• Weekly Astrological Forecast for July 10 through July 16, 2023

    July 10 through July 16, 2023

    Mars will move into Virgo on Monday, heralding a two-month cycle of detailed and organized action. Whether we're gathering notes and doing research to write the next Oscar-worthy screenplay, mapping out a plan for a big remodeling project, or setting up a new business, the next two months will prove invaluable as we move toward the future. Mercury will move into Leo on Tuesday and add to the "star power" in the air, taking our ideas and thoughts to the next level. So let's all take advantage of this opportunity to "shine, shine, shine!" We'll take a step back on Wednesday as the Moon moves through Taurus, grounding, and rebalancing before moving forward. Thursday and Friday's Gemini Moon will lure us into more social activities where we can connect with friends, brainstorm with colleagues or simply dive into more research-oriented activities. Let's promise ourselves a relaxing weekend after the hectic nature of the week, embracing the free-flowing and easy-going vibes of Saturday and Sunday's Cancer Moon.

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  • Mysteries of the Aura: A Timeless Practice Can Change Your Life

    Mysteries of the Aura: A Timeless Practice Can Change Your Life, by Jean-Louis de Biasi

    (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

    I belong to a family of teachers, farmers, clergymen, and nuns; spiritual and educational pursuits have always been central in my life. I know that I didn't descend into this physical body randomly, and I have always felt this safe balance between the physical and spiritual worlds. I was lucky to be initiated into respectable traditions and to receive full authority in famous traditions. Today, I am using this unique heritage to reveal hidden realities and help everyone improve their hidden abilities.

    The aura has fascinated me for a very long time. I was raised in a Catholic family, and I can recall countless representations of the Holy Family and saints surrounded by golden halos. The clergy teaching us these stories stated that it was a mark of holiness—nothing more, nothing less. That explanation was enough for me at that time. Strangely, I didn’t challenge this assertion.

    When I was about ten years old, I started to hear stories about this strange light. I discovered some magazines about the existence of these bodies of light. And I began to find meaning in the colors I saw from time to time when I watched people through squinted eyes. I remember even seeing a strange pulsating light surrounding one of my cats while he was sleeping. I always felt it was a natural perception.

    My knowledge of auras began with these spontaneous experiences and continued as an adolescent when I created a parapsychology group; the purpose of this group was to explore our inner abilities and these hidden realities. I started to explore the different levels of the aura (which I present in Mysteries of the Aura). A few years later, I discovered the work of famous theosophists and Eastern traditions. They confirmed what I was exploring, even if some details were explained differently.

    Mysteries of the Aura is based on my experiences and my explorations. Instead of being a compilation, it is a progressive method that you can use to unlock this wonderful ability that everyone possesses. I strongly believe that teaching must be based on techniques. It is quite easy and important to give you a theoretical and cultural presentation of the aura, which you will find in the book. However, I consider it essential to also give you the keys to see for yourself and use this ability. What could be the point to simply explain how the world is to a blind person if I know how to give him the sight? Of course, it takes time and persistence, but it works. Mastering this ability goes well beyond the simple aura reading and can change your life and afterlife.

    All over the world, various representations reveal some aspects of these bodies of light. For this article, I chose a few examples from different spiritual traditions. Once you've read it, I invite you to start your practice with an exercise accessible to all levels.

    As I already mentioned, in the Christian tradition, a halo of light surrounds the heads of the Holy Family and the saints. Sometimes Mary or Jesus is placed in the center of a radiant mandorla. With this representation (below), eight angels with musical instruments surround the aura to symbolically represent the high level of spirituality. Music also indicates the presence of vibrations that are not visible to the naked eye. Additionally, the number eight is one of the highest spiritual planes of the hermetic tradition. It is interesting to know that this original sculpture was painted with bright colors.

    Image via https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/471909
    Image via https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/471909

    Another representation comes from the Italian Renaissance (below), which shows various strata of light around the head of the angel. Anyone who explores these zones of the aura can validate the accuracy of this painting. It is important to remember that they are not just an expression of art. This part of the body is often represented as it is the location of one of the brightest chakras (wheel of energy) of our spiritual body.

    Image via https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/471909
    Image via https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/458966

    Another instance from the Christian Gospel is the Pentecost, the artwork depicting which show the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in an assembly with the apostles. The symbolic depiction uses the image of a flame placed above the head. Putting the theological interpretation aside, this symbolic representation is very well illustrated on this 16th century tapestry.

    Image via https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/219368
    Image via https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/458966

    It is fascinating to compare the latter with images of the Eastern tradition. In the Buddhist tradition, statues of the Master Buddha are often represented with a halo surrounding his head, the third eye visible, and a flame above the head. This statue from the 16th century is indicative of these representations. In several other examples, his hair is twisted into a bun. This artistic convention is more than that, as it symbolizes this flame of energy.

    Image via https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/219368
    Image via https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/72301

    When I was 18, I travelled to Egypt for the first time, and had the experience of seeing the amazing artifacts found in Tutankhamun's tomb. Several chapels surround the sarcophagus that holds the mummy of the king. The reliefs that are the most important for this topic can be found on the outer panels of the second funeral chapel, with several scenes coming from the Book of the Dead. On one of them, we can see three rays coming from the sun and entering the forehead of the first figure. There are four other figures which represent mummies. Each one has a star at the top of the head. Each star is linked by these three rays of light.

    Farther on the same panel, the three rays of light are vertical, going from the top of a five-pointed star and the sun, down to the feet. Following the scenes, we find goddesses inhaling the three rays of light and spreading the same light from their hands onto the head of a snake. The five-pointed star and the sun are represented here in their low bellies.

    The last representation on the wall of this chapel that I want to mention is the oldest representation of the ouroboros. One is wrapped around the legs of the mummy and the other around the head. A circle in the middle of the mummy contains the image of a bird, representing the "ba" (the "soul"). As for the serpent, it is linked to the cosmic energy of life.

    The Hindu and Eastern yoga traditions have similar representations of the aura, of the channels of energy called nadis, and the chakras. (An extensive explanation of these bodies of energy can be found in Mysteries of the Aura.) However, I want to bring your attention to the chakra of the head, the one at the base of the spine, and the three main nadis connecting them while crossing the five other chakras. The main pathway following the vertical axis of the spine is called Sushumna Nadi. Two others important nadis are intertwined with Sushumna, called Ida and Pingala. One starts from the left nostril (Ida) and the other one from the right nostril (Pingala). Some descriptions show these two nadis spiraling around the center axis and crossing each other on the chakras. Others show the three channels as vertical and parallel. This is the one we will use in today's practice. Being able to see the aura will give you the opportunity to observe these channels of energy and the circulation of the latter. Working with this energy is important and uses various techniques. Among them are breathing techniques called pranayama, which are associated with visualizations and movements (Asanas).

    As you can see, all these representations depict the same reality, even if the artistic style is different, and in all these spiritual traditions (whether from the East or the West), they are more than simple images. They are symbols that also describe a specific spiritual process. Wise men and priests were able to directly see the bodies of light and their connection to the cosmic energy. Using symbolic representations was a way to give us essential keys to activate our own energy.

    Following the gradual exercises provided in Mysteries of the Aura will help you in this exploration and the energy work you will perform. However, I want to invite you to experiment right now with a simple way to feel your aura and activate energy centers. You can extend and deepen this exercise with a recording I prepared for you .

    This practice is structured in three parts: relaxation and breathing, perception of your aura, and activation of your energy centers.

    Part One
    For this first practice, I recommend that you be seated. Your back should be straight and your spine vertical. Your hips and shoulders should be well balanced. Your feet must be flat on the floor, legs parallel.

    Close your eyes and breathe normally. Observe your breathing, the movement of your chest, the air flowing in and out. Be aware of your physical body. While observing your breathing, scan each part of your body. This simple process should start a state of relaxation and peace.

    Continue this observation for a few minutes, but don't exceed 5 minutes. From time to time, come back to the awareness of your physical body and your breathing before moving to the next step.

    Part Two
    You'll begin to feel a light vibration around the surface of your skin. When you get this feeling, extend your breath, keeping the same rhythm.

    You may perceive that a subtle part of you is expanding, changing size and shape. Follow this perception without exceeding 5 minutes.

    Then, imagine you are at the center of an ovoid made of light. Let the color manifest to you in a spontaneous way. As you will see, a single color, sometimes two, will appear in your mind. This is not an astral vision per se, as you haven't yet followed the gradual training. Nevertheless, this is a true manifestation of the current main color of your aura. Focus on this color for a few seconds as a simple pleasure, avoiding any interpretation. Use your breath to make this color brighter and slightly larger.

    Part Three
    Move your awareness to your lower belly and to a center located four or five inches below the surface of your skin.

    Imagine a golden sphere pulsating and a five-pointed star at the center of it. Take the time to see and feel the presence of this sphere of energy. If you already practice creative visualization, you can add the presence of the ouroboros at the surface of the sphere.

    After a few minutes of focusing on these perceptions, inhale, and exhale. During the exhalation visualize three parallel channels of energy rising from this center up to the center of your head. Inhale moving again your focus on your low belly. Repeat this sequence three times. The second and the third times will help you to draw more energy in the channels you created the first time.

    Place your focus at the center of your head, more precisely the pineal gland. Think about this center for a few minutes. Feel the energy flowing. Then build a sphere of bright golden light around your head. After a few breaths, keep the light and dissolve the edges of the sphere, revealing the light shining as a bright halo.

    Just above the surface of your head, visualize the manifestation of a flame, similar to the flame of an altar candle, burning without any movement or sound. This is a pure concentrated flame of energy shining on a different level of vibration.

    Progressively open your consciousness to encompass a larger zone around your body. As you continue to breathe regularly and deeply while staying in your state of relaxation, feel the shining rays of light. You may progressively combine this brightness with the first main color you previously felt intensifying its brightness.

    Without exceeding five minutes, keep this perception while continuing to breath. Then come back to the movement of your chest and the movement of the air entering and leaving your lungs. Progressively, come back to your physical body and open your eyes. Remember to take some notes about your experience.

    This practice gives you a glimpse of several exercises you can find in my book. You should know that seeing aura is an art, but it can also be deceiving. Fortunately, there are simple ways to avoid delusions (various methods for that are explained in the book). Seeing the aura opens to a fascinating exploration of who you are, even unveiling hidden parts of yourself. Moving forward in your apprenticeship, you will become an actor and able to work on your bodies of energy. You will even be ready to help others who asked for your support. Eventually, this gradual process increases your state of consciousness and opens to you a spiritual path of freedom!

    Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2023. All rights reserved.

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  • Double Vision: Bad Luck?

    Do you believe in bad luck? Is bad luck something that is or can be influenced in the spiritual world, or is it just coincidence? How do you get yourself out of bad luck, if you can?

    Thank you!



    Irene, while most of the human race seems to believe in luck, I personally do not. I have learned through my own experiences and by watching other people that luck is something we create, or in some cases like Job in the Christian Bible, it is handed to us. I have also learned that one's mindset about life can create what appears to be more "good" or "bad" luck.

    We all go through trying periods in our lives. Some would attribute this to bad luck, and others would attribute it to lessons we need to learn or just plain old living. No one leads a perfect life. Everyone has times of trouble, drama and sorrow. Some people go through very long periods of time when it appears that nothing is going right.

    I myself have been guilty of blaming "bad luck" for my experiences a time or two (or ten trillion!). I often hear that expression, "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all." That is awful thinking. We need to choose mindsets more like, "I sure am glad all this is happening before summer hits so I can enjoy myself then," or "I sure am glad I got that flat tire. I could have been in an accident up the road." That would be so much better for us.

    I really do believe that our experiences are products of our thinking. If we think positive, positive things will happen. If we can see potential negatives as positives, we will make the rough spots in life much easier to go through. THAT is how you change your "bad luck" - you change your mindset. Instead of seeing everything as bad, turn it around and see if you can see the good in it. There is good in every situation. I am going to repeat that: THERE IS GOOD IN EVERY SITUATION!

    Now, oftentimes we are given a whole lot to deal with at once. Some higher power deems it necessary for our growth to throw everything but the kitchen sink at us. Those are the times when it is REALLY difficult to see the positive. Those are the times we need to poke our heads WAY up over the pile and see if we can look down the road. For example, if your man says he is leaving you, you can choose to look at the present, which is horrible and hard, or you can look up over the pile and envision the future. The future promises that you will be happy again, you'll get to take that class you wanted to take, you'll get to flirt and date again, and your life WILL go on. All of that is positive stuff. Look OVER the pile when you get slammed.

    One of my mantras is, "This too shall pass." NOTHING stays the same. Keep breathing and you WILL get past it all AND be better for it.

    I wish you far-sightedness.



    A wise old man had a horse. The horse ran away, and his neighbors tried to console him. "Isn't this bad luck?" they said. He answered, "Maybe." The next day the horse came back leading six wild horses with it. The neighbors came to congratulate him. "This is good fortune, is it not?" they asked. The peasant said, "Maybe." The next day his son tried to ride one of the wild horses, but he fell down and broke his leg. The neighbors said, "Isn't it a shame?" The peasant said, "Maybe." Then soldiers came to conscript the youth of the village, and the peasant's son was not chosen because of his broken leg. When the neighbors came to congratulate him, you can guess what the peasant said.

    When I was working on the telephone, at least 50 percent of the callers would ask me if I saw them winning the lottery. I only saw that once in five years, and that person won five thousand dollars. She called back the day after to fuss at me about her BAD LUCK at only winning that SMALL amount. (At the time, this was a FORTUNE to me!)

    A man who falls madly in love with a married woman with three kids may say to me, "I can't believe I had such bad luck to fall in love with someone who was already married! Why do I always have such BAD LUCK?"

    Well, I bet you can see where this is going. One person's good luck is another person's bad luck, and it's the individual's perspective that makes all the difference. If you THINK and PERCEIVE that all you're having is bad luck, then surely, that is all you will have. If you welcome the events into your life as they occur with an open mind and heart, then you will begin to see that luck is something you CREATE, not something that falls out of the sky.

    We can change our bad luck to good. If we live our lives in Spirit, then we have an easier time of things. Having faith that God will work FOR us seems to lead to general happiness.

    Certainly prayers are often answered, and our Guides and Angels do their best for us, but as long as we are creatures of conscious thought and Free Will, we can think that we are victims of our "luck." The person who seems SO LUCKY to us may have just as many issues and problems as we do. On the whole, however, a person who has a positive outlook will have positive experiences, and a person who insists on seeing the glass as "half empty" is not going to have great "luck." While Spirit can assist us, it's up to us to create what we want in our lives. To change the bad to good, change the way you LOOK at things that happen in your life. It's easier than you think!


    Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

    Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

    While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

    I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

    As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

    I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

    You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

    Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

    A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

    You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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