- 11 Ways to Discover Your Life Purpose Through Your IntuitionContinue reading →
by Kris Franken
(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)
Your purpose is so much more than your career or job; it's the way you are in the world, your natural state of being. The way you feel called to do certain types of work, collaborate with particular individuals, serve humanity, and inspire those around you is all an intuitive part of who you that you can access anytime.
Here are 11 ways to intuitively discover the purpose written in the light of your Soul.
- Follow Your Joy
Your Soul has come into your body in this life with a natural inclination for joy. Bliss is your natural state; when you follow what lifts your vibration into the realms of bliss and joy, you can be sure that you are listening to the pull of your purpose.Your purpose and career aren't meant to be draining or demanding; they're intended to be uplifting and fulfilling. And although there will be periods that challenge you along the way, when you're feeling satisfyingly deep joy from service and sharing your gifts, you know that you've been trusting the divine process and following your heart. - Listen to Love
If you're not sure of your talents and gifts, listen to love. Love is the voice of your intuition that is aligned with the highest expression of your Soul. Love will show you how you best serve, help, create, transform, collaborate, and inspire.How do you love others? Perhaps it's through a long hug, kind words, compassionate energy, a watercolour painting, cooking a scrumptious meal, writing a poem, or practical, everyday ways. The way you love others is a reflection of how you serve the world and it matters. The world needs you to make mindful waves with an open and generous heart. - Sit in Stillness
The blueprint that's etched into the fabric of your Soul cannot be felt or heard if you're rushing, hustling, or busy all the time. Make time for stillness. Create space for the wise whispers of your heart to guide you each day.This purposeful blueprint is a continuation of all your incarnations; you have been building on your talents for lifetimes! Your intuition has so much to share with you, but it doesn't use words, so it can't compete with the chaos of a cluttered mind. In stillness, you'll feel the knowing that's always present, always loving, always nudging you toward greatness. - Expect Miracles
Miracles are unexpected consequences of living aligned with the flow of your own lifeforce. Your breath and interconnected spirit are connected to the One Spirit, and as you feel this and allow it to guide your life intuitively, miracles will happen at every turn.Your purpose will unfold miraculously if you give up judgments and expectations around what it should look like or what you think you must be doing. The more you hold onto specific desires that leave no room for the fullest expression of your highest purpose, the smaller the field you have to play in.
Miracles yearn for space. Let go of your pre-planned life and open up to all that is meant for you. Let life surprise and delight you. - Learn How You Help
Consider for a moment what your gift is to your community. What do others ask you for? How do you help others in a way that feels relatively easy, humbly fulfilling, and energetically abundant? The way you help others is a portal to knowing your purpose on a deep level.We all have natural gifts—our own sweet medicine—that feel genuine and freely available. These gifts have been curated and crafted by our Souls over many, many lifetimes to help others—and us—into the highest version of ourselves. - Show Up
Knowing about your gifts is a blessing for you, showing up and putting them to good use is a blessing for humanity. The love, joy, peace, and service in our being will multiply when we give it to others unconditionally.Showing up isn't about hustling or marketing yourself in any way that feels uncomfortable or misaligned. It's about being available to intuitively serve in any way the Divine calls on you through those in your grassroots and/or online communities. The more you love and heal yourself, the more you surrender to the wise intuition within you, and the more you trust in the path of your Soul, the more joyfully available you will be to all those who need you.Each time you show up, expect an energy exchange that speaks of abundance in all areas of your life. Believe that you will always be taken care of, financially and otherwise, for that's exactly what the cosmos wishes for you, too.
- Dance with Life
If you're working relentlessly, expecting your diligence to provide you with an abundance of rewards, you're more likely to become burnt out than richly satisfied. While you absolutely need to show up, you also need to rest up. Have a dance break, take a trip to the markets, catch up with friends, tend to your garden, and otherwise surrender deeply enough to receive fully from the universe.If you're giving all the time, there's no space to receive. Time away from your computer or workspace will also amplify your creativity and provides the ultimate opening for insight—new and aligned inspiration—to find you. - Revel in Your Uniqueness
There is no one else on earth with the same harmonious fusion of talents, gifts, wisdom, karma, and medicine. There is literally no one in the history of humankind who's got what you've got. Revel in your own kind of magic. Explore and express it, love and care for it. Learn to be inspired by others without following them on their path.This journey you're here to traverse is exclusively yours. Your uniqueness is what draws people to you. Bring your quirks to life in every way that your heart and Soul desire. - Expect Challenges
The challenges you hold within yourself that have not been healed and released will show up in your life externally until you heal them. If you are dealing with self-judgment, you will feel the judgments of others until you make peace with yourself. If you feel unworthy, you will attract others who magnify this unworthy state of being until you feel completely worthy of all the abundance in the world.Welcome the challenges in your life as a gift for you to grow, heal trauma and karma, find yourself, and come home to the greatest version of you. - Learn to Pivot
There are no mistakes or failure in discovering your purpose, only pivots. We all need to pivot when we come across an unexpected roadblock, be it the fallen branch of "failure," heavy clouds of confusion, or the prickly discomfort of someone else’s judgment or opinion.Roadblocks are not a sign you did something "wrong;" they are simply the universe's way of escorting you onto another path that is more aligned with your Soul. Learn to pivot in faith and grace onto a new way. Bless the blocks, embrace the ruins, hold your chin up, look to the stars, and begin again. - Trust the Process
Without trust you may find it difficult to move forward. When self-doubt sneaks into your mind, come back to your heart. Your heart knows and loves all. Through your heartspace you have access to the eternal wisdom of your Soul and Highest Self.Trust that your Highest Self will always have your best interests at heart and that you can count on this expansive part of you to guide you toward the most exciting and blissful path. With deeper trust, your intuition will be clearer to recognize.
You hold the keys to your future and the gold of your gifts. Go within and trust what you intuitively feel to be the next step for you.
If you'd like to explore your intuition, instinct, and insight more deeply, you will find an abundance of spiritual rituals, scientific exploration, journal prompts, and much more in my book, The Call of Intuition: Learn to Recognize and Honor Your Intuition, Instinct and Insight.
Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2020. All rights reserved.
- Follow Your Joy
- Double Vision: A Powerful Spirit Guide DreamContinue reading →
I had a dream that has changed my life. In the dream, it was springtime and I was outside walking about in a meadow. It was very peaceful and I could feel the breeze in my hair. Next I was with the late Pope John Paul II and a priest who was the pope's aide and a good friend of mine in the dream. I was wearing a white dress that looked like a first communion dress. Someone caught my attention. I alerted the pope and he told me to let the Dalai Lama in. I opened the large iron gate and escorted him to a small chapel. When I excused myself to let them speak, the pope said to me:
Sit down, this message is for you.
I sat in a rocking chair. As I was leaning forward attentively to hear what he had to say, the landscape morphed into winter. I was now in a cathedral listening to mass, wearing a winter coat and holding a book in my hand. I saw the priest and I told him I was so glad to see him because I wanted his advice and to share with him a major life decision I had made. (The decision was that I had agreed to marry my elementary school love.) However, before I could share the news, he interrupted me and said,Oh, I know what decision you have made, but you have to consider X.
(Here he stated the full name of a person known to me.) I stopped and looked at him and said:X?
Then all of a sudden I was flooded with memories of times I had been with this person. The priest answered,Yes, he cares a great deal for you. He told me.
So I asked the priest what he had said, but the priest just insisted that I have to consider this person. He then asked me to walk with him so he could tell me more of what this person had said. As he was going to tell me, I fell in a mound of snow and couldn't get out. I then saw the priest cross the street and disappear into the night. I've continued to have more vivid dreams of the man I was told to consider. What do you think this all means?~Anonymous
I believe this was more a vision than a dream. In fact, based on the spiritual leaders who were present, your keen awareness of the different seasons, and all the other details you relayed, I think you should consider this a spiritual intervention of sorts.
If we begin by considering the seasons and how they appear to play an important part in this vision, we can see why this message could be life-changing. The dream begins in spring, a time of year when physical rebirth and new life are generated. At this point, the dream is about the future and the wonderful things to come.
When the scene of the dream turns to winter, the mood definitely shifts. Winter is a time of waiting or hibernation when one sits still to ponder spiritual matters more than physical concerns. The winter coat you wear represents a type of protection. The mound that you fell into represents a baptism of sorts, with the snow and the color white representing a spiritual rebirth.
Our dreams and visions tend to deliver messages in a form that is familiar to us. Because you have a Catholic background, yours included the pope and a priest. When the Dalai Lama entered the picture, you had a trinity of religious leaders working with you. Since you trust the spiritual wisdom of these men, you're being encouraged to trust the message of the dream.
Dreams and visions have a way of shifting our awareness and presenting new ideas for us to consider. This certainly appears to be the case with this remarkable dream. You believed you had already made a life-changing decision, but then your subconscious suggested a different and perhaps better alternative. Note that the minute it was suggested that you consider X, you became open to the idea.
You didn't mention what kind of contact you currently have with either of these men. However, based on the fact that you continue to have dreams about this other person, I think you'd be wise to explore this possibility in real life. If you are not 100% committed to marrying your elementary school sweetheart, you may want to take a break from that relationship or at least postpone the wedding regardless of what is happening with X.
If it turns out that neither you nor X are interested in pursuing a relationship, the vision you had could still keep you from moving into a commitment you're not wholly sure about, and open up to new and potentially more rewarding possibilities.
This profound dream illustrates your ambivalence about transitioning into a new chapter of life. You feel torn between the old and new, the familiar and unknown. This is perfectly natural during periods of growth and change; as excitement pushes us forward while fear pulls us back, we rarely experience perfectly smooth sailing.
You are poised between seasons. Winter symbolizes dormancy, pregnancy or preparation. It is a period of rest and renewal before new life emerges. Spring is about birth and expansion as we enter a fresh cycle of life. As the dream begins, you feel comfortable in your springtime energy. Your white dress represents a clean slate and new beginning. It is a first communion dress because youíre prepared for communication/ union with your spiritual side.
Here you're portrayed as a spiritual novice surrounded by three wise teachers. As both East and West are represented, their wisdom is well-rounded. In fact, the pope outright instructs you to
let the Dalai Lama in
(to your psyche). Since you have to open an iron gate to get to the Dalai Lama, his Buddhist views may be challenging for you to integrate.You sit in a rocking chair, which is symbolic of vacillation and uncertainty. Just as you are about to receive the popeís message, you become fearful and the dream retreats back to winter, your dark and cozy safety zone. You thus close yourself off from hearing the popeís guidance on what lies ahead.
You feel vulnerable at the thought of new growth, so you insulate yourself with a warm winter coat and downsize from meeting with the pope to a local priest in order to feel more comfortable. You are about to share news about your childhood sweetheart (symbolic of looking back) when the priest interrupts and asks you to consider another option.
You want to know more but fall into a snowdrift and get stuck. Earlier in the dream, you don't hear the pope because the scene morphs into winter. This means when a spiritual message is about to be revealed, you run back to your cave to hibernate instead of emerging into the sunlight to receive guidance about your future.
You are on the verge of spiritual growth and learning to trust in the wisdom of your higher self. Imagine releasing what is familiar and embracing the unknown. If you reach out to the person the priest mentioned and see where it leads, a lesson, friendship or more will surely blossom.
Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.
Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!
While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!
I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!
As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.
I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.
You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!
Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.
A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.
You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.