• Weekly Astrological Forecast for February 27 through March 5, 2023

    February 27 through March 5, 2023

    Monday and Tuesday are days for important conversations and dynamic ideas as the Moon speeds through Gemini and accelerates our intellect and negotiation skills. Brainstorming and working with a team is the way to productive outcomes. It’s also a good time to get things off your chest or share your feelings more openly to create better understanding between you and others. Once the Moon moves into Cancer on Wednesday things seem to stall and followed by Mercury’s move into Pisces on Thursday, things could get a bit blurry. Mercury doesn’t always do well in water signs, so practice extra caution with your words as well as your actions. The remainder of the week glows brightly under the Leo Moon, and though we may not get much done, we’ll celebrate the wonder of our lives on a much deeper soul level.

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  • 3 Ways Angel Numbers Are Sending You a Message

    3 Ways Angel Numbers Are Sending You a Message, by Leeza Robertson

    (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

    If you have stumbled across this article, there's a good chance you have an interest in learning more about angel numbers. You may have heard about them in casual conversation or even on social media. Perhaps you have even seen them but you want to know specifically how to decode the messages they send. You may also be interested in learning how you can incorporate the angel number system into your daily life. In this article I'm going to walk you through three different types of numbers that can, and do, show up in your everyday life. I will tell you a little about what these numbers mean and how you can make sense of them. I should preface this by saying that you will need a copy of The Divine Practice of Angel Numbers to help you in the decoding process.

    Let's dive in, shall we?!

    1: Stalker Numbers
    Now, this may not be what they're called anywhere else, but this is what I call them. And honestly, this is pretty much how these numbers behave. You seriously feel like they are stalking you. These numbers just will not leave you alone. You see them in your dreams. You see them on social media. Everywhere you go, this particular number just keeps flashing in your face!

    Stalker numbers usually pop up when we have a specific message, lesson, or healing to move through. Generally speaking, we tend not to see them again once we have resolved, cleared, healed, or learned the message. You see, for the most part, humans aren't really looking to be spoken to by angels. The average person does not set out in the morning thinking that angels will be stopping by to impart important information. Even though this is exactly what the angels are doing. Every second of every day. This is why we have Stalker Numbers.

    Stalker Numbers are generally 3 to 4 repeating numbers or a 3- or 4-digit number combination that, well, stalks you. This number combination is how your angels are speaking to you. It is their way of letting you know that something important has come to their attention and they would like for you to attend to it. Most people will be unaware of these numbers. Or simply write it off as coincidence. But not you. You know it's the angels. And now that you are armed with your very own copy of my new book, you know exactly how to decode those pesky Stalker Numbers.

    2: Numbers Everywhere
    Have you ever had one of those days where everywhere you go repeating numbers just seem to follow? You get up in the morning and you see 555. You stop at a traffic light and the car in front of you has 333 on its licence plate. Then you go and get your morning coffee and, sure enough, the receipt is 111! Everywhere you go throughout your day, repeating numbers are bombarding you. I know you have had one of these days. We all have. Yet what does it all mean?

    I want you to think of these numbers as if they are each giving you a sentence in a paragraph to a larger message.

    As you move through your day, record the numbers you see, in order. Start with the first repeating number, then the second, then third, and so on, until you have them all written down. Now, pick up your copy of The Divine Practice of Angel Numbers. Flip through the book and find out which angel those numbers belong to.

    Next, write down a quick summary of the message. Then move on to the next number and the one after that until you have a line or two from each number. You see, the numbers that popped up throughout the day are telling you a bigger, more complex message, one that no single number could convey. There is no doubt that this sort of message is a little more complicated to decode, but I guarantee it will be worth the effort to see what the angels are telling you.

    3: Protection Numbers
    These numbers are a little different than the numbers we've talked about throughout this article. Protection Numbers tend to stay with you for your entire incarnation. Oftentimes these are connected to either your birth angel, which you can discover in the book, or connected to your main archangel.

    These numbers tend to show up on legal contracts, as well as on your mortgage payment, rent payments, apartment numbers, and even on your license plate. Protection numbers show up anywhere your main Angel wants to let you know that they are watching over you. This is their way of letting you know they have your back and are looking out for you.

    Protection numbers don't pop up very often, only when you need this level of reassurance. Even if you have never noticed them before, they are still there to let you know the angels are near. Perhaps when you go back over all your important numbers you will start to see a pattern. This pattern will let you know who your protection angel or angels are. Maybe this is the first time you have come in contact with this angel. Perhaps you have always suspected this particular angel had your back.

    My wife and I first became aware of these protection numbers and their importance in 2006. Every document we signed seemed to have repeating 3s and 7s. These numbers are connected to our numerological charts, as well. Over the years, we started to notice just when and where these numbers showed up, and knew that if they were present all was well. Our personal protection numbers allow us to worry less and trust more.

    I hope you enjoyed this article and liked learning about three more different ways that angel numbers can and do show up in your daily experience. I encourage you to go deeper with these numbers and work with my new book, The Divine Practice of Angel Numbers. I also hope you will consider being more open and allow the angels to communicate with you freely through this number system. It might take a little while for you to figure out all the different codes, but you've got the book to guide you.

    If you like to work more with the Angels, come join me inside our Facebook Group Quantum Wealth Collective for Luxe Goddess Entrepreneurs, where we host a weekly Angel Healing Circle every Friday at 2pm PST.

    Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2021. All rights reserved.

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  • Double Vision: Dream of Cousin’s House

    I had a dream last night of my cousin's house. I was able to see the hallway to her living room and a part of a couch. I also saw the stairs to her bedroom, and that the bedroom had a sliding glass door. It was also clear that her bedroom was long but not wide. I was able to see this through the sliding glass door from the outside. The weird thing is that I have never been to my cousin's house, yet when I described her house as I had seen it in my dream, she was as amazed and confused as I was, because my description was totally accurate. Can you explain this to me?



    Marissa, thanks for asking this question. I know that many people experience this kind of dream, but never say anything because it just sounds so far-fetched. What happened in your dream was your soul left your body and went to your cousin's house. This is called Astral Travel. Astral travel is defined as an out of body experience where there is a conscious separation of the soul from the body. Most people who come back from an astral travel experience will talk of being very high up in the sky looking down. I am more like you, Marissa; I go to actual physical places; I do not just fly around in the sky.

    The most interesting part of this to me is that you remember it. We leave our bodies all the time and go away. Have you ever woken up with a start and felt completely disoriented? You might have looked around but you couldn't quite figure out where you were, even though you were in your own bedroom? You were waiting for your soul to catch back up with your mind/ body. Sometimes the opposite happens as well. Our souls will try to wake us up from a scary dream or place, and our mind/ body will not cooperate. That is when you can remember trying to wake yourself up.

    I know I repeat myself in this column quite often, and here I go again. Oftentimes when we sleep, our souls leave our bodies and go to where they most need to be to heal from today and prepare for tomorrow. From time to time, our conscious minds just cannot deal with situations happening around us. We go to sleep and let our souls do the work. I know when I get stressed or sad, I try to take a nap. At times it is just the fix I need. We do not always remember these "trips." When we astral travel, however, we DO remember, and are very aware of the trip as it is happening and after we wake up. Apparently, we can train ourselves to astral travel at will. If you are interested in that, do a search on the Internet for "astral travel." I suggest you search anyway, Marissa, so that you can learn more than we can tell you here.

    The bottom line here is not to be afraid of this experience, or those you have had before or will have in the future. This is a very normal and natural thing to have happen. Your cousin confirming your visit was just that: confirmation. You needed to know that it is REAL. When we question the validity of something, Spirit will find a way to show us the truth. I think you cannot doubt that you had this experience. Rock on, Spirit!

    I wish you exciting travels.



    You and your cousin have a telepathic connection. Your subconscious is trying to bring the two of you closer together with this dream. There must be some reason that the two of you need to be in contact with one another on a more regular basis.

    You dreamed of her house at probably the same time SHE was dreaming of her home. You shared this dream much the same way that people who are in love "at a distance" share their dreams without ever knowing that is happening. I have known people who have had similar experiences with parents, siblings and exes.

    The advantage you have is that you know now that you can at least RECEIVE messages from her. Start practicing. The two of you should set up a practice schedule. Every day is probably too much for people with busy lives, but the two of you can agree on an hour or so three or four times a week. Try to practice at many different times, but keep as many as you can EARLY IN THE DAY.

    Buy your cousin a deck of "ESP CARDS" and get a deck for yourself. These are the cards that have symbols on them such as triangles, circles, squares and wavy lines. Take turns on alternate days sending TEN CARDS mentally to one another. Keep a little notebook of the cards you "send" and the cards you "receive." Send on one day, and receive during the next practice session.

    Don't compare notes for at least ninety days, then send each other your lists and compare what you got right and what you didn't. See if there is a "better" time of day. I believe that you will find after the first month your accuracy gets stunningly better! By the last 30 days, you should be ripping through those symbols with at least 85% accuracy. Remember, 50% is NORMAL, even for people who are NOT connected, so you two should start with a higher rate of accuracy.

    When you find that this is not only POSSIBLE, but getting easier all the time, depart from your ESP cards and start sending "mental photos" to each other. Stay with the every other day routine. In about a year, you should EASILY be able not only to get the correct images, but to be able to "call" each other at any time. You'll also find windows into past lives and other experiences you and your cousin have shared before this lifetime.

    Sometimes cousins are much closer than siblings telepathically and emotionally. The Universe is opening up something rare and beautiful between you two. Take the time to practice with each other, and enjoy the benefits of having a "SOUL" sister in this crazy world!


    Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

    Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

    While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

    I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

    As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

    I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

    You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

    Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

    A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

    You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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