- Weekly Astrological Forecast for May 13 through May 19, 2024Continue reading →
May 13 through May 19, 2024
With the exception of Mercury’s entry into Taurus on Wednesday, things are pretty quiet in the heavens this week. A Leo Moon will make us quite productive Monday and Tuesday, and we’ll finally get a few things completed so we can take them off our to-do list. Mercury’s entry into Taurus will bring our thoughts into alignment with the real world, making it easier to make decisions and start new projects for the next three weeks. A Virgo Moon rules over us Wednesday through Friday, bringing out our diplomatic sides. Making sure everyone is getting a fair shake becomes more important, and our investigative side could turn us all into amateur detectives. Whatever it is you’re looking for, this cycle is sure to bring a few "Eureka!" moments! The weekend unfolds under a balancing Libra Moon, urging us to set aside work and indulge in our most personal relationships. Whether we need to catch up with friends we've lost track of, plan a day trip with a loved one, or give the kids a call to see what they've been up to, connecting with our favorite people will be a theme on Saturday and Sunday.
- Through Space and Time, We Hold the Power to Our Own GreatnessContinue reading →
Through Space and Time, We Hold the Power to Our Own Greatness,
by Peter Smith
(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)
We live in a world of distraction, where our mind is occupied most of the time. In the Western world in particular, we have built a lifestyle that embraces both a shortage of time and a focus on doing…rather than being.
All this prevents us from remembering our magnificence. We are remarkable beyond our wildest dreams, beyond our greatest expectations, and in ways that defy imagination. It is difficult in this human form to touch our magnificence, though it is possible. We simply need to do two things. First, we surrender "time" as we know it to be, and then we surrender our idea of "space."
Surrendering Time
In recent years, the practice of mindfulness has received much attention. Mindfulness techniques offer a way to be present in the moment to alleviate the chatter of the mind, reduce stress, and change the thought patterns that trap us in modern life. So often we hold on to things from the past, or worry about the future, and the wonder of the moment at hand is lost. Mindfulness is a wonderful start, though there is more…When we completely surrender to the now, we touch a level of spirituality that echoes the eternal self. You see, our souls are very patient and at that level of our being, time is not seen the same way. We will incarnate countless times into the physical, in order to learn, grow, and evolve our own eternal consciousness and help others do so as well.
When I originally trained as a Hypnotherapist, I was fascinated by time and I found it to be far less restrictive than what I'd thought. Age regression meant I could take a client back in time to discover the source of their distress held from childhood years. Once healed, they were different in the now. I was fascinated by reincarnation and how we could travel to other times and places to explore, heal, and discover ancient wisdoms using the client as a link to other lifetimes.
However, it was the discovery of the work of Dr. Michael Newton that showed me the power of "now time." In the Spiritual Realm between incarnations, where we undertake the journeys that have come to be known as our "Life Between Lives," we can observe the lineage of our soul in one sweeping glance. We can understand our lifetime of purpose and the patterns we have brought into this incarnation. In this state we have completely surrendered time and can feel the presence of the eternal self that is the real us. In this moment we are beyond time and we are in the magnificence of our soul.
So I offer to you, that to pause and remember that… you are a spiritual being having a human experience, feeling that as a "knowing" at the core of your being will center you in love and compassion and link you into your magnificence.
Surrendering Space
Once we surrender our grip on linear time and see ourselves simply as a necessary construct of the human form in this physical reality, there is another powerful step to take: the surrender of physical space as we know it.For decades, Quantum Physics has been challenging our world view, sharing with us that the way sub-atomic particles behave in the miniscule quantum world is totally different from what we observe in the world at large (pun intended).
In that smaller realm, particles can be in multiple places (non-locality), change their shape and form from intention (observer effect) and communicate instantaneously over large distances (entanglement). The confusing aspect of all this for us is that we are completely made up of these particles ourselves. We have proven through science, mathematics, and often both that the physical reality in which we live is more like a single dimension of a multi-dimensional holographic multiverse, full of other versions of ourselves who took separate paths to create alternate realities. Time to reach for an aspirin…
Again, the "knowing" can save us, as it doesn't come from the human intellect or the need to analyze or understand exactly how everything has to work. If something is held in the realm of the metaphysical, then no amount of physical thinking is going to bring peace. If we simply surrender to the knowing, accept that there is more to what is unfolding around us than we can see, then it becomes easier.
For the past twenty years, I have been researching consciousness in its various forms, from best practice consciousness models of human evolution, to expanded states of awareness, to the latest principles of Quantum Physics. What I offer is simply this: we are so much more than we believe ourselves to be. We are amazing, remarkable, multi-dimensional beings that exist quite naturally outside time and space. Again, the evidence is everywhere.
There are thousands upon thousands of documented examples of Near Death Experiences (NDEs). These people have crossed the veil, only to return to tell us snippets of the afterlife they observed, though something even more profound can be found in these survivors. They have a different view of life; they know exactly where they are going when the role of this incarnation is completed. They know what it is like to surrender space as we know it and feel a different plane of existence. They remain forever changed and touch the hearts and minds of the people with whom they are close. To those they love, they offer an eyewitness account that there is so much more to come.
To all these NDEs we add the Life Between Lives clients, another 40,000 cases at last estimate from The Michael Newton Institute, some 800 of which I've had the honor to facilitate personally. Countless past life regression cases from around the world have to be mentioned here as well and there are just too many of those to count.
Finally, at the Institute for Quantum Consciousness, we have 500 cases on record of clients who have travelled to alternate realities, parallel lives, and experienced their interdimensional consciousness as life forms in other dimensions or on physical planets elsewhere.
From this growing experiential research across this and other approaches, we are all coming to the same conclusions. Our physical being in this reality is simply an anchor point for our greater consciousness. In a universe made from an infrastructure of pure energy at the subatomic level, our consciousness is non-local (i.e. everywhere) and we simply need to take our awareness to that other place through our intention (observer effect).
As for the physical body, that is the doorway to all of this. It is made up of certain elements like carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. These elements that can be found in your big toe can also be found throughout the universe, forming star clusters, galaxies, planets, and stars. You are literally walking star dust, held together by an eternal consciousness, here for a sacred, divine purpose to serve humanity in your own unique way.
So, I'll offer this to you…
You are a doorway to your magnificence. Pause and reflect…
Surrender time…and touch your soul, as it is beyond time.
Surrender space and remember…the multidimensional self that you are and all that offers you. Everything you will ever need is held lovingly within.
Allow this to bring you peace, in a world with too many shadows and not enough light. Then you will discover that the light that changes everything… is in fact you.
Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2018. All rights reserved.
- Double Vision: She Can’t Stop Having AffairsContinue reading →
I'm struggling with something that is deeply personal in nature. I've been married for 11 years now, and we have three children. About seven years ago, I had an affair. After a while, we broke it off because we didn't want to hurt anyone. Since then, however, I've gone from one affair to another. I feel I'm searching for something, but I don't know what it is. I hate that I'm doing this, but I can't seem to stop. I love my husband and he loves me, but I still feel like something really essential is missing. I know that being dishonest and "cheating" is wrong, but it feels like a deeper, truer part of myself - my soul or spirit - is insisting that I seek something more. I'm hoping you can help me figure out what I'm searching for and how I can find it. Thank you!
- T.Dreamchaser:
Basically, you are seeking unconditional love. It is something you have never known, felt or experienced.
Though you are looking high and low, trying to fulfill this deep need for unconditional love, you are never going to find it outside of yourself. You think that the affairs are going to bring it to you, but they are not.
You need to find this divine love inside of yourself. Finding personal unconditional love inside of yourself is a matter of knowing you are enough just the way you are, that you don't have to change or become more or better or anything like that. You have worth and value just because you are who you really are, not because of what you do or don't do.
What you want is that higher power/Christ Energy - whatever term you want to use. It is available to everyone, but each of us must find our own way to access it. It is called many things, but in essence, it is the spirit of unconditional love.
Sadly, very few people actually find it, but practically everyone will try one way or another to chase after it.
You know you are walking on a tightrope here. It's only a matter of time before you lose everything you value most in your life. You will lose your family, and you won't gain anything as wonderful in return.
You want people in your life to show you unconditional love because you do not have it inside of yourself FOR yourself. Unless you find it inside, you will be on an endless search for it, and move from man to man, relationship to relationship.
I recommend you take one day a week if possible, or at least 15 minutes a day, and do something just for you that demonstrates love for yourself. You are always doing for everyone else in your house. Do something just for you. That is a good way to start.
I also recommend you buy a book called Living Through the Meantime by Iyanla Vanzant. It's sort of a workbook, and it will really help you get to the crux of your issues with love and self-worth.
Now we need to address the negative stuff you feel about yourself. Guilt and self-hate are huge soul eaters. They are like termites of the soul. You feel elated when you meet a new man and start a new relationship, but very soon the shine wears off and you get to feeling bad again.
Then you look at your family and feel deep guilt. As the excitement starts to wear off the new relationship, it peters out, and then you start the cycle again.
Having these affairs only makes you feel good in the moment. What you're looking for in these affairs is a way to be truly happy. That's what your soul is seeking. I think that is why you came here looking for answers.
Get that book and take some time for yourself so you can figure out things you REALLY love to do.
I wish you TRUE peace and contentment.
I don't think you're looking for someone to tell you what you're doing is wrong, or to judge you for doing it, either. You've already decided and judged yourself.
Trying to soothe yourself with the idea that some "message from Spirit" is causing you to have affairs isn't going to help you stop. While it's easy to give in to the feeling that this is "bigger" than you are, and something you seek because you are SUPPOSED to, that doesn't make it right. What you are doing is wrong TO your husband and bad FOR you.
If in a past life you were part of a harem, or a prostitute or a priestess, and the behavior is still in your spirit, it might explain your compulsion to keep having these affairs. When I look, I can't find ANY connection like that for you, however.
If you try past life regression with someone who knows their stuff, you may find a recurring theme in your past lives that sheds light on this. Otherwise, you're just having affairs because it's become a compulsion. Perhaps you feel the need to misbehave because you need to keep guilt alive and well in your life.
From your question, I can tell that you are an intelligent, caring woman. It's okay to be bored in your marriage. It's sad, but it happens all the time. It is NOT okay for a woman who is responsible for three children to have affair after affair with ANYONE, especially these days.
Even if your husband was a horrible person, he wouldn't deserve to be treated this way. Your children deserve the best you can give them, and you do too! Of course you love your husband and you don't want a divorce. You don't want to put him, your children or yourself through that trauma.
One PROBLEM is you don't feel fulfilled in your relationship with him, and I don't know how you can change that, since he doesn't fulfill you in a "soulful" way.
You say you broke off the affair seven years ago because the two of you didn't want to hurt anyone. Well, YOU are hurt! You're STILL hurting yourself with these affairs as surely as if you were obsessed with any other kind of self-destructive behavior.
You've made cheating your lifestyle all these years, so it's become a HABIT. Like smoking or drinking alcohol, bad habits can be extremely hard to break.
You're not searching for authentic love - you're giving in to an addiction.
Because you KNOW it's wrong, it's VERY wrong for you. No matter what it takes, you have to stop.I'm not qualified to diagnose such a thing, but from what you say, it sounds like sex addiction is your real problem. Based on what I was able to read about it, this can be caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain or some trauma you suffered in childhood.
That sort of problem requires professional help, so get into therapy before it's too late.
Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.
Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!
While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!
I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!
As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.
I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.
You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!
Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.
A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.
You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.