- Weekly Astrological Forecast for October 16 through October 22, 2023Continue reading →
October 16 through October 22, 2023
We’ll be marching to the beat of our own drummers this week, so forget about what others think and follow your instincts; it’s the best way to make the most progress! An intense energy prevails under Monday’s Scorpio Moon, but we should take care not to step on other people’s toes in our attempts to get our own lofty goals met! Pace yourself and watch out for the other guy, in the office as well as on the road. We’ll carry a more light-hearted air Tuesday through Thursday as the Moon cruises through fun-loving and social Sagittarius. Don’t worry if you don’t get your work done, as Friday’s Capricorn Moon will help you get caught up in record time! This moon is also good for weekend projects, as it will fill your day with energy and umph! on Saturday as well. Mercury moves into the karmic sign of Scorpio on Sunday and combined with an Aquarius Moon, anything could happen! Sudden changes in direction, plans upended, unexpected company, or conversations with a stranger: all are hallmarks of this unique combination!
- Gold and Alchemical HealingContinue reading →
Gold and Alchemical Healing, by Chic Cicero
(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)
The science of alchemy is first and foremost a spiritual process of transformation and purification. However, there are two types of alchemy that often overlap. Practical alchemy, also called laboratory alchemy, is concerned with transforming a base material into a higher and more purified substance, such as the turning of a base metal into gold, or the extraction of a medicinal substance from a plant in order to create a healing elixir. Spiritual alchemy, which is also called theoretical alchemy or inner alchemy, is concerned with the transformation of the human soul from a state of baseness to one of spiritual enlightenment.
The classical texts of alchemy are rich in symbolism and allegory. Some of these treatises contained little more than alchemical prints and illustrations. Alchemical works that contained numerous illustrations were far less concerned with the practical aspects of laboratory alchemy than with the esoteric knowledge of spiritual alchemy and the sublimation of the human soul. These books would become the illustrated textbooks of the Rosicrucian movement in the seventeenth century.
Contemplation of alchemical diagrams and pictorial symbolism is meant to intrigue and inspire the viewer on many levels—conscious as well as subconscious—and speak directly to the human soul on the true nature of the alchemist’s "gold."
The "gold" spoken of by the alchemists is not what most people think of as mundane gold, the gold used for currency and ornamentation. Alchemical gold has many names that help define its qualities. It has been called the Stone of the Wise, the Magnum Opus, the Celestial Ruby, the Elixir of Life, and Lapis Philosophorum (or The Philosopher’s Stone). Gold is a symbol of humanity's lower nature transmuted into the Higher Self. It represents true spiritual attainment, enlightenment, and illumination. The search for the Philosopher’s Stone is the search for ultimate Truth and Purity. In spiritual alchemy gold refers to the transmutation of the Lower Self into the Higher and Divine Self.
The Philosopher’s Stone, published in 1938, was Israel Regardie's first in-depth examination of spiritual alchemy. At the time it was written, Regardie was convinced that practical alchemy was a blind for what was actually a psycho-spiritual process of inner growth. He maintained that the laboratory operations of alchemy said to work on various substances in order to change "lead into gold" were, in reality, focused squarely at man's mind, soul, and spirit. The goal of alchemy was, according to Regardie, the internal wellbeing of the human soul.
The main text of Gold: Israel Regardie's Lost Book of Alchemy was written between 1938 and 1941 as a sequel to The Philosopher’s Stone. Like his earlier book, the subject of Gold was spiritual alchemy. However, Gold takes up exactly where the earlier book left off, comparing the Great Work of alchemy to the goals of Eastern mysticism—samadhi of yoga and satori of Zen Buddhism. At the same time he was writing Gold, Regardie was also immersing himself in the study of psychology and psychotherapy, just as he had studied Golden Dawn magic a few years before. He applied much of what he learned in the pages of Gold, and extended the spiritual teachings of inner alchemy into the realm of psychotherapy, providing readers with a systematic and holistic approach to physical, psychological, and spiritual healing on all levels.
In Gold, Regardie describes the symbols of alchemy as focal points for visualization and the willed manipulation of vital and cosmic forces. Magnetism, or the energetic stimulation of invisible natural forces, can result in real, physical effects, including healing. Regardie firmly held that the transmission of vital power was a valid and tangible reality that could be taught and mastered by any average person. Personal experience with this power over a number of years enabled Regardie to develop a simple therapeutic method based on internal stimulation, using Golden Dawn techniques of color visualization, magical correspondences, applied willpower, and the vibration of divine names associated with specific forces. He described how the colors of the various energy centers can be utilized for healing, physical and mental regeneration, and inner alchemy. Regardie’s ingenious technique for healing illness in oneself as well as in others is included in Gold. One example of this is our own Healing Ritual of Hod, given below.
Hod is the Eighth Sepirah on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. On the human body this energy center is located at the right hip joint, but it also relates to the planetary energy of Mercury, which rules over the respiratory system, central nervous system, the brain, the thyroid, and the hands. The energies of Hod could be used to aid the healing process due to an illness or imbalance in any of these body systems.
If the magician is performing this ritual to heal him or herself, the receptive or Queen Scale color of Hod (which is orange) will be used. This is because the feminine color tends to make one's aura open, passive and receptive. If the ritual is to be performed for the benefit of another, then the Projective of King Scale color of Hod (violet) will be used.
A Healing Ritual of Hod
Begin by establishing a pattern of deep rhythmic breathing and relaxation.Follow this with the basic Exercise of the Middle Pillar:
- Vibrate the divine name "Eheieh" and imagine a sphere of white light at the Kether center (at the crown of your head).
- Vibrate the name "YHVH Elohim" and imagine a sphere of white light at your Daath center (at your throat).
- Vibrate the name "YHVH Eloah ve-Daath" and imagine a sphere of white light at your Tiphareth center (at your heart).
- Vibrate the name "Shaddai El Chai" and imagine a sphere of white light at your Yesod center (at your groin).
- Vibrate the name "Adonai ha-Aretz" and imagine a sphere of white light at your Malkuth center (at your feet).
- Imagine the Middle Pillar complete. Then using rhythmic breathing, circulate the light you have brought down through the Middle Pillar around the outside of your body to strengthen your aura.
- Focus some of the energy back into your Tiphareth or heart-center, the seat of equilibrium and balance.
If you are performing the ritual for your own benefit, visualize your Hod center, located at the right hip, filled with a bright orange light. Concentrate on this warm orange color—the Queen Scale color of Hod—at your right hip. With rhythmic breathing, see this orange glow begin to expand outward from Hod until it fills your entire aura. Imagine yourself completely bathed within a brilliant orange egg of light. Vibrate "Elohim Tzabaoth," the divine name of Hod, several times. Concentrate on the specific healing that you wish to attract into your sphere, firmly visualizing the illness or imbalance being dissolved away, leaving only healthy tissue.
When you feel that the work of the exercise has been accomplished, complete and seal the ritual by performing the Qabalistic Cross.
If you are performing this ritual for the benefit of another person, perform the preliminary Middle Pillar Exercise as described above. Visualize your Hod center filled with violet—the King Scale color of Hod—at your right hip. With rhythmic breathing, see this color begin to expand outward from Tiphareth until it fills your entire aura. Vibrate "Elohim Tzabaoth," the divine name of Hod several times, while continuing to visualize the color of violet. Concentrate on the specific healing that you wish to project to the other person. When you feel that sufficient energy has been generated from Hod, visualize and project the violet energy from your Tiphareth center (the center of balance and projection), to the Hod center of the other person. Visualize his or her aura filling up with this color and its corresponding Hod energy. Then visualize the aura of the other person changing color from violet to bright orange as the light transmutes your projected Hod energy to the receptive Hod energy of the person receiving the beneficial effects of this force. Concentrate on the specific healing that you wish to attract into the other person’s sphere, firmly visualizing the illness or imbalance being dissolved away, leaving only healthy tissue.
Once you feel that the work of the exercise has been accomplished, complete and seal the ritual by performing the Qabalistic Cross.
Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2015. All rights reserved.
- Double Vision: Are We Being Guided to Be Together?Continue reading →
I am currently married but I have had a certain guy on my mind for almost a year now. He is also married. We haven't spoken in 14 years, but recently we started emailing. I have had ringing in my ears and chest pain throughout the past year, ever since we reconnected. (My doctor cleared me of any health problems.) I feel such a strong pull towards him; I feel that my life is shifting towards him. We were attracted to each other in college but never dated. I feel that our time is coming when we are supposed to be together. Am I crazy that my feelings are this strong with someone I haven't seen or talked to in 14 years? Thank you!
No, you're not crazy. Many people experience what you're going through when they are bored with their spouses. Instead of meeting a stranger online or via a dating service, they often turn to someone they knew before they were married.
If the other person is also married, it's safer that way for the couple involved. It might amaze you to discover how many people rekindle romances after college or high school reunions only to discover that the attraction was only in their minds because they were unhappy or dissatisfied with their current partners and situations.
Since you knew this guy in college, you already know a good bit about him. You don't have to worry that he'll do anything crazy, like show up on your doorstep and ask you to run away with him.
Since he's also married, it may be that he's also bored and feels safe talking to you. It's exciting and forbidden, and you can scare yourselves with the possibility that you could be together someday. It's natural for friends who are attracted to each other to take their relationship to some kind of romantic level whether in reality or fantasy.
Also, since both of you are already in what seem to be committed relationships (at least on the surface), there won't be a whole lot of pressure to come through on any promises.
Try not to get your heart broken. Men and women are very different when it comes to things like this. I've done countless readings for women who say they feel a deep connection with a fellow who is only doing something for fun. Remember that you have not known this man on any kind of intimate level, and that he could just be playing around and unaware of how much you're investing in the relationship. Disaster lurks here!
There is also the problem of getting caught. Do you really feel your husband would be totally forgiving if he read those emails? Leos are notoriously careless when it comes to covering up. Beware of hurting someone who used to be the most important person on Earth to you.
If you value your relationship with your own husband, I urge you to be very careful about what you're risking. Perhaps the two of you could go to a counselor to try to rekindle your feelings for each other, or maybe it's time to get a divorce and move on. Either way, you owe it to yourselves to explore that possibility with someone who can help.
Don't throw away what you have for what you feel is destiny. It's not - it's wishful thinking. I don't have to tell you that you get carried away at times, Leo. Don't paint yourself into a corner from which you can't escape.
What you're experiencing now - as you did in college - is a powerful past life karmic connection with David. However, you have to be very careful about trying to determine what this connection is, along with its spiritual importance and higher purpose in your life.
If you are soul mates destined to be together in this lifetime, there is no way of stopping it or speeding it up. Universal timing is an interesting thing, as its main purpose is to protect us from experiencing things before we are ready.
The time period between your connection in college and your reconnection now has no doubt been filled with many lessons, karmic experiences and personal growth. This will ensure the best possible outcome for any given situation whether a life partnership with him is in your future or not.
The physical pains you've been experiencing are also an aspect of your past life together. They may stem from painful experiences you had in that past life, or mirror pains that you experienced at that time when these symptoms represented something threatening your health.
One way to gain some clarity about this relationship is to go within and begin examining your feelings. If you are unhappy in your life or marriage, this could be a wonderful distraction. This is an indicator that you have work of your own left to do, so you must aim for greater spiritual growth and wholeness before taking any actions or moving on any feelings that will most certainly affect the other people in your life and his.
I had a similar experience when I encountered a high school sweetheart many years later. The connection and chemistry were so intense and overwhelming that I also wondered if we were destined to reunite.
However, by standing still, paying attention and not moving in any direction beyond email, I soon realized that this was a gift for me, and was designed to bring out hidden aspects of myself that had gotten lost or buried over the years. It reconnected me with my youthful spirit while alerting me to the fact that we really had no future together.
It may take more time to determine where things might lead with David, so I encourage you to focus on the gifts and affirmations he is bringing into your life now without pondering the future or letting hopes and expectations rule your thoughts or decisions.
Ask Spirit to increase this connection if that is what is best for you, or to diminish the connection if it is not meant to go further. In that way, you'll either learn some very important things about yourself, or the Universe will continue to open the door wider for this relationship.
Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.
Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!
While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!
I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!
As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.
I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.
You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!
Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.
A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.
You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.