- Weekly Astrological Forecast for June 27 through July 3, 2022Continue reading →
June 27 through July 3, 2022
Exploring new options will be a theme under Monday's Gemini Moon, as we'll want to expand our curiosity and natural affinity for alternate ideas to what we have already. Be cautious when hitting the "Buy Now" button though, as a better deal could come along in a few days! The Cancer new Moon occurs on Tuesday, as well as Neptune turning retrograde for a five-month journey backward. These two aspects can also generate new ideas and options, so keep your eyes open! Things flow along smoothly under Wednesday and Thursday's Cancer Moon, so if you find yourself moving in circles or unable to tackle a project, you can blame it on this watery sign. Our energy will resurface on Friday and Saturday as a fiery Leo Moon inspires action and more action! Save Sunday for investigating details, organizing that closet that got out of hand, or mapping out a new plan of action under the detail-oriented Virgo Moon.
- How Dolls Become HauntedContinue reading →
How Dolls Become Haunted, by Stephen Lancaster
(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)
Norman the doll has infected and affected just about everybody that has come into contact with him. He's predicted death. And every time, he was right. Somehow, he can see into your mind and your soul and he pulls from that. If I had not witnessed these events myself, I would have never believed it. Everything he has said to us through communication sessions has come true. It's uncanny to have a doll that is not electronic respond to your questions.
A great example is this video. This documented investigation is one of the best pieces of evidence in favor of not only the paranormal but of haunted dolls. Norman predicted so many things that night. The death of a friend, the death of a son, and so many other examples that you will read about in Norman and Norman 2.
Of course, I recommend starting with the first book concerning his haunting, but after you read Norman 2: The True Story of a Possessed Doll's Revenge, you will understand beyond a shadow of a doubt the power, energy, and intelligence puppeteering this doll. I won't sugarcoat it. This is something to fear, and with that comes a great deal of responsibility.
Let's talk a little bit of how and why something like this can, does, and will continue to happen.
Did you ever wonder why you see so many paranormal investigators using devices that detect energy levels, electromagnetic fields, and ionic energy to prove or disprove the existence of a ghost? Are you curious as to how and why doors can fly open without human intervention, phantom footsteps can approach you without visible corporeal mass, inanimate objects can suddenly come to life, or better yet, how a physical manifestation of the dead can occur?
Believe it or not, science has proven that a haunting, deja vu, clairvoyant capabilities, psychic abilities, and other ethereal occurrences are very much a reality. I don't think a lot of people recognize how much our modern-day science has aided in supporting the existence of paranormal phenomena. In fact, at this point, I'm not even sure we can call it paranormal anymore. The word "paranormal" used to mean, "something we cannot explain." I think it's just a part of our universe and our existence at this point and if you take the time to read, and yes I mean read and study, I think you'll find there is more proof that life goes on beyond the flesh and blood after we die.
After twenty-three years of involvement in this field, I can honestly say that I cannot be convinced otherwise. There is nothing that could sway me away from believing in existence, in no matter what form, after death. However, where science has proven energy is infinite and does not die, it stumbles at the point of proving a consciousness is attached. But I think it is safe to say thousands of paranormal investigators and researchers have documented enough concrete cases to validate that there is a consciousness attached to that ethereal energy.
There's an abundance of information to talk about and I can promise you, those over-the-top television shows are not helping you understand the truth in any way. Sure, they entertain, but in most cases favor that entertainment over data. The goal seems to be more along the lines of fabrication instead of education. There is a reason you don't ever hear any credible scientist discussing discoveries from a paranormal television show.
However, to understand how all of these paranormal occurrences are possible, we have to look at the groundwork our science has put out there for us. Let's talk about who we are, what we are, and what we become after we die. Only then can we begin to understand how ghostly happenings, haunted objects, and other paranormal phenomena are possible.
Energy and electricity are everywhere, and most people don't realize that even the human body relies on it to function. We as human beings are of bio-electrical make-up. In other words, we have electricity coursing through our bodies. The human body produces electrical currents, or bio-electricity. While sleeping, the average human being easily produces about one hundred watts of power. (To put it simply, in our sleep we could power multiple light bulbs if the energy was harnessed right.)
When we are awake, our bodies can comfortably sustain three hundred to four hundred watts of power. In extreme cases, such as an adrenaline rush or physical exertion, the human body can output over two thousand watts of power. That amount of energy could operate a microwave or refrigerator.
When it comes to the human body, the process of energy is extremely complex. The currents from our bio-electricity are generated by multiple biological processes. Our cells conduct impulses across the body's nerve fibers that ultimately regulate the function of our organs, tissue, and metabolism.
If you made it through those last three paragraphs, you are well on your way to understanding how you become a ghost.
Science has proven that energy is infinite and does not die when we as a biological being perishes. That energy moves on from our body and simply changes form. After death, the assemblage of atoms of which you are composed of is simply re-purposed. That purpose ultimately becomes the ghost, or spirit, and the cause of every bit of what we call paranormal phenomenon. The very substance of your electricity or energy will proceed to travel throughout our universe until the end of time.
That is proven science and that science is firmly sound. Unfortunately, that doesn't make for great television. But in being wise to these facts, one can find solace in knowing that a loved one's energy is still around. The Law of the Conservation of Energy has proven that not a part of who you were is gone, you are just less assembled. To put it bluntly, you still exist, just without the shell.
With all of that being said, how does this information play into haunted objects, or in this case, haunted dolls?
The use of dolls in religious practice dates back to ancient Rome and Egypt. The same can be said for possessed dolls. I believe most are familiar with what possession means concerning the field of paranormal research. But for those new to this world, it simply refers to the fact that something else, something incorporeal, is controlling an object, a doll, or even a person.
The ancients referred to these vessels as "Moppets" or "Poppets." Maybe now you understand why Jim Henson referred to his puppet creations as Muppets. In his case, the same principle applied. The only difference was that Mr. Henson and his crew controlled the puppets. It wasn't an entity. But the point here is, that it is all about controlling an otherwise inanimate object. It is also about the fact that whatever is controlling that object is conscious and intelligent.
This brings us full circle with the transference of our energy after we die to that energy possibly locating a vessel to control to communicate and manipulate.
In Norman, the doll's case, the death of a baby at the time of birth caused his possession. The energy of that child transferred into the closest, most welcoming object near him. That just happened to be a doll sitting in the delivery room.
The haunting of dolls is very common, and there certainly is an abundance of cases and stories out there to solidify that fact. Most believe ethereal energy chooses a doll to inhabit because they closely resemble the features of a human being. We know how to walk and talk and to use our arms, etc. A doll has all of those things. In some cases, the dolls even can talk.
It's not that hard to fathom that the energy we release when we die can control inanimate objects. We have seen "ghosts" move and throw objects, open and close doors, and even make physical contact. We have heard the footsteps of walking. We have heard them talking. It just makes sense that the energy that leaves us would react and create actions based on our living knowledge. We would do the same things we do right now, only in a different form with a different purpose.
We can expand on this even further.
Have you ever walked down the street and stopped suddenly only to feel like what was happening at that moment has happened before? There are a plethora of examples of this, which is called deja vu. My theory is when you get that feeling, you simply passed through the energy of the deceased. What you are feeling as familiar could be nothing more than a memory of the person's energy that touched you.
I often refer to this energy as a virus. A virus spreads and infects those with whom it comes into contact. When the energy of the deceased decides to infect an inanimate object, the infection ultimately controls it. We know that controlled energy, although invisible to the naked eye, can move objects. High enough electromagnetic fields can cause what we refer to as poltergeist activity. It's the same principle as using a magnet. The energy from one magnet can pick up another or connect with other objects. When you reverse that magnetism and use the polar opposite end, it can push away and move other magnets in whatever direction you desire.
This explains why we witness such ghostly physical processes. Energy controls everything. So, the next time you are investigating or experiencing a haunting, think about all of that. Visualize a person standing there moving as you would. Instead of physically grabbing an item and moving it, they are using energy to do so.
You've heard of the "force" from the fictional Star Wars movies. This is where a human being can manipulate and move an object or even a person with their mind. Although it is fictional, it's the same idea. Ghosts, for lack of a better word, are using energy to do this because that's what they are composed of.
As I mentioned earlier, there is very good reasoning behind the tools used to investigate a haunting. We measure ionic energy and electromagnetic fields (EMF). EMF fields are supposed to be stagnant and limited to the device emitting it. It's when that EMF field moves drastically and can be tracked with the devices that we realize nothing man-made is causing it. We conclude that an energy source with a conscious is the culprit.
With the haunted dolls, such as Norman, there is an ongoing trend in the data that points to malevolent behavior. I tend to look at the origin of that energy first to explain why what we refer to as "evil" has decided to control an otherwise innocent-looking and impotent toy.
If you were a rapist, murderer, or all around bad person in the human life, what do you think your energy would be in the afterlife? I believe you would be the same, only with advantages and attributes that we as human beings do not have. This would certainly explain why most haunted dolls are sinister. Dolls are already in your home. They are innocent looking. They have almost all of the physical traits of the human body. I refer to them as "Trojan horses:" they appear to be harmless, but on the inside the real evil awaits.
Statistically, across the field of paranormal research, our loved ones and harmless spirits tend to communicate to us by speaking or moving familiar objects. They might move a particular item that was always related to them during their human existence. These clues, if you will, help you put two and two together and conclude that you are experiencing a specific person. It's unlikely that a loved one would haunt a doll to communicate with you. But an evil person would.
This makes children extremely vulnerable to angry spirits. But that is a whole other article altogether.
To conclude, you rarely hear how a haunted doll is capable of doing what it is doing. The point of this article was to offer scientific information already in the textbooks that could explain a haunting or even your haunting. I mentioned the television shows earlier, and their answers almost always end the same. The investigators claim the doll or object is haunted. They may be right, but that doesn't explain how it is haunted.
We may know why it is haunted. Maybe there was a personal attachment to the doll before death, or maybe it's just as simple as it is the closest thing to resembling the human form. But how it is haunted is an entirely different discussion and one I hope I explained well enough in this article.
Knowing all of this can explain how possession of everything is possible, even that of a living human being. It doesn't always have to be a demon or anything else rooted in religion. It can be a person that once was. Demonic possession does occur. I am not discrediting that phenomenon in any way. But I do feel that sometimes a possession can be mislabeled.
You now know that our energy, or if you want to call it the soul, continues after we die. That is a concrete fact in our science books. Now you know how that energy can potentially manipulate and control the things around us if it so wishes to do so.
We call that a ghost. We call that a haunted doll. We call that paranormal. But now we can call it what it is, the infinite energy of a bio-electrical being that has moved on from the dead.
Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2020. All rights reserved.
- Double Vision: Sad Dreams about Departed MomContinue reading →
I lost my mom almost two years ago. I dream of her often, but they are never happy dreams; instead, they are dreams of her being sick or of us losing her all over again. Can you tell me why I never have happy dreams about her?
Two years isn't very long to be without your mother; those wounds take quite a while to heal. Even though you still feel her eternal love for you, she isn't there in the flesh to hug you or cheer you up when you feel sad.
Aries women in your mother's generation often have strange illnesses that, while not terminal, can last for many years. The constant trips to doctors to discover what's wrong, the endless trial and error with prescription drugs, the search for cures ñ all of these can take a toll on the whole family.
ALL cardinal signs despise being ill, which can put extra pressure on the family too. When someone is sick, sometimes they forget to be pleasant, which can lead to arguments. This all adds up to a lot of fatigue for both the ill person and the family, which can produce feelings of guilt.
On the other side of this picture is the Aries who dies from something sudden like a heart attack or stroke. Unexpected death can also lead to feelings of guilt and worry.
To figure out what your dreams about your mom mean, examine what happened prior to her death. Were you getting along well? Were you arguing? Were you not spending as much time with her as you feel you should have? Do you have regrets that plague you about your relationship with her?
This is where you're going to find explanations for the unhappy dreams you're having about her. Get a notebook to keep by your bed, and every time you have one of these dreams, write it down as soon as you wake up so you don't forget it.
Pay attention to the details. Are there doctors in your dreams? Did the doctors in real life let her down? Is there some resentment towards family members who show up from time to time in these dreams? If you document what you're dreaming, the answers you're seeking will become clear to you.
Since your mother has been gone almost two years now, as soon as you find the reasons for your guilt, worry and/or resentment, these dreams will disappear and be replaced by wonderful dreams of your mother where she really is: in a happy place beyond the Veil.
You can then begin to talk with one another again. When those good dreams start to happen, keep a record of them too. Our loved ones who have crossed over watch out for us and want to help us, and in dreams, they can often do just that.
Pleasant dreams of our departed loved ones occur when they visit us to let us know they're healthy and happy in the Spirit World. When we have unpleasant dreams about them, it doesn't mean they're unhappy, for WE are the ones who feel sad. If you figure out why you're troubled, you can start enjoying one another again.
Dreams can be very powerful, as they may affect our moods, thoughts and even our life choices. When we lose a loved one, our greatest wish is to know that they are safe and happy, so positive dreams about loved ones who have passed can be quite affirming.
In contrast, the dreams you are having seem to be stuck on replay, indicating that there are fears or issues still surrounding your mother's death that need to be cleared.
The most effective way to clear these unhappy dreams is to bring them up from your subconscious to the surface of your awareness. To do this, you should write down the events of your mother's illness and passing.
As you write, you may experience another wave of grief, but in the process, you will accomplish two things: First, you'll face the loss of your mother for a final time, and second, you will remember certain aspects of her passing that you may have forgotten.
After you have completed this detailed account, I recommend burning it to release the power and pain once and for all. Then sit down and write a letter to your mother, sharing all the things you would like to say to her, such as how much you miss her and love her. Finally, invite her to visit you in your dreams to let you know how she is doing.
Once you clear away the final pain of her passing, your mother will be able to come to you in all sorts of wonderful ways. You might consider scheduling a channeling session with a trusted medium to talk with her directly.
You could try meditating with an object of your mother's such as a handkerchief, a piece of jewelry or a photograph to draw her near for a chat. Because you know her personality so well, it won't be hard to determine her presence by the thoughts and messages that come to you during these times.
Having recently lost my own mother, I can assure you that our moms love to talk with us whenever they are able. Just a few days ago, I had a dream that my mom called me on my cell phone, and we had a wonderful chat.
I recognized that it was her not only because I could identify her voice, but because she was giving me a recipe over the phone, which was very typical of our conversations when she was alive. When I awoke, it felt as if I still had a cell phone to my ear and I could hear the static, when in reality, the phone was nowhere near me.
Also, watch for smells, objects or animals to appear out of the blue that were your mother's favorites. There are many ways your mother can let you know she is near. Soon you will start to have more positive dreams, memories and experiences with her, and these events will bring you immeasurable peace.
Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.
Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!
While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!
I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!
As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.
I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.
You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!
Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.
A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.
You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.