- Three Ways to Tune In and Get AnswersContinue reading →
by Jana Moreno
Many of us have forgotten that we have all the answers to all we seek, and that we can access these answers without needing to seek them outside of ourselves. Mind you, sometimes the answer does come to us from another person, but to rely solely on another person or group of people to find your own answers can create a crutch for you. So how can we find the answers to our own questions or issues without depending on something or someone outside of ourselves?
Here are Three Ways to Tune In and Get Your Own Answers:
1) Meditate on it. Simple and useful as it is, many people forget that they don't have to lament over the issue and can get straight to solving it by meditating on it. This is one of my favorite ways to tune in and get your own answers. So let's say the issue is that you had an argument with a friend that you want to resolve, and you can either save the friendship or let it go completely. Instead of going and telling your other friends about it or seeking advice elsewhere, become calm and relaxed. Open yourself, become blank and release all emotional attachment or involvement with the situation. Emotions are something one must feel and express, so it is recommended to meditate on it AFTER you have expressed and exhausted your emotional involvement in the situation first.
Then simply sit with it. Don't try to find the answer; just sit with the situation or drama that you would like to rectify without judgment. See it as it is without labeling it, judging it or making it wrong. An answer may come up immediately, or it may take a few days first. Sometimes the situation seems to solve itself. Practice this and make it a habit whenever something happens that you allow yourself to be affected by, and you will find that the answers will make themselves known to you faster and faster.
2) Ask questions. The brain is an interesting and complex organ, and it is a problem-solving machine. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are asking questions all the time, questions that the brain automatically goes to work on answering by trying to find answers or bits of information. The thing is that oftentimes we ask the wrong questions. We ask things like,
Why do I always fall for the wrong kind of guy?
orHow come this always happens to me?
The more we ask these questions either consciously or unconsciously, the more the brain goes to work, picking out bits of information that match the vibration of these questions.Instead, ask questions such as,
Why am I being affected by this?
orWhat can be done to solve this issue?
If the question is about something specific like a certain pattern in relationships, ask yourself questions like,What would it take for genuine and sensitive men to ask me out?
orWhat needs to be done so that I can be in a rewarding and fulfilling relationship?
The trick with this is again to try NOT to answer the questions. Just ask them two or three times a day, and let your brain do the rest of the work, sifting through the information. Several things could happen:
- One: you could get an inspirational thought to go somewhere or meet someone.
- Two: you may get no inspirational thoughts, but feel yourself beginning to shift in energy.
- Three: the questions become the answer, and men start coming into your life experience!
3) Go with your gut. Our intuition is our best guide, and it doesn't always go with mainstream thinking. For example, I went to several sales seminars years ago in order to hone my sales skills, and almost everything I learned went against my gut. Instead of listening to my intuition and my emotions, which were telling me that hard selling didn't feel right for me, I went against it and it showed in my results. I was carrying certain emotions with me about hard-selling, and instead of listening to them, I pushed them aside, which made my sales calls and meetings a bit awkward for me and my potential clients. Once I gave in and listened to what felt right and what didn't feel right, I found my own unique sales style that worked best for me.
The same goes for any situation. FEEL what is right for you. If the whole world has an idea that a good friend is supposed to be and act a certain way, but it doesn't sit right with you, then listen to that. Maybe it isn't right for that particular situation, or maybe your BS sensor is going off and letting you know via your intuition. No matter what you do, the whole world is going to have an opinion on what is best for you, but ultimately you already know it for yourself. The key is to listen to yourself and follow through.
Make this a daily practice. Check in from time to time to see how you feel about certain things. Hold up an item such as a cup of coffee and see how you feel inside. It might be a very subtle feeling, but give it a go. Then hold up something else such as a phone, wallet, orange and so on, and note the different feelings coming through. This will support you in building your intuition.
In summary, you have all the answers you seek. Sometimes the answers rise from within you, and sometimes your outer world will reflect them back to you. The key is to begin relying on yourself for answers instead of asking everyone else who has never been in your shoes. If everyone is giving you different advice, it is a reflection of your inner state of being! Begin depending on yourself and tuning your own vibration, and watch how you never let yourself down.
Jana Moreno is an author, speaker, trainer, Inspire.fm radio host, and owner of Wisdom Ink Magazine online. Jana supports people in creating and experiencing fulfilling careers, loving relationships, boundless energy and health, financial mastery, joy, love and abundance. Jana gives talks and trainings in Malaysia, and gives sessions to people from all around the world including the United States, Vietnam, Brunei and Canada. She has been participating in this work since 2006, and provides workshops, retreats and group circles. For more of her inspiring writing, visit Wisdom Ink Magazine. To connect with Jana, check out her Facebook page and Twitter.
- Double Vision: Ongoing Psychic Relationship with ExContinue reading →
My ex has been in my thoughts and in my gut for almost 10 years now. I feel him pulling me and calling to me in the same way that I felt him long ago when we were together. These days, it seems to happen at random moments. I feel like there's a connection I can't let go of, like even though the relationship ended, it is still very much alive and ongoing. I meet other men and fall in love, but those relationships always end because the connection is just not the same. All the while, I feel like an umbilical cord is linking me with my ex. We broke up because he was lying to me, but maybe that was because he felt trapped. I don't know; I just know that closure never happened. I have recurring dreams in which he's using my bathroom, and it looks like it did back before it was renovated. I stop in the hallway to ask him why he's peeing with the door open, and he turns his head and says,
I still think of you
orI still remember you.
More often, I have dreams of hiding in his house with his new wife and he finds me and holds me and tells me he still loves me. I don't know what to think about all of this.K.
When two people develop a relationship, they subconsciously exchange energy with each other. When a relationship ends, the person left behind may continue to feel attached to the other person for a long time. Your ex still possesses the energy you gave him, and a part of you wants it back. This may be the root cause of your inability to release him. Since he is married and has moved on with his life, it's time for you to cut the ties too.
The following ritual is effective for cutting ties and reclaiming your energy.
Ritual to Release a Past Love
Gather: 3 votive candles (1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow); 1 smokey quartz or topaz crystal; amber incense; scissors; 3 pieces of twine, 5î to 8î long; 3 small bowls; water; 3 whole bay leaves; sea salt; 1 red apple.
Place the candles in front of you, arranged left to right: blue, green, yellow. Place a small bowl in front of each candle. Fill the center bowl with water. Light the incense wand and then the candles. Place the three bay leaves in bowl one, placing the quartz crystal on top of them. Set the apple in the third bowl. Lay the three pieces of rope, scissors and salt container in front of the middle bowl.
Remove a bay leaf from the first bowl, sprinkle it with salt, and then drop it into the water bowl. Focus on the blue candle, holding the crystal in your left hand while you meditate on the relationship you are ending. This will clear any compulsions to stay connected to the person you are releasing.
Next, repeat the process, focusing on the green candle. Meditate on the emotional aspects of the relationship; how it made you feel, and what was lacking in the heart. This will help you to release any pent up or lingering feelings you still carry for this person. Take the last bay leaf and focus on the yellow candle, meditating to draw your personal power back to you, where it belongs.
Once you finish this process, pick up the three pieces of rope and one at a time, cut them in half into the water bowl. With the first cut, say out loud:
I sever all communication and intellectual ties with ____.
With the second cut say,I sever all emotional ties with ____.
On the third and final cut say,I sever all spiritual ties with ____ and call my personal power back to me.
To complete the ritual, eat the apple. With each bite, think of one reason you are grateful this relationship is completed. Continue until the apple is consumed.
You say other relationships have ended because the connection was not as strong as the one you had with the ex in question. May I point out that the relationship with him also ended? You've heard the saying,
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
Likewise, when you are ready for love, a suitable partner will appear. The search for love is notout there
so much asin here,
and a big part of readiness involves psychological and spiritual health.Perhaps you need to be more discerning of people's characters and not take the blame for their bad behavior. You weren't responsible for his lying, but you may have
played a part
in all that unfolded, so you may need to examine what might discourage people from being honest with you. For example, are you controlling? Do you over-react?If you feel a lack of closure, write him a letter (no need to be polite) and read it out loud to an empty chair, friend or therapist. Pay attention to your emotions and physical feelings as you do so, and then think about what they remind you of from your early life. I suspect you feel an
umbilical cord
linking you to your ex because this is really about your mother or father. The distant past is where you may need closure.A man holds his penis while urinating. Symbolically, this suggests that he was self-centered, embracing himself and not you, and that he dumped his toxic waste into your life. You don't want to look at his faults, so you asked him why he didn't close the door. On the bright side, this scene took place prior to
meaning you've grown and changed since that time. It's time to flush the past!You fantasize that he remembers and loves you, which sounds like the yearning of a child whose parent was abusive or neglectful. In your dream, the two of you are hiding from his wife and keeping a secret. Was there an affair in your family? Was your relationship with this ex an affair, or did he have one? The prominent role of his penis in your dreams suggests you at least wondered about that.
Obsessions help point us to the emotional wounds within us that need our loving attention. That you are wanting someone who belongs to someone else suggests that the parent whose love you crave seemed to give that love away. Perhaps you felt jealous of a new sibling or a new love interest in your parent's life.
You don't have to hide to get your needs met, as you do in your dreams, nor deny yourself love in the present. Let this old connection provide you with clues regarding the pain you need to heal so you can attract complete love now.
Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.
Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!
While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!
I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!
As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.
I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.
You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!
Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.
A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.
You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.