• Being Thankful Out Loud

      An excerpt from Loving Out Loud by Robyn Spizman

      While it can be easy to feel like it is impossible to make a positive difference in these divisive times, the new book Loving Out Loud: The Power of a Kind Word by New York Times bestselling author Robyn Spizman promises that our words can go a long way in that regard, especially when we share them out loud.

      Loving Out Loud offers readers creative ideas and practical insights for cultivating kindness in their lives while connecting more deeply with the world around them. The book is divided into chapters that provide readers with powerful ways for raising kinder children; loving their significant others, family, and friends; and valuing teachers, coworkers, and everyone in between. We hope you will enjoy this excerpt from the book.

      Since I haven’t thanked you yet today, let me do so now. I realize you could be doing any number of things at this very second, but you chose to read this article. For that I am truly grateful.

      Having a mindful, kind attitude can change our view of life. I like to think of it as being a kindness “influencer,” as with social media. Imagine together starting a Loving Out Loud (LOL) campaign of caring about each other. Watch what happens when you share an attitude of gratitude in your world and show appreciation to others out loud — it’s electric and kinetic!

      Albert Schweitzer summed up gratitude when he said, “Often...our own light goes out, and is rekindled by some experience we go through with a fellow-man. Thus we have each of us cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”

      When we appreciate someone and become that spark, a thank-you becomes a gift and lights us up. We all have so many people to thank. How we thank someone becomes part of our signature style of kindness. Studies continue to prove that the more we do for others, the happier we feel. There is a direct correlation. Cultivating kindness is a wonderful opportunity to uplift others as well as ourselves. When we turn our attention to noticing what we are grateful for, we bring out the best in ourselves.

      If you stop and think of all the people you know who deserve a thank-you, you’ll be surprised to see just how many have an impact on your day, along with your life.

      How a Thank-You Can Brighten Your Life
      There are days when we all feel down or blue. A thank-you “out loud” is a really nice way I know to shift a mood. It can begin with the power of a simple hello, showing your genuine delight and lift up another person, including yourself.

      A kindhearted hello leads to friendships, new contacts, relationships, and more. You are not just breaking the ice but are igniting an opportunity when you take the risk to connect with another person and reach out first, sharing positive words or an observation. You create the possibility of making a new friend. In return, you are also seen as friendly, outgoing, considerate, engaging, complimentary, and interested. These good traits contribute to making a wonderful first impression.

      Be Thankful Out Loud
      The words thank you are universal in their ability to spread good feelings. It’s clear that when we thank the people who touched our lives in little as well as powerful ways, we celebrate a part of life that validates each other.

      Think for a moment:
      Who has helped you along the way in your lifetime?
      Who wrote recommendation letters on your behalf?
      Who took the time to teach you to ride a bike, read a book, play an instrument, hit a home run, play tennis, or cook a special recipe?
      Who makes your life easier or has come to your rescue?
      Is there someone who has been there for you through thick and thin?
      Do you practice saying “thank you”?

      Every day there are opportunities around you, and when you seize them out loud, you build and increase your LOL radar. When you see someone in uniform who has served the country or provides safety or a public service, get in the habit of saying, “Thank you for your service.”

      Here are some other ideas.
      Make a Thank-You Date

      A friend recently reminded me how special it is to thank others out loud with a scheduled “thank you” date or get-together. Every year, she takes her babysitters out for a thank-you lunch dedicated to expressing her appreciation. It makes her kids’ caregivers feel special, and they make new friends at these dates, since they have so much in common. Whether it’s a lunch to thank a teacher, breakfast to thank Grandma for driving car pool, a mother-daughter walk at the park, or a dinner with a friend who volunteered to help you, thank-you dates are memorable and a tradition worth establishing.

      Having written about the topic of thanks, love, and kindness for decades, I’ve discovered many clever ways to say “thank you,” some that don’t even use those words. For example, I loved it when a younger gentleman gave a handshake to an elderly coworker and said, “I want to shake the hand of the nicest person I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with. You are one generous soul.”

      I continue to marvel at all thank-yous that make us feel appreciated, but some hit it right out of the park. I’ll never forget one I received that made me smile from ear to ear. It has stuck with me over the years as among the most touching thank-yous ever to warm my heart.

      I sent a holiday gift to a friend of mine’s daughter. As she opened it, her parents videotaped her reaction and sent me the thank-you video capturing her excitement. Her joy in unwrapping her present was off the charts. That was one gift that kept on giving joy!

      Robyn Spizman is the author of Loving Out Loud. She is an award-winning, New York Times bestselling author and popular keynote speaker who has appeared in the media for over three decades, including NBC’s Today show more than thirty times. She lives in Atlanta. Visit her online at robynspizman.com.

      Purchase Loving Out Loud on Amazon.com

      Excerpted from the book Loving Out Loud. Copyright ©2019 by Robyn Spizman. Printed with permission from New World Library.

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    • Double Vision: Real Estate Help from Beyond

      I’ve had my house on the market to sell for three months. During this time, I’ve had quite a few showings and open houses. However, on three separate occasions people have just shown up on their own, wanting to have a look. Each time my doorbell rang beforehand, but no one was physically there. When this happened, I “knew” that an opportunity would be presenting itself, and was forewarned to ready the house to show. The third time was the charm – we just signed a contract! During this same time period, I have also had instances when my smoke alarm went off or lights started flashing, and these were accompanied by a strong sense of spiritual presence. My question to you is who should I thank for all this wonderful help? And for all the other readers out there who are trying to sell a house, is this sort of real estate help something that can be summoned? Thanks!

      – Susan


      I loved your story – thanks for sharing it!

      I believe you can thank God/ the universe/ spirit whatever name you prefer for this help. There are no egos on the other side, so no one in particular needs to be thanked. While spiritual helpers don’t need thanks or acknowledgement, gratitude in general is very powerful, so you should just say a big thank you to the entire universe.

      Speaking of gratitude, I never realized its power until I became involved with a “gratitude experiment.” My task in this experiment was to realize on a daily basis everything that I was thankful for.

      I started with big things like a roof over my head and food on my table. As I continued with the gratitude awareness, I started to notice little things, like a beautiful bird or a fabulous tree. Then my whole world came alive. I strongly advise you to keep that gratitude flowing in your everyday life.

      The being you sensed that caused the smoke alarm to go off was someone who is attached to your house or land. That person once lived there, and she appreciated how you always took such good care of the place. The lady who helped you decided to do so because she was grateful to you.

      She manifested in that manner so that you would know she was around helping.  You two co-existed very peacefully together. You always sensed a presence in the house, and it did not scare or bother you. She appreciated your acceptance of her as well.

      God has told us via our holy texts that we can command the universe. We have the power to move mountains with a single word. Compared to that, I think that from the perspective of spirit, selling or buying a house looks like a pretty easy thing to manifest.

      So if you need help with real estate or any issue in your life, you simply have to speak those words out loud. There is no formal way to do it; ceremony and ritual are not necessary. All you need to do is speak your intention to the universe and ask for help, and then believe it will come. It’s just that simple.

      We tend to make this harder than it has to be. The only hard part is making yourself believe that your words can have that much power. We also have to remember that the universe and its helping spirits can’t go to work for us until we ask for help. By asking, we set the wheels in motion, so to speak.

      I wish you success with getting the universe to work for you.



      Whether you think you could be a psychic or a medium, you’re getting accurate messages from somewhere, so it would be foolish to ignore them. If you sense that something bad may happen to someone, it is your duty to warn them. This can be hard, of course, and it may put people off, but so what? You could be saving lives here!

      For instance, I was talking to a friend in California who had a bad car wreck a few months ago, and I “saw” that situation repeating itself. I simply said, “Be careful driving. You know Mercury is retrograde and the nuts are out in the streets.”

      Did he have an accident? No, but maybe that’s because he was more careful. Whether or not I prevented that car wreck, I fulfilled my duty in this situation by reporting my perceptions to my friend.

      Even when I think I’ll sound crazy, I communicate whatever I’m seeing. I learned this the hard way when I didn’t say something, and then something bad happened. It’s better to seem crazy than to have someone you love get hurt. (Mind you, this is something I reserve for people who know me. I don’t accost strangers on the street and spout off random warnings!)

      It’s also important to remember that what you’re seeing may be a metaphor. A “bad wreck” could be someone getting fired from his job. An illness could be some spiritual imbalance. Death sometimes means the end of a relationship. Since we can’t tell the difference for sure, it’s best to just relay what we have been shown.

      Whenever a dream leaves you worried, call whoever is involved and share your dream with them. Even if your family and friends think you’re kooky, they will listen to you. Even if only a fraction of such dreams are important warnings, it will be worth communicating them. With this sort of thing, my motto is better safe than sorry!

      Sometimes my dreams and visions do not pan out, but I don’t want to take any chances with the people I love. Besides, I’ve been proven right enough times with my friends and family that they don’t poo-poo me, at least not right off the bat.

      Sometimes when there is no evidence that I was right, they tease me good-naturedly. Then we can all have a good laugh. I don’t really mind, because I just want to keep everyone alive and healthy, just like you do.

      Honor what you see and hear by passing it on to whoever may be involved. You may be very glad you did one day.

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