- Weekly Astrological Forecast for June 12 through June 18, 2023Continue reading →
June 12 through June 18, 2023
Our creativity soars this week, as we thrive under the intellectual power of the Gemini Sun to revamp our outlook and surroundings. Monday and Tuesday we'll be brainstorming for new ideas under an Aries Moon, and by Wednesday, when the Moon moves into Taurus, we'll be able to take action on the things we want to change on a physical level. Whether we're ready to take on a home remodeling project, bring our wardrobe up to date or go for a completely new look, or create new spiritual practices to enhance our inner souls, this is the week to bring those to life! The Gemini new Moon on Saturday heralds a two-week cycle of new beginnings, so the preparations we make this week will quickly move us forward into enhanced levels of being. We can pause for a moment on Sunday as the Moon moves into Cancer, focusing on family, home, and the things that bring us comfort. Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!
- Setting IntentionsContinue reading →
Setting Intentions
An Excerpt from Soul Searching by Bill Philipps
One of the most underrated superpowers most of us don’t even realize we have is the ability to manifest our desires into reality by setting intentions. An intention is a mental commitment to something that matters to us, a deliberate focus of our energy that presents opportunities to create a physical manifestation. We are such powerful beings of divine light that we have manifested ourselves into human form, projecting our intent from the other side like a lightning bolt into this world. Incredible, right? Imagine how transformative life could be if we use that same focused energy in our daily lives.
I state my intentions throughout my day, from the moment I awake. Sometimes I do it while I’m on the move, but most times, I try to find a quiet place and moment where I can pause and focus on what I want to bring to fruition. If I can, I light a candle. This helps set the mood and creates a symbolic manifestation of the intention in the physical world. Before I go into a reading, I state my intention to be of service as a clear vessel of validation and peace for my client. For a one-person private reading, it might take me a minute or less. For a larger group, like an audience reading, I may spend ten minutes visualizing the people present in the room with their hearts wide open, capable of receiving Spirit. I create a feeling of healing within myself and surrender to Spirit so that I may become a vessel for others.
At the start of each week, I write what I want to create that week, an energetic platform from which to launch. I might focus on trust, healing, or peace. When I enter that intention-setting space, I’m making mental deposits to create energy and an atmosphere that will set events into motion. Some might refer to an intention as a prayer. I see it as what is within my soul that I want to bring to the world, usually something that I have a significant passion for creating. While the two practices are similar, I see prayer as an active dialogue with our spiritual web, and intention-setting is the force behind that active dialogue that summons the energy to create the atmosphere of manifestation and attraction for what we seek. While our spiritual web certainly assists us in how our intention manifests, the intention is the origin of the desire itself. I may not know how it will happen, but that is the beautiful mystery of intention-setting. Setting the intention is the “what.” The “how” will manifest as I continue to focus on what I want. By creating the atmosphere, the elements I need for my intention to manifest will eventually appear at the right time.
It’s important to visualize the outcome of our intention. By seeing our desire as if it has already happened, we create a mental space from which it will manifest. The excitement we feel from conjuring up our intention is the vibrational force necessary for it to manifest. It can be so powerful that whatever we choose to focus on can become our reality and attract more of the same. If we put forth the effort to set intentions for what we truly want, we can transform our lives.
The Crystal Ball of Intention
This visualization exercise practices intention-setting by calling upon the white light to assist in charging the intention for manifestation.Find a safe and comfortable space with privacy and no distractions. Sit upright with your palms faceup. This places you in both a receiving and a sending position. As you inhale, close your eyes and focus on your breath. As you exhale, say to yourself out loud the word relax. Repeat this process and
take your time; keep going until you reach a relaxed state. You’re stripping away the outside world as you focus on the stillness within.Visualize a crystal ball in front of you, a bubble of white light. Focus on the entire ball. Hold it in your hands. You may feel a buzzing energy from it. This is the creation energy of the Universe, from where possibility is born. It is a window into your future, your desires, and all that is you. This is your magical intention oracle. If you need to refocus at any time, repeat the breathing exercise above. Allow the light from the crystal ball to envelop you. As you blend with this pure white light, focus inward on this bright space where anything is possible.
Now, visualize your intention playing out in this magic window in your life. Play it repeatedly, studying the formation of this intention down to the details — who’s involved, what’s involved, the actions taking place for it, the setting where it plays out. Become immersed in this intention. Notice how this scene makes you feel as it brings positive feelings of success, happiness, and peace. Allow your feelings to fuel your desire and visualization. As you inhale, the white light becomes brighter and brighter until all you see is the light. Visualize the light flowing out of the top of your head as it connects to the larger Universe. This light is your energy charger, like plugging into the main grid. Charge your intention with this pure energy source while surrendering all that no longer serves you to the light for transformation. When you’re ready, snap your fingers three times to return to the room and open your eyes. Thank the Universe for delivering what you seek through its limitless bounty of energy.
Know that after each repetition of this exercise, intention-setting will become second nature to you. It will only take a moment to visualize your intention and send it into the Universe for creation.
Psychic Medium Bill Philipps is the author of Expect the Unexpected, Signs from the Other Side, and most recently Soul Searching: Tune In to Spirit and Awaken Your Inner Wisdom. His life’s mission is to help people deal with the grief of losing loved ones by bringing through validations, evidential information, and beautiful messages from Spirit, which heal and bring a sense of peace. Visit him online at www.billphilipps.com.
Excerpted from the book Soul Searching: Tune In to Spirit and Awaken Your Inner Wisdom ©2023 by Bill Philipps. Printed with permission from New World Library.
- Double Vision: Reliance on Astrology is Leaving Her ConfusedContinue reading →
I feel like I'm having a bit of an identity crisis. Let me explain. I was born 9/7/1969 in Denver, Colorado, at 7:32 p.m. When I was born, my mother had my horoscope charted, and I was raised to believe that I was a Virgo with Aries rising and a Cancer Moon. This was helpful growing up, because if I felt meek, I could simply tell myself that I had an Aries rising and force myself to be assertive. This belief led me to grow up with a certain amount of inner strength.
Well, 34 years later, I received another horoscope that states that I am a Virgo with Pisces rising and a Leo Moon. This seems like a rather odd combination, almost as though there are two extremes existing in one person. To tell the truth, I cannot seem to have good relationships with any Pisces. I wonder if on some level, I am disowning parts of myself and projecting this dislike onto others born under that sign. If this is truly my horoscope, it would seem that I need to learn more about my passionate, intuitive side.
So which horoscope is correct? And if I am a Virgo with Pisces rising, how should I come to understand more about that influence in my life? Do you have any advice on overcoming this identity crisis?
I know that any information you offer will be helpful. Thank you very much.
Sheila, I ran your chart and you are a Virgo with a Pisces rising and a Leo Moon. (If you would like to double-check, you can use the free chart program at www.astro.com). I am so sorry that you are going through this identity crisis. Let's address it.
The reason you cannot get along with Pisces people is because you are judging them through a Virgo's eyes. (Please remember that I am a recovering Virgo, so I know what I'm talking about!) We Virgos expect everyone and everything to be somewhat logical and orderly, and Pisces folks are SO not those things. The two signs are exactly opposite on the astrological chart, so it is naturally hard for us to understand each other. I will say, however, that having a Pisces rising makes you much more intuitive and gentle by nature than you would be if you did indeed have Aries rising. That is one thing you can and should use to your advantage. Please try to embrace your Pisces traits.
One thing about astrology that grates my nerves from time to time is how much stock some people put into what they or someone else is "supposed" to be due to the Sun, Moon or Rising sign. If I accepted my planets as they were, I would be the biggest anal retentive, perfectionist, worrisome human being on the planet. I decided a long time ago that I did not like some of the "traits" of Virgo, and I decided to change them in myself. We have choices in life. We can choose to allow things around us to tell us what/who we are supposed to be, or we can work on being who we want to become.
For example, I have a thing for Leo men. According to many astrologers, Virgo women and Leo men are NOT supposed to get along, but I feel most comfortable with them of all the signs. We are what we think we are. You said yourself that you would convince yourself to be more assertive. It does not matter where that "power" came from; what matters is that it did indeed come when you needed it. We are NOT limited by our astrological influences.
Another thing I would like to mention is that you are ruled more by your Moon, which is in Leo, than you are by your ascendant, which is in Pisces. That outgoing, forceful, strong character that you could pull up came from your Leo Moon, not your rising sign. What you thought you had in you all along because of your reported "Aries rising" really WAS there because of your actual Leo Moon. It was just waiting to be tapped.
I wish you painless integration of this "new" information!
Hello, Virgo with Pisces rising and Leo Moon! I'm sorry to say that the astrology you grew up with is indeed incorrect, but stop with the crisis, already; you've always been you, and you will always be you!
It amazes me how people will categorize themselves according to astrology, and yet I do it all the time myself. It's a TOOL, for Heaven's Sake! Having Pisces rising would explain why you don't like or get along with Pisces people, but having Pisces in that prominent place in your chart would make you every bit as strong as you'd be if Aries was there. It might make you more tactful and a little nicer, too! Perhaps Pisces people mirror things that you perceive as your own weaknesses. Learn from them. They are brilliant and focused individuals (like YOU ARE)!
Having that weepy and emotional Cancer Moon replaced by the Leo Moon should certainly eliminate any confidence issues. This chart reflects all the personal strength you've learned to muster. This is actually the chart of a more POWERFUL person than you would be with the one that your mom had done for you. Leo Moon people get their way most of the time, and are usually RIGHT, too. They have an extraordinary sense of what is GOOD, and they know how to apply that knowing in a sunny and pleasant way.
When your chart was drawn up at your birth, the astrologer probably forgot about Daylight Savings Time, or got the zone you were born in off from the latitude or longitude, or simply made a one-hour math error when she was trying to figure out Sidereal time. (Do we still call GMT that?) In 1969 we had to do the math ourselves, remember. If I fall back an hour, I get the chart you received at birth, more or less. Pisces and Aries are next door in the Zodiac, as are Leo and Cancer, so that's what I think happened with the incorrect chart. Thank goodness we have computers now! I used to go nuts doing all that math!
Fret not. As I look over your full chart, I see all sorts of new and exciting things that you can do now that you're a "new person." 2004 will be a year of new beginnings, so you can take this new astrology into your life and have a big time with your Leo Moon. I see you foiling the dastardly and making everyone behave. You can use the Pisces rising to be a do-gooder, if you like, or to take on some kind of course where you can concentrate on healing yourself and others.
This isn't the end of you as you know you - it's just an EXPANSION of the person you have been!
Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.
Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!
While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!
I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!
As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.
I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.
You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!
Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.
A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.
You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.