- Weekly Astrological Forecast for June 13 through June 19, 2022Continue reading →
June 13 through June 19, 2022
The Sagittarius full Moon is the star of the show on Tuesday this week, emanating a joyful and optimistic energy all around us. Full Moons are famous for marking times of release, so we should spend the next two weeks releasing old fears or worries, letting go of things that no longer bring us joy or work in our lives, and making a plan for new activities that will enrich our lives. Monday and Tuesday's Sagittarius Moon could make it difficult to get anything done, as we'd rather play than work, but once it moves into Capricorn on Wednesday and Thursday, we'll have no trouble making up for lost time! We should prepare to expect the unexpected as the Moon charges through Aquarius on Friday and Saturday, upending plans or presenting a better idea in its wake! Just remember to remain flexible and open to the shifts, as the Universe will be driving the bus on those days! A Pisces Moon on Sunday will add a more relaxing energy to the day, promoting easy-going and restful activities, as well as the chance to regroup after a busy week.
- 3 Powerful Ways to Ignite Your Intuition with ReikiContinue reading →
3 Powerful Ways to Ignite Your Intuition with Reiki, by Melissa Tipton
(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)
In my years as a healing practitioner, I've found Reiki to powerfully enhance intuition in a variety of ways. For starters, during a Reiki session, whether administered by yourself or another, it's quite common for insights to flow with greater clarity and ease. This makes sense, considering that Reiki treatments are akin to flushing out your energetic "pipes," dissolving any blockages, filters, and other obstructions that may have accumulated over time. Our natural state is one of connection with both our inner, personal guidance and to the larger web of universal or divine guidance, and Reiki helps us remember and reconnect with these sources (which can be easy to lose sight of amidst the ups and downs of day-to-day life).
I've also found that, when used consistently over time (for example, I give myself Reiki for a few minutes, multiple times each day), Reiki will keep these intuitive channels running free and clear, giving you greater access to inner and cosmic wisdom on a regular basis. Let's talk about some different ways that you can work more Reiki into your day, specifically with the aim of supercharging your intuition so you can feel more confident in your ability to make purposeful, soul-led choices.
1. Brew a Magickal Tea
1 tablespoon black tea of your choice
1 tablespoon mugwort
1 teaspoon eyebright
1 teaspoon lemon balmPlace the black tea and dried herbs in a tea ball or sachet, and brew in hot water for 3-5 minutes. While the tea is steeping, hover your hands over the mug and allow Reiki to flow into the cup. Ask Reiki to help you partner with the plant spirits, perhaps calling on each by name, to aid in connecting with the intuitive guidance that is correct and good for you. Thank Reiki and the plant spirits for their assistance.
As you drink the tea, feel its energy dissolving anything that obstructs you from clearly receiving and understanding intuitive wisdom, and, if you have time, spend 5 to 10 minutes in meditation, hands placed over your belly and/or your heart space, allowing Reiki to flow. Ask to receive any guidance that is relevant for you right now, and maintain a state of open curiosity. You don't need to strain and force, which can dampen the flow of information; simply trust that insights will come through at just the right time.
When I do this practice, often I'll get a little nugget of guidance during the meditation, but the real magic happens throughout the day, after I've set the stage by ritualistically brewing tea and opening myself to insights. Do your best to stay curious and receptive to guidance as you go about your day, knowing that the more you intentionally pave the way for your intuition to communicate with you, the more it will flow, and the easier it will become for you to recognize and understand its messages.
2. Decode Your Body's Messages
The body is a miraculous repository and communicator of intuitive wisdom; however, most of us have forgotten how to speak its language, thus the body's messages remain unheard or misunderstood. The first step in remembering this language is to acknowledge that it exists—that the body can and is communicating with you all the time, even if you don't yet understand the conversation.The next step is recognizing that the body's native tongue is the language of symbols, metaphors, and archetypes, which is also the language of the unconscious. And this is precisely why these messages so often go unheard, because the conscious mind feels out of its element in this non-linear, nonsensical-seeming realm, dismissing it as meaningless. The key is in relearning how to decode these messages so you can translate them into content the conscious mind can absorb.
One of the simplest ways to do this is to look at whatever you're experiencing in your body metaphorically instead of literally. Here's an example. Let's say you're experiencing tension in your shoulders and upper back, and it feels like you're lugging an incredibly heavy backpack around. As you breathe into these sensations and allow your mind to think more figuratively, the phrase, "The weight of the world" comes to mind, and you see the connection between this tension and feeling like everything rests on your shoulders, that you have to do everything yourself or it likely won't get done, and that you can't ask for help, because no one else will be able to carry things out the way you want them to. I find Reiki to be a potent ally in helping me shift from an overly literal to a more symbolic view, and using the above example, if I identified the tension in my shoulders, I might place my hands over these areas of tension, allowing Reiki to flow as I call on Reiki to assist me in seeing the hidden messages contained within the tension.
Once you've interpreted the body's message, you can start to address the underlying issue the message has revealed. Above, we saw that the shoulder tension is, on one level, muscular, and bodywork could help, but underlying this tension is a need to do everything yourself, rejecting support and assistance. No amount of bodywork will address that piece of the puzzle, so it's up to you to begin shifting this pattern of hyper self-sufficiency. Here again, Reiki can be immensely helpful. Now that you know what needs to be addressed, ask Reiki for guidance in your first step. As with the tea-brewing ritual, you can simply sit in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes, hands on your belly and heart, allowing Reiki to flow, as you open to insights. I find it most helpful to focus on just my next action step, rather than trying to download the entire map in one sitting. You might say to yourself, "Reiki, please show me my next step in healing the pattern of trying to do everything myself." In my experience, once I start to implement this first step, after a time, I'll get an intuitive nudge that it's time to seek another step, and I'll repeat the meditative process to uncover the next breadcrumb on my path. This intentional oscillation between carving out space to receive guidance and then taking action on what you receive is a potent dynamic that can create massive shifts in your life, so don't be deceived by its simplicity. This is powerful stuff!
3. Balance Your Chakras and Aura
Your chakra system and your aura are vitally important facets of your energy system that have a big impact on your ability to connect with your intuition. By taking some time to balance them with the help of Reiki, you can keep the pipeline to inner wisdom free and clear. To understand how this works, let's look briefly at the function of the chakras and the aura and how they relate to your intuition.The chakras are bodies of energy within your energy field, similar to organs within your body. You can think of them as areas where your personal energy is more concentrated and organized around a specific function. The chakras as a group are responsible for processing energy that comes into your energy field, much like the digestive system is tasked with taking in nutrients and making them available for various functions within the body. So, too, the chakras help you take in energy and process it into forms that can be used for a variety of energetic functions. Each of the chakras processes a slightly different form of energy, and when they're functioning optimally, you're able to assimilate all of the different forms of energy required to survive and thrive.
The aura, while often spoken of in the singular, is actually composed of multiple layers, which I perceive as being connected to each of the chakras. For example, the innermost auric layer is connected to the first, or root, chakra, the next auric layer is connected to the second, or navel, chakra, and so forth. Similar to the chakras, the auric layers help us interface with the energy in our environment, and their primary tasks are attracting energy to us and broadcasting energy outward. In other words, they're much like gatekeepers that dictate what energies go in and out of our field.
To understand how the intuition relates to the aura and chakras, imagine that each and every time energy interacts with an auric layer or one of the chakras, a description of this activity is recorded in a file. The intuition can read those files and translate these data into messages pertaining to our energetic health, including areas of imbalance and what is needed to return these areas to a state of harmony. Throughout our day-to-day life, the aura and chakras can become clogged or otherwise impaired, and this can alter the clarity of the information recorded in the files. Thus, by partnering with Reiki to clear and balance these energy systems, we can improve the accuracy and clarity of the intuitive messages.
While many techniques exist for balancing the chakra and auras, I find this simple method to be quite effective. Sit in a comfortable meditation position, and take a few rounds of deep breaths to calm and center yourself. Visualize a bright, white stream of Reiki descending from above, entering your crown chakra, just above your head. At whatever pace feels comfortable for you, allow Reiki to flow down through your entire chakra system—crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, navel, and root—clearing and balancing these energetic centers as it does so. Allow the stream of energy to continue down from the crown and out through the root, and see as this column of energy starts to expand outward, filling your entire body. When it reaches your skin, it continues to expand, filling your aura. I like to expand this even further, visualizing the energetic egg of my aura and seeing Reiki extending beyond its borders, as if the egg is glowing. When this process feels complete, slowly allow the imagery to fade and set the intention that your aura and chakras are in a state that is correct and good for you on all levels. I like to do this practice once a week, although you can certainly use it more often if you're going through a challenging time and need to ensure that your energy system remains strong and healthy.
These are just a few of the ways to incorporate Reiki into your regular spiritual practice, and the more you interact with Reiki, the more connected to your intuition you will feel, and the easier it will be to interpret its messages and translate them into purposeful action. Our innate or "default" setting is a state of intimate connection with inner and universal knowing, and Reiki helps us remember this birthright and access this wisdom when and where we need it most.
Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2020. All rights reserved.
- Double Vision: He Keeps Seeing the Number 666Continue reading →
Hi, this is Jonathan. I'm a Gemini from California. Recently I have begun to come across the number 666 frequently, and am wondering what this might mean.
While the Christian Bible refers to the number 666 as
The Number of the Beast,
I think this whole subject has been wildly exaggerated to cause a cultish level of fear. Besides, in the Christian Bible, the practice of numerology is not encouraged, so the obsession that some people have with this number is just silly.Fear of the number 666, Satan, the Beast, etc., is encouraged by religious groups as a means of controlling the people involved in those particular groups or congregations. Scare tactics have been used throughout the ages as a means of control.
The real reason this number is repeated over and over by superstitious folks is because it's easy to remember, as triple digit numbers always are. Numbers repeat as they will. Once you begin to look for something like that, it just pops out at you more often.
The study of the number 666 isn't encouraged in any way by the writings in the Bible. In fact, some people think the Bible forbids any kind of mystical practice, even though astrologers are credited for saving the life of Jesus more than once. Numerology also falls into that category.
Although the number 666 is usually not usually associated with anything positive, there are some numerologists who say that when a person is transcending from an ordinary life to something more spiritually aware, then the common meaning of a number like this doesn't apply to that person any longer. At that point, it can take on a whole new meaning in your life.
In Tarot, I often see the number 6 as a gift, either material or spiritual, that is coming to the person asking the questions. For instance, if someone is asking about love, the Six of Cups may mean that the person is about to become engaged.
When a person becomes highly aware of something in his or her environment, they seem to see it more often and give it more attention than it probably should be given. Geminis tend to look for meaning in coincidences more than other signs. This isn't a bad thing, for it makes them better at finding the meaning behind their experiences as well.
Ponder what you are dealing with in your life. Do you feel overwhelmed or victimized? That number might show up over and over again to someone who feels like they are not getting a fair deal somehow. When you see this number again, look for a meaning that will further your spiritual growth and understanding.
Metaphysically, it's always a good idea to pay attention when we repeatedly run across numbers, objects or messages. To determine the nature of these experiences, we have to weigh their various possible meanings and then decide which interpretation fits best.
The number 666 has long held a place in some religious sects as an evil number. It is referred to in the Bible as the number of
the beast,
and is portrayed in films, television shows and literature as a number associated with the antichrist. Some even believe that once the antichrist rises to power, everyone will be required to have this number marked on their hand or forehead.Though the exact number varies from one interpretation or translation to the next, in today's world, 666 is considered a sign of the end times. Some biblical scholars have even claimed that the
acronym of the world wide web can be translated from Hebrew to mean 666.You don't mention where you have been coming across this number, but if you share society's views, you're probably feeling a bit concerned about encountering it so frequently.
According to scholars, seeing this number is not the same as being marked with it or accepting it. Some people believe that at some point, our government will start using implanted chips to keep track of our citizens, or make it imperative that we all carry identification cards or marks in order to bank, buy or sell items, etc. These are some theories that have grown up over the years regarding the number 666.
In numerology, 666 breaks down into the number nine, which represents fulfillment, harvest and attainment. The numeral nine is also representative of the sign of Sagittarius and the closing month of our calendar year, which we celebrate as a time of completion and celebration.
Because you've recently moved, you may be encountering this number as a symbol of the cycle of life you have just completed as well as a mark of the new life you are beginning.
I would continue to take note of when and where you see this number. You may also want to meditate or keep a journal to see if more signs or spiritual messages arise.
I wouldn't concern myself with doom and gloom religious interpretations because your messages appear to be of a personal nature. Since this number has such a strong cultural meaning, Spirit may simply be using it to get your attention.
Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.
Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!
While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!
I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!
As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.
I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.
You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!
Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.
A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.
You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.