- Weekly Astrological Forecast for November 20 through November 26, 2023Continue reading →
November 20 through November 26, 2023
The highlight of this week will be the Sun's entry into Sagittarius on Wednesday, shifting us out of the watery vibes of Scorpio and into more light-hearted and fun activities for the next four weeks. Sagittarius is also the sign of justice, fairness, and the law of the land, so moving with honor and intent will be highlighted as well. We'll all lean to a more spiritual stance on Monday and Tuesday as the Moon travels through Pisces, making for an ethereal few days. Go with the flow and trust your intuition if you're faced with any important decisions during these days. We'll pick up the pace again on Wednesday and fly through our obligations with ease through Friday under an assertive Aries Moon. For those of us in the US celebrating Thanksgiving this week, watch out for debates and arguments that could arise at the dinner table. Keeping the theme of this holiday in mind, bite your tongue and count your blessings! This weekend's Taurus Moon tends to reflect the many activities common as November nears its end; shopping, organizing, pulling out holiday decorations, and making a plan for how we want to spend the remaining weeks of 2023.
- Five Myths (and Five Truths) about the Twin Flame RelationshipContinue reading →
Five Myths (and Five Truths) about the Twin Flame Relationship, by Leslie Sampson
(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)
The sacred concept of twin flames is one that is surrounded with a lot of different definitions, ideas, and methods. It can be confusing when you begin on your journey. You will find so many things that are considered "absolute" and "fact," but may not actually vibe with you or your twin. It's a good general rule of thumb to remember that if something doesn't vibe with you, it simply doesn't have to. It's ok to say no, especially when we're talking about twin flames.
This topic looks massive on the surface, thanks to the fact that everyone who discusses twin flames in any way has their own opinions, experiences, definitions, and belief systems. This can make the entire concept of twin flames seem convoluted or even contradictory. That was my opinion when I began on my path of twin flame enlightenment.
Now, however, I realize that the entire reason there is so much confusion about twin flames is because there are a lot of myths that are considered truth. My intention is to try and clear up the confusion. So, let's look at five common myths and truths about twin flames and the relationship between them.
- My twin flame is my one true love.
This is the most overwhelming myth about twin flames. It's because the most prevalent belief about twin flames is that the entire purpose of the relationship is to be each other's one true love on earth. The true purpose of the twin flame relationship isn't love, although divine love is at the core of both the relationship and the souls that define it.The purpose is soul evolution. Your twin flame will come into your life and change everything, and you both may even want to have a loving relationship with one another. Just remember, the purpose of the twin flame relationship will always be soul evolution. - Twin flames and soulmates are the same thing.
Most people believe both concepts are equal, but they are not. When a soul is created, it's made from a particular strand of divine DNA that is unequaled in any other soul. It is also infused with a blueprint of the divine plan for this soul. Then, the soul is split into two equal halves, which are called twin flames. You only have one divine equal to your soul.A soulmate can number into the millions for one soul. These are those souls that evolve around each other, and they do so because they are a complementary vibration to yours. The purpose of twin flames is soul evolution. The purpose of a soulmate is to assist you on your path, and they often allow you to assist them on theirs. There is only one divine match to your soul that is your twin flame. - My twin flame is my divine masculine/feminine.
At inception, a soul is created with divine energy, which is that beautiful, universal energy that comes from the creator of all that is (your understanding of a higher power/being/energy/God). Contained within that divine energy is both divine masculine and feminine energy. When the soul is split into two equal halves, it isn't split based on masculine or feminine energy. It is divided right down the middle. Both halves contain universal energy, which is partially made up of masculine and feminine energies.Universal energy is what creates oneness for all, so it cannot be separated into different energies specifically to define the twin flame relationship. There is no divine rule that insists one half of the soul is feminine at its core and the other half is masculine. Twin flames are equal in all ways on a soul level. - 11:11 is a sign from my twin flame.
The number eleven is more than just a sign from your twin; it is a physical and mathematical manifestation of twin flames meeting. Usually, when your attention is drawn to 11:11, it is considered a sign that your twin is near, or thinking of you, or just wants to get your attention. However, there's so much more to it.Previously, we discussed how each soul has both divine masculine and divine feminine contained within. Each of these energies is represented by the number one, so one half of the soul is represented by two ones: 11. Since twin flames are equal in their souls, both halves would be equally represented. That's how we arrive at 11:11. When this number appears, it is an indication that both souls are present, connected, and sending information to one another.
Before we get to our last myth, it's important to understand two things: everyone has a twin flame and twin flames are always connected. There is never a need to search for your twin because you have been connected since the inception of your souls. There is a cord that connects the two of you. This cord is made of the same strand of divine DNA that created your souls, and it is unique to you. It cannot be replicated or changed in any way. It connects from your heart chakra in the center of your chest and works like an umbilical cord to not only connect twin flames, but to send energy and information between you. This is true no matter if your twin is incarnate on Earth or on the Other Side. This cord can be used to draw your twin closer to you.
- I can tell you who your twin flame/soulmate is.
There are advertisements for these types of readings and drawings on social media all the time. "I will draw a picture of your one true love!" "I will draw your twin flame!" "Is he your twin flame? I will tell you the truth." Bottom line: these are scams, regardless of how many "good reviews" they have. It's very easy to create a drawing of a random person and say, "This, this is your other half, your true love!" That doesn't make it truth. You shouldn't open the door to your twin flame relationship merely to prove you're correct. You don't need anyone else to verify or validate what you already know and feel.Remember, you and your twin flame have always been connected to one another, and your soul will always recognize its match, without fail. The hard part, especially if you're a skeptic like I used to be, is convincing your brain. It doesn't naturally want to trust and believe a concept so radical as, "My soul has an exact match, and it is this person." The brain wants to explain everything away as rationally as it can.The key is to allow. Allow it all, every little bit. Keep what makes sense to you, and discard everything else. And, hey, don't let anyone else into the heart of your twin flame relationship, because they will do all they can to tear it down and make you doubt. Trust yourself. Your soul will always recognize its match. Period.
There are many more myths that surround twin flames. In my new book, Find Your Twin Flame: Understand and Connect to Your Soul's Other Half, we not only break down these myths into truths, but we define twin flames and discuss the history of the concept of the twin flame relationship. We also utilize several methods designed to connect with your twin flame and prove the relationship beyond all doubt.
Remember: your soul already knows who your twin flame is. You just need to give your soul the right tools and guidance to grow and evolve. You have the "soul" access to empower yourself to draw your divine match closer to you. Go on. Do it. I believe in you.
Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2021. All rights reserved.
- My twin flame is my one true love.
- Double Vision: New Psychic Can Never Remember What He Said in Readings…Continue reading →
I am pretty new to giving psychic readings. I have only done it for about four years, and only for friends and family. Lately, I have realized something strange. It seems I can never remember what I tell people during readings. I have friends come back and tell me that I was right on in what I told them, but I can't seem to remember what that was. I can only remember little pieces of my readings, and these aren't the really important, powerful messages. It seems to me that this is more than just a bad memory - that something else is going on. I can't even remember the readings I did yesterday! Is this normal? Thank you for your time.
- Norberto
I am so glad that you asked about this. I have wanted to address this very issue. I really hope my personal psychic reading clients are reading this right now, because I am NOTORIOUS for not having any memory of my readings. Like you, I really don't remember anything I've said either. Sometimes I hear, "Dreamchaser, how can you not remember THAT??"
I can only speak for myself as I try to explain why this happens, but I feel this applies to you as well. When you are giving someone a reading, you shut off your human/ logical mind, and turn on your spiritual mind. You are channeling information from a higher source THROUGH your human mind.
In my case, the more mindless I am, the better my reading work is. I can't remember the readings I did 30 days or 30 minutes ago. Sometimes I wish I COULD remember, but I can't!
I also think it's a good thing that we can't remember prior readings, because this way, we're not influenced by them. Our clients always get a fresh view of the situation. I think since life is constantly changing, it's wise to constantly be updating our view of it. Our life circumstances can change drastically from one day to the next. What happened yesterday often does not apply in any way to what is going on today.
Now there are times when I remember something from a reading, but it is only because Spirit "reminds" me of it. As I am going along, I may get a flash of the information I need to remember because it will prove somehow useful to the reading underway. It is almost like rewinding a movie to a certain part and then replaying it. I can even see what I was wearing, etc., when I was giving the reading.
I recommend that you stop placing such heavy expectations and rules on your reading work. The only real rules I follow are to not pry and to harm no one. However, you have to come up with your own rules about what is right and best. There is no one right or wrong way to do this work.
Some people use a book. Some do certain spreads. Some, like me, just throw cards out there in no order, and let them speak like chapters in a book. Whatever works best for you is the right way for you. PERIOD.
One way to explain yourself to people who ask you why you can't remember your readings is to have them picture a river in your head. Now tell them to picture the river coming in the top of your head, through your crown chakra, and flowing out of your mouth. Then ask them how anything can stay put in THAT strong flow. Hopefully, they will understand that analogy.
I wish you many more mind-less readings.
Four years is long enough to know what you're doing, especially if you're giving regular readings. There are a few different reasons why you might not be able to remember your psychic perceptions.
In fact, most psychics experience the same thing. Usually this is because at the time, we're in a semi-trancelike state. It's hard to remain grounded when you're mentally reaching into the ethers for obscure information. Sometimes in order to get a picture of what is going on in the Seeker's life, we have to suspend our mental connection to this plane and allow our minds to wander a bit into the person we're reading for. There are things we see there that are none of our business, and our subconscious will wipe them from our memory along with everything we think we SHOULD remember too!
The things you generally do remember from your readings are all the harmless images that come to you. You're also getting pictures in a deeper way of your family members and friends. While some are okay to see, others are very dark and upsetting, and your mind blocks out those memories. Since you're reading for friends and family, it's understandable that you wouldn't want to know graphic details of their sex lives and other personal matters. Some things are truly better forgotten! Your mind is just being very thorough in purging itself of others' personal business.
If you'd like to start remembering your readings, two solutions come to mind: either record your readings or take notes. Most people are flattered if you do that, and will even request a copy of your readings. Since people are so often impressed with your accuracy, you don't have to be worried about someone coming back and angrily waving a finger in your face, saying, "How did you ever get THAT?!"
I often don't remember a reading, especially with someone who is new to me, and I have to ask for all sorts of basic information. Luckily, people don't really expect us to remember EVERYTHING. Most the time, they'll say something to trigger a memory, and I'll remember what we talked about before.
If you were reading for strangers, you'd probably remember more because it wouldn't be so important to you. Your friends and family are a different matter. Sometimes it hurts to see what is going to happen to them because of the poor choices they have made in their lives. Try branching out and reading for some people you DON'T know. Besides, after four years, it's time to test your wings with other people! Good luck!
Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.
Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!
While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!
I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!
As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.
I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.
You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!
Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.
A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.
You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.