so that we straighten up and fly right. If this person came into your life to save you at a time when you were really unhappy, that could be why he's so much younger.
To discover if he is indeed an Angel, ask yourself where you were in your life when he was born. Were you in a big mess 24 years ago? Maybe this angel looked down from Heaven and said,
I better get down there, this woman is going to need me!
Was there something or someone in your life who had to be ousted by someone who could take over? If you go over the past 24 years, a pattern will start to emerge, and you might be able to tell from that why he's here.If he is indeed a romantic Twin Flame, that will begin to develop further later this year. He may resist at first, but he'll come around. If you've been together in your Before Times, there is surely some sort of relationship ahead for you in this life.
Be aware that just because someone told you he is your Twin doesn't mean that it's true. Evaluate this idea for yourself before you take the plunge! Besides, regardless of who he was in any past lives you may have shared together, it's who he is to you now that is important.
My understanding of reincarnation is that we travel in groups or generations and usually end up sharing our lives with the same people over and over. However, it is also common to change the quality of our relationships from one life to another, so if we were married to someone in one life, they may come back as our child, parent or sibling.
Because of this, it wouldn't be unusual to discover that your twin flame is your son or grandson, which would account for the 24-year age difference. You may share a different form of relationship each time you incarnate for different lessons or experiences.
The people you reincarnate with can also be friends, teachers or lovers; in other words, they won't always be blood relations to you. This is normally the case with twin flames, though they can also come into your life as a best friend of the same sex. Since we might enter a life in all sorts of different relationships, it's quite possible for your twin flame to be much younger or much older than you.
You will want to build an important relationship with this person even though the connection won't take the form of a romantic partnership. You will have much to share with one another and teach each other. Because you are older, you can guide and direct him as he most likely did for you in a previous incarnation.
Through each life cycle we experience, we have a tendency to repeat circumstances or repay karma. For example, if you were parented by someone in a past life, you may have the opportunity to parent that person in this life, and if you were unkind to someone in a past life, you will get the chance to make amends in the future.
You definitely have a soul mate coming your way in the future. Though it won't be your twin flame, it will be the ideal person for you to share your life with. It can be captivating to watch the Universe mix and match our lives and the lives of others for the best possible outcome, though it can be hard to appreciate when you're in the midst of it.
If you look around, you may discover many other people you have shared past lives with, especially in your family. If you have lost a loved one in this lifetime, pay attention to the characteristics new babies in your family may share with the person who passed over.
Studying our past lives can be fascinating and illuminating. You may want to obtain a psychic reading to learn more about your twin flame as well as the other people in your life you've known and loved before.
Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.
Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!
While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!
I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!
As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.
I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.
You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!
Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.
A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.
You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.