- Weekly Astrological Forecast for December 23 through December 29, 2024Continue reading →
December 23 through December 29, 2024
The Libra Moon will set the tone for the first two days of the week, casting a calm and peaceful mood over all our activities. Relationships will thrive and our appreciation of the gifts they bring into our lives will deepen. Wednesday and Thursday’s Scorpio Moon will highlight the spiritual tones of the season, reminding us to be grateful for all we have and everyone we share it with. Giving us the ability to look at our lives with a higher perspective allows the soulful tones of Scorpio to transform us on the innermost of levels. Once the Moon moves into Sagittarius for the rest of the week, our focus will be on the future and what we hope to create and accomplish in the new year ahead. I wish everyone a joyful and safe holiday, as we bring 2024 to a close and make plans for a glowing future.
- Western Tradition and MandalasContinue reading →
Western Tradition and Mandalas, by Jean-Louis de Biasi
(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)
Spiritual traditions are part of the human DNA. Despite all the good arguments coming from atheism, the presence of an invisible world has been a belief shared by human beings from the time they began walking on their two legs to discover the world.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, eastern spiritualties have won a clear popularity among people eager to lift the veil on religious mysteries. For the Theosophical movement, for example, Tibet, the Himalayas, and India were places where Spiritual Masters were supposed to live. The mystical center of the world and the mysterious subterranean city called Agartha were in the Himalayas. Buddhists and Hindus perpetuated advanced techniques of meditation and the development of inner powers. Meanwhile in the Western World, monotheistic religions continued to control the minds of Westerners by imposing religious dogmas, shaping a strong hierarchy of powers descending from God, to the Pope and Cardinals (Priests), then to Kings, and then the people. Monks kept a kind of independence vis-à-vis the religious establishment. Occult groups perpetuating Hermeticism, Theurgy, Kabbalah, and the Rose Cross tried for hundreds of years to keep the ancient Western Traditions alive. Some of these occult groups are still alive, and I have the privilege to be the head of two of them, the Aurum Solis and the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose Cross. Learning Western Philosophy and esoteric traditions helped me develop the ability to recognize hidden messages left by ancient initiates.
Speaking about messages, we are often thinking about ancient books, parchments, secret codes, etc. In fact, art and architecture have been a wonderful way to pass down such an ancient heritage coming from a time before the rise of monotheistic religions. Most of this heritage is often hidden in plain sight, and it is wonderful to still be able to decipher it. The main difference between Eastern and Western traditions has been this concealment of esoteric teachings. This is also one of the reasons why Buddhism and Hinduism have become so popular. One of the most obvious subjects that links spiritual practice and art has been mandalas, the most famous of which are authentic Tibetan mandalas. As you may know, they are symbolic representations of the universe. The belief is that this beautiful artwork is not a simple drawing or sand painting, but the representation of a spiritual vision that can be seen also as the reflection of our inner world. The process of creating it in a specific way, using prayers, mantras, and visualization while mixing pigments and painting it, creates a performative artwork. This results in a real invisible power that can act as a catalyst of energies capable of modifying your state of consciousness. What I mean is that you can just look at an authentic mandala made according to the occult rules, and you will experience a complete spiritual experience. An authentic mandala is multi-dimensional. It exists in this world as a beautiful piece of art, but it should be seen also as a gate to the spiritual world, symbolically illustrated. A meditation will allow you to go from this world to another on a real shamanic journey. Of course, knowing the pronunciation of the mantras, the names of the divinities, and the secret words of power may help. However, I can assure you that just being in the presence of such a mandala is capable of modifying the energy of a place and consequently affecting your state of consciousness. It could be surprising to know that such symbolic representations of the universe are not limited to these Eastern traditions. I can give you two examples among many. The first one can be found in the tradition of Native Americans in the Southwestern United States. The Hopi and Zuni tribes have developed a specific kind of painting that has exactly the same purpose and process as the Tibetan Mandalas. In the Western world, various kinds of symbolic representations of the Universe can be found in religious buildings: ceilings, stained glass, and pavements. In The Hidden Mandala Coloring Book, that has been just published, I chose to focus on the latter. While traveling all around the Mediterranean world, I have been surprised to see a real continuity in the patterns used by the masters. From the early Roman world to the Renaissance and beyond, we can easily recognize similar interlacing. Even if the purpose was not the same, we can see such designs in the Celtic and Gallic arts.
Of course, we can find mosaic floors with human and animal representations. However, labyrinths and other interlacing constitutes a very rich symbolic language. Mathematics and geometry have been used for these creations. In the introduction of this coloring book, I talked about the symbolism of numbers and shapes. While traveling in Italy with my wife, who is a talented mosaicist, I took hundreds of photos of these ancient pavements, some of them partially destroyed. Then I recreated the original patterns, completing the missing parts. Doing that has been very rewarding. I realized even more deeply the purpose of the numbers and the interlacing. There is a real connection between our minds, our souls, and these symbolic patterns. Every time we use them, whether by drawing or coloring, our heart begins to slow down, our blood pressure decreases, and our mind reaches a state of balance and peace. Hundreds of coloring books have been published in recent years. I can assure you that coloring stars, flowers, angels, or unicorns has no effect whatsoever on your state of consciousness. Of course, someone doing that will be more relaxed only by the fact that he is focusing on an artistic activity and avoiding the usual daily stress. Using symbolic patterns that have been inherited for ancient masters is totally different. Anyone can feel the difference after a few minutes of coloring.
As I explain this process, I am looking at a few designs that are in this coloring book and I want to give you right now the opportunity to begin your inner experience. I just chose for you a representation of one of the mosaics that comes from Ravenna in Italy. The numbers are important in this pattern. To access, simply join the public Hidden Mandalas Facebook Group; once you've joined the group, you will be able to download this mandala in a PDF format. This sample is slightly different from the one you will find in the book itself, but the symbols and numbers are similar.
After downloading the mandala and printing it on heavy paper, you can prepare your coloring time and proceed. As a suggestion, I would like to give you a short ritual process you can use for this one.
Choose eight beeswax candles and natural incense. You can choose the latter in relation to the Egyptian God Thot (Djehuti), who is also called Lord of Khemenu. Place your chair facing east, along with the table you will use for coloring the mandala. Your colored pencils and pencil eraser should be ready on the table.
Stand up and declaim:
"Thot, noble Ibis, I call upon you!
Manifest your presence!
O God who loves Knoum;
O writer of the Ennead;
Great God who resides in the sacred city of Hermopolis, manifest yourself at this instant!
Hear my call!
Let your manifestation be powerful and let it make me great!
O Thot may we speak of your valiant actions and tell you with the multitude: 'Great are you
Thot and great are your acts!'"Light the eight candles from the right (south) to the left (north).
Sit and color the mandala. I recommend coloring this specific one from the center to the exterior circle. If you do not achieve the mandala in one period, you should use the opening again, to declaim the hymn.
When your coloring process is achieved, you can proceed with the closing.
Stand up and declaim the following prayer of closing.
"O Eternal, we have known thy light supreme, which can be seen only by the spirit. We have understood thee, O Life of Life, O Thou who bring all into being. We have known in thee the eternal permanence of all nature. O God, let this hymn, this whole-hearted adoration, be an expression of our love.
We ask of thee only one favor, O Eternal One: that Thou wilt keep us constant in our Love of knowing thee, and that we will never be far from this kind of life."Then extinguish the candles.
I would like to finish this article by an inviting you to send in your colored mandala to the Hidden Mandala Facebook group, either by scanning it or taking a photo of it. On February 1, 2017, I will open an online vote for your artistic interpretations of this Italian mandala. I will personally send a copy of my signed Hidden Mandala Coloring Book to the person who colored the mandala selected by your votes.
Once the book has been released, I invite you to continue to post your colored mandalas in the same Facebook group. We will also have the opportunity to post information about mandalas, to have discussions, to share Western Mandalas, and more.
I wish you a very good spiritual and artistic journey in this amazing world of Western Mandalas.
Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2016. All rights reserved.
- Double Vision: He’s Indestructible and Wondering WhyContinue reading →
I'm trying to find out why I'm divinely protected. I'll tell you why I ask. First, I should never have been born. My mom had had her tubes tied and burned, but I was conceived anyway. I almost killed her, so I was taken out at 24 weeks and wasn't expected to live. (I was due 2/1/77 but was born on 11/9/76.) I don't have enough space to tell you everything, but I should have died on at least five different occasions. When I was born, the doctors said I'd be dead within a few hours. This turned into days and weeks, etc. Then they said I would be disabled and need help for everything. I turned out to be one of the smartest, fastest, strongest kids in school. I was hit by a car when I was six. My bike was completely crushed but there was nothing wrong with me. When I was 15, I got shot on a hunting trip but I'm still here. I then went into the army where I was shot again. I'm still okay. I was blown up by an IED (improved explosive device) when it hit a fuel truck I was on. Everyone died but me. It broke my neck and many other things, but you would never know it now, for I walk and talk just fine. When something bad could happen to me, something good always comes of it instead. I was retired from the army but they still pay me and I get to spend time with my kid. I went back to work again and had my shoulder torn out while working on a big machine, so now I never have to work and they pay me too. Now I can go back to school and get a new degree and not worry about money because they pay for school and I still get to spend time with my kid. There are many other things also happening. I'm starting to have visions of things that later come true. I can also find lost items that no one else can find. It's like I see them in my head and go right to where they are. I sometimes know if a person is going to die. (I don't like that.) Why am I like this? I feel like I'm here for some big reason but don't what it is. Do you?
Upon the first read, your question sounded like something from an Angelic Spirit. This is someone who has never been to this Earth Plane before, someone who would have agreed to all the suffering you've experienced and survived. Angelic Spirits come to Earth in order to save others, and you have certainly accomplished a lot of that in your life.
However, I don't think that's what is going on here. I know you seem to have amazingly good fortune now, but your journey has been tough in some of your past incarnations. Some people (those who are Old, Old, Old Souls) experience tremendous joy and great sorrow in their lives - so much joy and sorrow that younger souls and less courageous individuals just couldn't handle it.
I would love to tell you that I know the exact reasons for all you've experienced and survived in your life. Unfortunately, no human being can tell you exactly why you suffer or why you prosper because that's for you and your Guides to figure out together.
Fortunately, you've been protected and nurtured by them so that you will live long enough and have enough prosperity in your life to discover that reason. Of course, the most obvious answer is that you're here for your child. If that's not enough reason to stick around, I don't know what is!
In your search for answers, you might begin with the fact that you've been a soldier, warrior, and commander of armies many times in your past lives. The experiences you have had in this life strongly support this as being true.
Of course, you've probably had some healing professions in your past lives too, because you seem to be able to heal not only your body but your Spirit. This comes from experience. One-Timers and New people can't do that sort of thing.
Your survival suggests that most of the things you've been through, you've experienced before, though I doubt you had such fortunate outcomes in the past. You've paid your dues and should enjoy more good times than crazy times now.
Unless you are an Angelic Spirit (which is entirely possible), I'd say you have an Old Soul and a Survivor's Spirit. The things you talk about are both awful and wonderful at the same time. Are you lucky or unlucky? Adversity seems to be a major part of your life, but good fortune seems to always come your way.
An unflinching look at your Past Lives and the Karma you bring to this life would illuminate a good deal of why this keeps happening to you. Try to find a qualified past life regression therapist so you can discover who and where you were before, and how that all ties in with your wild adventures in this life.
It certainly sounds like you lead a charmed life. As you state in your letter, there must be a very special reason for your existence here on Earth. The Universe definitely wants you here despite all the life-threatening karmic events that have come your way.
Often when we experience these types of close calls with death, they evoke a sense that there is a higher order at work, and with those events, we grow stronger in our psychic gifts.
Most people discover their intuitive powers through two channels, either through emotional or physical trauma. While the emotional psychic transformation process is slow and can take years to develop, physical trauma often awakens us practically overnight. Since this was the case for you, it's no wonder you are now realizing your ability to foretell the future and see things no one else can.
You may have come into this life with a multitude of spirit guides who have been diligent in protecting you. It's also likely that the events you lived through were a part of past life karma you had to clear. Either way, now that your psychic abilities have shown themselves, you shouldn't have to go through any more physical trauma.
Though you feel uneasy about these gifts, you'll get used to them. Learning to maintain your sense of inner balance and determining how best to use your powers is part of the transformational process you're now in. You came into this life with a special purpose, and now you're discovering what it is and how to best fulfill it.
One of the most important ways you'll use this gift is in helping others who've had similar experiences. Because you have the freedom to devote your time to whatever calls your name, thanks to the financial support you've gathered through these incidents, you can devote more time to connecting with people who are on the same spiritual path. Joining a group of spiritually focused people or finding a mentor to guide you in understanding your experiences will help you determine how to make the most of your powers.
You have been able to see the gifts that have come from the physical threats to your life. The more you investigate your abilities, the more you'll be able to appreciate them and use them to their fullest potential.
You will continue to see more powers emerging. As a Scorpio, your ability to walk that fine line between life and death will become instrumental in helping others understand and appreciate their own growth potential.
Be sure to learn more about your spirit guides, and remember to thank them for the remarkable job they've done protecting your life!
Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.
Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!
While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!
I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!
As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.
I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.
You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!
Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.
A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.
You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.