• Weekly Astrological Forecast for July 3 through July 9, 2023

    July 3 through July 9, 2023

    A Capricorn full Moon greets us on Monday, setting the stage for a productive and enlightening week! The first two days of the week are prime for completing obligations and then releasing them, as once the Moon moves into Aquarius on Wednesday, we'll be ready to pursue new projects, adventures, and dreams. The key to bringing our dreams to life is to begin within, nurturing them spiritually before manifesting them in the physical world, and the Moon's travels through Pisces on Friday and Saturday will prove the perfect time to do just that! By Sunday we'll be ready to take action on our new ideas, and spurred on by the Aries Moon, should see great progress for the next few days! It's not typical to see such powerful activity when the Sun is in Cancer, but all the planets seem to be aligned for an assertive shift forward, so go ahead and dust off those manifesting powers!

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  • Four Ways Your Energy Animal Can Appear to You

    Four Ways Your Energy Animal Can Appear to You, by Melissa Alvarez

    (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

    Animals. We share our world with them, we have them as pets, and they can be a source of comfort and love. Animals can also be spiritual guides for us during times of need or to help us grow on our spiritual path. I call them energy animals because I work with energy and animal frequency, but they're also known as totems, spirit animals, power animals, familiars, and animal spirit guides. All of these terms describe animals that guide, teach, and connect with you in order to deliver messages from the spiritual realm that you need to know at specific points in your life and on your path. Some appear for a short time, others are with us for a lifetime.

    When an animal has a message for you, the energy surrounding the animal will feel different. It may feel as if the animal is staring you down, or you just intuitively know that there's something unusual about the bird that keeps perching in trees near you, making you notice it. The animal will not give up until it gets your attention and delivers the information. If you're not paying attention, things will start to happen that captures your awareness and makes you take notice. Your animal encounters may happen more often and with more intensity until finally you say, "What is going on?" That's when you'll be open to receiving the message that the animal is trying to deliver.

    I'll give you an example. When I was writing Animal Frequency, there were so many animals showing up at my farm that every day I expected to see a new one and I usually did. It was also foaling season, and for ten days I was dealing with a mare who had retained part of her placenta after foaling out, which is life-threatening and meant I was up every two to four hours throughout the night giving her three to four antibiotic injections at a time to try to save her life in conjunction with her veterinary care. Being severely sleep deprived, I stopped paying attention to the animals showing up and didn't get much written during that time. Then one day shortly after the mare was over the incident I found myself bombarded with dragonflies. I walked out to the barn and there was one flying along beside me. While I did my work I'd find them sitting on the pitchfork handle or on the bags of shavings or they'd land on my arms. I acknowledged them and thanked them for the appearance but I was so tired I didn't think past that. Then I walked out into the yard by the barn and was swarmed with dragonflies all around me. There must have been fifty or sixty of them flying into the wind all around me. They've done this before in this spot but none had ever landed on me, and this time I had four land on me at once and they seemed to be looking right at me. Then when I went on an errand I was sitting at a stoplight and looked over and there was a tiny baby dragonfly sitting on my window starting at me. As soon as I got home I looked at my Animal Frequency manuscript to see what I'd written about the dragonfly. The line that stood out to me was, "Dragonfly means you need to add lightness to your life. Don't get bogged down in the heaviness of the world but be the light, airy being that shines in a multitude of colors." I had been bogged down in heaviness due to the issues with the mare and lack of sleep. I was still worrying about her even though the crisis had passed. Dragonfly helped me see that I needed to let it go so that I could get back to the lightness of being that I try to keep my frequency at. Once I did, everything flowed easily again.

    By knowing some of the different ways that animals can try to capture your attention, you'll become more aware of their appearances. They can show up in any way that they believe will make you notice them, so this list is just a mere sampling. Here are four of the most common ways that animals can appear to you when they have a message to deliver.

    1. Media
      With more and more people participating in social media, you're sure to see animals in videos, memes, advertising, news, and in online documentaries. When these animal appearances start repeating or standing out then that means there's a message. Seeing a cute lion cub video and then seeing two more lions online can be a sign that they're trying to get a message to you. Now, let's say you're driving to an appointment and see a lion on a billboard, and as you drive past the local zoo you notice a new advertisement for the lion exhibit, and the radio announcer is talking about a show about lions that he saw over the weekend. Once you get to your appointment you open up a magazine while you wait and there's a huge lion staring back at you. Later at home, you turn on the television and hear a lion's roar. By now you have probably realized that lion has a message for you. Take some time to sit quietly and ask lion what its message is and then trust in the first thoughts you receive.
    2. Dreams
      When your spirit guides have a hard time reaching you when you're awake, they often appear to you in your dreams. It's the same with your energy animals. In dreams you're more open to receive their messages as long as you can remember the dream. They will return to your dreams multiple times if you forget it. When you see an energy animal in your dream notice what kind of animal it is. What is it doing in your dream? Is it acting as it normally would in real life, or is it doing something that it could never do in real life—like speaking actual words? If it is speaking words, then it's delivering its message the easiest way it knows how—in your native language. Try hard to remember what it said. Also look at the environment of the dream. Is the animal out of place or in its natural habitat? This can all be part of the message. If you dream of a hippo swinging on a swing set maybe it is trying to tell you that your life is out of balance and you need to have more fun. How are you interacting or reacting to the animal? This is part of the message too.
    3. Spoken Word
      Sometimes, when you're not paying attention to the animal, the animal will enlist the help of others to get your attention. You may have noticed those lions and they've piqued your interest, but not enough for you to start looking up what they mean or to meditate to ask what the message is. So now your co-worker starts talking about going to the zoo and how wonderful the new lion exhibit is. She might tell you about how they changed the enclosure or that the lioness had cubs. Then your neighbor tells you about a dream she had that featured a lion. Or your significant other tells you about a new project at work that is featuring a lion. After several people have told you their lion stories, now you're inspired to find out exactly what message lion has for you.
    4. In the Flesh
      Many times you'll notice animals because they simply show up in person to get your attention. There have been many times when a hawk, snake, alligator, or other animal has shown up on my farm and just stared me down. I believe that the "stare down" is one of their favorite ways to get your attention. I mean, how can you possibly ignore that? Once I had a big red-tailed hawk perch right on the fence and watch me clean a paddock. I kept looking over at him and just got stared at. When I moved to another paddock, the hawk flew over to a low tree branch and stared me down again. By the time I got to the round pen, where it perched on the panel about four feet away from me, I just stopped what I was doing, stared back at him and intuitively opened my energy to its message. Once I'd received it, the hawk made a loud screech and flew away. So when you see an animal in the flesh that seems to be looking at you or that you intuitively feel like there's something special or unusual about the animal, pay attention to it. Take a few moments to commune with it so that you can discover what it needs to tell you.

    Connecting with your energy animal can help you in many different ways. It can even be life changing. If you're not paying attention, energy animals can and will use all of these ways at the same time to inundate you with their presence so you pay attention and start to learn more about the animal. Getting your attention is often the hardest part. Once their message is delivered, the animal usually disappears from your life, but you'll probably always remember the message.

    I encourage you to take time to open your heart, mind, and intuition to the animals that appear in your life. Connect with them through animal frequency to experience the Divine with them and within yourself.

    Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2017. All rights reserved.

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  • Double Vision: Are our emotions sometimes a way of spirit communicating with us?

    My girlfriend left me about 2 1/2 months ago. I hadn't really learned anything when she broke up with me the first time. I expected us to just get back together, but then she started seeing another guy. (I was so emotional about our break that I pushed her away when we got back together again.) I feel she is my soul mate, and when she told me she was seeing someone else, I started doing some things to change my life, like moving out on my own and getting a new job and seeing friends more, things I should have done a long time ago but didn't. I'm wondering if my spirit guides prompted this experience in order to help me move forward with my own life this way, if certain events take place just to wake us up. I have also not given up hope of winning my love back, because my gut just tells me to hang in there, don't give up. So I am not giving up, though it hurts so much to keep hoping. Do you believe that the emotions I am feeling are because I am meant to get back with Charlotte - that they're being generated by Spirit, and that I just needed to experience the other emotions so that I would learn?

    - D.


    Thank you for sharing this with us. I really believe that no matter how it comes about, positive change is a good thing. I know that sounds obvious, but you REALLY needed to make some changes. You are finally starting to live the life that you are supposed to be living and taking responsibility for your own actions.

    I have no doubt that your Spirit Workers (God, angels, guides, etc.) are working on your behalf and moving things into your path to make you FINALLY step up to the plate and act like a grown-up. Not only did you make physical life changes (like moving, new job, etc.) but you are also making mental and emotional changes. You have stopped blaming other people for your problems or mistakes - or at least you do it much less than you used to. You are making great headway, and it is important that you know that you have LOTS of help from the Otherworld. For the record, "everyone" is very proud of the progress you have made so far.

    Breakups are notorious for making us make changes in our lives. Women lose weight, drastically change their hair, buy a new wardrobe and things like that. Men lose weight, buy a sports car, change jobs, move - essentially things just like you did. Sometimes this happens because a part of us saying, "If I was different, maybe she (he) would still love me." In any case, positive change is always a good thing, no matter what the original cause or motivation.

    I do not believe that we have just one "soul mate." I think we have at least five in each lifetime. We are human and we have free will. We often make the wrong choices in life and run away from someone who is important to us. If we only had one chance at true love, a large majority of the global population would blow it early in life by making a bad choice. So even if Charlotte decides to not come back, you are not doomed to never love again. You will get another shot at love.

    So often people tell us, "Just let her (him) go." That is very easy to say, but very hard to do. If you are not ready to let go of Charlotte or the hope of reconciliation, then you do not have to at this time. I am not going to tell you to ignore your gut instincts; I spend half my life telling my clients to listen to their gut. When it is time, Spirit will bring you what you need, and you will know it.

    You had to learn about true, unselfish love. Now you fully realize what it is like to lose someone. You will not treat women the same after this. You will be more tender. So you will be better for this pain you are going through now.

    I wish you true solace.



    We all have Guides and Angels with us as we make right and wrong choices in our lives. It sounds to me like there is much singing and dancing going on with your Guides and Angels, not because Spirit caused you to change your life, but because YOU GREW UP and began to make right and positive choices for yourself.

    You're not changing your life for CHARLOTTE, you're changing it for YOU, and They are overjoyed. Guides and Angles can do very little unless we cooperate with Right Thinking and Action. Since you and your girlfriend broke up, you have taken the time to look at your life and decide what really is important to you.

    You speak honestly and from your heart about what happened to ruin the relationship you had with her. Why she is seeing the other person, and why that's had such an effect on you is pretty obvious, but it was HER FREE CHOICE to get involved with someone else. You have somehow found the PEACE in your own Heart to keep going with Hope. Bravo for you, to be able to put your feelings into words! This is a rare talent that Charlotte will begin to appreciate more and more as your lives together continue.

    Some people never do this! Honestly! They drift through life on the SURFACE of things, selfishly never seeing what the OTHER person wants or needs. As soon as you began to see yourself as the person you really want to be, you made the changes that would CREATE THAT PERSON you ARE.

    I also believe that you have made the conscious choice to feel as you feel for Charlotte, so that a soul mate situation can develop. We can welcome that soul mate situation, but we are also responsible for CHOOSING who we develop that sort of relationship with. If you and Charlotte can work through this (and I see you doing just that!), things will work out for the two of you.

    I'm sure your Guides and Angels appreciate that you're doing what They want you to do to create your own happiness. They can't MAKE us do a THING. As much as They want us to use Them and listen to and heed Them, our Free Will is at work all the time to skunk them!

    We create the situations from which we take our lessons. Your Guides and Angels tell me that if you had been listening to them, you and Charlotte would never have broken up in the first place! They DO see you back together, once she realizes how you have grown over the last 90 days as a person. People make mistakes, and they get forgiven. You and Charlotte have LOTS of Guides in Spirit working towards a happy ending for you two. They see it, and I see it too!:) Thanks for sharing your Heart with us!


    Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

    Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

    While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

    I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

    As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

    I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

    You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

    Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

    A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

    You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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