• Weekly Astrological Forecast for January 27 through February 2, 2025

    January 27 through February 2, 2025

    We will welcome the Chinese New Year this week, celebrating the Year of the Snake on Wednesday. The Snake represents transformation (as in shedding of the skin), rebirth, and enhanced spiritual energy. It also portends a return to optimum health and healing, marking a year of new beginnings. A few planetary changes add to the shift in energy this week, as Mercury moves into Aquarius on Monday and amplifies the “think different” energy in the air. The new Moon in Aquarius on Wednesday provides us with a two-week cycle of new beginnings to start the Chinese New Year off! On Thursday, Uranus will turn direct after five months of traveling backward, and as Aquarius’ ruling planet, will also begin to generate fresh movement and innovative ideas. The Pisces Moon will take us inward to process all the shifts of this week, aligning our spirits, minds, and hearts in preparation for the rebirth. Sunday’s Aries Moon carries an energy of creativity, inspiration, and forward movement, making this one of the most transformational weeks of the year!

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  • How and Why to Create Your Own Spellbook

    How and Why to Create Your Own Spellbook, by Deborah Blake

    (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

    For many witches, casting spells is a part of their practice of Witchcraft. It may be a large part, used for anything from prosperity to love to healing, or something that is only pulled out during times of great need. Either way, most witches have at least a few books that contain spells. They might even have a few of mine. (If so, huzzah!)

    But there is something to be said for creating your own personal spellbook. This might be a small notebook, or a fancy journal, or even a section in your Book of Shadows if you have one. In this day and age, it might even be a file on your computer, although I find that most of us prefer to have an actual book we can hold in our hands.

    Some people are intimidated by the idea of writing their own spells, but I assure you, it isn't that difficult. If you really aren't comfortable doing so, however, you can compile a set of spells written by other folks, whether they are friends you practice with, or witchy authors like me. Pick and choose from all the spells you come across in your journey, and select the ones that you find the most useful, or that you think you might need in the future, or that resonate particularly strongly with your own spiritual inclinations.

    Definitely write down any spells you've used that have worked well for you, so you will have them handy if you need them again in the future. I have one particular prosperity spell that I wrote years ago and have reused many times. Although I have written a few others since then, that one is still my favorite.

    As wonderful as it is to have a collection of spells written by others, there is something to be said for creating your own. For one thing, a spell you write will say exactly what you want or need it to say. You may have a specific situation or issue that is difficult to find just the right prewritten spell to solve. For instance, there are plenty of spells that help you to find love (although I'm not personally a fan of love spells). But what if you need to find the perfect housemate? Or a new friend? In that case, you might need to write your own spell, or at least modify one you found in a book to suit your own needs.

    Writing a spell isn't really difficult, even if you're someone who doesn't like writing in general. After all, they can be short, as simple or as complicated as you wish, and they don't have to rhyme unless you want them to (although it can be fun to do so). Writing a spell yourself also puts that extra bit of your own energy into it, which is never a bad thing when you are doing magic.

    I talk all about the basics of writing and casting spells in my book, Llewellyn's Little Book of Spellcraft, because while it isn't hard, you do want to get it right. A spell is a powerful tool, after all, and you don't want to have it go sideways. There are plenty of things to consider before writing or using a spell, including making sure you know what your goal is, whether or not you want to use tools or items to help you focus, deciding if the spell is something short-term or one that you want to repeat every day for a certain span of time, and so on.

    There are a few basic dos and don'ts that you want to keep in mind, too, although as with everything else in Witchcraft, not everyone agrees on what these are. For me, the most important aspect of a spell is that it is done for good—to create a positive and beneficial outcome—and that it doesn't interfere with anyone else's free will. As I said, there are those who disagree, and that's fine. But especially if you are just starting out, you will be a lot safer if you stick to this guideline.

    You also want to consider your own preferences, needs, and limitations. For instance, if you are really busy and can't spare much time for magical work, you will probably want to stick to spells that are simple and fast to perform. If you are still in the broom closet and share your space with others, you may want to choose spells that don't require anything obviously witchy. Not to worry, though, you can forgo the extras altogether, or simply light a candle. (If you happen to carve magical symbols on the bottom, then stick it into a holder, who is going to know?)

    If you are creating your own spellbook and you are relatively new to magical work, or even if you just like to keep all the information you need in one place so it is easy to find (like me), you may want to add a few basics to your book, either with the spells themselves, or at the back or the front. This might include things like quarter calls or god/goddess invocations, magical correspondences for various goals, or even just notes to yourself on what works for you and what doesn't.

    Or, if you don't want to make your own book, you can find one that already has those things included, so you don't have to go looking for them. Of course, you can do both—make your own spellbook, and also collect a few written by other people that you can use when you don't have the time and energy to come up with something on your own. Kind of like being a great home cook, but also occasionally getting take-out when you're not in the mood to make something yourself.

    The most important thing about a spellbook is that it works for you. Whether you are writing spells or using those written by others, integrating spellwork into your magical practice should help you achieve your goals, empower you, and of course, make you feel like the kick-ass witch you are.

    Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2024. All rights reserved.

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  • Double Vision: Can a spiritually mismatched marriage work?

    I've been on a conscious spiritual path for a long time, but recently, things have really picked up, and I've gotten more involved in spiritual groups, classes and activities. My husband doesn't share my interests, and that was always fine by me, as I figured we all have our own paths. Now, however, he seems to be jealous of my spiritual friends and activities. When I talk to him about these matters, he isn't really interested. When I don't talk to him about all that I'm involved in, however, he says I leave him out. When I take him along into spiritual arenas, he acts different: distant, cold, uninterested - which of course makes it hard for me to relax and enjoy myself. He only goes to spend time with me; not because he wants to be there (which I thought was sweet). Lately he's even begun to mock me a bit - to make fun of my spiritual beliefs - which is causing me to pull away from him. I know this attitude is driven by his jealousy, but I don't know what to do about it. We're growing further and further apart. I am okay with him not being into my spiritual path, but as it takes over more and more of my life, I can see us naturally growing apart, since he can't or won't join me. We have tremendous difficulty communicating at an emotional level, as he gets very angry or defensive. Any suggestions or advice? - Beth


    Beth, I think your situation is addressed in the Bible: "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers." I was raised Southern Baptist, and was taught that phrase meant not to marry people who were not Southern Baptist, or I would burn in Hell. As I grew older and wiser, however, I realized that the phrase refers to situations like yours. It is very hard to make a relationship work when one person is adverse to the other's beliefs.

    Your husband gets defensive because he feels inferior now. He feels that you are going to find new friends and maybe even a new man who knows more or acts differently than he does, and you are going to choose that man over him. He is afraid that your relationship will change. He was really happy with the way things were before. As you change, he starts to feel insecure because he is not sure where these changes are leading you and how your new path will affect HIM.

    I think you need to tell HIM everything that you just told us. You two need to sit down and communicate about how you feel. Explain to him that he is driving a big wedge into your relationship. Also explain to him that you would rather go and do these things alone, as you know he does not understand. Stress the fact that you realize he was going along for you and you appreciate that, but you will no longer subject him to the gatherings, etc.

    In turn, ask him to allow you to do your thing without making constant comments. Express how you feel when he makes fun of you. You haven't spoken your feelings clearly. Without open and honest communication, NO relationship can last. We speak openly with family, friends and coworkers, but when it comes to "love," we close up and become afraid to say anything to that person. We are afraid of angering or losing them, appearing desperate and needy, etc.

    You two can work this out, but you have to communicate your individual fears to each other. Of course it would be easier to live with someone who is like-minded, but it is not absolutely necessary as long as you each allow the other their "thing."

    I wish you continued enlightenment in a safe and comfortable environment.



    I see a huge hunger for spiritual awakening in the world right now. Every person's spiritual beliefs are unique and personal, and tied to the very core of "who they are." We thus all have some big fears and emotions tied into sharing our beliefs with others. In many ways, we all have to walk our spiritual paths alone.

    Speaking about yourself in terms of the God in you is getting easier and more important to you, but is impossible for your husband right now. Even if he was walking through processes similar to what you are feeling and going through, he has no frame of reference for expressing that to you. I feel that he might want to take what you are doing and apply it to his own life, but it's so difficult for him to EXPRESS this that he seems to be dismissing it instead of taking you seriously.

    The mocking and taunting he's doing comes from nothing but his fear that he is going to completely lose you to this path. You wrote, "as this takes over more and more of my life" - to HIM, that means "as she is slipping further away from me." So it's natural for him to have SOME jealous feelings. Please try to get him to talk to you about this. If he won't, then try to get him to speak to someone else he can trust. He resents the time you are spending away from him, and it's coming through in those words and actions.

    It would be a shame for you to have to leave him behind, but if he can't become more interested in what you're doing, and if it's not going to be an important part of his life, then you will have to think about leaving him. He is barely surviving emotionally because he won't let this Harmony come into his life. Some people never want that, but I believe if you can spend a little more time with him for now, and maybe a little LESS time on yourself and your own growth, you'll be able to find a good compromise that will save your relationship.

    If you are on a true Spiritual Path, then his resentment won't bother you, because you'll find that the answer is to meet his resentment with Love. Once you begin to do that and become more understanding of HIS needs, this problem will disappear.


    Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

    Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

    While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

    I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

    As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

    I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

    You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

    Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

    A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

    You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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