• Weekly Astrological Forecast for March 11 through March 17, 2024

    March 11 through March 17, 2024

    Venus swims into lovely Pisces today, amplifying the soulful beauty in our lives. For the next three weeks it will turn our focus to the wonders in our lives, raising our gratitude levels and awareness of the gifts we have, as well as the gifts we want to manifest on a spiritual level. An Aries Moon will have us on the run Monday and Tuesday, and even though clarity and direction may elude us, we'll be moving forward all the same. Clarity returns under Wednesday and Thursday's Taurus Moon, which will provide for a time of grounding as we work through the challenges in our day to day lives. Once the Moon moves into Gemini on Friday, we'll experience two days of fun, social interaction and entertaining activities to take us into the weekend. If someone you haven't thought of or heard from in a long time crosses your mind, now is the time to reach out and connect or do a little internet sleuthing to see if you can find them. Feel free to be a homebody under Sunday's Cancer Moon. Even if you don't get much done, the goal is to hang out and soak up the energy of your favorite and most comfortable place to be!

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  • Boost Your Immune Power with Ayurveda

    Boost Your Immune Power with Ayurveda, by Janesh Vaidya

    (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

    In our modern world, our health is greatly impacted by the choices we make in our daily lives. That means that the environment we live in, the kind of lifestyle we lead, and what we are surrounded by will decide the life span and the health status of our body-mind system. For instance, if we are living in a polluted atmosphere, and leading an unhealthy lifestyle, during our lifetime our natural health is at high risk, with different kinds of pathogens invading our internal system and creating uneasy (dis-ease) function of our organs.

    Most people complain, stating that their life is not their conscious choice—so what is the point in discussing this issue? Perhaps because of their job or family situation, they are forced to live in the middle of a crowded city, breathing polluted air and drinking contaminated water everyday. Perhaps because of the lack of time in their busy working schedule, they adapt to fast food and often compromise with their necessary sleep. And at the end, they become victims of life-threatening health issues.

    I must say, life is all about priority. If you give first priority to your health, you will be able to see many possibilities to minimise the risk of diseases in your life. Wherever you live on this planet right now, whichever age you are at present, and whatsoever health condition you are in today, by making the most necessary changes in your life with the wisdom of Ayurveda, you can improve your basic health and immunity.

    How Does Ayurveda Work in a Human Body?
    The microcosm of our body is made up by cells, which according to Ayurveda terminology, are constituted by five elements: earth, water, fire, ether, and air. The combinations of these elements generate the forces (Kapha [water and earth], Pitta [fire and water], and Vata [ether and air]), which help the body to sustain and move forward in life through different ages. Since our birth until the death, these three forces support the growth and health of our bodily organs, and maintain the functions of our systems, (such as our cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, muscular, lymphatic, nervous, reproductive, endocrine, integumentary and skeletal systems).

    Even though most of us are born with good health, at some point during our lifetime, we lose the track and run into unhealthy, often socially enforced, habits, which eventually break down the natural resistance power of our body and weaken our organs. These addictions restrict the natural function of our internal systems to cleanse and rejuvenate our body. Eventually, these unhealthy habits accumulate ama (toxins) in the body tissues and invites in harmful micro-organisms like bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi—the agents of different kinds of diseases. But whatever health situation we are in right now, with the tools of Ayurveda, we can understand the root cause of our present health issues and adapt the natural solutions to repair and maintain our body in the coming days.

    How Can this Ancient Health Practice Help to Improve my Health in These Modern Times?
    While stepping into the practice of Ayurveda, we must understand the fact that before the emergence of Allopathy and Homeopathy, our ancestors were treating their bodies and minds with the natural health solutions that existed on this planet. They constantly cleansed and rejuvenated their internal systems with the healing power of Mother Nature.

    Ayurveda is one of the most ancient health sciences in the world, and has been practiced in India through the centuries by a group of traditional Ayurveda physicians called Vaidyas. In ancient times, every village in India had at least one Vaidya family, taking care of the wellness of the people in that region.

    Through the years, Vaidyas have been maintaining the health of the people in the villages mainly through the three natural practices. In Sanskrit they are called aahar, vihar, and vijar, which translate to food, lifestyle, and thoughts. The main advantage of Vaidya's three traditional practices is that they can be practiced by anybody, at any age and health condition, to boost the energy and vitality, and maintain good health and immune power in a human body-mind system. Let me give you a short introduction to what have become known as the three commandments of Ayurveda.

    1. Aahar
      As the old saying goes, we are what we eat. Our daily food habits have a direct impact on our internal systems and the state of health and diseases. Because of our fast and processed food culture, our body is prone to many diseases in this modern age. But, if we make a diet plan according to our present health condition, we can save our organs from future diseases and regain our utmost health.To make a food plan for your body constitution, first you need to find out the state of balance and imbalance in your system. With the help of the self tests in my latest book, Boost Your Immune Power with Ayurveda, you can find your PDE (Presently Dominating Elements). According to the status of your dominating elements and the chances of aggravation in their corresponding forces, you will get advice on how to balance those elements and avoid the risk of disease. The recommendations in the book are based on the theory that food is our natural medicine, which is one of the key traditional practices of the Vaidyas in Ayurveda.

      With this ancient wisdom, everybody can be a therapist in their kitchen, and treat their symptoms with their daily food. The food list given in the book will help you to shop the right ingredients for your body type, and help you to use the right food (to add or take away from your daily diet) according to your present health status.

    2. Vihar
      If we observe a person's lifestyle, we can see the present and future status of his/her health. When we analyse our present health issues, we can identify the root cause of most issues (which is basically the result of our old, unhealthy habits).Even if we are currently healthy, if we continue with our unhealthy habits, we can assume the risk of getting diseases in a particular organ or even in an entire system of our body in the future. For instance, if a person is a smoker, there is a risk of getting troubles in the respiratory system, or if a person is an alcoholic has a chance of damaging the liver and its related organs and systems. Even those who do not smoke or drink are still at risk of future diseases if living in polluted conditions.

      In short, nowadays, good health is not automatically granted. Good health is the result of many conscious choices in life. And when you design your lifestyle by avoiding unhealthy habits and adding healthy habits into your daily life, you have a better chance to live well on this planet.

      Ayurveda recommends leading a lifestyle with the right food and exercise, mental relaxation programs, and enough rest for the body through the right amount of sleep. Sleep is one of the most essential therapies to maintain good health in a human body-mind system, and the amount of deep sleep needed varies from person to person, according to the dominating elements in the body. Once you find your PDE with the self-tests in Boost Your Immune Power with Ayurveda, you can follow the sleeping hours in the book. (If you have problems with insomnia, you can use the sleeping positions and suggestions in the book to improve the quality of your sleep.)

    3. Vijar
      Thoughts are the architect of our life. Every thought is a piece of food for our brain, and when we choose good thoughts, our mind will be naturally cleaned and rejuvenated with the affirmative inputs.In Vaidya's traditional practices, mind development has a major role in maintaining good health and immunity. Eating with mindfulness and to meditating in higher focus are various levels of practices traditionally recommended to handle different symptoms of mind (such as heavy stress, depression, and anxiety). To get your "breakfast for your mind," you can visit my website (JaneshVaidya.com) and read a new "Thought of the day"every morning, which is helping many people around the world to start their day with meaning. Once you start practicing the disciplines of Ayurveda, your life will come into alignment: the right food, exercise, and relaxation programs for your body and mind (including deep sleep).

    Start Your Journey
    As the saying goes, every long journey starts with a single step. Even this small article can be a beginning, or a restart, of your healthy lifestyle. See Ayurveda as an ocean in which you are starting your voyage from a shore in search of your optimal health. Take small steps by learning the basics of this natural science and adapt its disciplines one by one into your daily life. And always keep in mind that, on this journey, you are the solution and not the problem; you are the healer and not the wound; and you are the medicine, not the disease.

    If you have any questions about your health, you are welcome to write to me, briefly explaining your health issues.

    /Janesh Vaidya

    Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2021. All rights reserved.

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  • Double Vision: Strange Synchronicities…What Do They Mean?

    I've been Buddhist for 25 years, and chant on a regular basis. I believe this is the philosophy that is most accurate in regards to our place in the universe and our responsibility in all things seen and unseen. Having said that, I've just broken up with a man I love. He actually did in some ways become my honzon (object of worship). I didn't worship him, but I did try very hard and put up with lots of stuff for the sake of making our relationship work. Well, it didn't. He's gone. It's painful, but not unbearable. After he left, my plants all started to grow and bloom! On the day he left, I was walking in midtown Manhattan, and I saw a nun dressed in a white habit. Five days later, in another part of Manhattan, I saw this same nun going into the building I was going into for a party. I told her that I'd seen her earlier that week, and she asked me where. I told her and she confirmed that it was her I'd seen. During that whole week I must have seen at least five sets of twins or encountered twins in some unusual way. I just kept running into twins. There seemed to be some kind of synchronicity at play. What do twins and nuns in white have to do with anything? Who knows? Perhaps you do!. Thanks for your attention. I really enjoy your column.



    I'm glad you've found a belief system that works for you. I know quite a few people who are very grounded in their Buddhist faith.

    As a Buddhist, I'm sure you've heard of the Twin-Snake energy. I believe the twins you have been seeing all over New York City symbolize that same Twin-Snake. Other people might call this Kundalini Energy.

    Kundalini literally means "coiling." The energy moves in a spiraling motion, like coils on a snake. It starts at the base of our spine and runs up into our heads. We should be very careful about releasing it too quickly, for that literally can make us sick.

    Here are a few results of opening up your Kundalini:

    *You activate your DNA.
    *You open up to your clairvoyant abilities.
    *You feel connected to the ONENESS of the Universe.
    *Your mind feels expanded and starts to search for higher awareness and knowledge.
    *You allow your ego to step aside and start to connect with a higher frequency of consciousness.
    *You more often feel unconditional love, peace and a connection with Spirit and All That Is.

    As you can see, those things have already started to happen in your life. For example, I'm sure you saw the nun two times because you are connected with All That Is. That was a manifestation of your own energy.

    The fact that she was wearing white is significant. White has always signified truth, purity, innocence and PEACE. Now that this man is out of your life, you are seeking and finding PEACE. The color white was a clear sign from Spirit just for you.

    Your plants growing and blooming illustrate how YOUR energy field and the energies in your house are clearing. His being gone is a good thing. Now everything in your house can grow and bloom - including YOU and your dreams.

    If you watch them, your plants will show you how you can be happy about this change in circumstances. Some people can clog up our energies and stop us from growing and evolving. He was doing that to you - and your plants!

    I know you miss him from time to time, but be thankful for the blessings you shared and the lessons you learned. Then set your sights on someone new - if that's what you want.

    It's a Universal Law that we'll get something better than we had before if we are evolving and opening to it ourselves. If you continue to ask the Universe for more and better, that's what you'll get.

    I wish you continued healing and growing.



    Constance, you sound like a very interesting, spiritually aware person. As much as I'd like to tell you that these strange coincidences mean that the "man you love" will come back and be the person you need him to be, that's not what I'm sensing.

    Scorpios are exciting, mysterious and fun to be with. They exude a powerful sexual aura. I can see  how you would be naturally drawn to the OPPOSITE aspects of your own loving, giving personality.

    Sadly, all the things that drew you to him in the first place later manifested as some of the more negative Scorpio personality traits. The exciting part became devious. The mysterious part became secretive. The fun part became fun, but only if HE thought it was fun.

    You began to see the REAL person underneath the actor, and as a Buddhist, you saw that he wasn't right for you any more, so you released him. It was the right thing to do, and you seem aware of that and resigned to it.

    I'm sorry he couldn't keep being who you thought he was. I feel that he WANTED to, but just wasn't able to pull it off. It's very sad for him too, as he will NEVER find ANYONE who will love him the way you did!

    Based on your birthdays, personally I hope you're finished with this person. He wasn't right for you. He didn't understand you, and he wasn't really trying to, either.

    He has a selfish streak in him a mile wide! He never really took the time to consider you or your feelings, and he wasn't a spiritual person either. You deserve someone who is as gentle and aware as you are, and that guy was NOT it.

    These signs mean that you've made the right choice in letting him go. Your plants growing and blooming now that he's gone is just amazing and wonderful.

    This is the Universe at work, trying to give you a tangible sign that you did the right thing by ending this relationship. That your plants are happier without the boyfriend around means that you'll eventually be happier too, once you feel better and start giving yourself the chance to grow and bloom either alone or with someone new.

    I really love how you say, "It hurts, but the pain isn't unbearable." Isn't that true of most relationships that go wrong?

    I hope our readers absorb that phrase, and if THEY are chanters, will use that mantra the next time one of THEIR relationships doesn't work out the way they hoped. We would have a MUCH happier world if we could all realize that just because we make ONE bad choice, it doesn't have to color our lives forever!

    Good luck, Dear Heart. New love is on the way!


    Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

    Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

    While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

    I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

    As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

    I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

    You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

    Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

    A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

    You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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