• Weekly Astrological Forecast for February 26 through March 3, 2024

    February 26 through March 3, 2024

    We'll get an extra day of February this week, thanks to it being leap year! Balance is the theme the first half of the week as the Moon drifts through loving Libra and makes relationships with ourselves and others the focus. The second half of the week belongs to a Scorpio Moon, and in combination with the Pisces Sun, this is a great time to practice your metaphysical skills, try some channeling to connect with others from the Spirit world, or simply increase your meditation time to strengthen your inner wellness and intuitive powers. We can designate Sunday as a play day under the Sagittarius Moon, opting for social or relaxing activities to lighten our spirits and bring joy to our worlds.

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  • The Evolving Soul and Your Past Life Purpose: Connecting the Dots of Past Lives

    The Evolving Soul and Your Past Life Purpose: Connecting the Dots of Past Lives, by Dr. Linda Backman

    (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

    The title of the first chapter of my new book, The Evolving Soul, is "Tripping Over Your Soul Self," which provides a clear description of the over-riding purpose of the book. Each and every one of us chooses to incarnate with intended "Soul-Sole" commitment—that is to continue and, perhaps speed-up, your evolution as a soul. You are, no more and no less, a soul living another life aiming to grow and expand.

    You might consider this explanation too simple. The truth is that soul evolution in each life is often painstaking and complex.

    In order to progress as a soul, it is essential that you "trip over" who you are at the core. My new book, The Evolving Soul: Spiritual Healing Through Past Life Exploration, provides explanation and guidance about how you can discover why you agreed to incarnate today in order to climb your "soul ladder" with meaning.

    I am a psychologist and regression therapist, and as such I've filled The Evolving Soul with client regression accounts. Each client example provides food for thought surrounding your raison d'etre in life today.

    There is a rationale and deliberate order in our universe. By this, I mean that there is a just structure and coordination. The Evolving Soul will expand your understanding of the configuration of moving from one lifetime to the next. To skim the surface of the organization of our soul world, here are some key elements:

    • Advanced souls, called Master Guides, manage and coordinate all souls.
    • Each soul has a team of guides and teachers who support them
    • As a soul we have a specific, eternal archetype that informs each of our lives.
    • We create a pre-birth blueprint with our guides before incarnation.
    • We incarnate repetitively within a small, as well as a larger, conglomerate soul group.
    • In life we always have free will.
    • We are required to incarnate in order to evolve.
    • Each lifetime is linked to the next for advancement.

    I would suppose your next question is, "How can I learn more about my past lives, my past life relationships, and my plan for this life?"

    You might also ask, "How can I communicate with my guides to receive direction and to know that I am actually following my intentions for my life today?"

    The answer to all of these questions is basic. You must learn to use your intuition, as well as trust that you can easily "trip over" the answers in your everyday life.

    Let's begin with INTUITION—capitalized because it is a skill within each of us that we can learn to enhance.

    Tips to Enhance Your Intuitive Senses
    Your intuitive abilities come in six modes. Though all of us have these intuitive skills, we're stronger in some than in others:

    1. Clair-voyance: Vision as if your mind were a movie screen
    2. Clair-audience: Hearing as if you're being spoken to
    3. Clair-cognition: Thoughts that just occur to you
    4. Clair-sentience: Emotions that arise for no apparent reason
    5. Clair-kinesthesia: Sensing a physical symptom
    6. Clair-alience: Smelling something that is not present

    Practice and trust are the essential element to using intuition. Experiment with a friend. Tune intuitively to how your best friend's day is going, then call them to determine if you are correct. Don't forget to rely on your thoughts that you may think arise from your own "mind creation," but are actually intuitive in nature. Always remember that no one's intuition is accurate one hundred percent of the time.

    Soul Regression
    In my regression therapy practice, I guide clients via hypnosis. Through the use of an altered state of consciousness, clients utilize their intuition to discover significant past lives, guides, and their soul (or higher self) awareness of life purpose. In addition, during soul regression, your spiritual guides and teachers will shed light on your current state of soul progress.

    I invite you to experience Kenneth's regression details. Take time now to read and feel your way through Kenneth's soul regression. Notice that this client is handed many details about how his past life is tied to life today. Plus, Kenneth's guide is quite forthcoming with specifics about his pre-birth blueprint.

    This soul regression account begins just after Kenneth has died in his past life as a Native American chief named "Blackhawk."

    "This is a very emotional reunion. I am in the center of a circle with my guides and soul family all around me. In the circle I am Blackhawk. I wear a breastplate that has a stone on the back. The stone is touching my skin. This stone is a reminder to me to bring the principles and rationale for Blackhawk's life into my life and my goals today.

    [Kenneth's primary Guide speaks.] Blackhawk and you are to support and guide others to be clear in their own life path. You are fully one at this time with Blackhawk; you are he, and he is you. When you hesitate with your life purpose you are to come to me, your primary Guide, to be invigorated. Be sure to speak fully and clearly. Do not be afraid. Also, do not forget to laugh. This is highly important to keep you moving forward, but remembering to be "light" at times.

    Each soul extends far beyond human comprehension. You are always more than you think you are. The part of your soul that inhabits your body is complete and full. Yet, this part is only a drop of all that you are.

    Your heart will allow you to enter your greater consciousness. Do not forget about your heart. You cannot fulfill your soul agreement without your heart."

    Kenneth, using his intuitive capability, had discovered his life as Blackhawk prior to his soul regression. The "spotlight" provided by his guide and the essential merger of Blackhawk's and Kenneth's life purpose were new and stark for Kenneth. Following this session Kenneth had his "marching orders," and was eager to move forward.

    Deepening Your Soul Awareness
    Let's talk about how you can use intuition or soul regression (or combine both) to reveal your significant past lives, connecting the dots of your soul journey. It is crucial that you pay close attention, at all times, to your thoughts, feelings, and life circumstances, because you'll be able to "trip over" and figure out your life purpose.

    Please take your time as you move through each of the following suggestions to unearth your lives, soul relationships, and why you are embodied today:

      • Think about the people who are, or have been, part of your life. Be sure to not only consider those people with whom you've had a great relationship. Always consider those "prickly" relationships that you wished would end. At the soul level we make agreements to have a particular type of relationship, even if uncomfortable, in order to release karma and clean up past life issues.When my first child was born the doctor said, "You have a healthy boy." Then I said, "My Dad will be so happy;" I had no idea why I made this statement. Many years, later I discovered that the soul of my Dad was my mother in a life during World War II. In the past life I was the older sister and had a very young brother (the soul of my current life, first child), and my brother was taken away.

      • Your past lives are revealed in your present life through desires, fears, compulsions, and physical symptoms:
        • What period of history fascinates you?
        • What area of the world would you like to visit?
        • What type of work interests you, even if you're not trained or you think the pay would be insufficient?
        • Do you have a long-standing pain in a part of your body that is unexplained?
        • Are you afraid to have a child but don't know why?

      • Examine the key events in your life to discover who you are as a soul:
        • Did you have a serious illness before age 10? Could this be a means to heal how you died in past life? Could this be learning for your parents to deepen their commitment to parenting?
        • As a child did you dislike going to church every week? Could this be related to a past life where you were harmed for your beliefs?
        • Did you grow up being fascinated by studying military history? Could this indicate that your soul archetype is about strategy and implementing a plan as a type of warrior?
        • Do you have an innate skill as a musician, artist, or negotiator? Did you carry over these skills from one or more past lives?
        • Did a teacher in high school or college suggest that you study medicine, engineering, or Asian Studies? Are you being guided to follow experiences and knowledge in past lives?

    • Your passions disclose your life purpose or the intentions you set in motion in your pre-birth agreement:
      • Do you love to understand particular subjects deeply, never being tired of learning even more?
      • Is caring for animals your deepest urge?
      • Is caring for children, your own or those of others, what you love the most?
      • Is resolving conflict in your family, your personal life, or where you work, what causes your greatest satisfaction?
      • Is simply being a committed friend to others the highlight of your day?

    Many of my clients think their life purpose has to be a magnanimous and highly obvious activity or job, such as writing books, being a university professor, heading a company, or something similar. Nothing could be farther from the truth. What is most meaningful for you in life IS tied to your life intentions. For some of us, our work is our passion. For others of us our work is the way we pay our bills, and our soul desires fulfill us without serving as employment.

    Particular agreements contained within your pre-birth blueprint may be primarily for your soul evolution, or primarily for the evolution of others, or could be balanced for all parties. For instance, if you wonder why you were born into a family where abuse happened, you may have agreed to be the victim of abuse with the intent for your parent/s to advance in learning how not to be.

    Remember there is only one reason you are incarnate today, and that is to evolve as a soul. As you evolve, you affect the greater and needed evolution of Humanity. When you use intuition to decide how to move forward in life today you are allowing your spiritual guides to direct your life journey.

    I invite you to read The Evolving Soul, as well as my first book, Bringing Your Soul to Light. Both books include numerous soul regression accounts, and you'll learn more about soul archetypes, soul ascension, spiritual guides, ET lives, split incarnations, and much more.

    Honor yourself at the core level of your soul. Know that you are here with purpose.

    Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2014. All rights reserved.

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  • Double Vision: Lifting Grandma’s Curse?

    My grandmother (father's mother) cursed my parents when they married, saying that their marriage would bring them great unhappiness, that they would not prosper together, and that their issue would wither and die. Most of what she said has happened. I am still alive at 49, but I have had to overcome many illnesses (including cancer) and am unable to have children. Since my grandmother died, I have seen her continue to act through my father. I have no relationship directly with my grandmother, as I never met her while she was alive. I understand the need to raise my vibration by forgiving her and have worked on this throughout my life. I now feel only pity for this women who has caused the death of her own line (none of her other children had children either.) I want to resolve this and be released from the effects of her curse, as my parents' misery affects me because I love them. It is very sad, as they loved each other so very much. Here's my question: Is there any way as a "third party" to the curse that I can lift it? If so, how should I go about it? I would really appreciate any advice you may have.

    - Robyn


    I imagine the answer to your question will vary depending on who answers it. I personally don't feel that anyone can be cursed, so I also don't feel that a third party can lift an apparent curse. I think that the power of a "curse" lies in whether or not someone believes that they can be cursed.

    Quantum physics explains that what we think is what we create. As Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said, "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become."

    If a family thinks it is cursed, then when bad things happen, the family will see them as proof that the curse is real and believe in it even more. The problem with your family stems from some DNA issues. For example, you have hereditary problems with procreation. Your family also carries over FEAR and ANGER issues from generation to generation. Your family has always blamed these problems on this curse idea; it's an excuse that makes sense to everyone.

    Your parents are, by your own admission, miserable people. They had a miserable marriage, and your father is a mean, cranky, angry old man. He acts much like your grandmother did, but that is NOT a curse Robyn ñ it's a choice. He could choose to be nice to people if he wanted to. His bad behavior is being excused by everyone who blames your grandmother and "the curse" for it.

    No outside person can remove an apparent curse. Period. I do not care what this psychic, that gypsy woman, or that holy man says. No one can remove a curse.

    Please do not pay any more money to anyone in an attempt to remove this curse, for there was no curse to begin with. Your grandmother just hated the thought of your father and mother marrying, and she knew that they would be miserable. Instead of "making" this happen, maybe she just predicted it.

    She wanted your father to stay and take care of her. She did not want to give up your father to your mother, for she did not like your mother. Their unhappiness was not a result of her curse, however - it was a result of them making a bad choice in marrying each other.

    Your grandmother said she cursed the marriage because she was a real Drama Queen. She would be THRILLED to know that her words have held so much power. She did not have the ability to put a curse on anyone, anyway. Cursing someone is what people do when they feel powerless to control or manipulate others.

    If you want to be "free of this curse," I think you should say the following words out loud three times every morning before your feet even hit the floor:

    "Today I create a happy, prosperous, abundant day."

    I wish you FREEDOM at last.



    Kiddo, your grandmother didn't curse your family. It seems that she didn't need to, because those of you who have believed in that curse have done a bang-up job of cursing YOURSELVES.

    Since you're alive, apparently you have overcome most of what she SUGGESTED would happen to your family. Since your parents are still alive, they've broken the supposed curse too. I'm sorry that you've had a series of illnesses in your life, but you survived them - even CANCER. If Grandmother's curse was so powerful, you wouldn't be here! How can you believe she cursed all of you when you're still a loving and giving person?

    What she was doing when she "cursed" your parents at their wedding was trying to CONTROL them. She couldn't even do that when she was alive, much less from Spirit, because they got married in spite of her. Her curse had no power then, and it has no power now, except for the POWER YOU GIVE IT.

    Illness is not something that is planned or destined, and it's not something that one person can inflict on another. That would go against nature. Bad luck stems from making foolish choices. Instead of taking responsibility for anything that goes wrong in your lives, you lay it all on grandmother's curse!

    You have all drawn comfort from this idea, because the alternative is to accept that you might be the own cause of your "bad luck." "I didn't get the job because of grandmother's curse" or "If Granny hadn't cursed me, the Coke machine wouldn't have taken my dollar."

    Another extreme idea with the same result is when someone says, "It's God's will that this happened," or "God didn't mean for me to be happy." If you continue to believe something like this, it can ruin your whole life.

    When someone has done a wrong to you or your family, forgiveness is essential to truly moving on. Since she only SAID she cursed your family, and nothing ever happened as a direct result of what she said, raising your vibration by forgiving her should be fairly easy, and it certainly would be wise.

    I don't know why the rest of her children never had children of their own, but from what you've told me, it would seem that she was the kind of overbearing, controlling individual who could manipulate people into doing almost EVERYTHING she wanted.

    Spiritually, she has come a long way since she died, and she feels just awful about what she said to your folks when they got married. She is telling me that she is embarrassed and ashamed of herself for saying anything of the kind, and she wants you all to stop buying into this superstitious garbage so that you can get on with your lives and be HAPPY!


    Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

    Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

    While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

    I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

    As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

    I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

    You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

    Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

    A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

    You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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