• Weekly Astrological Forecast for January 22 through January 28, 2024

    January 22 through January 28, 2024

    We'll experience lots of astrological shifts this week, as three planetary events shift our focus and raise our awareness. Venus will move into Capricorn on Tuesday, and could inspire a personal or home makeover. Venus isn't really concerned with your budget, and could have you spending lots of money to revise your world to reflect the new year and new you coming into view! We'll have a full Moon in Leo on Thursday, which is also a more self-focused event, though because full Moons represent release, could have you clearing out closets and clutter to make room for new purchase down the road. Uranus will turn direct on Friday after five months of backward motion, and because it is the planet that rules Aquarius, again we'll be looking at what changes we can make to create a more perfect world. Upgrading or revising our friendships and relationships could be a theme under this aspect, so if it's time to let go of connections that are draining you or go in search of new friends, this next three months are great for clearing out and restocking your social "closet."

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  • Q&A with Scott Stabile Author of Enough as You Are

    Q&A with Scott Stabile Author of Enough as You Are

    In a world dominated by the relentless pursuit of self-improvement, author Scott Stabile’s new book Enough as You Are (New World Library, October 17, 2023) offers a refreshing perspective on self-acceptance by empowering readers to find contentment in their inherent worth. We hope you’ll enjoy this Q&A with Scott about the book.

    Tell us about your book Enough as You Are and what inspired you to write it?

    It’s so important to remember our inherent worth as human beings, that we are indeed enough, just as we are. I convey this truth in all the work I do and wanted to write a book rooted in our enoughness; a call for deeper self-acceptance and self-love, a reminder that even with all our fears, insecurities and anxieties, we are still worthy human beings. This book is a collection of short prose and poetry, the type of book you can read straight through or treat like an oracle deck of sorts, turning to a page each day and meditating on the theme of that page’s message.

    What is a “Love Activist” and why is it a title you happily own?

    I see a love activist as someone who makes a lot of noise for the power of love, who is intentional about reminding the world that love is our greatest healer, and with it informing our thoughts, words and actions, there are no limits to what we can co-create here. I don’t see myself as an expert in anything, but I’ve gotten really good at loving myself and others, and really good at encouraging others to do so too.

    You say that our relationship with ourselves informs how we show up in the world more than anything else. How so?

    When I’m in good relationship with myself, I tend to be in good relationship with the world around me. When I’m feeling like crap about myself, it colors how I feel about the world too. It all starts from within. But love—even self-love—always transcends self, which is why it’s so important to focus on our relationship with ourselves, and to foster as much self-compassion and self-love as we can, knowing that doing so will benefit all, first and foremost ourselves. Self-love is the most beautiful selfishness that exists in our world.

    You mention forgiveness several times throughout the book. Why is forgiveness important, and do you believe it’s necessary for everyone to forgive?

    I don’t believe it’s necessary for everyone to do anything, but I have seen time and again how liberating it feels to forgive. I see forgiveness as a natural extension of love, and as a pathway for peace as I relate to past hurts. I don’t believe the darkness that lives in even the most hurtful actions of others is greater than the love that lives within my being, and so I always see forgiveness as a possibility. But that’s my path. Yes, I believe anyone who finds their way to forgiveness will be served by doing so, but it is up to them to decide if that’s the path they want to take.

    Why is Enough as You Are especially important at this moment in time?

    The essence of Enough as You Are will always be important, because we need to come into a more loving relationship with ourselves, and to realize we are worthy, so that we can start treating each other with more compassion and love, and actually stand a chance to transform our world for the better by doing do. It really does all start from within.

    You say that it’s necessary to numb ourselves sometimes. How does that align with your call for us to feel our feelings in an honest way?

    I don’t believe healing happens in our denial; it happens when we’re willing to be honest with how we’re feeling and accepting enough to love ourselves through the process. At the same time, this reality can be incredibly difficult, and it can be overwhelming to be feeling everything all the time. It’s human nature to want to check out sometimes, to numb. I’m interested in bringing grace and acceptance to whatever I’m choosing, knowing that all my choices are representative of the human experience. I know, though, that if all I’m doing is numbing, I’m bringing myself no closer to creating ease around whatever it is I’m numbing from.

    What do you most hope readers will take away from your book?

    My hope is that readers will feel seen and understand, at least in some ways, when they read Enough as You Are. I want them to recognize how similar we all are as human beings, all of us wanting to love and be loved. In this recognition, my hope is that readers will be a bit more empathetic and compassionate with others, and with themselves. I want them to understand that their worth is inherent, predicated on nothing other than their birthright as a worthy human being. I want them to feel the promise of the title, that they are without question, enough as they are.

    Scott Stabile is the author of Enough as You Are and Big Love: The Power of Living with a Wide-Open Heart. He is a passionate love advocate who believes there is no force more powerful than love to create real connection and healing in our world. Scott guides transformational breathwork journeys and leads personal empowerment workshops internationally. His inspirational posts have attracted a huge and devoted social media following, including more than 350,000 Facebook fans. For more info visit him online at ScottStabile.com and/or check out his newsletter at http://www.scottstabile.substack.com.

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  • Double Vision: How Can She Get Money back from Charlatan Psychic?

    Two years ago I visited a so-called clairvoyant after I encountered difficulties in a relationship. In my vulnerable state, he managed to convince me that the man I was seeing was my soul mate, and that work needed to be carried out to get our relationship back on an even keel. After some deliberation, I parted with a large sum of money. I was told by this charlatan that my partner and I would resolve our differences, and that we would eventually marry. The clairvoyant told me to report to him regularly so that he could check our progress. Every time my partner and I had a disagreement, I would call the clairvoyant, and he would tell me I had nothing to worry about and that I should burn another candle and that he would pray for us. I could see that the relationship was going nowhere, and tried to get my money back as promised by the clairvoyant. Again, he was very persuasive and told me if I loved this man the way he loved me, I would hang in there. This scenario continued for another year, and our relationship wobbled along until July 2004, when we had a huge argument after he stood me up. I eventually walked out. I have been trying to get my money back, but this clairvoyant still insists that I have a future with this man, and keeps telling me to call him. When I do, he says he can't talk and to call back the following week. When I confronted him and stated that I wanted my money back, he said he was still working for me, and that I should be patient. Do you agree that two years is more than enough time to reach a resolution? I need to move on, but how can I when I feel this way? How can I get my money back and close this chapter of experience for good?



    I absolutely agree that two years is way more than enough time. I hate to break this to you, but you have fallen prey to one of the oldest tricks in the book. This guy is what some people call a "gypsy psychic." As always, I mean NO disrespect to my readers and friends who really ARE Gypsies. Basically, you and your money were taken.

    I do not know where you live or what the laws are in your particular area of the world, but I would start with the police. I would stop into your local police station, ask to speak to someone, and relate your story. Do not hold back facts for fear of looking foolish. Be very honest so that they have ALL the details. If it's necessary, they will file a police report and take it from there. If they do not deem that necessary, or the laws in your area do not cover this sort of thing, they can at least tell you what you should do from there.

    I would next contact the equivalent of your local Better Business Bureau, and ask them what information they need to file a complaint about this man. You might also consider suing him in a court of law. I don't know if you fall under the small claims court guidelines, but I would call the Clerk of Courts and ask what the guidelines are, and how you might go about filing a small claims suit against this man.

    I want you and all of our readers to understand that a reputable psychic, clairvoyant, spiritual counselor, etc., will always tell you up front exactly how much a service costs, how long it should take to complete, and exactly what you are getting for your money. For example, if you visit Psychic Chat, you will see a listing of how much things cost, what you get, and how long it should take.

    As far as "love spells," I say this time and time again in this column: We CANNOT mess with, alter, change or cast a spell on someone's free will. Everyone has a right to exercise their own free will. If we try to mess with someone's free will, the Karmic fallout will be regrettable. This man has a right to his free will, just as we all do. We absolutely, positively are not allowed to try to make someone do what we want whether they like it or not. You learned this lesson the "hard" way, unfortunately.

    The Universe has a plan for each of us. If someone we think we want does not work out, we can bet there is someone else even BETTER down the line. We need to stop getting hung up on what's in the past and look forward to the future, which will be better if we just allow it. You CAN have new love - you just have to let it in.

    I wish you prosperity of ALL kinds.



    Oh, Jay, you're probably not going to get your money back from that fake psychic, but you CAN report him to the police. Find someone in the fraud division of either your local sheriff or police department. While they can't get your money back for you, they MIGHT be able to address the GUARANTEE you were given, and via this approach, help you get your money back. The laws vary from state to state, but where I live, someone's word is a contract, and giving a money-back guarantee and not honoring it is a crime.

    Also, contact a lawyer and see if you have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. Once again, his promise that you would be with this person isn't the issue - the issue is he guaranteed he would refund your money. You should do this as soon as possible, because in some states, two years is the limit on the time to file a lawsuit. I don't know that you could get your money back even if you did sue, however, because I see this man distributing his money to a large, extended family to stay one step ahead of child support enforcement agencies.

    No one can guarantee with certainty whether anyone is going to be with another person. Any time there is free will involved, things can change. With TWO people, that's twice as likely.

    However, I've had clients who waited as long as ten years to be with the person they loved, and things worked out. I have clients now waiting in that 3-5 year lonely emotional gulch, but I KNOW that they will eventually find that person they love receptive again. It tears me up to counsel them to continue to wait, but some people are willing to do anything for love. I don't know if you and your boyfriend fall into that category, but it's certainly possible you could.

    There is one OTHER situation in which NO ONE can really see what is going to happen, and that is if one or both of the people in the relationship are married to someone else. If, for instance, the man you're with is married, a fake psychic might use your guilt to manipulate you into giving him money.

    In the end, you're the one who has to be patient and wait. I'm sorry that you lost all that money, but you should have known better from the beginning. These people are slick criminals and prey upon vulnerable people fresh out of relationships to support themselves and their families. You were desperate for help, and this person recognized it, because he was TAUGHT to do that from childhood.

    Call the police and see what they will do for you. If you scare the guy enough, you might be able to recover some of your money. Good luck.


    Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

    Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

    While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

    I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

    As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

    I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

    You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

    Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

    A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

    You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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