• Using Incense for Meditation

      by Ember Grant

      (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

      Meditation helps train the mind to focus and achieve clarity, while promoting relaxation and fostering a spiritual connection. There are many ways to practice meditation, including guided exercises and special breathing techniques, but part of the experience often includes the burning of incense. We know it's a common practice to burn incense for ceremonies, rituals, and meditation—but which ingredients are the best to use to promote this meditative state?

      Some practitioners don't recommend burning incense during meditation but instead beforehand in order to prepare the room. Sometimes the smoke can be distracting and interfere with breathing. If you do decide to burn it while meditating, be sure the room is well-ventilated or that the smoke isn't drifting directly into your face. Burning certain herbs, woods, and resins purifies the air and many of these ingredients contain medicinal properties as well. But most of all, scent can induce a calming state of mind, sought by more than just mystics and monks. Today, more than ever, people need respite from the stress and calamity of their hectic lives, and such relief can be found through meditation.

      To accompany your meditation with incense, the most important detail is not what type you use, but that it not contain artificial ingredients or toxic chemicals. Avoid "Truck-Stop" incense, or the kinds found at fairs on sale for ten sticks for a dollar, that come in bright colors like purple, blue, and red. If you can't identify the ingredients, don't buy it. One clue is to watch the smoke of your incense—it should never be black. Having said this, don't despair—you can find good quality incense at many new age and metaphysical shops. Being able to search this way puts a world of high quality incense at your fingertips.

      So, which types are the best for meditation? There are many, but we'll look at four types here and what makes them so special. Let's start with an obvious choice, the very popular sandalwood.

      • Sandalwood (Santalum album) is number one according to most Buddhists. The aroma of sandalwood is warm, rich, sweet, and woody. Sandalwood has been in use as incense for over four thousand years. India was once the main source of sandalwood, but it's also found on islands in the Pacific. This wood was once so treasured that its trade rivaled whaling for bloodshed and loss of life. Sandalwood is in short supply these days. Some forests have been depleted and since the greatest oil is found in the tree's heartwood, it takes time for new trees to mature—sixty to eighty years. In India, the trees are protected by the government and in 1792 the tree was designated a royal tree. No individual may own one—even if the tree is on private land it still belongs to the government. However, poaching is still a problem.Sandalwood powder and chips are most commonly used as incense, although the wood is often used in carvings, and for beads, and the oil is used as well. The scent of sandalwood promotes relaxation, openness, and grounding. Its special calming effect has been used to treat anxiety and depression, and it acts as a mild sedative. It can aid with opening the Third Eye and is considered by some to have qualities of an aphrodisiac. It's also a disinfectant. Sandalwood is one of the classic aromas that have been burned in monasteries and temples for centuries.

        Several woods are marketed as sandalwood so make sure you know what you're getting. When in doubt, always consult a reputable dealer. Also be aware of Red Sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus) which is used chiefly as a dye, base ingredient, or combustion agent when making incense sticks. Sandalwood can be expensive, depending on the quality, but affordable varieties and blends are widely available.

      • Aloeswood (Aquillaria spp.) is the most highly prized of the fragrant woods. The finest aloeswood, Kyara, is reputed to instantly produce the calmness achieved by a thirty-minute meditation. The reason aloeswood is so special is due to the way it is formed. This evergreen tree, which grows in Vietnam, Indonesia, and Malaysia, is very unique. After a tree dies from a natural death, a fungus begins to grow and creates a resin in the heartwood. This may take anywhere from months to years to form. The older the tree is, the greater the value it has as incense. The wood itself is not aromatic until burned, and in burning it refreshes the mind.Aloeswood may be the ultimate incense experience, but you'd better be willing to pay a lot for it—it can range in price from a few dollars a gram to a few hundred dollars a gram. Fortunately, there are many different grades and even what is considered the "lowest" quality aloeswood is still good. The best way to enjoy aloeswood is to purchase stick incense that contains aloeswood in the mixture. Some fine quality Japanese incense contains a blend of sandalwood and aloeswood and can be obtained for around $20 a box. These types are often marketed especially for the purpose of meditation.
      • Frankincense (Boswellia) is one of the most common incense ingredients and one that most people are familiar with. But there's a reason Frankincense is so popular—it has a calming effect on the nervous system. Frankincense contains certain phytochemicals that affect the cerebral cortex and limbic systems—these have been known to expand consciousness and even induce mystical visions.Frankincense can also be chewed to obtain healing properties, but don't try it unless you're sure it's of the highest quality. For incense, it's all about the aroma. One interesting feature is that the smoke is a natural insecticide, which is one reason it's used in cleansing and purification rituals. Rather than being relaxing, frankincense has the quality of adding focus and awareness to meditation.

        There are 25 known species of the Boswellia tree and this resin once rivaled that of the most precious gems, silks, and gold. Few environments on earth yield the appropriate climate for these trees—they require moisture from morning mist. They are found in Southern Arabia, India, and North Africa, on rocky hills and cliffs and dry riverbeds.

        The resin is produced as a healing response when the tree is injured. To cause this to occur, the trees are scraped and the resin is harvested about two weeks later, after it has hardened and fallen to the ground. The harvesting period occurs two times a year over a three-month period, which gives the trees time to rest. The resin is aged about twelve weeks before being sold. With so many varieties of Frankincense to choose from, you are likely to find an affordable selection.

      • Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi), is another good meditation incense ingredient, not to be confused with American Spikenard (Aralia racemosa). Its scent is spicy and earthy; it calms the nerves and strengthens the mind—but it can also make you drowsy. Yet despite its use as a mild sedative, it does not dull the senses but instead increases overall awareness.Spikenard is the aromatic rhizome of a woody herb that grows wild, but is often cultivated, in India, China and Japan. It's most commonly found in the upper elevations of Nepal. The rhizome is dried and resembles hair, or it is ground into powder. Jatamansi is Hindu, meaning "lock of hair." Spikenard is in the same family as Indian Valerian.

      Each of these ingredients can be burned as loose incense alone or combined together or with other herbs, resins and woods. For burning loose incense, grind the ingredients together with a mortar and pestle and sprinkle them over a bamboo charcoal. Avoid the self-igniting charcoals that contain saltpeter or sulphur, which are toxic chemicals.

      For simplicity, the easiest types of incense to burn are sticks. It's worth noting that many of the high quality natural incense sticks are not dipped onto a central stick of wood, so they will not burn well in certain types of incense burners. The entire stick will burn all the way to the bottom. This doesn't mean you have to rush out and buy a new incense burner, just use a glass or metal dish or ashtray with sand in the bottom and simply insert the stick—the ash from the incense will fall safely into the container. You can use the same container for bamboo charcoal burning as well. The layer of sand in the bottom will keep the container from become too hot, but still be sure to handle it with care.

      High quality stick incense blends are available, but you may have to look a little harder, and pay more, to find them. You'll find it's worth the effort. Companies that specialize in Japanese incense will offer the best selection, such as brands like Baieido and Shoyeido. These sources often sell the loose ingredients as well, and even offer instructions for making your own rolled incense sticks and cones. You can even learn various ceremonial methods of burning. Triloka is another brand that claims to use only natural ingredients.

      As with any type of aromatherapy or treatment, above all you must choose what appeals to you. Although the ingredients listed here are some of the most popular for meditation, if you can't obtain them, try something else. Keep in mind that smell is a vivid trigger of memory, so if a certain scent promotes an unpleasant association or feeling, experiment with other ingredients. Ultimately, it's up to you. Blessed burning!

      Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2005. All rights reserved.

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    • Double Vision: Do Animals Choose their Lives as We Do?


      I have always believed that we choose our lives before we come to earth in order to learn what we need to learn. It's one of the ways I make sense of seemingly pointless acts of violence against people, and how I can understand why some people experience such hardship during their lifetimes. What I can't understand is why or how animals would choose to live on earth and be so cruelly treated at times. Do you believe that animals make the choice to incarnate as we do? What are your spiritual beliefs about the role of animals here on earth and in the afterlife? Thanks for your insights into this subject.



      As you may know, I am a huge believer in the wisdom and power of animals both on the physical plane and in spiritual realms. At times, I learn from animals more easily than I learn from other humans.

      Each animal has a specific trait that we can learn and adopt by observing and studying the animal itself. We do not have to have an actual live animal in our presence to learn from that animal, however - we can also read about the animal in books or on the internet.

      Animals are also here on earth to just be our companions. To learn about loyalty and unconditional love, for example, someone could adopt a stray dog. Befriending a dog is probably the best way on earth to learn about those particular traits.

      To learn about planning and providing for the future, one can watch a squirrel. Observe, for example, how the squirrel puts his stash in all kinds of different places - he does not just put it in one place. My Daddy always told me that the way to wealth was through diversification of income, which is something the squirrel seems to understand instinctively.

      Animals also provide us with food and clothing at times. I think this is where most of your question comes into play. I too have often wondered why some animals are born just to be killed in order to provide for our needs.

      Every soul has a unique path and lessons that need learning. Each soul will pick its own best way to learn a particular lesson, then it will plan an incarnation by finding a family, location, time, etc., that will best suit its needs.

      Animals usually have very short life spans compared to humans. It seems to me that by incarnating as an animal, one might be able to very quickly learn some lessons or repay some karma. (I personally think that every animal chosen as a pet by a kid is here for a big lesson, as they will be sorely neglected.)

      I believe there are times that certain animals choose to be with certain people. I am sure that my little black cat chose my son. He happened to see her being born through a window, and they have been fast friends ever since. I am sure her soul chose to come into that little black cat body.

      I also feel humans and animals often both learn from each other, so they can have mutually beneficial relationships. Other times I think animals will come to us in service, or purely as teachers.

      When I channel people who have passed over, I often see them with a favorite pet. The pet is still in the same form it had when it was last alive in the physical, at least as I am shown it.

      So I do believe that animal souls choose to come here just like human souls do, according to a divine, natural order.

      I wish you many amazing animal encounters.



      I don't believe animals share our level of conscious awareness, even though some seem to THINK they do. Ink, my black witch's cat, maintains that she not only knew where she would live and the people she would be with, but she planned all of this with me before either of us incarnated. We have an extraordinary bond; it does feel like we've been together many times.

      Mars, my huge orange Tabby, thinks this is a wild, goofball idea that only humans could think up. "What would I have to learn?" he asked. "I know EVERYTHING! I know there is a rat I'm going to get one of these days when it cools off upstairs. I know what time breakfast is served. I can find the litter box when I feel like using it instead of the wall or your shoes. I was able to survive being abandoned, and wound up here in my own private palace. Why would I need more than the nine lives I have right here?"

      When I asked Cody, my friend's horse, he said, "What you have me? Apple? Carrot? Nothing? Go 'way then." Since Cody wasn't interested in talking about your question, I'm thinking he is a one-timer. The other horses weren't interested in talking about it, either. (I find horses aren't big talkers - at least, not to me.)

      As for dogs, I don't have one at the moment, and the two next door were busy when I asked them. Daisy, (a Labrador retriever) had a brand new set of wicker furniture to tear up and eat. "Incarnations? Aren't those the flowers I ate last week? Oh, those were Crosanthimumums! I'm too busy to talk to you now, come back after I eat that chair."

      Madison, aka Mad Dog, was too busy barking at me to listen intelligently to ANY question. Madison is alone a lot, so when she gets any attention at all, she's usually too excited for deep conversation.

      My friend Sue's dog, Max, was an exceptional individual. He promised her he would return in another body so that they could complete this life journey together. That was almost eight years ago, and he hasn't reappeared yet. Either he's happy in Heaven and waiting for her there, or he's as picky as he was in life, and can't find a puppy about to be born that he feels is "good enough" for his spirit.

      My big Great Dane wasn't much for talk, but he was deeply emotional. I look for him in the eyes of every puppy I meet. Nothing yet. But I know from him that just like every human is unique, so is every animal.

      Comet, the Inscrutable and Mighty Gray One, says that dogs incarnate one time to love us, so we have to enjoy them while they are here. Once we cross over, we're reunited with all our loved ones, including pets. They wait for us, and there is such great joy when we see each other again that all sadness is driven from us forever.


      Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

      Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

      While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

      I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

      As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

      I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

      You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

      Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

      A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

      You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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