• You Are a Lightworker

      An excerpt from Energy Speaks by Lee Harris

      Most of us intuitively feel that reality contains a spiritual dimension hidden from our five senses. For author Lee Harris, that spiritual dimension became startlingly real one day when he began communicating with “the Zs,” a group of nonphysical beings from another plane of reality. At first, Lee dismissed the Zs as figments of his imagination, but they spoke with such wisdom and compassion that he became convinced of their existence. He quickly discovered that they had profound insights to offer into the big issues facing all of us: relationships, prosperity, health, and more.

      In Energy Speaks: Messages from Spirit on Living, Loving, and Awakening, Harris distills the Zs’ wisdom into a concise and practical guide for conscious living that promises that each one of us is an irreplaceable part of something much greater than ourselves, and that help is always available to us from unexpected sources. We hope you’ll enjoy this excerpt from the book.

      This planet needs as many of you as possible to create the consciousness shift now occurring. And how you feel it! It can feel beautiful, wonderful, joyous, humorous, light, fun. It can also feel torturous and wretched. The shift involves a whole spectrum of emotional states. And in order for consciousness to evolve, this full spectrum must be experienced. You are experiencing the spectrum at various levels of awareness, but the whole shebang, as it were, must be gone through consciously so that the shift can be completed.

      This is what you all want.

      Your work as lightworkers will challenge you. Oh yes, very much so. Lightworkers need to be at the top of the wave and surfing it, scouting ahead so that everyone behind can swim in clear waters. When we say “behind,” we would suggest that you not get caught up in status. A lightworker is no better — or less — than a human being who is not actively working with the light. It is just how it is. You are no less or more important than the next person. You are a unity of souls. And every soul has their crucial role to play. So be mindful when you judge, for in judging you temporarily separate yourself from your expanded human family.

      Competition between lightworkers is being cleared and eliminated at this time; it is one of the final arenas where battles need to cease for this evolutionary shift to occur. As lightworkers, you will sometimes compare yourselves to others. Good. Do it. Experience how it feels, but do it consciously and with awareness so that you may become free of it.

      Judging yourself for such comparison and competition will not free you. Being aware of this dynamic as it arises in you will help to do so, for you can then experience the emotions intuitively, intelligently, and honestly — as a way to quicken your growth. You will be able to facilitate the movement of these dark feelings from within yourself. They are part of you. They are part of the world. They are not to be feared. They are simply to be allowed passage through you, for you do not need to harbor them anymore.

      You need not see yourself as moving up the levels any faster than your fellow lightworkers, racing against them. You are simply at various stages of focus, discovery, and the implementation of your gifts. Imagine if everyone were at the same place — standing on the same rung of the ladder. Progress would be impeded. How would humanity as a group be able to move forward?

      A Consciousness Shift

      You have within you a jigsaw puzzle. It is all there. All the pieces are there — beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, experiences, desires, dreams, purpose, destiny, and more. Your outer life offers manifestations of this inner jigsaw puzzle, allowing you to see the picture that is keen to emerge at this time in your life. As it does, you can put the pieces together — and move them around as you wish — so that your jigsaw puzzle becomes whole once more. So many jigsaw puzzles — so many lives — have been incomplete for too long. This incomplete picture can feel like a drain of your power and energy.

      The reason why some of you are finding this time so hard is precisely because you are shifting — growing and transforming in profound ways. And in the flux of change, the jigsaw pieces can sometimes seem scattered to the wind. Yes, much has been said and written about a period of great change that was imminent, but the difference is that this awaited shift is happening now.

      Right now.

      This period of time has long been designated for a shift in consciousness affecting the earth for many years to come. We speak to you now of personal power because that is what is required to navigate this challenging period. Do not feel that you are a victim of the energetic change occurring. Oh no. Remember, you chose this. We say this to you with caring and affection, for we understand how difficult it can be as a human being when you experience pain, heartbreak, uncertainty, or the fear that arises when stepping into the unknown. It can be challenging to maintain your understanding of the larger truth of what is going on, both in your own life and in the world at large. But do choose to remember. Remembering brings you back to the seat of your power and brings greater ease to your life experience.

      Click Here to Purchase Energy Speaks at Amazon

      Lee Harris the author of Energy Speaks: Messages from Spirit on Living, Loving, and Awakening. He is also an intuitive medium, transformational leader, musician, and visual artist. In 2004, he began holding channeling sessions and readings in his home, and today he leads workshops throughout the world. A native of England, he is now based in California. Visit him online at www.leeharrisenergy.com.

      Excerpted from the book Energy Speaks. Copyright ©2019 by Lee Harris. Printed with permission from New World Library.

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    • Psychic Advice: Am I My Older Sister's Reincarnation?


      My mother had a baby girl back in 1967. She was born in June of 1967, and she died in 1968, right after her first birthday. At that time, my mother was pregnant with me. My sister died on a Tuesday at 11pm, and I was born on Tuesday, July 30 at 11pm. My mother said when she was giving birth to me, she was seeing my sister in front of her. Could you please tell me what you think of this situation? I really need some answers.

      Thank you!



      First, you are not your sister reincarnated. What happened is actually a pretty simple thing to explain. Your mother was very distraught over the death of your sister. She mourned her greatly. She kept her things and refused to let go of her. On a spiritual level, your sister was still around your mother at the time you were born.

      I feel when someone holds onto a spirit that tightly, the spirit sometimes chooses to stay earthbound or at least visit frequently. Your sister appearing at your birth was simply her way of saying to your mother, “Now you can let go of me.” I think your sister still popped in to visit after you were born, but your mother was able to let go of that vice-like grip she’d held on her.

      As I have said a few times in this column, as souls we choose what body, life, family, situations, etc. we’ll come into before we are born here in the physical. It is all part of our soul’s path, and a way to learn our lessons.

      I believe you, your sister and your mother had connections on the other side. Each of us has a pack of souls with whom we go from life to life. The three of you already knew each other because you are all in the same pack of souls; and you already knew on a soul level what was going to happen. You decided that you would incarnate when you did so that you could help your mother cope with the death of your sister.

      I think it is time to let go of the past and to step out from under what you feel is your sister’s shadow. I know your mother did not mean to do this to you, but she has always wondered if you might be your sister. It has confused her ever since you were born.

      I also realize that saying you should let go is easy, but doing it is hard. Let it start slowly. Get a journal and keep it at your bedside. Every night before you go to sleep, I want you to write a quick journal entry about your day. I want you to write how you feel and what happened. I want you to make it all about you, your world, your feelings, your thoughts, etc.

      Make a commitment to writing something for 30 consecutive days. At the end of 30 days, go back and reread what you wrote on day one after writing your next entry. On the next day, read day two’s entry after writing what you feel for that day. Continue in this pattern.

      It will help you begin to realize who and what you really are in this world. You are an incredible woman. I wish you self-awareness and acceptance.



      I don’t see how you could be your sister reborn, despite the interesting coincidences surrounding your birth. People wait in celestial incarnations to be born again with the same families, loved ones and friends. Usually, it takes at least 50 to 100 years to regroup and make the decision to return to the earth plane to be born into a human family again.

      Usually, we “wait” for the rest of our “Ka-Tet,” or karmic family to join us in heaven so we can decide what we’re all going to do in the next incarnation together. It’s sort of a “team effort,” so one individual soul rarely has that much control. Certainly one personality can’t supplant another’s, especially if that person is already growing and getting ready to be born here.

      We absolutely can choose to return to the same family, but a baby who dies that early in life is usually coming to bring the mother or father a life lesson. Sometimes the energy is wrong between that couple for the baby to come to them. Sometimes it’s not exactly the right time for a child to come to the family. Sometimes the child is an angelic spirit who changes his or her mind after being born, and returns to an angelic life.

      You are your own person, your own spirit, your own soul; you have been since you were drawn into this incarnation by your parents. The reason your mother saw your sister’s face was simply because your sister was helping you get here. That’s all. She was comforting your mother at a very stressful time, and trying to let her know that, this time, everything would be all right. As comforting as it might be to your mother to believe her lost baby returned to her through you, it’s not the case.

      If you’ve been trying to “live up” to your sister all your life, I urge you to stop doing that now. You are not a “replacement” for anyone. You’re an individual with your own heart and your own mind and your own feelings. You’re unique to yourself and your family. Your personality is all you and no one else is in there with you!

      Trying to be that child who went back to heaven before she had a chance to grow old, suffer and die isn’t your path; you have your own path. While your sister might be a guardian angel for you in this lifetime, if that’s her angelic “assignment,” you have your own life to live.

      I can see how hearing this all your life could be confusing to you! It’s time to give up on that wishful thinking of your mom’s, and to be yourself for yourself and your family.

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