• Weekly Astrological Forecast for April 15 through April 21, 2024

    April 15 through April 21, 2024

    The Sun will wrap up its time in Aries this week, moving into productive and grounded Taurus on Friday. We'll feel a shift from inspiration to determination, ready to bring our ideas to life over the next four weeks. Not much happens on Monday, as we'll be drifting along under a serene Cancer Moon. However, once it transitions into Leo on Tuesday, we'll get a second wind and be re-energized, plowing through our days with ease. The Moon travels through Virgo Thursday through Saturday, generating a concentrated time of activity that will include organizing, de-cluttering and sorting through piles to get to the information we need. Whether you're just starting on your spring cleaning or filing away those documents you recently needed for tax season, the theme will be clearing away the old to invite in the new. Sunday's Libra Moon is all about relationships, so put away those filing labels and that dust mop and reconnect with your loved ones; they've missed you!

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  • Numerology Comes of Age


    Numerology Comes of Age, by Pauline Edward

    (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

    Numerology, the practice of assigning numeric values to dates as well as to the names of people, places, and objects, has been around for centuries. Throughout much of its history, it has figured in esoteric, occult, magical, and divinatory bodies of knowledge, accessible only to the initiated few. In recent years, along with astrology, tarot, and the I Ching, numerology has benefited tremendously from the free flow of information made available through books and now through the Internet. Much of what once was considered secretive and kept from the masses has now rapidly become mainstream. The current explosion of the New Age and Self Help markets tells of a significant thirst for knowledge and need for information, but at the same time also shows a general readiness for embracing concepts that are bold and daring.

    Eager to directly affect the course of their lives, people from all walks of life are using techniques that not so long ago would have been considered a little bit unusual, if not altogether magical. Business people, entrepreneurs, and professionals from all fields are applying creative visualization, writing positive affirmations, and building picture books to strengthen their power to attract what they desire in life. In Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey describes Habit 2 as: "Begin with the end in mind." He suggests that "all things are created twice:" first in the mind, and then secondly in the body, through action.

    Planning and goal setting have become popular New Year rituals as people list their successes of the previous year and write out their new goals for the coming year. The word is: those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Writing goals helps clarify desires and focuses intention in a particular direction, increasing the chance of success. Yet amidst this flurry of planning and goal setting efforts, no one actually stops to ask whether or not the timing is appropriate for the intended goal. People are simply assuming that proper thinking habits and right action are all that is needed.

    Timing, which has normally been the domain of astrologers and numerologists, is now being made available to anyone who stops to consider the matter. One extremely powerful tool is the Nine-Year Cycle, commonly used by numerologists, but also very accessible to anyone who can count to nine! In fact, the technique is so simple and so powerful that it may easily become the second most important consideration in decision making next to the four seasons. Just as a person would not waste time planting tomato seeds in a January frost, they would not take major career initiatives in the middle of a number 9 Personal Year.

    The Nine-Year Cycle is a recurring cycle based on the birth date and is comprised of nine Personal Years, each with its unique climate and set of opportunities and possibilities. The Personal Year number is obtained by calculating the sum of the birth month, birthday, and current year. To calculate a Personal Year number for a given year, first reduce the numbers of the birthday, month, and current year to a single digit. Note that if the result is either 11 or 22, a master number, do not reduce to a single digit. For example, for a person whose birthday is June 29th, the Personal Year number for 2008 would be calculated as follows:

    Birth Month: June, 6th month

    Birth Day: 29, 2 + 9 = 11 (do not reduce master numbers)

    Calendar Year: 2008, 2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 10, reduce to a single digit: 1 + 0 = 1

    Add the results for the Month, Day and Year: 6 + 11 + 1 = 18

    Reduce the total to a single digit or Master number: 1 + 8 = 9. The Personal Year number for 2008 for someone whose birthday is June 29th is 9.


    The individual years of the Nine Year Cycle build upon each other with an organic flow that reflects the natural progression of events and circumstances in the life experience. Each number adds an essential component to the growth and development of the next and eventually to the whole. The cycle begins with an initial burst of energy and a sense of renewal in the 1 Personal Year, it then progressively builds to a peak in the 8 Personal Year of accomplishment, and then winds down and fades out in the 9 Personal Year of completion and endings in preparation for the next Nine Year Epicycle. The more effective a person is at integrating the lessons and opportunities of the climate generated by the numbers encountered along the way, the more successful will be their experience of this and subsequent periods. For example, a person who works hard at establishing healthy relationships in a 2 Personal Year will be more likely to encounter opportunities, or "lucky breaks," in their number 3 Personal Year by knowing the right people in the right places.

    The 1 Personal Year
    The 1 Personal Year is a time of new beginnings, filled with enthusiasm and renewed energy. It is the ideal time for making adjustments to all areas of life, especially if events in the past have lead to distractions or outright loss of direction. The 1 Personal Year is often experienced as an important crossroads. It is a key year in that it is the one time when it is possible to effectively break away from the past and, if necessary, even establish a completely new direction. This is the time to abandon old patterns and launch new projects. For those who have followed a healthy path, this can be the time for taking the next big step forward, either by upgrading activities, or slowing things down if getting ready for retirement.

    The 2 Personal Year
    In the 2 Personal Year, the energy of 1 divides, separates, and projects itself outwards and becomes 2, establishing a climate of duality: self and others, action and response, inner and outer, dynamic and static. That which manifested from the core of the self in the 1 Personal Year must now find its form outside itself. Having become 2, the 1 is now polarized. This can create tension, both from within and without. Wherein the last year there was a sense of limitless possibilities, now boundaries, obstacles, and limitations are beginning to appear. It is not uncommon to experience feelings of frustration and impatience in a 2 Personal year. This is a time for cooperation and receptivity. Yet, as much as cooperation is essential at this stage of development, many people are overly sensitive to the input of others, even resentful of the meddling and intrusion of outside forces. New projects and activities begun in the previous year are vulnerable in their early stages of development. Discernment is required in all interactions with others now.

    The 3 Personal Year
    When moving into the 3 Personal Year, a sense of relief is common, like a valve releasing built up steam. The joining of one with another produces a third energy, just as the fusion of sperm and egg produces an embryo. The energy of the 3 helps relieve much of the tension caused by the polarization of forces that was experienced in the previous year. In the 2 Personal Year, the focus was on balancing all aspects of relationships. It was self versus other, seeing that my needs are met while yours are being met. In the 3 Personal Year, energy explodes, possibilities abound, and what seemed previously guarded and tentative, too sensitive to be brought forth, too vulnerable to be exposed to external scrutiny and potential criticism, now begins to bubble to the surface. New projects and ideas that emerged over the past two years are now seeking an outlet for uninhibited manifestation. What was on your mind is ready to be expressed. The 3 Personal Year is often a time of much creativity, social activity, and optimism.

    The 4 Personal Year
    There are three keywords that accurately describe the tone of the 4 Personal Year: work, work, and more work! Like it or not, this is the year during which energies are best spent attending to the details and responsibilities of home, family health, and work. This is not a time for grand ideas, making a big splash, or fast and furious growth and expansion. Essentially, it is a time to focus on the meat and potatoes aspects of life. The previous 3 Personal Year probably brought some exciting new ideas, perhaps a little shaking up of the social life, some romance, a little fun, and no doubt a variety of experiences. Moving into the 4 energy is a bit like adding a fourth leg to a three-legged chair. It has a stabilizing effect. This is a foundation period, time to set down roots, time to be organized, time to buckle down, and focus on the task at hand.

    The 5 Personal Year
    The stabilizing force of the number 4 gets a little shaking up in the 5 Personal Year. Fatigue, pressures from overwork, and feelings of restriction can build up in a 4 Personal Year, so that the energy of the 5 Year is usually quite welcome. It is often experienced as an increased desire for freedom, a need to loosen the holds of daily habits, and a yearning for change. The addition of a 1 to the 4 breaks up the structure and neat order of the 4 energy. In the 5 Personal Year, it is time to do a little dance and break up the routine. It's a bit like adding a fifth leg to a chair, only this leg is longer. If a proper foundation has not been set in the 4 Personal Year, the destabilizing energy of the number 5 can be disrupting, causing uncertainty, chaos, or poor judgment. With a strong foundation in place, this is a great year for travel, expansion, innovation, and new experiences.

    The 6 Personal Year
    After the excitement and rapid progress of the 5 Personal Year, there is often a need to settle down, regain balance, and perhaps reconnect with a sense of direction if the last year resulted in a tailspin. The addition of a 1 to the 5 energy establishes a new level of balance and provides opportunities for increased rewards through service to others, career advancement, and improved personal health and inner peace. The 6 Personal Year brings attention on family and home life, and in particular, on all responsibilities for others, whether at home, in the community, or in the workplace. While attention to the needs of others increases, it is possible to benefit from the comfort and support of home and family. This can be an excellent period for healing, establishing new priorities, and balance, as well as for artistic and community activities.

    The 7 Personal Year
    As a counterbalance to the pull of responsibilities and relationships of 6 Personal Year, the addition of a 1 to the 6 generates the unusual and sometimes challenging energy of the 7 Personal Year. The 7 Personal Year brings a period of temporary withdrawal from the hustle and bustle of worldly and material existence. This is the number of the inner life. It requires getting in touch with innermost values and desires, sometimes creating conflict with the materialistic standards of the world in which we live. This is a time of recollection, a time to gather up inner strength and resources in order to be better prepared to go all out in the big 8 Personal Year coming in the next year. This is not the best time for pursuing material and financial goals. This is an excellent time for all solitary activities such as study, reading, meditation, or for developing a field of expertise.

    The 8 Personal Year
    This is the big year, the peak of the epicycle. Composed of two 4s, the 8 is about as solid as it gets. The person who has worked hard, was connected to their true life purpose, and applied the necessary efforts at the right times will experience success, accomplishment, and great satisfaction this year. For those who lived the past years without structure and purpose, floating along without direction, this year could be frustrating and discouraging, even filled with difficulty and additional stress. There really is no magic formula: hard work leads to results; the absence of work leads to failure and disappointment. This is the year in which are reaped the fruits of the labors of the previous seven years. This is an excellent time for career, professional, business, and financial activities and projects.

    The 9 Personal Year
    The 9 Personal Year wraps up the epicycle. This is often an important year in that it can mark the start of an important transition period in life. It is a time of completion and integration, a time for taking stock and winding down. This year the focus should be on wrapping up projects, bringing things to a close, and preparing to release the past and move forward. It is not uncommon to experience nervousness, anxiety, and heightened emotions, or even a sense of disorientation or confusion in a 9 Personal Year. An unknown future lies just around the corner, not yet fully determined, while the past remains all too present. Many people experience an explosion of creativity in a 9 Personal Year, giving them lots of ideas for possible future projects. It is very easy to become completely distracted now, as possibilities seem to jump out at every turn. This is a time to consider possibilities without making long-term commitments.

    By keeping the natural progression of the Nine Year cycle in mind when establishing goals, projects flow more smoothly and fewer challenges, delays, and obstacles are encountered. Knowing what to do and when to do it gives a greater sense of control and increases confidence, and generally leads to a more positive outlook, all of which naturally contributes in increased success and more satisfactory results. The Nine Year Epicycle clearly indicates the what and the when of decisions, goals, and resolutions.

    Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2007. All rights reserved.

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  • Double Vision: Why are Psychics More Accurate about Current Details than the Future?

    Kajama Psychics

    I would like to know if there is a common thread among psychics in terms of how they experience or "know" things. For example, on Psychic Chat - which is electronic and somewhat impersonal or indirect - the psychics have been incredibly "right on" about certain people, events, etc. How do they "know?" How does the information come to them, and is it the same from psychic to psychic? Also, it's been my experience that psychics are much more accurate about what is true NOW than in the future. The things I can confirm about the reality of my life and the people in it are right on the money! However, when it comes to the future, things are fuzzier or more hit and miss, and there appears to be less accuracy. Why does it seem more challenging for a psychic to be as accurate about future events as they are with current circumstances?

    - Terri


    I'm really glad you asked these questions, for I've wanted a chance to speak on these very subjects.

    No two psychics (or any other term for someone who is blessed with the "gift of sight") see/know/feel things in the same way. In my case, I know things because they come to me in the form of my own thoughts. I just think it and "know" it as fact.

    For example, when you look at the color red, you just know that the color is red. It comes in thought form to you that it is red and you know it to be a fact. My "gift" comes in much the same way. I just know what is true.

    My birth mother, on the other hand, smells things. She will smell someone and know from their smell what they are about. I can't understand her way, and she can't understand my way, but we both come to same bottom line using our own methods. If you ask the psychic you are working with, they will gladly explain how they receive psychic impressions, even if it makes no "logical" sense.

    As far as the "indirect" nature of Psychic Chat, you have to remember that energy travels. We do not need to be physically close to someone to FEEL them and LOVE them. When a child goes away to college, they can still feel the love of their family from far away.

    In the same vein, I do not need to be close to someone physically to read them. I can sense and feel their energy from wherever they are. I read the energy, not the person. I think the internet has really opened up the world to knowing that energy does travel. So many fall in love or form friendships with people they have never even met via the internet. That proves to SO many people that energy transcends physical space and time.

    As far as reading the future, so many people fail to realize that free will plays a HUGE part in determining what will happen. For example, I could tell you that you are going to get a great new job in two weeks time, but if you do not go on any interviews, will you still get that job?

    I am usually asked this question when it comes to love. How many people have you dated that changed their mind, got scared, or for some reason just ran away? How many times have you changed your mind and walked away from someone else? Usually fear is the cause behind someone changing their mind and backing away from a love relationship. Fear is never easy to see clearly because its roots are so complicated, and each person's reactions to it are so unique.

    No one - not even God - can predict free will. If you change your mind after the time of the reading, it will change the outcome foreseen. So please remember that free will directly influences the future.

    I wish you great readings.



    Terri, the only common thread I've ever found among all psychics is that we all want you to be happy and fulfilled. Because we all receive information DIFFERENTLY, I can't make generalizations about anyone but me. My formula for getting answers is to have someone ask me a specific question about something that is happening in their lives. First I'll have a FEELING, then I'll use astrology and tarot to explore what will most likely happen.

    To me, Psychic Chat is a very direct, personal experience. I'm typing, you're typing - we both have our hands on the keys. You're at home (or work - shame on you!) so you're in your own environment, and I'm in my office, where I'm comfortable and happy. We're CONNECTED in a way that for me is much better than sitting in a room with someone who is nervous to be there.

    I usually see what's going on before I even touch my cards or look up a chart. Most of the time, I'm accurate. I predict outcomes with as much certainty as I can, but here is where that pesky free will comes in! Even if two people have wonderful potential for happiness in love, for example, that doesn't mean they're going to choose to make the most of it.

    It's also so frustrating when someone comes back and quotes me as saying things I never said. Here's a biggie: "YOU said I should CALL him!" Most psychics I know don't do "should." We're not your parents! Maybe I said it would be okay to try calling him. When we go out on a limb or experiment with various situations to see what happens, things happen that NO psychic could predict. Sometimes people hear what they want to hear, and no matter what anyone else says, they're going to do what they want to do and blame us for any disasters that ensue.

    I can't tell you why the psychics you're chatting with know more about the PRESENT than the FUTURE, because I am the world's worst at reading the present. I can see things MUCH better when they're about two to four weeks away. Because the present is changing moment by moment with the free will of all involved, I prefer to look for long-term outcomes.

    The person who says, "Will he call me today?" is getting my best GUESS at that time. The person who says, "Has he read my email?" isn't going to get much from me, because MY ability doesn't work that way. What I do is much more important than determining whether someone has read an email or is going to pick up the phone. I want to see you HAPPY, and one email or phone call doesn't make up the beautiful tapestry of your life.

    You control your own life and your own destiny. All any psychic can do is give you what CAN be, which is not necessarily what WILL be.


    Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

    Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

    While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

    I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

    As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

    I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

    You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

    Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

    A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

    You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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