- Weekly Astrological Forecast for July 11 through July 17, 2022Continue reading →
July 11 through July 17, 2022
Monday will turn out to be an easy-going day, and though we may not get much done under the Sagittarius Moon, a sense of rebalancing and renewal will surround us. Tuesday's Capricorn Moon will get us back on track with obligations, and as it waxes full on Wednesday, we're sure to get a lot of things on our list completed and deleted! Brainstorming and interactive discussions will be highlighted under Thursday and Friday's Aquarius Moon, and we may even be inspired to join a discussion group or blog to share our ideas with the world at large! A peaceful weekend awaits as the Sun drifts through Pisces, punctuated by Venus' entry into Cancer on Sunday. This could be the perfect weekend to get out and find some new items for your home, practice a little feng shui or clear out clutter to restore and refresh your surroundings.
- Top 10 Signs You’re Experiencing a Spontaneous Past Life MemoryContinue reading →
Top 10 Signs You’re Experiencing a Spontaneous Past Life Memory, by Shelley A. Kaehr, Phd
(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)
Energy from our past lives smacks us in the face to see if we're paying attention. I know, because a ton of weird things have happened to me over the years, and when I realized this happens to just about everyone I meet, I identified a phenomenon called Supretrovie: a spontaneously induced past life memory. The challenge with Supretrovie is that people are largely unaware when it's happening. Here are a few signs that Supretrovie may be happening to you:
- Travel: You're traveling out of town and you arrive at a "new" place and have a familiar feeling of times long gone. You may recognize streets or buildings, you may even know your way around without a map or directions. The familiarity may make you feel euphoric or a little dizzy, or you may find the feeling overpowering in an unpleasant way.
- Past Images & Sounds Fill Your Mind: You're standing in this "new" place and all of a sudden, the current surroundings fade away and you find yourself seeing a movie in your mind where modern buildings and streets vanish or are replaced by the things you used to find familiar hundreds, if not thousands of years ago. You may also hear sounds that seem to come from a higher plane of reality—bombs, horses or any other noises that are not part of the contemporary environment.
- Museum Visits: You visit a museum specifically to see a world-class exhibition that's touring your city. You absolutely cannot wait to see these items, yet when you do, you become suddenly overcome with emotion and have to excuse yourself to avoid embarrassment. Determined to go on, you go back inside and happen upon a compelling display that makes you feel dizzy, enamored, or even nauseous. The item compels you closer, and once you get within a few feet away, you become overheated or woozy.
- Antique Store Surprises: You're out shopping with your BFFs and wander into a huge antique mall. Once you hit the jewelry counter, you begin coveting that gorgeous antique ring when suddenly you recall you've had one of those before with a similar setting. Your mind dashes back through your current life, but you soon realize what you're recalling happened a long, long time ago.
- Gemstone Obsession: You're drawn to certain gems and stones. When you hold one of them, you have feelings of euphoria. You pick up another stone and suddenly sense a burning sensation rushing through your fingers. You toss it aside, wondering what happened, but then you forget all about it.
- Historical Programming: You're flipping through the channels or browsing around on YouTube when suddenly you're stuck. Hours pass by as you watch one video after another about a place you'd never even heard of before. You may get a tingly feeling in your forehead as you watch in wonder and daydream of visiting there one day.
- Overstaying Your Welcome: You're on a trip to a new place and after twenty four hours, you have an overwhelming urge to pack your bags and move there—for good. Common sense returns eventually…or not. If not, you go home, pack, rent your U-Haul, and prepare for adventure.
- Understaying Your Welcome: You're planning that two-week vacation, but now that you've arrived to what you thought would surely be your dream destination, you soon realize that this place is uninhabitable, horrible, disgusting. You cannot understand why the travel agent lied to you and what everybody thinks is so awesome about the place. You absolutely hate it, and you won't stay another minute. It's all you can do to keep from running kicking and screaming down the street and hopping the next flight home. Forget what the change fees may cost. Unless you or your companions can somehow calm you down, you're outta here!
- Love at First Sight You met someone new at a coffee shop over the weekend for your first date. A few days later, you're making plans to move in together. There's something about this person that you can't live without.
- Hate at First Sight: You love your job and plan to be there for years to come. At least that's what you thought until your boss assigned you to a new work partner who is going to help you complete a project. The moment you meet, you tell yourself there's absolutely no way you two can work together. Even though the assignment only lasts a few days, you go home and update your resume.
So, how did you do? Did any of these scenarios sound at all familiar? Many are common, everyday occurrences, right? And yet, what if there was more to these simple obsessions or annoyances than first meets the eye? Although I work as a past life regressionist, it took me quite a while to finally come to the awareness that many of my weird experiences had roots in my past lives. You'd have thought I would have figured that out fairly quickly, but these memories are so deep, it's hard to get a handle on them.
I discovered firsthand that a past life regression is not always needed to find out who you were in the past or where you lived, but the process can also help you heal from issues carried over from former incarnations.
Once I began interviewing people, I proved that situations like our Top Ten list above happens to just about everybody alive. Since then, I've made it my mission to alert people of this fact so that they may find greater peace and relief from what I call unwanted influences.
In my latest book, Blast from the Past: Healing Spontaneous Past Life Memories, I share easy-to-do exercises to help you get in touch with your own Supretrovie experiences and make peace with the past. You'll learn how to heal from overwhelming experiences with objects, people, or places and take guided past life regression journeys to uncover situations most in need of healing. I hope you'll reach out and let me know about your own Supretrovie experiences. It's always fascinating to hear your stories! Until then, I wish you peace and joy on your path, now and always.
Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2021. All rights reserved.
- Double Vision: Dividing up Cremated AshesContinue reading →
I have a cottage up north, and until recently, my dog had no problem going inside. For the last couple of months, however, I've had to force him into the cottage. He will go into the living room, bedroom and bathroom, but looks out the door and stares and shakes when he looks into the kitchen. When my partner passed away a year ago, her children asked for part of her ashes. Could this possibly be a problem? Should her ashes be put together? All three of us have part of her ashes in urns.
The great Egyptian God Osiris was torn limb from limb and his body scattered all over Egypt. It's written that until he was unified in body again, he could not regain his power.
Separating your partner's ashes isn't horrible, but it is unfortunately unnatural, so they should probably be put back together. If you don't have any plans for scattering them at some point, or the plan is to wait until you join her, her ashes should be combined in the mean time.
I understand the need for her children to feel close to her by having some of her remains with them, but that's all they are - remains. Her spirit isn't in the ashes, as I'm sure you all know. At the same time, she wouldn't want them divided up between you all either.
Many people like to
keep it together,
and I have a feeling that your partner was one of these together people. She's in Heaven now, so she isn't upset that she's split up among you, but it's kind of creepy all the same.You are obviously feeling like something is wrong with separating her remains in this way, and if you feel it, then you should honor your intuition.
Perhaps you can work something out with the children to share her ashes in a different way. Maybe one of you could keep them with you for a few months, and then pass them on to one of the others. That way, her ashes remain intact but each of you gets them for a period of time each year.
I know the ashes are something that was a part of her that you want to hold onto, for you want to feel that closeness you had to her when she was living. Her death was a shock, and none of you are over it yet. It's nevertheless wise to put all of her ashes in one place to share another way, for unifying is always better than dividing.
Your puppy is reacting to someone or something in your cottage that wasn't there before, but I seriously doubt that it's your partner. There is some darker energy lurking there that should be easily dispelled with a little burning of sage in a white bowl. If you add some cloves and rosemary for harmony, you'll have cleansed the whole cottage!
As always, it's best to do this type of cleansing for energy at the New Moon, but it can be done effectively at other times of the month too. I'm certain this is some kind of random entity that found its way into your cottage, so it should be gone with one cleansing.
Animals can be very sensitive to changes in the psychic atmosphere, so it is definitely important to pay attention to their behavior, especially if they demonstrate reluctance to enter a certain area. An animal that reacts in the manner you describe is indicating that there is a problem.
Assuming nothing else in the cottage has changed, I'd say your suspicion that this is related to your partner's ashes is right on the money. Your dog is more than likely picking up the spirit of your deceased partner, who finds comfort in hanging around the cottage. I would also be willing to bet that the kitchen was your partner's favorite place in the house.
I don't feel the problem has to do with the division of your partner's ashes, however. The remains of a loved one can be separated, shared or even cast over the ocean without negative effects. Imagine the ashes as a bouquet of flowers: Dividing them in order to share with others will only increase their joy.
The next time you take your dog to visit the cabin, encourage him to join you in the kitchen. Sit with him for a time and watch his reactions. Talk to him and assure him that what he is experiencing is only the presence of your partner. As you talk to him in a calm, reassuring voice, he may settle down. Because dogs are often trained to protect and alert their owners to danger, he may simply be trying to find a way to let you know she is there with you.
Your goal is to put his fears to rest by assuring him that you also recognize that something is off center. You may want to show him a picture of your partner and see if his reactions increase or decrease. If they decrease, this will be an additional affirmation of what he is sensing. If they increase, you'll have to work harder to determine what is upsetting him.
If these methods don't calm your dog down, you may have another problem, for he may be sensing an unwanted spirit in your cabin. To clear out strange energy or uninvited entities, you'll want to smudge the cabin or the room he is most afraid of using a sage smudge stick.
The good news is that no matter what your dog is sensing, you'll know immediately by his reactions if the situation has been rectified or not. Once you have assured him that you also realize your partner is there, and you have cleared any other disturbances from the cabin, I'm sure he'll settle down.
Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.
Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!
While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!
I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!
As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.
I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.
You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!
Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.
A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.
You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.